Field name | Type | Field path | Description | Enumeration | Schema |
Identifier | string | _id | A unique identifier for the time-series event. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > address | The technical address, for example, '' as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Email Namespace | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > namespace | Email namespace associated with the email address in the consent preferences in the Profile, e.g. email or Email | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
IP Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > outboundIP | Outbound IP address of the customer used to deliver the message. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Feedback Status | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > feedbackStatus | Provide status of a delivery attempt across different channels(Email,Push,SMS etc.), Not all enums are used for all the channels, so follow the detailed documentation. | error: Message processing failed exclude: Message profile filtered out sent: Message sent bounce: Message bounced delay: Message delayed duplicate: Duplicate message skipped denylist: Invalid destination skipped delivered: Message Delivered | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Exclude Code | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageExclusion > code | Provide top level exclusion reason, like typology rule, mandatory parameter missing. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Exclude Reason | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageExclusion > reason | Provide exclusion subcode, like exact typology rule-id. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Failure Category | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > category | Classifies whether it is a sync bounce or async bounce. | sync: The delivery failed synchronously. async: The delivery failed asynchronously. | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Failure Code | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > code | Failure code for a failed delivery attempt. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Failure Reason | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > reason | Failure reason for a failed delivery attempt. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Failure Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > type | Classifies whether it is a soft bounce or hard bounce. | soft: The reason for failed delivery is temporary. hard: The reason for failed delivery is permanent. | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Offer details | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers | Describes offer(s) involved in a message feedback. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Offer Activity ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > activityID | Unique Offer Decision identifier. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Offer Count | integer | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > offerCount | Count of offers included in the offer proposition. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Offer ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > offerID | Unique Identifier for Offer. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > placementID | Unique Identifier for Offer Placement. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Proposition ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > propositionID | Unique Identifier for Offer Proposition. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Proposition Time | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > propositionTime | Time at which the Offer proposition was generated. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Offer Decision Scope ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > scopeID | Unique Offer Decison Scope identifier(offer-activity-id+placement-id BASE64 encoded). | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Retry Count | integer | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > retryCount | Number of failed attempts before the current event. The retryCount starts with '0', for message which is sent in first attempt will have 'retryCount' as 0. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
AJO Campaign ID (deprecated) | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > ajoCampaignID | Unique ID of the AJO Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
AJO Campaign Version ID (deprecated) | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > ajoCampaignVersionID | Version ID of the AJO Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Batch Instance ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > batchInstanceID | GUID created at invocation of each new batch instance for a scheduled Journey or Campaign Action. E.g: If a scheduled Journey or Campaign Action runs at 8.00am and 10.00am, there will be two separate different batchInstanceID’s. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Campaign Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignActionID | Action ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Campaign ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignID | Unique ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Campaign Version ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignVersionID | Version ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Journey Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyActionID | Journey Action ID, for which MessageExecution is triggered. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
JourneyVersion ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionID | JourneyVersion Id triggerieng the MessageExecution. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
JourneyVersion Instance ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionInstanceID | Identifier of the journey version instance, specific to one individual (uuid). | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Journey Version Node ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionNodeID | Identifier of the journey version node, triggering the Message Execution. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
MessageExecution ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageExecutionID | The CJM activity originating this message. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Message ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageID | Unique ID representing a non-personalized message sent to the end user. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Message Publication ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messagePublicationID | The Publication ID of parent Message ID of a MessageExecution originating this message. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Message Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageType | Message Type, whether it's marketing or transactional message | marketing: Marketing transactional: Transactional | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Experience channel | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > channel | Experience channel related to the ExperienceEvent. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
isSendTimeOptimized | boolean | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > isSendTimeOptimized | True if the message execution is send time optimized. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
isTestExecution | boolean | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > isTestExecution | True if the message is sent as Test Execution. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
MessageProfile ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > messageProfileID | A unique id refers to every single message sent as part of a MessageExecution activity. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Content Variant | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > variant | A message execution can have multiple variants e.g. Multilingual (translated variants for the same content) or A/B testing (different content to test what works better) but a message delivered to a recipient always contains one of them. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Push Platform | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > pushChannelContext > platform | Push provider service, e.g. apns or fcm | apns: Apple Push Notification service fcm: Firebase cloud messaging service | Message Feedback Event Schema |
