Adobe Experience Platform release notes

In preparation for the generally availability of the Audience Portal feature, Adobe Experience Platform is updating the usage of “audiences” and “segment” within the system and the documentation.
  • Audience: A set of people, accounts, households, or other entities that share common characteristics and behaviors.

  • Segment definition: In Adobe Experience Platform, the rules used to describe key characteristics or behavior of a target audience. This term was formerly known just as “segment”.

  • Segment: The act of separating Profiles into audiences. The term “segment” is now exclusively used as a verb.

  • Segmentation: The act of identifying and articulating the characteristics of the profiles that will be grouped together to produce a set of results, such as an audience.

As a result, within the Adobe Experience Platform UI, you’ll see “Segments” replaced with “Audiences” to reflect this new path of audience creation and management.

Release date: May 24, 2023

Updates to existing features in Adobe Experience Platform:

Dashboards dashboards

Adobe Experience Platform provides multiple dashboards through which you can view important insights about your organization’s data, as captured during daily snapshots.

License entitlement correction

The License Usage dashboard and individual license data for customers has been updated to resolve previous discrepancies between the license entitlements recorded in the Sales Orders and those originally reported in the Experience Platform License Usage dashboard. The updates of individual license data will happen in phases between June 2023 and June 11, 2023. Your actual usage values remain accurate.

Experience Platform provides multiple capabilities to manage the usage volume:

For more information on dashboards, including how to grant access permissions and create custom widgets, begin by reading the dashboards overview.

Data collection data-collection

Adobe Experience Platform provides a suite of technologies that allow you to collect client-side customer experience data and send it to the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network where it can be enriched, transformed, and distributed to Adobe or non-Adobe destinations.

New or updated features

Twitter conversions API extension
The Twitter Conversions API event forwarding extension allows you to forward event data server-side, in real-time, for event conversions using the Twitter Conversions API.
Data Element Path Assistance
Determining the path for your data element within the Core extension is now easier than ever. This enhancement delivers a guided form to help you select and format the correct data element path.

To learn more about data collections, read the data collections overview.

Data Governance data-governance

Adobe Experience Platform Data Governance is a series of strategies and technologies used to manage customer data and ensure compliance with regulations, restrictions, and policies applicable to data usage. It plays a key role within Experience Platform at various levels, including cataloging, data lineage, data usage labeling, data access policies, and access control on data for marketing actions.

New features

Dataset field level labelling deprecation
The ability to apply labels to individual fields has been moved from datasets to schemas. This allows you to centralize the management of field labels upstream for data governance, consent, and access control. Previously applied dataset field labels will be temporarily supported through the Experience Platform UI. Any existing dataset field labels need to be manually migrated to the schema field labels by you by May 31, 2024. Please read the data governance end-to-end guide for more information on label migration.

To learn more about data governance, read the data governance overview.

Data Ingestion data-ingestion

Adobe Experience Platform provides a rich set of features to ingest any type and any latency of data. You can ingest using Batch or Streaming APIs, using Adobe-built sources, data integration partners or the Adobe Experience Platform UI.

Updated features

Beta availability of data ingestion templates
Data ingestion templates provide data architects and engineers with standard templates and automation tools to accelerate the data ingestion process, including schema and dataset creation and mapping rules configuration. Data ingestion templates is currently available for the Marketo Engage, Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics sources. For more information, read the guide on using templates in the UI.

To learn more about data ingestion, read the data ingestion overview.

Destinations (updated May 31st) destinations

Destinations are pre-built integrations with destination platforms that allow for the seamless activation of data from Adobe Experience Platform. You can use destinations to activate your known and unknown data for cross-channel marketing campaigns, email campaigns, targeted advertising, and many other use cases.

New destinations

Mailchimp Interest Categories
Mailchimp is a popular marketing automation platform and email marketing service used by businesses to manage and talk to contacts (clients, customers, or other interested parties) using mailing lists and email marketing campaigns. Use this connector to sort your contacts based on their interests and preferences.

New or updated functionality

General availability of attribute-based personalization through the Adobe Target and Custom personalization destinations.
Leverage profile attributes in real-time to deliver one-to-one web and mobile personalization, via Adobe Target or other custom personalization destinations in Experience Platform. Read the dedicated documentation and the FAQ for more details.
Destination SDK support for grouping exported audiences based on merge policy.
When building a file-based destination with Destination SDK, you can now configure the grouping of exported audiences into one or multiple files, based on merge policy.

Additionally, you can now include the merge policy ID and merge policy name in the exported file names, by using the dedicated template macros.

