Adobe Experience Platform release notes

Release date: January 25, 2023

Updates to existing features in Adobe Experience Platform:

Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Services ai-ml

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning services empower marketing analysts and practitioners to leverage the power of AI/ML in customer experience use cases. This allows for marketing analysts to set up predictions, without the need for data science expertise, specific to a company’s needs using business-level configurations.

Attribution AI

Attribution AI is used to attribute credits to touchpoints that lead to conversion events. This can be used by marketers to help quantify the marketing impact of each individual marketing touchpoint across customer journeys.

Updated features

HIPAA readiness
Healthcare Shield customers can now receive, use, maintain, or transmit protected health information in Attribution AI and certain other Experience Platform-based applications. Healthcare Shield is for healthcare customers that are either a covered entity or business associate under HIPAA. For more information, read the documentation on HIPAA and Adobe Products and Services
Edit additional score dataset columns
You can now add or remove additional score dataset columns (reporting columns) when you edit existing models. This extends the flexibility of the attribution scores to provide you with insights to additional dimensions after a model has already been created. See the Attribution UI guide to learn more.

Please see the AI/ML services overview for more information.

Customer AI

Customer AI for Real-Time Customer Data Platform, is used to generate custom propensity scores such as churn and conversion for individual profiles at scale. This is accomplished without having to transform the business needs to a machine learning problem, pick an algorithm, train, or deploy.

Updated features

HIPAA readiness
Healthcare Shield customers can now receive, use, maintain, or transmit protected health information in Customer AI for Real-Time Customer Data Platform and certain other Experience Platform-based applications. Healthcare Shield is for healthcare customers that are either a covered entity or business associate under HIPAA. For more information, see the documentation on HIPAA and Adobe Products and Services

Please see the AI/ML services overview for more information.

Assurance assurance

Adobe Assurance lets you inspect, proof, simulate, and validate how you collect data or serve experiences in your mobile app.

New or updated features

Validation Editor
New enhancements to the validation editor have been added. These enhancements include validation columns, new code building tools, and improved views.

For more information about Assurance, please read the Assurance documentation.

Data collection data-collection

Adobe Experience Platform provides a suite of technologies that allow you to collect client-side customer experience data and send it to the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network where it can be enriched, transformed, and distributed to Adobe or non-Adobe destinations.

New or updated features

New home screen

The home page for Data Collection UI has been updated to include helpful onboarding information and links to streamline productivity. This includes:

  1. Documentation and recommended workflows to get started
  2. Recent properties, rules, and data elements
  3. Popular extensions
  4. New extension updates with a quick install feature
Send data to Google Ads using event forwarding
You can now use the Google Ads Enhanced Conversions API extension for event forwarding, combined with Google Oauth 2 secrets, to securely send server-side data to Google Ads in real time.

Destinations (updated February 2nd) destinations

Destinations are pre-built integrations with destination platforms that allow for the seamless activation of data from Adobe Experience Platform. You can use destinations to activate your known and unknown data for cross-channel marketing campaigns, email campaigns, targeted advertising, and many other use cases.

New destinations

(Beta) Adobe Experience Cloud Audiences connection
Use the (Beta) Adobe Experience Cloud Audiences connection to share segments from Experience Platform to various Experience Platform solutions, like Audience Manager, Analytics, Advertising Cloud, Adobe Campaign, Target, or Marketo.
Pega Profile connection
Use the Pega Profile Connector in Adobe Experience Platform to create a live outbound connection to your Amazon S3 storage to periodically export profile data to CSV files from Adobe Experience Platform into your own S3 buckets. In Pega Customer Decision Hub, you can schedule data jobs to import this profile data from S3 storage to update the Pega Customer Decision Hub profile.
(Beta) The Trade Desk CRM EU connection

With the release of EUID (European Unified ID), you are now seeing two The Trade Desk - CRM destinations in the destinations catalog.

