Edit a schema

To edit a schema, follow these steps:

  1. Access your previously created schema.

  2. Click on Edit button.

  3. From the Edit schema window, you can access and configure the same options as when creating a schema.

Preview data in a schema

To preview the data in the table represented by your schema, browse to the Data tab as below.

Click on the Calculate link to preview the total number of recordings.

Click on the Configure columns button to change the data display.

Refresh a schema

Tables in a federated database can be updated, added or removed. In such cases, you must refresh the schema in Adobe Experience Platform to align with the latest changes. To perform this, click the three dots next to the name of the schema to update and select Refresh schema.

You can also update the schema definition when editing it.

Delete a schema

To delete a schema, click on More button, then choose Delete.

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