Use the upgrade:check command

The upgrade:check command checks for core code changes for that specific Adobe Commerce instance, and all custom code changes installed in it.

The upgrade:check command is the main command to execute the tool:

bin/uct upgrade:check <dir>

Where <dir> value is the directory where your Adobe Commerce instance is located.

Available options for the upgrade:check command:

CommandAvailable options
  • –help: Returns all available options.
  • –current-version: Current Adobe Commerce version. This parameter is required and must always be used.
  • –min-issue-level: You can filter issues according to the minimum issue level (default value is WARNING).
  • –ignore-current-version-compatibility-issues (or -i): If you do not want to include critical issues, errors, and warnings from the current version in your report.
  • –coming-version (or -c): Target a specific Adobe Commerce version. Latest available will be used if omitted.

The Upgrade Compatibility Tool allows you to run the upgrade:check command with an --ignore-current-version-compatibility-issues option. Use this option when you only want to get new issues that are introduced with the update from your current version to the targeted version in your Upgrade Compatibility Tool report:

bin/uct upgrade:check --ignore-current-version-compatibility-issues <dir>
This applies only to PHP API validations.

Adding the --coming-version option

You can compare your current Adobe Commerce installation with any Adobe Commerce version >=2.3 by using the --coming-version option.

You must provide the version as a parameter when running the upgrade:check command:

bin/uct upgrade:check <dir> -c 2.4.3

Where -c, --coming-version[=COMING-VERSION] refers to the Adobe Commerce targeted version.

There are some limitations when running the --coming-version:

  • This parameter refers to any tag that identifies a specific version of Adobe Commerce.
  • It is a requirement to provide this one explicitly; providing only the value of it does not work.
  • Provide the tag version without any quotation marks (neither single nor double): ‘2.4.1-develop’.
  • You should NOT provide older versions than the one you have currently installed, nor older than 2.3, which is the oldest one supported at the moment.

Use the dbschema:diff command

You can retrieve the difference between the database schema of two Adobe Commerce versions.

bin/uct dbschema:diff <current-version> <target-version>

Where arguments are as follows:

  • <current-version>: any Adobe Commerce version for comparison.
  • <target-version>: also any Adobe Commerce version for comparison.

Example of execution:

bin/uct dbschema:diff 2.4.3 2.4.3-p3

DB schema differences between versions 2.4.3 and 2.4.3-p3:

Table klarna_payments_quote constraint QUOTE_ID_KLARNA_PAYMENTS_QUOTE_QUOTE_ID_QUOTE_ENTITY_ID is present only in version 2.4.3-p3
Table klarna_payments_quote index KLARNA_PAYMENTS_QUOTE_SESSION_ID is present only in version 2.4.3-p3
Table customer_entity column session_cutoff is present only in version 2.4.3-p3
Table customer_visitor column session_id length value is different. 2.4.3: "64", 2.4.3-p3: "1"
Table customer_visitor column session_id comment value is different. 2.4.3: "Session ID", 2.4.3-p3: "Deprecated: Session ID value no longer used"
Table customer_visitor column created_at is present only in version 2.4.3-p3
Table oauth_consumer column secret length value is different. 2.4.3: "32", 2.4.3-p3: "128"
Table oauth_token column secret length value is different. 2.4.3: "32", 2.4.3-p3: "128"
Table admin_user_session column session_id nullable value is different. 2.4.3: "false", 2.4.3-p3: "true"
Table admin_user_session column session_id length value is different. 2.4.3: "128", 2.4.3-p3: "1"
Table admin_user_session column session_id comment value is different. 2.4.3: "Session ID value", 2.4.3-p3: "Deprecated: Session ID value no longer used"

Total detected differences between version 2.4.3 and 2.4.3-p3: 11

Use the core:code:changes command

You can compare your current Adobe Commerce installation to validate if the core code of Adobe Commerce was modified to implement a customization. This command shows a list of core modifications only:

bin/uct core:code:changes <dir> <vanilla dir>

Where arguments are as follows:

  • <dir>: Adobe Commerce installation directory.
  • <vanilla dir>: Adobe Commerce vanilla installation directory.

Available options for the core:code:changes command:

CommandAvailable options
core:code:changes--help: Returns all available --help options.
It is a best practice to keep custom code out of the core code. See the Adobe Commerce 2.4 upgrade guide for more upgrade best practices.