SMS Provider | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > smsChannelContext > smsProvider | SMS provider , e.g. sinch or twilio | sinch: Sinch sms provider twilio: Twilio sms provider vibes: Vibes sms Provider | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Proposition Action | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction | The specific element that was interacted with which caused the proposition event to be triggered. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
id | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction > id | The customer generated id of the element with which the end-user interacted. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
label | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction > label | The customer generated display name of the element with which the end-user interacted. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Proposition Event | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType | A record of how the user interacted with the proposition. All propositions recorded on this event will be associated with the same event that is recorded here. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
dismiss | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > dismiss | User dismissed or rejected the proposition without any other direct interaction. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
display | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > display | Proposition was displayed to the user. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
interact | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > interact | User interacted with the proposition, usually in a positive way. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
send | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > send | Proposition was sent to the client. This does not guarantee the proposition arrived or was displayed to the user. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
trigger | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > trigger | Proposition was chosen to be displayed by the client SDK. Other factors may prevent it from actually being displayed. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
unsubscribe | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > unsubscribe | User has requested to not be shown the proposition in the future. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Involved Propositions | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions | An array of decision propositions that contributed to the experience event. The experience event is attributed (at least partially) to those prior decisions/propositions. An individual profile's proposition-response history is maintained with these decision identifiers. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Event Details (deprecated) | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision event when it occured. (deprecated) | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Algorithm Reference | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Experience Reference | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > experienceID | Unique identifier for the proposition's content. Recipients of propositions with the same value will receive the same content experience in the targeted placements. Moreover, propositions with the same value to the same user mean that the content of the propositions has not changed. Propositions with values indicate that the decision selections are different and a different experience resulted from the decision. Note that adding a placement to the decision scope always changes the experience value. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to serve this decision. Contextual indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Decision Event Identifier (deprecated) | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventID | The unique identifier of the decision event that proposed the 'items' (options). For a given decision request and profile identity the output of the decision is a unique event. If a decision is requested again for the same profile and the output are the same options, it is still considered a different proposition with a unique event ID. Multiple propositions can be associated with the same decision event. See (deprecated) | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Event Scope (deprecated) | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScope | The scope that is associated with the decision. This is the name of the scope that was in the request when the decision was made. See | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Event Scope Details (deprecated) | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision scope. This is the state of the scope entity that was used in the decision requst. (deprecated) | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity | The activity that was a requested or chosen for this decision scope. Some scopes will prescribe the exact activity (why and how) that makes the decision, other scopes will use a dynamic strategy determine which activity is used. Those scopes will list executionDetails for steps that were performed during decision-making. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision activity object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity End Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > endTime | Activity end date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'endTime' property defined on | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Fallback Option | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > fallback | The reference to a fallback option that is used when decisioning in the context of this activity does not qualify any of the regular options (this typically happens when hard constraints are applied). The value is the URI (@id) of the fallback option that is referenced. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the decision activity. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > name | Activity name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity Start Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > startTime | Activity start date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'startTime' property defined on | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Scope Details Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular scope details. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Correlation Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > correlationID | The campaign, journey, or other object to which this activity can be correlated. This string will often be further classified in the reporting engine. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Provider | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > decisionProvider | The provider that was asked to make the decision. This dimension is used when mutliple services can make decisions for the same placement or activity. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Selected Experience Option | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > experience | The experience that was selected when the decision was made. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Experience Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > experience > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > id | The unique identifier of the decision scope. For a given decision request a scope narrows the decision process along multiple dimensions. The scope is referencable by its identifier. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Interaction Measurements used in this Scope | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements | The interaction measurements determine how inteaction event properties are interpreted (mapped) into outcomes for the propositions. Outcomes could be measured as the number of successes or failures or by a quantitative metric. An outcome can have a nominal value (e.g. success/failure), ordinal (rating value gathered) or numerical value (e.g. a measurable quantity). | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Event observation | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation | A qualification that is evaluated against the experience event to test if a measurable outcome has been achieved. This mapping could check if the value of a property matches a given constant or could be a more complex evaluation. An outcome will be recorded with the event if and only if the implied condition evaluates to 'true' | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Field name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > field | The field that contains the observed value. