Get started with schemas schemas
What is a schema schema-start
A schema is a representation of a table of your database. It is an object within the application that defines how the data are tied to database tables.
By creating a schema, you can define a representation of your table in Experience Platform Federated Audience Composition:
- Give it a friendly name and description to simplify the comprehension for the user
- Decide the visibility of each field, according to their real use
- Select its primary key, in order to link schemas between them, as needed in the data model
Create a schema schema-create
To create schemas in Federated Audience Composition, follow the steps below:
In Federated Data section, access the Models menu. Browse to the Schema tab and click Create schema.
This step lets you access to a new screen with a drop-down list where you can find the database(s) connected to your environment. Learn more about database connection in this section.
Select your source database in the list, and click Next.
You can then see the list of all the tables in the database.
Select the tables for which you want to create the schema.
Each selected table generates a schema with the chosen columns. Configure the schema and its columns as needed.
For each table, you can:
- change the label of the schema
- add a description
- rename all the field labels, and set their visibility
- select the schema primary key
The schema can be defined as follows:
After completing your configuration, click Done.
Edit a schema schema-edit
To edit a schema, follow these steps:
Access your previously created schema.
Click on Edit button.
From the Edit schema window, you can access and configure the same options as when creating a schema.
Preview data in a schema schema-preview
To preview the data in the table represented by your schema, browse to the Data tab as below.
Click on the Calculate link to preview the total number of recordings.
Click on the Configure columns button to change the data display.
Refresh a schema schema-refresh
Tables in a federated database can be updated, added or removed. In such cases, you must refresh the schema in Adobe Experience Platform to align with the latest changes. To perform this, click the three dots next to the name of the schema to update and select Refresh schema.
You can also update the schema definition when editing it.
Delete a schema schema-delete
To delete a schema, click on More button, then choose Delete.