Vanilla installation

A vanilla installation is a clean installation of a specified version tag or branch for a specific release version.

The bin/uct core:code:changes command checks if there is a vanilla instance in your system. If this is the first time using a vanilla installation, an interactive command-line question prompts you to download the vanilla project from the Adobe Commerce repository (

You can run an Upgrade Compatibility Tool command with the --vanilla-dir option to specify the Adobe Commerce vanilla installation directory.

See the Deploy vanilla instance topic for more information.

Use the refactor command

The Upgrade Compatibility Tool has the ability to automatically fix a reduced set of issues:

  • Functions that were allowed to be used without passing an argument, but with such usage now deprecated.
  • Usage of $this in Magento templates.
  • Usage of PHP keyword final in private methods.

For that, execute the refactor command:

bin/uct refactor <dir>

Where <dir> value is the directory where your Adobe Commerce instance is located.

Available options for the refactor command:

CommandAvailable options
refactor--help: Returns all available --help options.

Use the graphql:compare command

This command provides the option to the Upgrade Compatibility Tool to introspect two GraphQL endpoints and compare their schemas looking for breaking and dangerous changes between them:

bin/uct graphql:compare <schema1> <schema2>

Where arguments are as follows:

  • <schema1>: Endpoint URL for the existing installation.
  • <schema2>: Endpoint URL for the vanilla installation.

Available options for the graphql:compare command:

CommandAvailable options
graphql:compare--help: Returns all available --help options.

Use the list command

To return a list of the Upgrade Compatibility Tool available commands, run:

bin/uct list

Use the help command

To see the Upgrade Compatibility Tool command general options and help, run:

bin/uct --help

That returns a list with all available help options for the Upgrade Compatibility Tool in a command-line interface:

- --raw             To output raw command list
- --format=FORMAT   The output format (txt, xml, json, or md) [default: "txt"]
- --short           To skip describing commands' arguments
- -h, --help            Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
- -q, --quiet           Do not output any message
- -V, --version         Display this application version
- --ansi|--no-ansi  Force (or disable --no-ansi) ANSI output
- -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question
- -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

It is possible to run --help as an option when running a specific command. It returns --help options for the specified command.

Example of the upgrade:check command with --help option:

bin/uct upgrade:check --help

This returns specific options that can be run for the upgrade:check command:

- -a, --current-version[=CURRENT-VERSION]: Current Adobe Commerce version, version of the Adobe Commerce installation will be used if omitted.
- -c, --coming-version[=COMING-VERSION]: Target Adobe Commerce version, latest released version of Adobe Commerce will be used if omitted. Provides a list of all available Adobe Commerce versions.
- --json-output-path[=JSON-OUTPUT-PATH]: Path of the file where the output will be exported in json format.
- --html-output-path[=HTML-OUTPUT-PATH]: Path of the file where the output will be exported in HTML format.
- --min-issue-level[=MIN-ISSUE-LEVEL]            Minimal issue level you want to see in the report (warning, error or critical). [default: "warning"]
- -i, --ignore-current-version-compatibility-issues  Ignore common issues for current and coming version
- --context=CONTEXT: Execution context. This option is for integration purposes and does not affect the execution result.
- -h, --help: Display help for that specific command. If no command is provided, `list` command is the default result.
- -q, --quiet: Do not output any messages while executing the command.
- -v, --version: Display application version.
- --ansi, --no-ansi: Enable ANSI output.
- -n, --no-interaction: Do not ask any interactive question while executing the command.
- -v, --vv, --vvv, --verbose: Increase verbosity of output communications. 1 for normal output, 2 for verbose output, and 3 for DEBUG output.

Follow Adobe Commerce Best Practices

Optimize your results

The Upgrade Compatibility Tool provides a report containing results with all issues identified on your project by default. You can optimize the results to focus on those issues that you must fix to complete the upgrade:

  • Use the option --ignore-current-version-compatibility-issues when you only want to get new issues that are introduced with the update from your current version to the targeted version in your Upgrade Compatibility Tool report.
  • Adding the --min-issue-level option, this setting allows to set the minimum issue level, to help prioritize only the most important issues with your upgrade.
  • The Upgrade Compatibility Tool requires at least 2GB RAM to run. This setting is recommended to avoid issues due to a low memory limitation. The Upgrade Compatibility Tool displays a question if you run the upgrade:check command with a low memory_limit setting.
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