Run the data generator
Run the command as discussed in this section. After the command runs, you must reindex all indexers.
Command options:
bin/magento setup:perf:generate-fixtures <path-to-profile>
Where <path-to-profile>
specifies the absolute file system path to, and name of, a profile.
For example,
bin/magento setup:perf:generate-fixtures /var/www/html/magento2/setup/performance-toolkit/profiles/ce/small.xml
Sample output for the small profile:
Generating profile with following params:
|- Websites: 1
|- Store Groups Count: 1
|- Store Views Count: 1
|- Categories: 30
|- Attribute Sets (Default): 3
|- Attribute Sets (Extra): 10
|- Simple products: 800
|- Configurable products: 0
|--- 5 products for attribute set "Attribute Set 1"
|--- 5 products for attribute set "Attribute Set 2"
|--- 5 products for attribute set "Attribute Set 3"
|--- 40 products for attribute set "Dynamic Attribute Set 1-24"
|- Product images: 100, 3 per product
|- Customers: 200
|- Cart Price Rules: 20
|- Catalog Price Rules: 20
|- Catalog Target Rules: 5
|- Orders: 80
Generating websites, stores and store views... done in <time>
Generating categories... done in <time>
Generating attribute sets... done in <time>
Generating simple products... done in <time>
... more ...
Performance fixtures
Admin users
Generates admin users. XML profile node:
<!-- Number of admin users -->
Attribute sets
Generates attribute sets with specified configuration. XML profile node:
<!-- Number of product attribute sets -->
<!-- Number of attributes per set -->
<!-- Number of values per attribute -->
Bundle products
Generates bundle products. Generated bundle selections are not displayed individually in the catalog. Products are uniformly distributed per categories and websites. If assign_entities_to_all_websites
from the profile is set to 1
. Products are assigned to all websites.
XML profile node:
<!-- Number of products -->
<!-- Number of options per each product -->
<!-- Number of simple products per each option -->
Cart price rules
Generates cart price rules. XML profile node:
<!-- Number of cart price rules -->
<!-- Number of conditions per rule -->
Catalog price rules
Generates catalog price rules. XML profile node:
<!-- Number of catalog price rules -->
Generates categories. If assign_entities_to_all_websites
is set to 0
, all categories are uniformly distributed per root categories; otherwise, all categories are assigned to one root category.
XML profile node:
<!-- Number of categories to generate -->
<!-- Nesting level of categories -->
Sets values for config fields. XML profile node:
<!-- Config variables and values for change -->
<path>{string}</path> <!-- e.g. admin/security/use_form_key -->
<scope>{string}</scope> <!-- e.g. default -->
<!-- ... more entries ... -->
Configurable products
Generates Configurable products. Generated configurable options are not displayed individually in the catalog. Products are uniformly distributed per categories and websites. If assign_entities_to_all_websites
is set to 1
, products are assigned to all websites.
The following XML node formats are supported:
Distribution per Default and pre-defined attribute sets:
<!-- Number of configurable products --> <configurable_products>{int}</configurable_products>
Generate products based on an existing attribute set:
<configurable_products> <config> <!-- Existing attribute set name --> <attributeSet>{string}</attributeSet> <!-- Configurable sku pattern with %s --> <sku>{string}</sku> <!-- Number of configurable products --> <products>{int}</products> <!-- Category Name. Optional. By default category name from Categories fixture will be used --> <category>[{string}]</category> <!-- Type of Swatch attribute e.g. color|image --> <swatches>{string}</swatches> </config> <!-- ... more entries ... --> </configurable_products>
Generate products based on a dynamically created attribute set with a specified number of attributes and options:
<configurable_products> <config> <!-- Number of attributes in configurable product --> <attributes>{int}</attributes> <!-- Number of options per attribute --> <options>{int}</options> <!-- Configurable sku pattern with %s --> <sku>{string}</sku> <!-- Number of configurable products --> <products>{int}</products> <!-- Category Name. Optional. By default category name from Categories fixture will be used --> <category>[{string}]</category> <!-- Type of Swatch attribute e.g. color|image --> <swatches>{string}</swatches> </config> <!-- ... more entries ... --> </configurable_products>
Generate products based on a dynamically created attribute set with a specified configuration per each attribute:
<configurable_products> <config> <attributes> <!-- Configuration for a first attribute --> <attribute> <!-- Amount of options per attribute --> <options>{int}</options> <!-- Type of Swatch attribute --> <swatches>{string}</swatches> </attribute> <!-- Configuration for a second attribute --> <attribute> <!-- Amount of options per attribute --> <options>{int}</options> </attribute> </attributes> <!-- Configurable sku pattern with %s --> <sku>{string}</sku> <!-- Number of configurable products --> <products>{int}</products> <!-- Category Name. Optional. By default, the category name from Categories fixture will be used --> <category>[{string}]</category> </config> <!-- ... more entries ... --> </configurable_products>
Generates customers. Customers have a normal distribution on all available websites. Each customer has the same data except customer email, customer group, and customer addresses.