See the batch configuration documentation for more details on how to use the segmentGroupingEnabled parameter and the new file name template macros.
Include manifest file in exports to beta cloud storage destinations
You can now include a manifest JSON file that contains information about the export location, export size, and more when exporting data to the six cloud storage beta destinatins - (Beta) Amazon S3, (Beta) Azure Blob, (Beta) Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, (Beta) Data Landing Zone, (Beta) Google Cloud Storage, (Beta) SFTP.

Get more information in the Destination details section of the pages linked above.

Fixes and enhancements

  • We fixed a limitation in the (Beta) SFTP cloud storage destination, where users were not able to customize the value of the Port parameter. The value is now editable when setting up a (Beta) SFTP destination connection through the API or UI.

For more general information on destinations, refer to the destinations overview.

Experience Data Model (XDM) xdm

XDM is an open-source specification that provides common structures and definitions (schemas) for data that is brought into Adobe Experience Platform. By adhering to XDM standards, all customer experience data can be incorporated into a common representation to deliver insights in a faster, more integrated way. You can gain valuable insights from customer actions, define customer audiences through segments, and use customer attributes for personalization purposes.

Updated XDM components

Component type
Field Group
Several fields for Offer Item were updated to remove a double hierarchy from the schema.
Field group
XDM Individual Prospect Profile
The partnerProspect option for metadata tags was added to the XDM Individual Prospect Profile class.
Data Type
Several fields were added for the Media details information datatype.
Data Type
Session details information
A new field was added to indicate whether a redirect occurred.
Field group
MediaAnalytics Interaction Details
A new field related to media reporting was added.

For more information on XDM in Platform, read the XDM System overview.

Identity Service identity-service

Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service provides you with a comprehensive view of your customers and their behavior by bridging identities across devices and systems, allowing you to deliver impactful, personal digital experiences in real time.

Update features

Support for Partner IDs within Adobe Experience Cloud applications [Beta]{class="badge informative"}
Partner IDs are now available in Identity Service. Partner IDs are identifiers used by data partners to represent people. In Real-Time Customer Data Platform, Partner IDs are used primarily for expanded audience activation and data enrichment. Partner IDs are not stored in the identity graph. For more information, read the documentation on identity types.

To learn more about Identity Service, read the Identity Service overview

Query Service query-service

Query Service allows you to use standard SQL to query data in Adobe Experience Platform data lake. You can join any datasets from data lake and capture the query results as a new dataset for use in reporting, Data Science Workspace, or for ingestion into Real-Time Customer Profile.

Updated features

Compute column level statistics on ADLS datasets
The ANALYZE TABLE command has been extended with the COMPUTE STATISTICS SQL command. You can now compute statistics for a subset of an ADLS dataset or for certain columns within that dataset. For more information, read the dataset statistics computation guide.

To learn more about Query Services, read the Query Service overview.

Sources sources

Adobe Experience Platform can ingest data from external sources and allows you to structure, label, and enhance that data using Platform services. You can ingest data from a variety of sources ,such as Adobe applications, cloud-based storage, third-party software, and your CRM system.

Experience Platform provides a RESTful API and an interactive UI that lets you set up source connections for various data providers with ease. These source connections allow you to authenticate and connect to external storage systems and CRM services, set times for ingestion runs, and manage data ingestion throughput.

Updated features

API support for streaming data from a Snowflake database
You can now stream data from a Snowflake source using the Flow Service API.
Expanded API support for draft mode
You can now pause and save your progress during the sources workflow when using the Flow Service API at any time. Use the mode=draft state to save your base, source, and target connections as drafts. All draft entities can be revisited for completion at a later time. Read the guide on setting your Flow Service entities to a draft state for more information.
General availability of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud source
The Salesforce Marketing Cloud source is now in GA. Use this source to bring your Salesforce Marketing Cloud data to Experience Platform.
Google Ads authentication updates
You can now provide a login customer ID when authenticating your Google Ads source account to fetch report data from a specific operating customer. Read the Google Ads source documentation for more information.
Google PubSub authentication updates
You can now define access privileges for your Google PubSub source when creating a new account. Use project-based authentication to allow root-level access, or use topic and subscription-based authentication to restrict access to a particular topic and subscription stream. Read the Google PubSub source documentation for more information.
New pagination field parameters for type=PAGE in Self-Serve Sources (Batch SDK)

You can now use initialPageIndex and endPageIndex when integrating a source with type=PAGE through Batch SDK.

  • initialPageIndex: This parameter allows you to define the page number from which the pagination starts.
  • endPageIndex: This parameter allows you to establish an end condition and stop pagination.

For more information about these new parameters, read the Self-Serve Sources Batch SDK documentation.

UI support for draft mode
You can now pause and save your progress during the sources workflow through the user interface. You can select Save as draft during the dataflow detail, mapping, and scheduling steps of the workflow to save your dataflow as a draft for later completion. Read the guide on saving dataflows as drafts in the UI for more information.

To learn more about sources, read the sources overview.
