Frequently asked questions
The following is a list of frequently asked questions regarding Adobe Experience Platform Federated Audience Composition. A global FAQ is also available for Adobe Experience Platform Segmentation Service in this page.
What are the permissions required to access Federated Audience Composition?
Federated Audience Composition requires Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform and Adobe Journey Optimizer Prime or Ultimate packages. You also need to have purchased Federated Audience Composition.
In order to use Federated Audience Audience Composition, each user must be added to a specific profile created for each sandbox. For more information, refer to the Access Federated Audience Composition page.
What cloud warehouses are supported?
Can multiple data warehouses be queried in the same composition?
Can I access my entire database using Federated Audience Composition?
Do I have access to all tables in the dedicated schema?
Yes, once connected, Federated Audience Composition can be used to discover all tables based on initial rights defined, then you can use the visual schema editor to:
- Discover columns and primary keys from your tables
- Create friendly labels to those tables
- Create friendly labels for each column
- Hide unnecessary columns
- Save those tables description
Is there any temporary storage in Federated Audience Composition?
Does Federated Audience Composition store a physical copy of that list of people to send to downstream systems?
Federated Audience Composition does not maintain a physical copy of the data. Frequency is configured in the composition to define how frequently this data will be refreshed. The resulting audience data is not stored by Adobe Experience Platform any longer than required by the customer’s use cases or action.
For example:
In the case of an Audience Creation, the audience is created in your warehouse, and you can use Federated Audience Composition for additional composition tasks and data manipulation before publishing the resulting audience and associated attributes via Adobe Experience Platform Audience Portal. The audience definition and associated attributes come over to Adobe Experience Platform.
Note that the current data expiration for externally generated audiences is 30 days. This data expiration reduces the amount of excess data stored within an organization. After the data expiration period passes, the associated dataset is still visible within the dataset inventory, but you cannot activate the audience and the profile count will show as zero. Learn more in Adobe Experience Platform documentation. -
In the case of an Audience Enrichment, the starting point is an existing Adobe Experience Platform audience. One can look at two scenarios here:
- Bring additional audience payload attributes from the federated data warehouse: in this case, the additional attributes that get added will come over as a part of this audience definition. Data expiration for externally generated audiences is the same as described above, 30 days.
- Refine the existing Adobe Experience Platform audience based on additional attributes that exist in your data warehouse.