Manage the indexers

All Magento CLI commands must be run by the file system owner.

To view a list of all indexers:

bin/magento indexer:info

The list displays as follows:

design_config_grid                       Design Config Grid
customer_grid                            Customer Grid
catalog_category_product                 Category Products
catalog_product_category                 Product Categories
catalogrule_rule                         Catalog Rule Product
catalog_product_attribute                Product EAV
inventory                                Inventory
catalogrule_product                      Catalog Product Rule
cataloginventory_stock                   Stock
targetrule_product_rule                  Product/Target Rule
targetrule_rule_product                  Target Rule/Product
catalog_product_price                    Product Price
catalogsearch_fulltext                   Catalog Search
salesrule_rule                           Sales Rule
Adobe Commerce merchants using Live Search, Catalog Service, or Product Recommendations have the option to use SaaS-based price indexing.

View indexer status

Use this command to view the status of all indexers or specific indexers. For example, find out if an indexer needs to be reindexed.

Command options:

bin/magento indexer:status [indexer]

Where [indexer] is a space-separated list of indexers. Omit [indexer] to view the status of all indexers.

Sample result:

| Title                | Status           | Update On | Schedule Status     | Schedule Updated    |
| Catalog Product Rule | Reindex required | Save      |                     |                     |
| Catalog Rule Product | Reindex required | Save      |                     |                     |
| Catalog Search       | Ready            | Save      |                     |                     |
| Category Products    | Reindex required | Schedule  | idle (0 in backlog) | 2021-06-28 09:45:53 |
| Customer Grid        | Ready            | Schedule  | idle (0 in backlog) | 2021-06-28 09:45:52 |
| Design Config Grid   | Ready            | Schedule  | idle (0 in backlog) | 2018-06-28 09:45:52 |
| Inventory            | Ready            | Save      |                     |                     |
| Product Categories   | Reindex required | Schedule  | idle (0 in backlog) | 2021-06-28 09:45:53 |
| Product EAV          | Reindex required | Save      |                     |                     |
| Product Price        | Reindex required | Save      |                     |                     |
| Stock                | Reindex required | Save      |                     |                     |


Use this command to reindex all or selected indexers one time only.

This command reindexes one time only. To keep indexers up to date, you must set up a cron job.

Command options:

bin/magento indexer:reindex [indexer]

Where [indexer] is a space-separated list of indexers. Omit [indexer] to reindex all indexers.

Sample result:

Design Config Grid index has been rebuilt successfully in <time>
Customer Grid index has been rebuilt successfully in <time>
Category Products index has been rebuilt successfully in <time>
Product Categories index has been rebuilt successfully in <time>
Catalog Rule Product index has been rebuilt successfully in <time>
Product EAV index has been rebuilt successfully in <time>
Inventory index has been rebuilt successfully in <time>
Catalog Product Rule index has been rebuilt successfully in <time>
Stock index has been rebuilt successfully in <time>
Product Price index has been rebuilt successfully in <time>
Catalog Search index has been rebuilt successfully in <time>
Reindexing all indexers can take a long time for stores with large numbers of products, customers, categories, and promotional rules.

Reindexing in parallel mode

Before you can run indexers in parallel mode, you must enable Process Control support (pcntl) in PHP. See Installation in the PHP documentation.

Indexers are scoped and multi-threaded to support reindexing in parallel mode. It parallelizes by the indexer’s dimension and executes across multiple threads, reducing processing time.

In this context, dimension is the scope of the reindexing, for instance a website or just a specific customer_group.

Index parallelization affects scoped indexers only, which means Commerce splits the data into multiple tables using the indexer as its scope instead of keeping all data in one table.

You can run the following indexes in parallel mode:

  • Catalog Search Fulltext can be paralleled by store views.
  • Category Product can be paralleled by store views.
  • Catalog Price can be paralleled by website and customer groups.
  • Catalog Permissions can be paralleled by customer groups.
Parallelization for Catalog Search Fulltext and Category Product is enabled by default.

To use parallelization, set one of the available dimensions modes for the product price indexer:

  • none (default)
  • website
  • customer_group
  • website_and_customer_group

For example, to set the mode per website:

bin/magento indexer:set-dimensions-mode catalog_product_price website

To use parallelization for Catalog permissions, set one of the available dimensions modes for the Catalog Permissions indexer:

  • none (default)
  • customer_group

Or to check the current mode:

bin/magento indexer:show-dimensions-mode

To reindex in parallel mode, run the reindex command using the environment variable MAGE_INDEXER_THREADS_COUNT, or add an environment variable to the env.php file. This variable sets the number of threads for the reindex processing.

For example, the following command runs the Catalog Search Fulltext indexer across three threads:

MAGE_INDEXER_THREADS_COUNT=3 php -f bin/magento indexer:reindex catalogsearch_fulltext

Reset indexer

Use this command to invalidate the status of all indexers or specific indexers.

