Upgrade Compatibility Tool
The Upgrade Compatibility Tool is a command-line tool that analyzes your instance for potential upgrade issues. It checks for issues between the current version you have installed and the version you are trying to upgrade to.
Using this tool reduces the effort required from your team to understand the scope and impact of an upgrade. It helps you avoid common code issues when upgrading and provides clear direction on how to resolve identified issues. It also helps prioritize the most critical issues necessary to ensure a successful upgrade, saving both time and costs when upgrading.
See the following sections to get started with the Upgrade Compatibility Tool. See the Upgrade Compatibility Tool guide for more technical details and advanced use cases.
Download the tool
Use Composer to download the tool. It requires PHP 7.3 or later, at least 2GB of RAM, Node.js (if you are checking GraphQL compatibility), and an Adobe Commerce license.
composer create-project magento/upgrade-compatibility-tool uct --repository https://repo.magento.com
Run the tool
To analyze your instance and check for errors, warnings, and critical issues:
bin/uct upgrade:check <dir> -c <coming version>
argument is the directory where your code base is stored. The -c
option compares your code base with the specified version.To identify the most critical issues for your team to address:
bin/uct upgrade:check /path/to/magento/ --ignore-current-compatibility-issues –min-issue-level critical --vanilla-dir /path/to/vanilla/code/ /path/to/magento/app/code/Vendor/
Some more options to use with this command are:
—Suppresses all known critical issues, errors, and warnings against your current version. It only provides errors against the version you are trying to upgrade. -
—Allows you to set the minimum issue level to help prioritize only the most important issues with your upgrade. The options are warning, error, and critical in ascending order of severity. -
—If you want to analyze only a certain vendor, module, or even directory, you can specify the path as an option as well. -
—Allows you to check core code for any nonstandard implementation of features or customizations. It is important that these are cleaned up beforehand. A vanilla instance of your version is automatically downloaded for reference.NOTE
This can also be done with thecore:code:changes
command in the tool).
Analyze the Output
The Upgrade Compatibility Tool exports a JSON file identifying the affected code or modules, severity, and a description of the problem for every issue it encounters. It also outputs a summary report with a complexity score, which allows your team to understand roughly what it takes to upgrade to the latest version. The lower the complexity score, the easier it is to perform the upgrade.
The following output shows an example summary report:
------------------------ --------
Installed version 2.4.2
Adobe Commerce version 2.4.3
Running time 0m:48s
Checked modules 14
Core checked modules 0
Core modified files 0
% core modified files 0.00
PHP errors found 109
PHP warnings found 0
GraphQL errors found 0
GraphQL warnings found 0
Total errors found 109
Total warnings found 0
Complexity score 218
------------------------ --------
Tips and advice
All issues that the tool identified are listed in the report with specific error codes. Use the error message reference to get more details about each issue. Adobe also provides suggestions to fix each issue type so that you can plan your remediation steps.
Use the report to estimate the amount of effort it will take to update your code for the upgrade. Based on your experience, you can estimate the required effort to upgrade based on the total number of issues identified and the severity of the issues. Since this is a command-line tool, you can incorporate this into automated testing and code check suites and use the JSON output to generate your reports.
We recommend saving the results from each upgrade project so that you can compare future upgrade results with previous results. With continued use, you’ll start to develop a good sense of the level of effort it takes to upgrade to the next version just from the summary report provided by the tool.
We also recommend that you run the tool regularly while working on the upgrade to have visibility into your progress. The number of issues should decrease as you fix them. This also helps your team decide on the best approach to distribute work.
The Upgrade Compatibility Tool continues to be improved upon and future releases will include features such as autofixes to help you fix issues as fast as possible. The latest improvements released in January 2022 include PHP 8.1 compatibility tests and HTML visualization capabilities that help you quickly identify areas that may require more effort to upgrade.