Use cases

Through a marketing-friendly UI, create segment rules that query your data warehouse for a list of users that qualify for a specific segment needed for marketing campaigns, access existing audiences in the warehouse for activation, or enrich Adobe Experience Platform audiences with additional datapoints that exist in the warehouse.

In this version, two use cases are available:

  1. Audience Creation: Build new audiences from enterprise datasets without copying underlying data and activate those audiences with prebuilt destinations.

  2. Audience Enrichment: Enrich existing audiences in Adobe Experience Platform by utilizing composed audience data that has been federated from the enterprise data warehouse. This data will not be persisted in Adobe Experience Platform customer profiles.


Key steps

Adobe Federated Audience Composition lets you create and update Adobe Experience Platform audiences directly from your database, without any ingestion process.

Key steps:

  1. Data Integration: Bring together data from various sources, and merge them into a unified dataset. Learn how to connect Adobe Experience Platform apps and your enterprise data warehouse, supported databases, and how to configure them are detailed in this section.

  2. Data Modeling: Design and create data models and schemas that define the structure, relationships, and constraints of the data. Learn more about schemas in this page. Learn how to create links for your datamodel in this page.

  3. Data Transformation: Apply data manipulation techniques to modify the format, structure, or values of data elements to make them compatible or suitable for specific analysis or applications.

  4. Data Usage: Create, orchestrate and build audiences. Learn how to compose audiences in this page. You can also update or reuse existing audiences through Adobe Experience Platform Audience portal and Destinations. Learn more in this page

After executing the composition, the resulting audience is saved in Adobe Experience Platform as an external audience, and available into Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platorm and/or Adobe Journey Optimizer. It is made accessible in the Audiences menu. Learn more

Learn more

Learn how to access Federated Audience Composition, guardrails and limitations in this page.

See also frequently asked questions in this page.

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