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Mapping type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > mapping | Indicator for how the observation is mapped into an outcome value | direct: Direct eventTypeValue: Event Type Value fieldValue: Field Value predicate: Predicate | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Observation mapping | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > value | The expression or term that defines how the outcome is derived from the observation. The presence and interpretation of this 'value' is based on the 'mapping' type | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Interaction outcome measurement | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome | The definition of a measurement for the outcome. A property path and value is specified where a measured outcome for the interaction is recorded. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Outcome identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > _id | Unique value that identifies the outcome of the interaction (nominal value). | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Outcome property path | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > field | Property path where the outcome is inserted into the XDM event. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement | The placement that was a requested as part of this decision scope. A scope will include a specification of the location or surface where the option will be presented. The placement narrows the options that can be proposed to those that can be represented or rendered in that place. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > _repo > etag | The revision that the placement object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement's Channel Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > channelID | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See '' | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > id | A unique identifier for the decision placement. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > name | Placement name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Strategy Step Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies | The steps that were executed when the decision was made. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Algorithm Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Execution Step | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > step | Indicator for the step type in the overall decision strategy | profile: Profile Merge Policy eligibility: Eligibility Policy suppression: Suppression Policy ranking: Ranking Function capping: Capping Counter | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Step's Strategy Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > strategyID | The unique identifier of the step's strategy. When executing a decision various steps are performed. Each step is performed according to a strategy or policy and the chosen idetifier is recorded to measure its performance. This identifier could be the URI of a profile merge policy, an eligibility rule, a ML ranking strategy, a function that calculates the rank, a capping threshold or any object that signficantly contributes to the decision result. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to compute this decision. 'Contextual Traffic' indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Treatment Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > treatmentID | Identifier for the experiment treatment or traffic allocation strategy that was selected for the decision. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Proposition Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > id | The unique identifier of the proposition that originally contained the decision options that are being acted upon (see the corresponding 'items' field in this object). When this identifier is present, direct attribution is given to a unique proposition. If the identifier is missing, the action for the items could not be assiciated with a unique proposition. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Selected Options | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items | One or more of the previously proposed options that this experience event is related to. Those items were returned as output of the decision for a requested scope and are now part of an interaction. For instance, if the decision returned five proposed videos to watch and the user selected two in a "Save For Later" interaction, then this experience event could record the user's reaction with an event type "custom.savedToWatchLater" and list the two selected videos in the 'items' array. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsProfile > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsTotal > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Option ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision option object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Option Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular decision option. Different instances can have different characteristics (keys in the map). The characteristics are name value pairs used to distinguish one decision option from others. Characteristics are used as values in content that represents this decision option and as features to analyze and optimize the performance of an option. When every instance has the same attribute or property, that aspect should be modeled as an extension schema that derives from decision option detail. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Option Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Option Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > name | Option name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Option Content | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent | Additional properties or attributes related to offer content | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Content Component Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _type | Content Component Type. An enumerated set of URIs where each value maps to a type given to the content component. Some consumers of the content representations are expecting the @type value to be a reference to schema that describes additional properties of the content component. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Format | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _dc > format | The physical or digital manifestation of the resource. Typically, Format should include the media-type of the resource. Format may be used to determine the software, hardware or other equipment needed to display or operate the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the list of [Internet Media Types]( assignments/media-types/) defining computer media formats). | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Language | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _dc > language | The language or languages of the resource. Languages are specified in language code as defined in [IETF RFC 3066](, which is part of BCP 47, which is used elsewhere in XDM. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Option Score | number | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > score | Calcuated value for that option in the context of a single scope. The value is only available if a score was calculated. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Option Tags | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > tags | The set of tags associated with this option. The tags are used indicate catetoegies (dimensions) that the option belonged to at the time the proposition was made. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Scope | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scope | The scope that is associated with the decision. This is the name of the scope that was in the request when the decision was made. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Snapshot | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision scope. This is the state of the scope entity that was used in the decision requst. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity | The activity that was a requested or chosen for this decision scope. Some scopes will prescribe the exact activity (why and how) that makes the decision, other scopes will use a dynamic strategy determine which activity is used. Those scopes will list executionDetails for steps that were performed during decision-making. