Prerequisites and configuration inapp-configuration

Configuration steps inapp-steps

To send In-app messages in your journeys and campaigns with Journey Optimizer, you need to go through the following configuration steps.

  1. Make sure you have the correct permissions on Journey Optimizer campaigns before starting, even if you plan to only use in-app messages in journeys. Campaign permissions are still required. Learn more.
  2. Enable Adobe Journey Optimizer in your Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection datastream, and check your default merge policy in Adobe Experience Platform, as detailed in the Delivery prerequisites below.
  3. Create an In-app message channel configuration in Administration > Channels > Channel configurations, as detailed in this section.
  4. If you are using content experiments, make sure to follow the requirements listed in this section.

Once done, you can create, configure and sent your first In-app message. Learn how to achieve this in this section.

Delivery prerequisites delivery-prerequisites

For the In-app messages to be delivered correctly, the following settings must be defined:

  • In the Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection, make sure you have a datastream defined such as under the Adobe Experience Platform service you have the Adobe Experience Platform Edge and Adobe Journey Optimizer option enabled.

    This ensures that the Journey Optimizer inbound events are correctly handled by the Adobe Experience Platform Edge. Learn more

  • In Adobe Experience Platform, make sure you have the default merge policy with the Active-On-Edge Merge Policy option enabled. To do this, select a policy under the Customer > Profiles > Merge Policies Experience Platform menu. Learn more

    This merge policy is used by Journey Optimizer inbound channels to correctly activate and publish inbound campaigns on the edge. Learn more

    note note
    When using a custom Dataset preference merge policy, make sure to add the Journey Inbound dataset within the specified merge policy.

  • To troubleshoot the delivery of Journey Optimizer mobile experiences, you can use the Edge Delivery view within Adobe Experience Platform Assurance. This plugin enables you to inspect request calls in detail, verify whether the expected edge calls occur as anticipated, and examine profile data, including identity maps, segment memberships, and consent settings. Additionally, you can review the activities the request qualified for and identify those it did not.

    Using the Edge Delivery plugin helps you gain the insights needed to understand and troubleshoot your inbound implementations effectively.

    Learn more on Edge Delivery view

Create an In-app configuration channel-prerequisites

  1. Access the Channels > General settings > Channel configurations menu, then click Create channel configuration.

  2. Enter a name and a description (optional) for the configuration, then select the channel to configure.

    note note
    Names must begin with a letter (A-Z). It can only contain alpha-numeric characters. You can also use underscore _, dot. and hyphen - characters.
  3. To assign custom or core data usage labels to the configuration, you can select Manage access. Learn more on Object Level Access Control (OLAC).

  4. Select Marketing action(s) to associate consent policies to the messages using this configuration. All consent policies associated with the marketing action are leveraged in order to respect the preferences of your customers. Learn more

  5. Select In-app messaging channel.

  6. Select the platform for which the In-app message will be applied.

  7. For Web:

    • You can either input a Page URL to apply changes to a specific page.

    • You can create a rule to target multiple URLs that follow the same pattern.

      How to build a Pages matching rule.
      1. Select Pages matching rule as App configuration and enter your Page URL.

      2. In the Edit configuration rule window, define your criteria for the Domain and Page fields.

      3. From the condition dropdowns, further personalize your criteria.

        Here, for example, to edit elements that are displayed on all the sales product pages of your Luma website, select Domain > Starts with > luma and Page > Contains > sales.

      4. Click Add another page rule to create another rule if needed.

      5. Select the Default authoring and preview URL.

      6. Save your changes. The rule is displayed in the Create campaign screen.

  8. For iOS and Android:

    • Enter your App id.
  9. Submit your changes.

You can now select your configuration when creating your In-app message.

Reporting prerequisites experiment-prerequisites

The dataset is used read-only by the Journey Optimizer reporting system and doesn’t affect data collection or data ingestion.

To enable reporting for In-app channel, you need to make sure the dataset used in your In-app implementation datastream is also included in your reporting configuration.

In other words, when configuring reporting, if you add a dataset that is not present in your app datastream, app data will not display in your reports.

Learn how to add datasets for reporting in this section.

If you are not using the following pre-defined field groups for your dataset schema: AEP Web SDK ExperienceEvent and Consumer Experience Event (as defined in this page), make sure to add the following field groups: Experience Event - Proposition Interactions, Application Details, Commerce Details, and Web Details. These are needed by Journey Optimizer reporting as they are tracking which campaigns and journeys each profile is participating in.

Learn more on reporting configuration

Adding these field groups doesn’t impact the normal data collection. It is additive only for the pages where a campaign or journey is running, leaving all the other tracking untouched

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