Configure push notification channel push-notification-configuration

Journey Optimizer allows you to create your journeys and send messages to targeted audience. Before beginning to send push notifications with Journey Optimizer, you need to ensure configurations and integrations are in place on the mobile app and for tags in Adobe Experience Platform. To understand the Push Notifications data flow in Adobe Journey Optimizer please refer to this page.

The new mobile onboarding quick start workflow is now available. Use this new product feature to rapidly configure the Mobile SDK to start collecting and validating mobile event data, and to send mobile push notifications. This capability is accessible via the Data Collection home page as a public beta. Learn more

Before starting before-starting

Set up permissions setup-permissions

Before creating a mobile application, you first need to make sure that you have or assign the correct user permissions for tags in Adobe Experience Platform. Learn more in Tags documentation.

Push configuration must be performed by an expert user. Depending on your implementation model and personas involved in this implementation, you might need to assign the full set of permissions to a single product profile or share permissions between the app developer and the Adobe Journey Optimizer administrator. Learn more about Tags permissions in this documentation.

To assign Property and Company rights, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the Admin Console.

  2. From the Products tab, select the Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection card.

  3. Select an existing Product Profile or create a new one with the New profile button. Learn how to create a new New profile in the Admin console documentation.

  4. From the Permissions tab, select Property rights.

  5. Click Add all. This will add the following right to your product profile:

    • Approve
    • Develop
    • Manage Environments
    • Manage Extensions
    • Publish

    These permissions are required to install and publish the Adobe Journey Optimizer extension and publish the app property in Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK.

  6. Then, select Company rights in the left-hand menu.

  7. Add the following rights:

    • Manage App Configurations
    • Manage Properties

    These permissions are required for the mobile app developer to set up push credentials in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection and define Push Notification channel surfaces (i.e. message presets) in Adobe Journey Optimizer.

  8. Click Save.

To assign this Product profile to users, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the Admin Console.

  2. From the Products tab, select the Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection card.

  3. Select your previously configured Product profile.

  4. From the Users tab, click Add user.

  5. Type in your user’s name or email address and select the user. Then, click Save.

    note note
    If the user was not previously created in the Admin console, refer to the Add users documentation.

Configure your app configure-app

The technical setup involves close collaboration between the app developer and business administrator. Before starting sending push notifications with Journey Optimizer, you need to define settings in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection and integrate your mobile app with Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs.

Follow implementation steps detailed in the links below:

  • For Apple iOS: Learn how to register your app with APNs in Apple Documentation
  • For Google Android: Learn how to setup up a Firebase Cloud Messaging client app on Android in Google Documentation

Integrate your mobile app with Adobe Experience Platform SDK integrate-mobile-app

Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK provides client-side integration APIs for your mobiles via Android and iOS compatible SDKs. Follow Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK documentation to get setup with Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs in your app.

By the end of this, you should have also created and configured a mobile property in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection. You will typically create a mobile property for each mobile application you want to manage. Learn how to create and configure a mobile property in Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK documentation.

Step 1: Add your app push credentials in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection push-credentials-launch

After granting the correct user permissions, you now need to add your mobile application push credentials in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection.

The mobile app push credential registration is required to authorize Adobe to send push notifications on your behalf. Refer to the steps detailed below:

  1. From Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection, select the App Surfaces tab in the left-hand panel.

  2. Click Create App Surface to create a new configuration.

  3. Enter a Name for the configuration.

  4. From Mobile Application Configuration, select the Operational system:

    • For iOS

      1. Enter the mobile app Bundle Id in the App ID (iOS Bundle ID) field. The app Bundle ID can be found in the General tab of the primary target in XCode.

      2. Switched on the Push Credentials button to add your credentials.

      3. Drag and drop your .p8 Apple Push Notification Authentication Key file. This key can be acquired from the Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles page.

      4. Provide the Key ID. This is a 10 character string assigned during the creation of p8 auth key. It can be found under Keys tab in Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles page.

      5. Provide the Team ID. This is a string value which can be found under the Membership tab.

    • For Android

      1. Provide the App ID (Android package name): usually the package name is the app id in your build.gradle file.

      2. Switched on the Push Credentials button to add your credentials.

      3. Drag and drop the FCM push credentials. For more details on how to get the push credentials refer to Google Documentation.

  5. Click Save to create your app configuration.

Step 2: Configure Adobe Journey Optimizer Extension in your mobile property configure-journey-optimizer-extension

The Adobe Journey Optimizer extension for Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs powers push notifications for your mobile apps and helps you collects user push tokens and manages interaction measurement with Adobe Experience Platform services.

Learn how to setup Journey Optimizer extension in Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK documentation.

Step 3: Test your mobile app with an event mobile-app-test

After configuring your mobile app in both Adobe Experience Platform and in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection, you can now test it before sending push notifications to your profiles. In this use case, we create a journey to target our mobile app and set an event which triggers the push notification.

For this journey to work, you need to create an XDM schema. For more information, refer to XDM documentation.

  1. In the DATA MANAGEMENT menu section, click Schemas.

  2. Click Create schema, in the top right, select Experience Event and click Next.

  3. Enter a name and description for your schema and click Finish.

  4. In the Field groups section, on the left, click Add and select Create a new field group.

  5. Enter a Display Name and a Description. Click Add field groups when done. For more information on how to create field groups, refer to XDM System documentation.

  6. On the left side, select the schema. In the right pane, enable this schema for Profile.

  7. On the left side, select the field group, then click the + icon to create a new field. In the Field groups properties, on the right side, type in a Field name, Display name and select String as Type.

  8. Check Required and click Apply.

  9. Click Save. Your schema is now created and can be used in an event.

You then need to set up an event.

  1. From the left menu of the home page, under ADMINISTRATION, select Configurations. The click Manage in the Events section to create your new event.

  2. Click Create Event, the event configuration pane opens on the right side of the screen.

  3. Enter the name of your event. You can also add a description.

  4. In the Event ID type field, select Rule Based.

  5. In the Parameters, select your previously created schema.

  6. In the list of fields, check that the field created in the schema field group is selected.

  7. Click Edit in the Event ID condition field. Drag and drop your previously added field to define the condition that will be used by the system to identify the events that trigger your journey.

  8. Type in the syntax that you will need to use to trigger your push notification in your test app, in this example order confirmation.

  9. Select ECID as your Namespace.

  10. Click Ok then Save.

Your event is now created and can now be used in a journey.

  1. In the left menu, click Journeys.

  2. Click Create Journey to create a new journey.

  3. Edit the journey’s properties in the configuration pane displayed on the right side. Learn more in this section.

  4. Start by drag and dropping the event created in the previous steps from the Events drop-down.

  5. From the Actions drop-down, drag and drop a Push activity to your journey.

  6. Configure the push notification. For more information on how to create push notifications, refer to this page.

  7. Click the Test toggle to start testing your push notifications and click Trigger an event.

  8. Enter your ECID in the Key field then type in order confirmation in the second field.

  9. Click Send.

Your event will be triggered and you will receive your push notification to your mobile app.

Step 4: Create a channel surface for push message-preset

Once your mobile app has been set up in in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection, you need to create a surface to be able to send push notifications from Journey Optimizer.

Learn how to create and configure a channel surface in this section.

You are now ready to send push notifications with Journey Optimizer.

  • Learn how to create a push message in this page.
  • Learn how to add a message to a journey in this section.