  • If you source data in the EU, please use the The Trade Desk - CRM (EU) destination.
  • If you source data in the APAC or NAMER regions, please use the The Trade Desk - CRM (NAMER & APAC) destination.

New or updated functionality

Paid Media Consent Policy enhancement for integrations with streaming destinations
An enhancement to consent policy enforcement on streaming destinations for paid media activation use-cases. When profiles are no longer qualified for a consent policy, Experience Platform now proactively communicates their policy exit to streaming destinations.
Note: This functionality is available only to customers of Privacy and Security Shield, and those of Healthcare Shield.
New delimiter options for beta cloud storage destination connectors
Three new delimiter options (Colon :, Pipe, Semicolon ;) are now available for the new beta cloud storage destinations - (Beta) Amazon S3, (Beta) Azure Blob, (Beta) Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, (Beta) Data Landing Zone, (Beta) Google Cloud Storage, (Beta) SFTP.
Read about the supported file formatting options for file-based destinations.
New optional parameter available in customer data fields configurations in Destination SDK
unique: Use this parameter when you need to create a customer data field whose value must be unique across all destination dataflows set up by a user’s organization.
For example, the Integration alias field in the Custom Personalization destination must be unique, meaning that two separate dataflows to this destination cannot have the same value for this field.

Fixes and enhancements

Fix or enhancement
Updated export behavior to file-based destinations (PLAT-123316)

We fixed an issue in the behavior of mandatory attributes when exporting data files to batch destinations.
Previously, every record in the output files was verified to contain both:

  1. A non-null value of the mandatoryField column and
  2. A non-null value on at least one of the other non-mandatory fields.

The second condition has been removed. As a result, you might be seeing more output rows in your exported data files, as shown in the example below:
Sample behavior before January 2023 release
Mandatory field: emailAddress
Input data to activate

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2
firstName emailAddress

Activation output

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2
firstName emailAddress

Sample behavior after January 2023 release
Activation output

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2
firstName emailAddress
UI and API validation for required mappings and duplicate mappings (PLAT-123316)

Validation is now enforced as follows in the UI and API when mapping fields in the activate destinations workflow:

  • Required mappings: If the destination has been set up by the destination developer with required mappings (for example, the Google Ad Manager 360 destination), then these required mappings need to be added by the user when activating data to the destination.

  • Duplicate mappings: In the mapping step of the activation workflow, you can add duplicate values in the source fields, but not in the target fields. See the table below for an example of allowed and forbidden mapping combinations.

    table 0-row-3 1-row-3 2-row-3
    Allowed/forbidden Source field Target field
    • email.address
    • email.address
    • emailalias1
    • email alias2
    • email.address
    • hashed.emails
    • emailalias1
    • emailalias1

For more general information on destinations, refer to the destinations overview.

Experience Data Model (XDM) xdm

XDM is an open-source specification that provides common structures and definitions (schemas) for data that is brought into Adobe Experience Platform. By adhering to XDM standards, all customer experience data can be incorporated into a common representation to deliver insights in a faster, more integrated way. You can gain valuable insights from customer actions, define customer audiences through segments, and use customer attributes for personalization purposes.

New or updated features

Schema tree display name improvements
Previously, field names were displayed in the UI but now, the display names for schema fields on the schema canvas are more human-friendly to read.

New XDM components

Component type
A class for tracking conversion data like currency conversions.
Field group
Currency Conversion Rate Details
A field group for the Conversion class, capturing additional details related to currency conversion.
Field group
Consent policies evaluation results map with metadata
Captures details for the evaluation result of multiple consent policies, including metadata information about consent policy entrances and exists.