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision activity object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity End Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > endTime | Activity end date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'endTime' property defined on | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Fallback Option | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > fallback | The reference to a fallback option that is used when decisioning in the context of this activity does not qualify any of the regular options (this typically happens when hard constraints are applied). The value is the URI (@id) of the fallback option that is referenced. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the decision activity. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > name | Activity name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity Start Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > startTime | Activity start date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'startTime' property defined on | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Scope Details Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular scope details. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Correlation Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > correlationID | The campaign, journey, or other object to which this activity can be correlated. This string will often be further classified in the reporting engine. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Provider | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > decisionProvider | The provider that was asked to make the decision. This dimension is used when mutliple services can make decisions for the same placement or activity. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Selected Experience Option | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > experience | The experience that was selected when the decision was made. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Experience Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > experience > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > id | The unique identifier of the decision scope. For a given decision request a scope narrows the decision process along multiple dimensions. The scope is referencable by its identifier. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Interaction Measurements used in this Scope | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements | The interaction measurements determine how inteaction event properties are interpreted (mapped) into outcomes for the propositions. Outcomes could be measured as the number of successes or failures or by a quantitative metric. An outcome can have a nominal value (e.g. success/failure), ordinal (rating value gathered) or numerical value (e.g. a measurable quantity). | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Event observation | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation | A qualification that is evaluated against the experience event to test if a measurable outcome has been achieved. This mapping could check if the value of a property matches a given constant or could be a more complex evaluation. An outcome will be recorded with the event if and only if the implied condition evaluates to 'true' | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Field name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > field | The field that contains the observed value. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Mapping type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > mapping | Indicator for how the observation is mapped into an outcome value | direct: Direct eventTypeValue: Event Type Value fieldValue: Field Value predicate: Predicate | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Observation mapping | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > value | The expression or term that defines how the outcome is derived from the observation. The presence and interpretation of this 'value' is based on the 'mapping' type | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Interaction outcome measurement | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome | The definition of a measurement for the outcome. A property path and value is specified where a measured outcome for the interaction is recorded. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Outcome identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > _id | Unique value that identifies the outcome of the interaction (nominal value). | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Outcome property path | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > field | Property path where the outcome is inserted into the XDM event. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement | The placement that was a requested as part of this decision scope. A scope will include a specification of the location or surface where the option will be presented. The placement narrows the options that can be proposed to those that can be represented or rendered in that place. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > _repo > etag | The revision that the placement object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement's Channel Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > channelID | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See '' | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > id | A unique identifier for the decision placement. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > name | Placement name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Strategy Step Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies | The steps that were executed when the decision was made. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Algorithm Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Execution Step | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > step | Indicator for the step type in the overall decision strategy | profile: Profile Merge Policy eligibility: Eligibility Policy suppression: Suppression Policy ranking: Ranking Function capping: Capping Counter | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Step's Strategy Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > strategyID | The unique identifier of the step's strategy. When executing a decision various steps are performed. Each step is performed according to a strategy or policy and the chosen idetifier is recorded to measure its performance. This identifier could be the URI of a profile merge policy, an eligibility rule, a ML ranking strategy, a function that calculates the rank, a capping threshold or any object that signficantly contributes to the decision result. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to compute this decision. 'Contextual Traffic' indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Treatment Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > treatmentID | Identifier for the experiment treatment or traffic allocation strategy that was selected for the decision. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
ExperienceEvent merge ID | string | eventMergeId | An ID to correlate or merge multiple Experience events together that are essentially the same event or should be merged. This is intended to be populated by the data producer prior to ingestion. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Event Type | string | eventType | The primary event type for this time-series record. | advertising.completes: Advertising Completes advertising.timePlayed: Advertising Time Played advertising.federated: Advertising Federated advertising.clicks: Advertising Clicks advertising.conversions: Advertising Conversions advertising.firstQuartiles: Advertising First Quartiles ... | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Identifier | string | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > id | Identity of the consumer in the related namespace. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Primary | boolean | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > primary | Indicates this identity is the preferred identity. Is used as a hint to help systems better organize how identities are queried. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Produced By | string | producedBy | Value that describes the producer of the event - suggested values would be 'self', 'system', 'salesRep', etc. Can be used to filter out certain producers if needed. | self: Self system: System salesRef: Sales Representative customerRep: Customer Representative | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Timestamp | string | timestamp | The time when an event or observation occurred. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Field name | Type | Field path | Description | Enumeration | Schema |
Field name | Type | Field path | Description | Enumeration | Schema |