XML profile node:
<!-- Number of customers to generate -->
You can use the following XML to change the customer configuration:
<!-- Number of addresses per each customer -->
Product images
Generates product images. Generation does not include resizing.
XML profile node:
<!-- Number of images to generate -->
<!-- Number of images to be assigned per each product -->
Indexers state
Updates indexers’ state. XML profile node:
<!-- Name of indexer (e.g. catalogrule_product) -->
Generates orders with configurable number of different types of order items. Optionally generates inactive quotes for generated orders.
XML profile node:
<!-- It is necessary to enable quotes for orders -->
<!-- Min number of simple products per each order -->
<!-- Max number of simple products per each order -->
<!-- Min number of configurable products per each order -->
<!-- Max number of configurable products per each order -->
<!-- Min number of big configurable products (with big amount of options) per each order -->
<!-- Max number of big configurable products (with big amount of options) per each order -->
<!-- Number of orders to generate -->
Simple products
Generates simple products. Products are distributed per default and pre-defined attribute sets. If extra attribute sets are specified in profile as: <product_attribute_sets>{int}</product_attribute_sets>
, products are also distributed per additional attribute sets.
Products are uniformly distributed per categories and websites. If assign_entities_to_all_websites
is set to 1
, products are assigned to all websites.
XML profile node:
<!-- Number of simple products to generate -->
Generates websites. XML profile node:
<!-- Number of websites to be generated -->
Store groups
Generates store groups (referred to in the Admin as stores). Store groups are distributed normally among websites.
XML profile node:
<!-- Number of store groups to be generated -->
Store views
Generates store views. Store views are distributed normally among store groups. XML profile node:
<!-- Number of store views to be generated -->
<!-- 1 means that all stores will have the same root category, 0 means that all stores will have unique root category -->
Tax rates
Generates tax rates. XML profile node:
<!-- Accepts name of CSV file with tax rates (<path to Commerce folder>/setup/src/Magento/Setup/Fixtures/_files) -->
<tax_rates_file>{CSV file name}</tax_rates_file>
Additional configuration information:
<Commerce root dir>/setup/performance-toolkit/config/attributeSets.xml
—Default attribute sets -
<Commerce root dir>/setup/performance-toolkit/config/customerConfig.xml
—Customer configuration -
<Commerce root dir>/setup/performance-toolkit/config/description.xml
—Product full description configuration -
<Commerce root dir>/setup/performance-toolkit/config/shortDescription.xml
—Product short description configuration -
<Commerce root dir>/setup/performance-toolkit/config/searchConfig.xml
—Configuration for product short and full description. This older implementation is provided for backward compatibility. -
<Commerce root dir>/setup/performance-toolkit/config/searchTerms.xml
—Small number of search terms to in short and full descriptions -
<Commerce root dir>/setup/performance-toolkit/config/searchTermsLarge.xml
—Larger number of search terms to use in short and full description.