Updated XDM components

Component type
Data type
Advertising details information
The ID field has been renamed to name, and the previous name field is now friendlyName.
Data type
Decision Proposition Details
Added a selectionStrategy field which captures the details of a selection strategy.
Field group
Experience Event - Proposition Interactions
The field group is now compatible with the Journey Step Event class.
Data type
Error details information
The ID field has been renamed to name.
Data type
Media information
Reverted a change in pattern to the video segment property.
Data type
Qoe Data details information
Removed the droppedFrameCount field.
Data type
Session details information
Renamed the isAuthorized field to authorized, and updated its type to a string when it was previously a Boolean.
Data type
Added several new fields: shipDate, trackingNumber, and trackingURL.
Field group
AJO Entity Fields
Added several new fields: journeyNodeID, journeyNodeName, and journeyModeType.
Field group
Consumer Experience Event
The field group is now also compatible with the Summary Metrics class.
Field group
Product Triggers
The productTriggers field is now nested under a weather object.
Field group
Relative Triggers
The relativeTriggers field is now nested under a weather object.
Field group
Severe Triggers
The severeTriggers field is now nested under a weather object.
Field group
Weather Triggers
The weatherTriggers field is now nested under a weather object.
Field group
XDM Related Business Accounts
The field group is now stable.

For more information on XDM in Platform, see the XDM System overview.

Real-Time Customer Profile profile

Adobe Experience Platform enables you to drive coordinated, consistent, and relevant experiences for your customers no matter where or when they interact with your brand. With Real-Time Customer Profile, you can see a holistic view of each individual customer that combines data from multiple channels, including online, offline, CRM, and third party data. Profile allows you to consolidate customer data into a unified view offering an actionable, timestamped account of every customer interaction.

Upcoming deprecation

In order to remove redundancy in the segment membership lifecycle, the Existing status will be deprecated from the segment membership map at the end of March 2023. A follow-up announcement will include the exact deprecation date.

Post deprecation, profiles qualified in a segment will be represented as Realized and profiles disqualified will continue to be represented as Exited. This will bring parity with file-based destinations with Active and Expired segment statuses.

This change could impact you if you’re using enterprise destinations (Amazon Kinesis, Azure Event Hubs, HTTP API) and have automated downstream processes in place, based on the Existing status. Please review your downstream integrations if this is the case for you. If you are interested in identifying newly qualified profiles beyond a certain time, please consider using a combination of the Realized status and the lastQualificationTime in your segment membership map. For more information, please reach out to your Adobe representative.

To learn more about Real-Time Customer Profile, including tutorials and best practices for working with profile data, please begin by reading the Real-Time Customer Profile overview.

Segmentation Service segmentation

Segmentation Service defines a particular subset of profiles by describing the criteria that distinguishes a marketable group of people within your customer base. Segments can be based on record data (such as demographic information) or time series events representing customer interactions with your brand.

New or updated features

Bulk value import in Segment Builder
Segment Builder now supports importing multiple values, either by uploading a CSV or TSV file or by manually inserting comma separated values. More information can be found within the Segment Builder guide.
External audience membership expiration
By default, external audience memberships are retained for 30 days. To retain them for longer, use the validUntil field during the ingestion of audience data.
Platform-generated segment membership expiration
Any segment membership that is in the Exited state for more than 30 days, based on the lastQualificationTime field will be subject to deletion.

For more information on Segmentation Service, please see the Segmentation overview.

Sources sources

Adobe Experience Platform can ingest data from external sources and allows you to structure, label, and enhance that data using Platform services. You can ingest data from a variety of sources such as Adobe applications, cloud-based storage, third-party software, and your CRM system.

Experience Platform provides a RESTful API and an interactive UI that lets you set up source connections for various data providers with ease. These source connections allow you to authenticate and connect to external storage systems and CRM services, set times for ingestion runs, and manage data ingestion throughput.

Allow user access to subfolders of cloud storage sources
You can now define access to a specific subfolder of your cloud storage source when creating a new account. Once created, users will only be able to access data from the permitted subfolder. This feature is available to the following cloud storage sources: Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, Google PubSub, and SFTP.
Beta availability of SugarCRM
SugarCRM sources are now available in beta. Use the SugarCRM Accounts & Contacts and the SugarCRM Events sources to bring data from your SugarCRM account to Experience Platform. For more information, read the SugarCRM overview.