Identifier | string | _id | A unique identifier for the time-series event. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > address | The technical address, for example, '' as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Email Namespace | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > namespace | Email namespace associated with the email address in the consent preferences in the Profile, e.g. email or Email | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
IP Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > outboundIP | Outbound IP address of the customer used to deliver the message. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
AJO Campaign ID (deprecated) | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > ajoCampaignID | Unique ID of the AJO Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
AJO Campaign Version ID (deprecated) | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > ajoCampaignVersionID | Version ID of the AJO Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Batch Instance ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > batchInstanceID | GUID created at invocation of each new batch instance for a scheduled Journey or Campaign Action. E.g: If a scheduled Journey or Campaign Action runs at 8.00am and 10.00am, there will be two separate different batchInstanceID’s. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Campaign Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignActionID | Action ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Campaign ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignID | Unique ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Campaign Version ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignVersionID | Version ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Journey Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyActionID | Journey Action ID, for which MessageExecution is triggered. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
JourneyVersion ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionID | JourneyVersion Id triggerieng the MessageExecution. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
JourneyVersion Instance ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionInstanceID | Identifier of the journey version instance, specific to one individual (uuid). | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Journey Version Node ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionNodeID | Identifier of the journey version node, triggering the Message Execution. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
MessageExecution ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageExecutionID | The CJM activity originating this message. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Message ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageID | Unique ID representing a non-personalized message sent to the end user. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Message Publication ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messagePublicationID | The Publication ID of parent Message ID of a MessageExecution originating this message. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Message Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageType | Message Type, whether it's marketing or transactional message | marketing: Marketing transactional: Transactional | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
The entity in whose context this event is published | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > entityType | The entity in whose context this event is published | landing_page: Event is related to landing page entity message: Event is related to message entity | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Interaction Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > interactionType | Specify action made by user on a message. | click: Message link clicked. open: Message opened. unsubscribe: Unsubscribed from messages. spam_complaint: Message is marked as spam by the user. subscription: Subscribe / Unsubscribe to a subscription list. submit: Submit message. visit: Message visited. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Tracker URL Label | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > label | Human-Friendly label. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Landing Page Details | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage | Describes landing pages involved in a message interaction. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Additional Data | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > additionalData | Additional data added by the marketer while authoring the landing page. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Form Data | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData | Data filled by the user on the landing page form. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Consent details. | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > consents | Consent details input by the end user in the landing page. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Channel level consent details | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > consents > channel | Consent details specific to channel like email/push etc | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Consent choice | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > consents > channel > additionalProperties > _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > val | Consent choice for the channel. | y: Subscribed to channel n: Unsubscribed to channel p: Subscription Pending u: Subscription Unknown | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Contact address level consent details. | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > consents > idSpecific | Consent details specific to contact address. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Consent choice | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > consents > idSpecific > additionalProperties > _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > val | Consent choice for the contact address. | y: Contact address subscribed n: Contact address unsubscribed p: Subscription Pending u: Subscription Unknown | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Contact address specified by the subscriber. | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > subscriberContactAddress | Contact address specified by the subscriber. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Subscription details. | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > subscriptions | Subscription details input by the end user in the landing page. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Subscription Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > subscriptions > additionalProperties > _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > type | The type of subscription. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Subscription Choice | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > subscriptions > additionalProperties > _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > val | Subscription Choice for the Subscription List. | y: Subscribed to Subscription List n: Unsubscribed to Subscription List p: Subscription Pending u: Subscription Unknown | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Landing Page ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > landingPageID | Unique Identifier for Landing Page. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Landing Page Name | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > landingPageName | Human-Friendly name of landing page. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Source | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > source | Source of the Landing page. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Source Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > sourceType | Type of the Source of Landing Page. | internal: Internal for AJO Landing Page external: External for Non-AJO Landing Page | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Offer Details | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > offers | Describes offer(s) involved in a message interaction. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Offer Activity ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > offers > activityID | Unique Offer Decision identifier. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Offer Count | integer | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > offers > offerCount | Count of offers included in the offer proposition. