Low-level cache options
Last update: May 9, 2023
- Topics:
- Configuration
- Cache
- Experienced
- Admin
- Developer
The Commerce application uses a low-level cache frontend and backend to provide access to the cache storage.
Low-level frontend cache
Commerce extends Zend_Cache_Core by implementing Magento\Framework\Cache\Core frontend cache.
Low-level backend cache
In general, the Commerce application works with any backend cache that Zend_Cache Backends supports. However, this guide covers only the following low-level backend caches:
Varnish does not require setting up a low-level cache backend.
Previous pageCache types
Next pageL2 cache
- Overview
- General setup
- Deployment
- Cache
- Command Line
- Command-line tool
- Common commands
- Enable logging
- Manage the cache
- Manage indexers
- Configure cron jobs
- Compile code
- Operation mode
- Start message queue consumers
- URN highlighter
- Dependency reports
- Localization
- Configuration management
- Static view
- Create symlinks
- Run unit tests
- Convert layout files
- Generate data for performance testing
- Run support utilities (Commerce only)
- Configuration files
- Configuration paths
- Cron Jobs
- Logs
- Message Queues
- Multiple sites
- Search Engine
- Security
- Storage
- Return to Operational Guides