The Site-Wide Analysis Tool provides 24/7 real-time performance monitoring, reports, and recommendations to ensure the security and operability for Adobe Commerce instances.
The Upgrade Compatibility Tool is now integrated with the Site-Wide Analysis Tool in order to provide the ability for non-technical people to run the Upgrade Compatibility Tool and get a report containing a list of issues for each file.
Run the Upgrade Compatibility Tool from the Site-Wide Analysis Tool
Navigate to the Site-Wide Analysis Tool dashboard for your project and locate the Upgrade Compatibility Tool widget.
Click Run Upgrade Scan. The scan can take some time depending on the project size. A spinner indicates that the scan is in progress.
After the scan is complete, the high level results are displayed in the widget.
Click Download Report to retrieve the Upgrade Compatibility Tool HTML report and review the details.
Running the Upgrade Compatibility Tool through the Site-Wide Analysis Tool optimizes your results and helps you focus on issues that are new and critical for your target upgrade. It uses the --ignore-current-version-compatibility-errors option and always shows results comparing your project’s version with the latest released version.
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