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Offer ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > offers > offerID | Unique Identifier for Offer. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > offers > placementID | Unique Identifier for Offer Placement. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Proposition ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > offers > propositionID | Unique Identifier for Offer Proposition. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Proposition Time | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > offers > propositionTime | Time at which the Offer proposition was generated. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Offer Decision Scope ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > offers > scopeID | Unique Offer Decison Scope identifier(offer-activity-id+placement-id BASE64 encoded). | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Subscription Details | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > subscription | Describes subscription involved in a message interaction. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Source | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > subscription > source | Source of the Subscription List. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Source Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > subscription > sourceType | Type of the Source of Subscription List. | internal: Internal for AJO Landing Page external: External for Non-AJO Landing Page | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Subscription Choice | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > subscription > subscriptionChoice | Subscription Choice for the Subscription List. | yes: Subscribed to Subscription List no: Unsubscribed to Subscription List pending: Subscription Pending unknown: Subscription Unknown | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Subscription List ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > subscription > subscriptionListID | Unique Identifier for Subscription List. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Link Tags | array | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > tags | The tags present on this link. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
URL Tracking Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > trackingType | The tracking type of the URL. It may be `subscription`, or a user-defined category. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Tracker URL ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > urlID | Unique Identifier of the URL clicked by the user. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Experience channel | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > channel | Experience channel related to the ExperienceEvent. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
isSendTimeOptimized | boolean | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > isSendTimeOptimized | True if the message execution is send time optimized. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
isTestExecution | boolean | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > isTestExecution | True if the message is sent as Test Execution. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
MessageProfile ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > messageProfileID | A unique id refers to every single message sent as part of a MessageExecution activity. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Content Variant | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > variant | A message execution can have multiple variants e.g. Multilingual (translated variants for the same content) or A/B testing (different content to test what works better) but a message delivered to a recipient always contains one of them. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Push Platform | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > pushChannelContext > platform | Push provider service, e.g. apns or fcm | apns: Apple Push Notification service fcm: Firebase cloud messaging service | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
SMS Provider | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > smsChannelContext > smsProvider | SMS provider , e.g. sinch or twilio | sinch: Sinch sms provider twilio: Twilio sms provider vibes: Vibes sms Provider | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Proposition Action | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction | The specific element that was interacted with which caused the proposition event to be triggered. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
id | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction > id | The customer generated id of the element with which the end-user interacted. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
label | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction > label | The customer generated display name of the element with which the end-user interacted. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Proposition Event | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType | A record of how the user interacted with the proposition. All propositions recorded on this event will be associated with the same event that is recorded here. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
dismiss | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > dismiss | User dismissed or rejected the proposition without any other direct interaction. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
display | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > display | Proposition was displayed to the user. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
interact | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > interact | User interacted with the proposition, usually in a positive way. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
send | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > send | Proposition was sent to the client. This does not guarantee the proposition arrived or was displayed to the user. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
trigger | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > trigger | Proposition was chosen to be displayed by the client SDK. Other factors may prevent it from actually being displayed. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
unsubscribe | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > unsubscribe | User has requested to not be shown the proposition in the future. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Involved Propositions | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions | An array of decision propositions that contributed to the experience event. The experience event is attributed (at least partially) to those prior decisions/propositions. An individual profile's proposition-response history is maintained with these decision identifiers. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Event Details (deprecated) | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision event when it occured. (deprecated) | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Algorithm Reference | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Experience Reference | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > experienceID | Unique identifier for the proposition's content. Recipients of propositions with the same value will receive the same content experience in the targeted placements. Moreover, propositions with the same value to the same user mean that the content of the propositions has not changed. Propositions with values indicate that the decision selections are different and a different experience resulted from the decision. Note that adding a placement to the decision scope always changes the experience value. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to serve this decision. Contextual indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Decision Event Identifier (deprecated) | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventID | The unique identifier of the decision event that proposed the 'items' (options). For a given decision request and profile identity the output of the decision is a unique event. If a decision is requested again for the same profile and the output are the same options, it is still considered a different proposition with a unique event ID. Multiple propositions can be associated with the same decision event. See (deprecated) | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Event Scope (deprecated) | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScope | The scope that is associated with the decision. This is the name of the scope that was in the request when the decision was made. See | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Event Scope Details (deprecated) | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision scope. This is the state of the scope entity that was used in the decision requst. (deprecated) | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity | The activity that was a requested or chosen for this decision scope. Some scopes will prescribe the exact activity (why and how) that makes the decision, other scopes will use a dynamic strategy determine which activity is used. Those scopes will list executionDetails for steps that were performed during decision-making. