Stream Designer stream-designer

There are many stream combinations possible. This article contains an example where the marketer asks the site visitor if they have any product questions. If yes, the visitor can schedule an appointment. If no, the visitor is given the option to join a mailing list for future correspondence. They’re also offered a free PDF. The ultimate goal is either scheduling an appointment or collecting the visitor’s email.

Before you can use the Document card, you must first set it up in your Adobe account.

Stream Designer Cards stream-designer-cards

The Stream Designer contains multiple cards you can add to shape the chat conversation.

Use when you want to make a statement with no response necessary (ex: "Hi! All items are 25% off today with code SAVE25").
Use when you want to ask a multiple choice question, of which you supply the available responses (ex: What type of vehicle are you interested in? Responses = SUV, Compact, Truck, etc.).
Allows you to embed PDF documents in Dialogues and track document engagement activity of visitors (how many pages were viewed, if the document was downloaded, and/or any search terms that were used).
Information capture
Use when you want to collect information (e.g., name, email address, job title, etc.). After you choose which field to attribute their response to, you can choose from letting the visitor type in their response, or select options from a picklist that you determine (tip: the latter can help with database cleanliness). You can also choose to overwrite whatever data you currently have listed for them with their response, or, skip the question entirely if you already have a value for them.
Meeting booking
Provides the visitor with a calendar of available dates to schedule a meeting. Choose the calendar availability via round robin, a specific agent, or using custom rules. Click Add Attribute if you want to capture the agent's name or email address and assign it to the chat visitor's person record for future querying (tip: create a custom field to map the agent's info to as to not overwrite a standard Marketo Engage field).
This is the only card the visitors won't see. It's for you to determine at which point a goal is achieved within the specific chat (ex: if collecting the visitor's email is your goal, place the Goal card immediately after Info Capture in the stream).

Similar to hidden fields in a form, with the action card you can populate any lead or company attribute (that has a string data type) with implicit values that you'd like to capture against a lead record. You can add the action card at any point in the conversation and update respective attributes with a value or native tokens that automatically populate the respective value.

* This card requires Dynamic Chat Prime. Please contact the Adobe Account Team (your Account Manager) for details.

Live chat

Use the live chat card when you want visitors to chat with a live agent.

  • The live chat card must be the last card in the branch.

  • Visitors will be routed to an agent as soon as they reach this card in the stream, so it's recommended to precede this card with a question card asking visitors if they'd like to chat with a live agent.

Generated responses*

Create a message for the visitor for when they reach a certain point in the conversation. Set a number of questions they can ask in one go to achieve your desired key performance indicator.

* This card requires Dynamic Chat Prime. Please contact the Adobe Account Team (your Account Manager) for details.

Conditional branching
Create branches in your Dialogue flows based on different conditions. Present different content to different people in the same Dialogue based off of lead and company attributes in Marketo Engage.
Conversational Flow
Streamline multiple steps in a flow within your Dialogues by using the Conversational Flow card.

Stream Designer Icons stream-designer-icons

In the upper-right of the Stream Designer, you’ll see a handful of icons. Here’s what they do.

Zooms in, creating larger cards
Zooms out, creating smaller cards
Opens a window for you to test your chat (press the same button to close)
Allows you to search card types or content within your stream
Arranges all of the cards in your stream

Create a Stream create-a-stream

You can create streams for Dialogues or Conversational Forms. In this example, we’ll create one for a Dialogue.

  1. After you’ve created your Dialogue, click the Stream Designer tab.

  2. Drag and drop the Question card.

  3. Under Chatbot Response, word your question how you’d like.

    note tip
    You can customize the experience for chat visitors!
    • Click the “insert HTML” icon </> to insert your own HTML for the desired look and feel of the conversation.

    • Use tokens for known chat visitors to personalize their experience (ex: Hello {{lead.leadFirstName:""}}). Click the curly bracket icon {} and make your selection. Add a default value between the quotes if you want anonymous visitors to see something generic (ex: Hello {{lead.leadFirstName:"there"}}).

    note note
    Poke is set to on by default, which displays the opening question next to the chat icon without the visitor having to click on it to see it. Poke is only available on the first card in the conversation.
  4. Enter your User Responses and click Save.

    note note
    Edit Stored Values is an optional step for those who’d like to store a different value in the database than what’s being displayed to visitors in the chatbot for mapped attributes in the Question card (ex: visitor sees “Search Engine Optimization,” you store that value as “SEO.”).
  5. For “Yes” we want to schedule an appointment, so below that option drag over the Appointment Scheduler card.

  6. In the column on the right, click Save.

  7. Since that’s a goal, drag the Goal card below the Appointment Scheduler.

  8. Name your goal (or choose an existing one) and click Save.

  9. For “No” we want to see if they’ll join the mailing list, so below that option drag over another Question card.

  10. Enter your response, and add response choices for the visitor. Click Save when done.

    note note
    You can add more responses by clicking Add Response.
  11. Below the “Yes” response, drag over the Info Capture card so you can collect the visitor’s email.

  12. Click the Type drop-down and select Email.

  13. Enter a chatbot message and placeholder. Make sure the attribute is mapped to the appropriate field in Marketo Engage and click Save.

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 html-authored no-header
    Type The type of info you want to capture: Phone, Text, Email.
    Chatbot Message The message the visitor sees prompting them to provide the info.
    Placeholder Sample text helping the visitor see what to enter.
    Map Response to Attribute Allows you to sync the vistor's response to the corresponding field in their Person record in your Marketo Engage subscription.
  14. Since collecting their email is a goal, drag the Goal card below Info Capture.

  15. Name your goal (or choose an existing one) and click Save.

  16. Remember to add a response if they say “No.” One option is to drag a Message card below and say “thanks anyway.” But in this example, we’ll provide them with a free PDF document instead.

  17. In this example we’ll create a new document. Give it a name, enter the URL to the PDF you already have hosted, and click Save.

  18. Select the Preview toggle to preview your Dialogue.

  19. When you’re ready to activate your Dialogue, click Publish.

Before clicking Publish, remember to make sure you’ve entered your target URL(s).