Command options:

bin/magento indexer:reset [indexer]

Where [indexer] is a space-separated list of indexers. Omit [indexer] to invalidate all indexers.

Sample result:

Design Config Grid indexer has been invalidated.
Customer Grid indexer has been invalidated.
Category Products indexer has been invalidated.
Product Categories indexer has been invalidated.
Catalog Rule Product indexer has been invalidated.
Product EAV indexer has been invalidated.
Inventory indexer has been invalidated.
Catalog Product Rule indexer has been invalidated.
Stock indexer has been invalidated.
Product Price indexer has been invalidated.
Catalog Search indexer has been invalidated.

Configure indexers

Use this command to set the following indexer options:

  • Update on save (realtime): Indexed data is updated when a change is made in the Admin. (For example, the category products index is reindex after products are added to a category in the Admin.)
  • Update by schedule (schedule): Data is indexed according to the schedule set by your cron job.

Learn more about indexing.

Display the current configuration

To view the current indexer configuration:

bin/magento indexer:show-mode [indexer]

Where [indexer] is a space-separated list of indexers. Omit [indexer] to show all indexers’ modes. For example, to show the mode of all indexers:

Sample result:

Design Config Grid:                                Update on Save
Customer Grid:                                     Update on Save
Category Products:                                 Update on Save
Product Categories:                                Update on Save
Catalog Rule Product:                              Update on Save
Product EAV:                                       Update on Save
Inventory:                                         Update on Save
Catalog Product Rule:                              Update on Save
Stock:                                             Update on Save
Product Price:                                     Update on Save
Catalog Search:                                    Update on Save

Set the indexer mode

Be sure to set the Customer Grid with realtime instead of schedule. The Customer Grid can only be reindexed using the Update on Save option. This index does not support the Update by Schedule option. Use the following command line to set this indexer to update on save: php bin/magento indexer:set-mode realtime customer_grid
See Best practices for indexer configuration in the Implementation Playbook.
Before switching indexer modes, set your website to maintenance mode and disable cron jobs. This ensures you do not suffer database locks.

To specify the indexer configuration:

bin/magento indexer:set-mode {realtime|schedule} [indexer]


  • realtime—Sets the selected indexers to update on save.
  • schedule—Sets the specified indexers to save according to the cron schedule.
  • indexer—Is a space-separated list of indexers. Omit indexer to configure all indexers the same way.

For example, to change only the category products and product categories indexers to update on schedule, enter:

bin/magento indexer:set-mode schedule catalog_category_product catalog_product_category

Sample result:

Index mode for Indexer Category Products was changed from 'Update on Save' to 'Update by Schedule'
Index mode for Indexer Product Categories was changed from 'Update on Save' to 'Update by Schedule'

The indexers-related database triggers are added when the indexer mode is set to schedule and removed when the indexer mode is set to realtime. If the triggers are missing from your database while the indexers are set to schedule, change the indexers to realtime and then change them back to schedule. This resets the triggers.

Set indexer status

The bin/magento indexer:set-status command was introduced in Adobe Commerce 2.4.7. It allows administrators to modify the operational status of one or more indexers, optimizing system performance during extensive operations like data imports, updates, or maintenance.

Command syntax:

bin/magento indexer:set-status {invalid|suspended|valid} [indexer]


  • invalid—Marks indexers as out-of-date, prompting reindexing on the next cron run unless they are suspended.
  • suspended—Temporarily stops automatic cron-triggered updates for indexers. This status applies to both real-time and schedule modes, ensuring that automatic updates are paused during intensive operations.
  • valid—Indicates that indexer data is up-to-date, with no need for reindexing.
  • indexer—Is a space-separated list of indexers. Omit indexer to configure all indexers the same way.

For example, to suspend specific indexers, enter:

bin/magento indexer:set-status suspended catalog_category_product catalog_product_category

Sample result:

Index status for Indexer 'Category Products' was changed from 'valid' to 'suspended'.
Index status for Indexer 'Product Categories' was changed from 'valid' to 'suspended'.

Managing suspended indexer status

When an indexer is set to a suspended status, it primarily affects automatic reindexing and materialized view updates. Here’s a brief overview:

Reindexing Skipped: Automatic reindexing is bypassed for suspended indexers and any indexers sharing the same shared_index. This ensures system resources are conserved by not reindexing data related to suspended processes.

Materialized View Updates Skipped: Similar to reindexing, updates to materialized views related to suspended indexers or their shared indexes are also paused. This action further reduces system load during suspension periods.

The indexer:reindex command reindexes all indexers, including those marked as suspended, making it useful for manual updates when automatic ones are paused.
Changing an indexer’s status to valid from suspended or invalid requires caution. This action can lead to performance degradation if there’s accumulated unindexed data.
It’s crucial to ensure that all data is accurately indexed before manually updating the status to valid to maintain system performance and data integrity.