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision activity object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity End Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > endTime | Activity end date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'endTime' property defined on | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Fallback Option | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > fallback | The reference to a fallback option that is used when decisioning in the context of this activity does not qualify any of the regular options (this typically happens when hard constraints are applied). The value is the URI (@id) of the fallback option that is referenced. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the decision activity. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > name | Activity name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Start Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > startTime | Activity start date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'startTime' property defined on | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Scope Details Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular scope details. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Correlation Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > correlationID | The campaign, journey, or other object to which this activity can be correlated. This string will often be further classified in the reporting engine. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Provider | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > decisionProvider | The provider that was asked to make the decision. This dimension is used when mutliple services can make decisions for the same placement or activity. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Selected Experience Option | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > experience | The experience that was selected when the decision was made. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Experience Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > experience > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > id | The unique identifier of the decision scope. For a given decision request a scope narrows the decision process along multiple dimensions. The scope is referencable by its identifier. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Interaction Measurements used in this Scope | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements | The interaction measurements determine how inteaction event properties are interpreted (mapped) into outcomes for the propositions. Outcomes could be measured as the number of successes or failures or by a quantitative metric. An outcome can have a nominal value (e.g. success/failure), ordinal (rating value gathered) or numerical value (e.g. a measurable quantity). | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Event observation | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation | A qualification that is evaluated against the experience event to test if a measurable outcome has been achieved. This mapping could check if the value of a property matches a given constant or could be a more complex evaluation. An outcome will be recorded with the event if and only if the implied condition evaluates to 'true' | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Field name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > field | The field that contains the observed value. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Mapping type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > mapping | Indicator for how the observation is mapped into an outcome value | direct: Direct eventTypeValue: Event Type Value fieldValue: Field Value predicate: Predicate | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Observation mapping | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > value | The expression or term that defines how the outcome is derived from the observation. The presence and interpretation of this 'value' is based on the 'mapping' type | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Interaction outcome measurement | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome | The definition of a measurement for the outcome. A property path and value is specified where a measured outcome for the interaction is recorded. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Outcome identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > _id | Unique value that identifies the outcome of the interaction (nominal value). | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Outcome property path | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > field | Property path where the outcome is inserted into the XDM event. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement | The placement that was a requested as part of this decision scope. A scope will include a specification of the location or surface where the option will be presented. The placement narrows the options that can be proposed to those that can be represented or rendered in that place. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > _repo > etag | The revision that the placement object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement's Channel Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > channelID | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See '' | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > id | A unique identifier for the decision placement. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > name | Placement name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Strategy Step Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies | The steps that were executed when the decision was made. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Algorithm Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Execution Step | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > step | Indicator for the step type in the overall decision strategy | profile: Profile Merge Policy eligibility: Eligibility Policy suppression: Suppression Policy ranking: Ranking Function capping: Capping Counter | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Step's Strategy Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > strategyID | The unique identifier of the step's strategy. When executing a decision various steps are performed. Each step is performed according to a strategy or policy and the chosen idetifier is recorded to measure its performance. This identifier could be the URI of a profile merge policy, an eligibility rule, a ML ranking strategy, a function that calculates the rank, a capping threshold or any object that signficantly contributes to the decision result. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to compute this decision. 'Contextual Traffic' indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Treatment Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > treatmentID | Identifier for the experiment treatment or traffic allocation strategy that was selected for the decision. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Proposition Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > id | The unique identifier of the proposition that originally contained the decision options that are being acted upon (see the corresponding 'items' field in this object). When this identifier is present, direct attribution is given to a unique proposition. If the identifier is missing, the action for the items could not be assiciated with a unique proposition. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Selected Options | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items | One or more of the previously proposed options that this experience event is related to. Those items were returned as output of the decision for a requested scope and are now part of an interaction. For instance, if the decision returned five proposed videos to watch and the user selected two in a "Save For Later" interaction, then this experience event could record the user's reaction with an event type "custom.savedToWatchLater" and list the two selected videos in the 'items' array. