
The Orders grid lists all current orders and tracks their progress and order status through the workflow. An easy way to understand the basic process is that an order becomes an invoice, and an invoice becomes a shipment. The grid represents the first stage of the process, and is where you can update existing orders and create orders.

Usually, orders are created when customers complete the checkout process from the storefront. However, if a customer needs assistance, you can also access their shopping cart or create an order either from the Orders grid or directly from their customer account.

Orders workspace

The Orders workspace lists all current orders, and gives you the ability to edit existing orders and create orders. Each row in the grid represents a customer order, and each column represents an attribute, or data field. Use the standard controls to sort and filter the list, find orders, and apply actions to selected orders. Use the tabs above the pagination controls to filter the list, change the default view, change and rearrange columns, and export data.

Orders grid

Grid layout

The selection of columns and their order in the grid can be changed according to your preference. The new layout can be saved as a grid view. By default, only nine of 20 available columns are included in the grid.

Order Grid Columns

Change the column selection

In the upper-right corner, click the Columns Column settings ) control and do the following:

  • Select the checkbox of any column that you want to add to the grid.
  • Clear the checkbox of any column that you want to remove from the grid.

Reset the column selection

  1. Click the Columns Column settings ) control.

  2. To reset the grid columns, click Reset.

    The grid layout changes to display only default columns.

Move a column

  1. Click and hold the header of the column.

  2. Drag the column to the new position and release.

Save a grid view

  1. Click the View Eye icon ) control.

  2. Click Save Current View.

  3. Enter a name for the view.

  4. To save all changes, click the arrow (  Arrow icon ).

    The name of the view now appears as the current view.

Change the view

Click the View ( Eye icon ) control. Then, do one of the following:

  • To use a different view, click the name of the view.

  • To change the name of a view, click the Edit Pencil icon ) icon and update the name.

Workspace controls

Create New Order
Creates an order. See Creating an Order for more information.
Go to Archive
Displays the list of archived orders.
Initiates a search for orders based on the current filters.
Defines a set of search parameters used to filter the records that appear in the grid.
Default View
Determines the default column layout of the grid.
Determines the selection of columns and their order in the grid. The column layout can be changed and saved as a view. By default, only some of the columns are included in the grid.
Exports the selected records as a CSV or Excel XML file.


To apply an action to specific orders, select the checkbox in the first column of each order. To select or deselect all orders, use the control at the top of the column.

Order Actions

Lists all actions that can be applied to selected orders. To apply an action to an order or group of orders, select the checkbox in the first column of each order.
Order actions: Cancel / Hold / Unhold / Print Invoices / Print Packing Slips / Print Credit Memos / Print All / Print Shipping Labels / Move to Archive Adobe Commerce (Adobe Commerce only)
Mass Actions
Can be used to select multiple records as the target of action. Select the checkbox in the first column of each record that is subject to the action. Options: Select All / Unselect All / Select Visible / Unselect Visible
Applies the current action to the selected order records.
Opens the order in edit mode.

Column descriptions

Select the checkboxes for the quotes to be subject to an action, or use the selection control in the column header. Options: Select All / Deselect All
A unique, sequential number that is assigned when a new order is saved for the first time.
Purchase Point
Identifies the store view where the order was placed.
Purchase Date
The date and time when the order was placed. It is always displayed according to the default time zone.
Bill-to Name
The name of the person who is responsible to pay for the order.
Ship-to Name
The name of the person to whom the order is to be shipped.
Grand Total (Base)
The grand total of the order.
Grand Total (Purchased)
The grand total of products purchased in the order.
The current order status.
View opens the order in edit mode.
Allocated sources
The sources allocated to that specific order.

Additional columns available:

Billing Address
The billing address of the customer who placed the order.
Shipping Address
The address where the order is to be shipped.
Shipping Information
The method that is to be used to ship the order.
Customer Email
The email address of the person who placed the order.
Customer Group
The customer group to which the person who placed the order is assigned.
The order subtotal, without shipping and handling, and tax.
Shipping and Handling
The amount charged for shipping and handling.
Customer Name
The first and last name of the customer who placed the order.
Payment Method
The method of payment to be used for the order.
Total Refunded
Any amount from the order that is to be refunded to the customer.
Refunded to Store Credit
Adobe Commerce (Adobe Commerce only) Any amount from the order that is to be refunded to the customer’s store credit.
Company Name
Adobe Commerce B2B (Available with Adobe Commerce B2B) The name of the company who placed the order.

The Search box in the upper left of the Orders grid can be used to find specific orders by keyword, or by filtering the order records in the grid.

Search Results

Search for a match

  1. Enter a search term into the page search box.

  2. To display the results, click Search ( Magnifying glass icon ).

  1. To display the selection of search filters, click the Filters ( Funnel icon ) tab.

    Order Filters {width="600" modal="regular"}

  2. Complete as many of the filters as you want to describe the orders that you want to find.

  3. Click Apply Filters to display the results.

Search filters

Purchase Date
Filters the search based on the date purchased. To find orders within a range of dates, enter both the from and to dates.
Filters the search based on order ID.
Grand Total (Base)
Filters the search based on the Grand Total of each order, which includes any credits applied to the order.
Grand Total (Purchased)
Filters the search based on Grand Total of items purchased in each order.
Bill-to Name
Filters the search according to the name of the person who is responsible to pay for the order.
Ship-to Name
Filters the search according to name of the person to whom each order is shipped .
Purchase Point
Filters the search by website, store, or store view where the order was placed.
Filters the search based on order status. Options: Canceled / Closed / Complete / Suspected Fraud / On Hold / Payment Review / PayPal Canceled Reversal / PayPal Reversed / Pending / Pending Payment / Pending PayPal / Processing
Braintree Transaction Source
Filters the search based on transaction source.

Search tools

Apply Filters
Applies all filters to the search results.
Cancels the current search.
Clear All
Clears all search filters.

Troubleshooting resources

For help with troubleshooting order issues, see the following Commerce Support Knowledge Base articles:
