Adobe Experience Platform release notes

Release date: May 25, 2022

New features in Adobe Experience Platform:

Updates to existing features in Adobe Experience Platform:

Attribute-based access control abac

Attribute-based access control is currently available in a limited release for US-based healthcare customers. This capability will be available to all Real-Time Customer Data Platform customers once it is fully released.

Attribute-based access control is a capability of Adobe Experience Platform that enables administrators to control access to specific objects and/or capabilities based on attributes. Attributes can be metadata added to an object, such as a label added to a schema field or segment. An administrator defines access policies that include attributes to manage user access permissions.

Through attribute-based access control, administrators of your organization can control users’ access to both sensitive personal data (SPD) and personally identifiable information (PII) across all Platform workflows and resources. Administrators can define user roles that have access only to specific fields and data that correspond to those fields.

Attribute-based access control
Attribute-based access control allows you to label Experience Data Model (XDM) schema fields with labels that define organizational or data usage scopes. In parallel, administrators can use the user and role administration interface to define access policies covering XDM schema fields and better manage the access given to users or groups of users (internal, external, or third-party users). Additionally, attribute-based access control allows administrators to manage access to specific segments. For more information, see the attribute-based access control overview.
Permissions is the area of Experience Cloud where administrators can define user roles and access policies to manage access permissions for features and objects within a product application. Through Permissions, you can create and manage roles, as well as assign the desired resource permissions for these roles. Permissions also allow you to manage the labels, sandboxes, and users associated with a specific role. For more information, see the Permissions UI guide.

For more information on attribute-based access control, see the attribute-based access control overview.

Data hygiene hygiene

Experience Platform provides a suite of data hygiene capabilities that allow you manage your stored data through programmatic deletions of consumer records and datasets. Using either the Data Hygiene workspace in the UI or through calls to the Data Hygiene API, you can manage your data stores to ensure that information is used as expected, is updated when incorrect data needs fixing, and is deleted when organizational policies deem it necessary.

Data hygiene capabilities are currently only available for organizations that have purchased the Healthcare Shield add-on offering.

New features

Dataset expirations
Schedule expirations for Platform datasets.

For more information on Platform’s data hygiene capabilities, refer to the data hygiene overview.

Alerts alerts

Experience Platform allows you to subscribe to event-based alerts for various Platform activities. You can subscribe to different alert rules through the Alerts tab in the Platform user interface, and can choose to receive alert messages within the UI itself or through email notifications.

Updated features

Alert rule
New alert rule
Skippage rate exceeds threshold
You can now use the alert to receive notifications when your sources dataflow exceeds the identities thresholds. See the overview on alert rules for the updated list of alert types.

For more information on alerts, see the Observability Insights overview.

Audit Logs audit-logs

Experience Platform allows you to audit user activity for various services and capabilities. The audit logs provide information about who did what and when.

Updated features

Resources added
  • Access control policy
  • Role
  • Audit logs
  • Work order
  • Identity namespace
  • Identity graph
  • Query
  • Dataset
  • Source data flow
Audit log resources are recorded automatically as the activity occurs. If the feature is enabled you do not need to manually enable log collection.

For more information on audit logs in Platform, refer to the audit logs overview.

Dashboards dashboards

Adobe Experience Platform provides multiple dashboards through which you can view important information about your organization’s data, as captured during daily snapshots.

Profiles dashboards

The profiles dashboard displays a snapshot of the attribute (record) data that your organization has within the Profile store in Experience Platform.

Updated features

Audience overlap by merge policy widget
This widget displays the visual crossover of segment definitions and allows you to optimize segmentation strategy by studying similarities between your segment definitions.
Profiles count change trend by identity widget
This widgets helps you to manage your destination activation needs by demonstrating the growth pattern of profiles filtered by the required identity.

For more information on profiles, please see the profiles dashboard documentation.

Destinations dashboards

The destinations dashboard displays a snapshot of the destinations that your organization has enabled within Experience Platform.

Activated audiences by destination widget
This widget helps you to understand at a glance, the value of your destinations based on the number of audiences activated. It also provides easy access to more detailed information on your segments that have been mapped to the destination.

For more information on destinations, please see the destinations dashboard documentation.

Segments dashboards

The segment dashboard provides a user interface through which you can view important information about your segments, as captured during a daily snapshot.

Updated features

Audience overlap widget
This widget enables you to optimize your segmentation strategy by visualizing the similarities in the results of your segment definitions.

For more information on segments, please see the segments dashboard documentation.

Data collection data-collection

Experience Platform provides a suite of technologies that allow you to collect client-side customer experience data and send it to the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network where it can be enriched, transformed, and distributed to Adobe or non-Adobe destinations.

New features

Copy datastreams
Create a copy of an existing datastream and adjust its configuration as necessary, avoiding the need to start from scratch.
Import datastream mapping rules
When setting up Data Prep for Data Collection, you can import the mapping rules of an existing datastream instead of configuring every field mapping manually.
Datasteam mapping support for Mobile SDK
You can now configure Data Prep for Data Collection on datastreams intended for use with the Experience Platform Mobile SDK.
Datasteam mapping support for XDM objects
Map XDM objects in addition to data-layer objects when configuring Data Prep for Data Collection.
Integration with dataflows
Use the sources catalog in Platform to access your data on Platform Edge Network, including Data Prep for Data Collection and improved support for Data Prep warnings. See the Adobe Data Collection source overview for more information.

For more information, please see the data collection overview.

Data Governance governance

Adobe Experience Platform Data Governance is a series of strategies and technologies used to manage customer data and ensure compliance with regulations, restrictions, and policies applicable to data usage. It plays a key role within Experience Platform at various levels, including cataloging, data lineage, data usage labeling, data access policies, and access control on data for marketing actions.

