How to use grids

Learn how to use grids to make photo collages, mood boards, and eye catching posters. There are 40 different grid layouts available for you to customize with your own imagery or Adobe Stock photos.

We’re now going to look at how to use grids in our creative projects. You can use grids to make photo collages, mood boards and eye catching posters with the Adobe Express grid maker. We can use a combination of stock photos and our own uploaded photos. The amount of customization available allows you to generate genuinely unique grids without having to start from scratch.
We can access grids just by clicking on the icon on the left hand side, and we have 40 different options of grid layouts for us to customize with our own imagery so I can scale them just by dragging the corners.
And I can also adjust the spacing and other backgrounds. You can see the padding here that I’m applying. So a bit more of that background is showing and the spacing is now increasing between each of the photos.
Let’s make this nice and big.
Now I can double click on any of the images in the grids to manipulate the positioning within the cropped space and with a similar process to what we had a couple of modules ago. I’m just going to drag and drop images from the media tab into that space. And then again, by double clicking, I can just add adjust it inside the space Here is another grid that I’ve set up and the process is the exact same. No matter what’s one of the 40 grids that you decide to use.

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