The canvas toolbar

The toolbar located in the upper-right corner of the canvas provides options to easily manipulate the activities and navigate in the canvas.

Available actions are:

  • Multiple selection: Select multiple activities to delete them all at once or copy and paste them. See this section.
  • Rotate: Switch the canvas vertically.
  • Fit to screen: Adapt the canvas zoom level to your screen.
  • Zoom out / Zoom in: Zoom out or in the canvas.
  • Display map: Opens a snapshot of the canvas showing you are located.

Manage activities

When adding activities, action buttons are available in the properties pane, allowing you to perform multiple operations.

You can:

  • Delete the activity from the canvas.

  • Disable/Enable the activity. When the composition is executed, disabled activities and the following activities on the same path are not executed and the composition is stopped.

  • Pause/Resume the activity. When the composition is executed, it pauses at the paused activity. The corresponding task as well as all those that follow it in the same path are not executed.

  • Copy the activity to paste it at another location in the composition. To do this, click the + button on a transition and select Paste X activity.

  • Configure Execution options for the selected activity. Expand the section below to learn more on the available options.

    Available execution options

    The Properties section allows you to configure generic settings regarding the execution of the activity:

    • Execution: Define the action to be carried out when the is started.
    • Maximum execution duration: Specify a duration such as “30s” or “1h”. If the activity is not finished after the duration specified has been elapsed, an alert is triggered. This has no impact on how the composition functions.
    • Time zone: Select the time zone of the activity. Federated Audience Composition allows you to manage the time differences between multiple countries on the same instance. The setting applied is configured when the instance is created.
    • Affinity: Force the composition activity to execute on a particular machine. To do this, you must specify one or several affinities for the activity in question.
    • Behavior: Define the procedure to follow if asynchronous tasks are used.

    The Error management section allows you to specify the action to be carried out should the activity encounter an error.

    The Initialization script section lets you initialize variables or modify activity properties. Click the Edit code button and type the snippet of code to execute. The script is called when the activity executes.

  • Access the activity’s Logs and tasks.

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