UX of a project

Learn how to navigate the workspace in Adobe Express. The workspace includes powerful search capabilities for finding backgrounds, audio templates, and photos. You can access your own brands and templates, and search for specific themes. Media can be uploaded from devices or chosen from the Adobe Stock Collection. Design assets, backgrounds, shapes, and icons are available for use in projects. In addition, you can invite colleagues to collaborate on project designs.

Let’s take a minute to navigate the workspace within Adobe Express so that you have confidence in creating here.
Starting on the left hand side, we have a search bar in which we can search for anything that we can think of. Backgrounds, audio templates, photos.
We have our stuff panel so we can access things like our brands that we’ve created earlier in here, templates so we can jump in here and do a quick search for a template based on any sort of theme. So in this case, it’s ice cream.
Next, we can select media that we can upload from the device or choose from the Adobe Stock Collection of photos, videos and audio Text, we can add our own text or use some design assets that are preloaded into express, which can be very useful Elements, so these are things like design assets, backgrounds, shapes and icons, which we can use within our creations Grids, so we can fit in many different photos or images into our canvas. Add ons, we’ll have a specific session on add ons in just a bit as well.
On the top we have options to resize, change the background color, translate and align and under right hand side we have our Layers panel. So anyone who’s used to using Adobe products will be familiar with layer panels Beside the layer panel icon. We have our pages button, so this way we can view the different pages that form the social media, post the presentation or the PDF Beside that we can choose our zoom. And of course we have a zoom to fit all function as well.
And we’re just kind of playing around here, changing the background color, showing you how you can do that, using the tab at the top of the workspace.
Just lastly, within the black banner, at the top of the screen, we have our undo arrows, our invite button to invite a colleague to the project. We can add comments, submit our feedback, show our version history, all of which will go into more detail on in later sections.

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