Create code-based experiences create-code-based

Currently in Journey Optimizer you can only create code-based experiences in campaigns.

Specific guardrails and recommendations for code-based experiences are detailed in this page.

Create a code-based campaign create-code-based-campaign

To start building your code-based experience through a campaign, follow the steps below.

  1. Create a campaign. Learn more

  2. Select the Code-based experience action.

  3. Enter the code-based experience surface. Learn more

    note caution
    Make sure the surface URI used in your code-based campaign matches the one used in your own implementation. Otherwise, the changes will not be delivered.
  4. Select Create.

  5. Complete the steps to create a campaign, such as the campaign properties, audience, and schedule. For more information on how to configure a campaign, refer to this page.

  6. Edit your content as desired using the personalization editor. Learn more

Edit the code content edit-code

  1. From the campaign edition screen, select Edit code.

  2. The personalization editor opens. It is a non-visual experience creation interface which allows you to author your code.

  3. You can switch the authoring mode from HTML to JSON, and vice versa.

    note caution
    Changing the authoring mode will result in losing all of your current code, so make sure to switch modes before you start authoring.
  4. Enter your code as needed. You can leverage the Journey Optimizer personalization editor with all its personalization and authoring capabilities. Learn more

  5. You can add HTML or JSON expression fragments if needed. Learn how

    You can also save part of your code content as fragment. Learn how

  6. In code-based campaigns, you can use the experience decisioning feature. Select the Decisions icon from the left bar and click Create decision. Learn more

    note note
    Experience Decisioning is currently only available for a set of organizations (Limited Availability). To gain access, contact your Adobe representative.
  7. Click Save and close to confirm your changes.

Now as soon as your developer makes an API or SDK call to fetch content for the selected surface, the changes will be applied to your web page or app.

Test the code-based campaign test-code-based-campaign

To display a preview of your modified code-based experience, follow the steps below. Detailed information on how to select test profiles and preview your content is available in the Preview and test your content page.

You must have test profiles available to simulate which offers will be delivered to them. Learn how to create test profiles.
  1. From either the personalization editor or edit content screen, select Simulate content.

  2. Click Manage test profiles to select one or more test profiles.

  3. A preview of your modified code-based experience is displayed.

Activate the code-based campaign activate-code-based-campaign

Once you defined your code-based campaign and edited your content as desired using the code-based editor, you can review and activate it. Follow the steps below.

You can also preview your campaign content before activating it. Learn more
  1. From your code-based campaign, select Review to activate.

  2. Check and edit if needed the content, properties, surface, audience and schedule.

  3. Select Activate.

    note note
    After you click Activate, it can take up to 1 minute for code-based campaigns changes to be available live on your location.

Your code-based campaign takes the Live status and is now visible to the selected audience. Each recipient of your campaign can see your modifications.

If you defined a schedule for your code-based campaign, it has the Scheduled status until the start date and time are reached.
If you activate a code-based campaign impacting the same locations as another campaign which is already live, all the changes will be applied to your locations.

Learn more on activating campaigns in this section.

Stop a code-based campaign stop-code-based-campaign

When a code-based campaign is live, you can stop it to prevent your audience from seeing your modifications. Follow the steps below.

  1. Select a live campaign from the list.

  2. From the top menu, select Stop campaign.

  3. The modifications you added will not be visible anymore to the audience you defined.

Once a code-based campaign is stopped, you cannot edit or activate it again. You can only duplicate it and activate the duplicated campaign.

Code-based campaign reports

You can access code-based campaign reports from the campaign summary screen.

Global reports display events that occurred at least two hours ago and cover events over a selected time period. In comparison, Live reports focus on events that took place within the past 24 hours, with a minimum time interval of two minutes from the event occurrence.

Code-based live report live-report-code-based

From your campaign Live report, the Code-based experience tab details the main information relative to your apps or web pages. Learn more on live report

Learn more on the different metrics and widgets available for the Code-based experience report.

The Code-based experience performance KPIs detail the main information relative to your visitors’ engagement with your code-based experiences, such as:

  • Impressions: total number of experiences delivered to all users.

  • Interactions: total number of engagements with your app/page. This includes any actions taken by the users, such as clicks or any other interactions.

The Code-based experience summary graph shows the evolution of your experiences (impressions, unique impressions and interactions) for the last 24 hours.

Code-based global report global-report-code-based

Code-based campaign global report can be accessed directly from your campaign with the View report button. Learn more on global report

From your Campaign Global report, the Code-based experience tab details the main information relative to your apps or web pages.

Learn more on the different metrics and widgets available for the Code-based experience report.

The Code-based experience performance KPIs detail the main information relative to your visitors’ engagement with your experiences, such as:

  • Unique impressions: number of unique users to whom the experience was delivered.

  • Impressions: total number of experiences delivered to all users.

  • Interactions: percentage of engagements with your app/page. This includes any actions taken by the users, such as clicks or any other interactions.

The Code-based experience summary graph shows the evolution of your experiences (unique impressions, impressions and interactions) for the concerned period.
