Release Notes: October 2022 release-notes-oct-22
Below you’ll find all the features included in the October '22 release. Check your Adobe Marketo Engage edition for feature availability.

Standard Release Cycle Features standard-release-cycle-features
The following features fall under the standard release cycle and will start to be released on October 14, 2022, with a phased rollout of remaining features over the subsequent weeks. Release features and dates are subject to change. Please check below each feature for its status.
Marketing Data Environment marketing-data-environment
- Program Member Custom Field Sync: Ability to bidirectionally sync extensible fields captured for a program member (e.g., attendee preferences during event registration such as food, sessions, tracks, etc.) with Campaign Member Fields in Salesforce.
- Adobe Privacy Service Integration: Harmonize with Privacy Service to automate compliance with data privacy regulations across Experience Cloud products. Currently, this service is only available to Marketo Engage customers that have onboarded to the Adobe Identity Management System.
Next-generation Experience modern-ux
Updated Screens in the Next-Generation Experience: We’re delivering additional, refreshed screens in the next-generation experience that offer an updated design and usability enhancements accessible via toggle switch:
- Landing Page Template Details
- Email Template List
- Enhanced Used by tab in Email Template Details: In the new experience, you will see additional information related to assets using the email template, including Asset Status, Last Modified, and Last Modified By. You can also search, sort, and filter the list of used by assets.
- Report Asset Filter Modals: New design for report configuration modals displaying a new asset tree in the configuration menu and a filter for Date Created and Modified.
API Enhancements api-enhancements
- Bulk Lead Import: Salesperson association: Parity with Lead REST API to able to associate leads with Salespersons during the bulk lead import process, reducing complexity and the number of API calls required.
Sales Insight sales-insight
- Sales Insight Integration with Dynamic Chat: Insights Dashboard now includes Dynamic Chat activities in the Smart Grid along with a weekly summary and detail cards.
Agile Release Features
The following features follow an Agile format and are released on various dates before or after the standard release date. Please check below each feature for its status.
- Auto Arrange Dialogue streams for Dynamic Chat: Improve your crowded Dialogue canvas by organizing everything on the canvas into a clean and easy to read format with the press of a button through Auto Arrange.
- Meeting Links for Dynamic Chat: Option to automatically include a Teams or Meet link for Google and Outlook in every calendar invite that’s sent to visitors.
- Support additional data types for Dynamic Chat: Three new data types (boolean, integer, float) allow you to leverage more existing Marketo Engage fields in Dynamic Chat for things like targeting based on scores or asking visitors yes/no questions.
Announcements announcements
Forms 1.0: The deprecation of Forms 1.0 will be completed with the October release. Forms 1.0 assets will no longer be able to submit data to Marketo Engage and will return errors if attempted.
No-Script Forms: Forms will no longer function when Javascript is disabled in the browser. Form submission will require Javascript be enabled.