Meeting Booking Availability

Set your time zone and time/day of week availabilty to receive meeting bookings.

Meeting durationDetermines the length of time visitors will see in your available meeting slots.
Buffer time between meetingsAmount of time you set as a buffer for after the meeting. If you set it for 30 minutes, no one will be able to book a meeting with you until 30 minutes after the scheduled end of a meeting on your calendar.
You can select multiple blocks of time on the same day (e.g., Friday from 8a-12p and 1p-5p) by clicking the + sign on the right.

Live Chat Availability

Set your time zone and time/day of week availabilty to receive live chats.

If you’re logged in to the app, you’ll receive an in-app notification of an incoming chat. If you’re not logged in, you’ll receive a browser notification (if you’ve set that up).

The availability toggle in the Agent Inbox will override what you enter in the Live Chat Availability tab. So if you’re scheduled as available from 1p-5p but need to take a quick break at 3p, you don’t need to alter your agent settings. Availability toggle status will remain until you manually change it, or until the next block of time in your availability is reached.
You can select multiple blocks of time on the same day (e.g., Friday from 8a-12p and 1p-5p) by clicking the + sign on the right.
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Marketo Engage