Adobe Experience Platform release notes

Release date: March 30, 2022

New features in Adobe Experience Platform:

Updates to existing features in Adobe Experience Platform:

Audit Logs audit-logs

Experience Platform allows you to audit user activity for various services and capabilities. The audit logs provide information about who did what and when.

New features

Audit logs for Dataset, Schema, Class, Field group, Data type, Sandbox, Destination, Segment, Merge policy, Computed attribute, Product profile and Account (Adobe)
These are the resources which are recorded by audit logs. If the feature is enabled, the audit logs will be automatically collected as activity occurs. You do not need to manually enable log collection.
Export audit logs
The audit logs can be downloaded as a CSV or JSON file. The generated files are saved directly to your machine.

For more information on audit logs in Platform, refer to the audit logs overview.

The Related accounts feature is available for customers of the Real-Time CDP B2B Edition only.

B2B enterprises often have their customer information stored in multiple systems, each including only partial or even conflicting data for the same real-world business entity. This creates a massive challenge of arriving at an accurate view of their customers, therefore reducing the efficiency and effectiveness of their B2B marketing and sales efforts. With the release of related accounts, Real-Time CDP B2B now shows you a list of accounts that are similar to the account you are browsing. You can include the related accounts in your segment definitions to broaden your reach or apply wider criteria in your segments.

Read more about the feature in the following documentation pages:

To learn more about Real-Time CDP B2B Edition, see the overview.

Alerts alerts

Experience Platform allows you to subscribe to event-based alerts for various Platform activities. You can subscribe to different alert rules through the Alerts tab in the Platform user interface, and can choose to receive alert messages within the UI itself or through email notifications.

Updated features

New alert rules
Two new alert rules are now available for sources related to data ingestion. See the overview on alert rules for the updated list of alert types.

For more information on alerts in Platform, refer to the alerts overview.

Dashboards dashboards

Adobe Experience Platform provides multiple dashboards through which you can view important information about your organization’s data, as captured during daily snapshots.

Profile Dashboards

The Profiles dashboard displays a snapshot of the attribute (record) data that your organization has within the Profile store in Experience Platform.

Updated features

Unsegmented Profiles widget
The widget provides the total number of all profiles not attached to any segment. The number generated is accurate as of the last snapshot and represents the opportunity for profile activation across your organization. See the profiles standard widgets documentation for more information.
Unsegmented Profiles Trend widget
This widget provides a line graph illustration for the number of profiles that are not attached to any segment over a given period of time. The trend can be visualized over 30 days, 90 days, and 12 month periods. See the profiles standard widgets documentation for more information.
Unsegmented Profiles by Identity widget
This widget categorizes the total number of unsegmented profiles by their unique identifier. The data is visualized in a bar chart. See the profiles standard widgets documentation for more information.
Single identity profiles widget
This widget provides a count of your organization’s profiles that only have one type of ID type that creates their identity, either an email or ECID. See the profiles standard widgets documentation for more information.

For more information on Profiles dashboards, refer to the Profiles dashboards overview.

Destinations Dashboards

The Destinations dashboard displays a snapshot of the destinations that your organization has enabled within Experience Platform.

Updated features

Destinations count widget
The widget provides the total number of available endpoints where an audience can be activated and delivered within the system. This number includes both active and inactive destinations. See the destinations standard widget documentation for more information.

For more information on Destinations dashboards in Platform, refer to the Destinations dashboards overview.

Data collection data-collection

Platform provides a suite of technologies that allow you to collect client-side customer experience data and send it to the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network where it can be enriched, transformed, and distributed to Adobe or non-Adobe destinations.

New features

Global datastream settings
You can now configure several new global settings when configuring a datastream: geo location, first-party ID cookie, and third-party ID sync. See the section on configuring a datastream in the Datastreams UI guide for more information.
Edge Network Server API
The Server API allows customers to interact with the Experience Platform Edge Network using a new, authenticated endpoint, to power a variety of data collection, personalization, advertising and marketing use cases.

For more information on data collection in Platform, please see the data collection overview.

Query Service query-service

Query Service allows you to use standard SQL to query data in Adobe Experience Platform Data Lake. You can join any datasets from the Data Lake and capture the query results as a new dataset for use in reporting, Data Science Workspace, or for ingestion into Real-Time Customer Profile.

Updated features

The new feature command is used to confirm whether or not a table currently exists in the system. The command returns a boolean value: true if the table does exist, and false if the table does not exist. See the SQL syntax documentation for more information.

For more information on available features, refer to the Query Service overview.

Sources sources

Adobe Experience Platform can ingest data from external sources while allowing you to structure, label, and enhance that data using Platform services. You can ingest data from a variety of sources such as Adobe applications, cloud-based storage, third-party software, and your CRM system.

Experience Platform provides a RESTful API and an interactive UI that lets you set up source connections for various data providers with ease. These source connections allow you to authenticate and connect to external storage systems and CRM services, set times for ingestion runs, and manage data ingestion throughout.

Updated features

New sources now available for B2B usage
You can now use all the available sources on Platform for B2B use cases. See the sources catalog for a complete list of available sources.
General availability of new Oracle Eloqua source
You can now use the Oracle Eloqua source to seamlessly ingest data from your Oracle Eloqua instance (account, campaign, contacts) to Platform. See the documentation on creating an Oracle Eloqua source connection for more information.
API enhancements for Data Landing Zone
The Data Landing Zone source now supports auto-detection of file properties when using the Flow Service API. See the documentation on creating a Data Landing Zone source connection for more information.

To learn more about sources, see the sources overview.