New features

Consent policy enforcement (limited availability)
If your organization has purchased the Healthcare Shield add-on offering, you can now create consent policies to automatically enforce customer consents and preferences in segment participation.

See the Data Governance overview for more information on the service.

Data Prep data-prep

Data Prep allows data engineers to map, transform, and validate data to and from Experience Data Model (XDM).

Updated features

Attribute-based access control in Data Prep
You will now only be able to map attributes that you have access to. Attributes that you do not have access to can not be used in pass-through mappings and calculated fields. For more information, see attribute-based access control in Data Prep. Note: Attribute-based access control is currently available in a limited release for US-based healthcare customers. This capability will be available to all Real-Time Customer Data Platform customers once it is fully released.
Localized data errors
Data Prep now localizes all transformation errors to the attribute level (previously at the row level). Dataflows will now ingest partial rows filled with columns that do not have any transformation errors, instead of ignoring the full rows.
Stream upserts to Profile Service
Stream upserts with Data Prep to send partial row updates to Profile Service using the Amazon Kinesis, Azure Event Hubs, or HTTP API source. See the guide on streaming upserts for more information.

For more information on Data Prep, please see the Data Prep overview.

Destinations destinations

Destinations are pre-built integrations with destination platforms that allow for the seamless activation of data from Adobe Experience Platform. You can use destinations to activate your known and unknown data for cross-channel marketing campaigns, email campaigns, targeted advertising, and many other use cases.

New or updated features

Export latest profile qualifications after daily segment evaluation
You can now schedule a full file export, once or daily, with the latest profile qualifications, after the daily segment evaluation is complete.
Optional datastream ID for Adobe Target destinations
To enable Adobe Target personalization for users who cannot implement the Experience Platform Web SDK, the datastream ID selection is now optional when configuring Adobe Target destinations. When not using a datastream, segments exported from Experience Platform to Target will only support next-session personalization, while edge segmentation is disabled, along with all use cases that depend on edge segmentation.

Experience Data Model (XDM) xdm

XDM is an open-source specification that provides common structures and definitions (schemas) for data that is brought into Adobe Experience Platform. By adhering to XDM standards, all customer experience data can be incorporated into a common representation to deliver insights in a faster, more integrated way. You can gain valuable insights from customer actions, define customer audiences through segments, and use customer attributes for personalization purposes.

New XDM components

Component type
Field group
Change set
Captures row-level changes to and from datasets. This field group can be employed by any class.
Field group
Reference keys
Captures reference keys for ExperienceEvent schemas, allowing you to build relationships with schemas based on other classes.

Updated XDM components

Component type
Update description
Time-series Schema
Updated eventType to include several new event types related to media and a web-channel inbound use case for Adobe Journey Optimizer.
Global schema
Removed enum values from xdm:destinationCategory.
Field group
Record Status
Updated field group status from experimental to stable.
Field group
Several B2B field groups have been updated so that certain ID fields are deprecated in favor of key-type fields that use the B2B Source data type. The previous ID fields will be deprecated in a future update. Refer to the following pull request for a full list of changes to the affected field groups.
Data type
Browser details
Added a new field xdm:userAgentClientHints which captures contextual information about the user agent interacting with the browser.
Data type
Media information
Added an xdm:playhead field to capture the playhead time for a piece of media content. Fixed pattern validation for xdm:videoSegment.
Data type
iptc4xmpExt:RatingSourceLink is no longer a required field.

For more information on XDM in Platform, see the XDM System overview.

Query Service query-service

Query Service allows you to use standard SQL to query data in Adobe Experience Platform data lake. You can join any datasets from the data lake and capture the query results as a new dataset for use in reporting, Data Science Workspace, or for ingestion into Real-Time Customer Profile.

Updated features

Query Service audit log integration
The Query Service audit log integration provides records of query-related user actions for the purpose of troubleshooting or adherence to corporate data stewardship policies and regulatory requirements. See the audit log integration documentation for comprehensive information
Use SQL to set primary identities in an ad hoc dataset. Query Service allows you to mark dataset columns as either primary or secondary identities directly through SQL using the ALTER TABLE command.

For more information on Query Service capabilities, see the Query Service overview

Sources sources

Adobe Experience Platform can ingest data from external sources while allowing you to structure, label, and enhance that data using Platform services. You can ingest data from a variety of sources such as Adobe applications, cloud-based storage, third-party software, and your CRM system.

Experience Platform provides a RESTful API and an interactive UI that lets you set up source connections for various data providers with ease. These source connections allow you to authenticate and connect to external storage systems and CRM services, set times for ingestion runs, and manage data ingestion throughput.

Attribute-based access control in sources
You can now manage and control access to individual source fields and attributes during ingestion. Note: Attribute-based access control is currently available in a limited release for US-based healthcare customers. This capability will be available to all Real-Time Customer Data Platform customers once it is fully released.
Beta release of Zendesk source
Use the Zendesk source to ingest user, agent, and organization data from your Zendesk instance for Profile enrichment. See the Zendesk source overview for more information.
General availability of B2B Microsoft Dynamics source
You can now use the Microsoft Dynamics source to ingest B2B objects like accounts, opportunities, campaigns, marketing list and marketing list members. See the Microsoft Dynamics source overview for more information.
Support for Adobe Data Collection
Use the sources catalog in Platform to access your data on Platform Edge Network, including Data Prep for Data Collection and improved support for Data Prep warnings. See the Adobe Data Collection source overview for more information.
Support for ingesting files with ISO-8859-1 encoding
Use the encoding parameter to ingest ISO-8859-1 encoded files with a cloud storage source to Platform using the Flow Service API. See the guide on creating a cloud storage source connection for more information.

To learn more about sources, see the sources overview.