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsProfile > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsTotal > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision option object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular decision option. Different instances can have different characteristics (keys in the map). The characteristics are name value pairs used to distinguish one decision option from others. Characteristics are used as values in content that represents this decision option and as features to analyze and optimize the performance of an option. When every instance has the same attribute or property, that aspect should be modeled as an extension schema that derives from decision option detail. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > name | Option name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Option Content | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent | Additional properties or attributes related to offer content | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Content Component Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _type | Content Component Type. An enumerated set of URIs where each value maps to a type given to the content component. Some consumers of the content representations are expecting the @type value to be a reference to schema that describes additional properties of the content component. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Format | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _dc > format | The physical or digital manifestation of the resource. Typically, Format should include the media-type of the resource. Format may be used to determine the software, hardware or other equipment needed to display or operate the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the list of [Internet Media Types]( assignments/media-types/) defining computer media formats). | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Language | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _dc > language | The language or languages of the resource. Languages are specified in language code as defined in [IETF RFC 3066](, which is part of BCP 47, which is used elsewhere in XDM. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Score | number | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > score | Calcuated value for that option in the context of a single scope. The value is only available if a score was calculated. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Tags | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > tags | The set of tags associated with this option. The tags are used indicate catetoegies (dimensions) that the option belonged to at the time the proposition was made. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Scope | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scope | The scope that is associated with the decision. This is the name of the scope that was in the request when the decision was made. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Snapshot | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision scope. This is the state of the scope entity that was used in the decision requst. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity | The activity that was a requested or chosen for this decision scope. Some scopes will prescribe the exact activity (why and how) that makes the decision, other scopes will use a dynamic strategy determine which activity is used. Those scopes will list executionDetails for steps that were performed during decision-making. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision activity object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity End Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > endTime | Activity end date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'endTime' property defined on | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Fallback Option | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > fallback | The reference to a fallback option that is used when decisioning in the context of this activity does not qualify any of the regular options (this typically happens when hard constraints are applied). The value is the URI (@id) of the fallback option that is referenced. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the decision activity. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > name | Activity name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Start Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > startTime | Activity start date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'startTime' property defined on | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Scope Details Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular scope details. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Correlation Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > correlationID | The campaign, journey, or other object to which this activity can be correlated. This string will often be further classified in the reporting engine. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Provider | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > decisionProvider | The provider that was asked to make the decision. This dimension is used when mutliple services can make decisions for the same placement or activity. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Selected Experience Option | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > experience | The experience that was selected when the decision was made. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Experience Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > experience > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > id | The unique identifier of the decision scope. For a given decision request a scope narrows the decision process along multiple dimensions. The scope is referencable by its identifier. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Interaction Measurements used in this Scope | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements | The interaction measurements determine how inteaction event properties are interpreted (mapped) into outcomes for the propositions. Outcomes could be measured as the number of successes or failures or by a quantitative metric. An outcome can have a nominal value (e.g. success/failure), ordinal (rating value gathered) or numerical value (e.g. a measurable quantity). | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Event observation | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation | A qualification that is evaluated against the experience event to test if a measurable outcome has been achieved. This mapping could check if the value of a property matches a given constant or could be a more complex evaluation. An outcome will be recorded with the event if and only if the implied condition evaluates to 'true' | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Field name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > field | The field that contains the observed value. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Mapping type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > mapping | Indicator for how the observation is mapped into an outcome value | direct: Direct eventTypeValue: Event Type Value fieldValue: Field Value predicate: Predicate | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Observation mapping | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > value | The expression or term that defines how the outcome is derived from the observation. The presence and interpretation of this 'value' is based on the 'mapping' type | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Interaction outcome measurement | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome | The definition of a measurement for the outcome. A property path and value is specified where a measured outcome for the interaction is recorded. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Outcome identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > _id | Unique value that identifies the outcome of the interaction (nominal value). | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Outcome property path | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > field | Property path where the outcome is inserted into the XDM event. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement | The placement that was a requested as part of this decision scope. A scope will include a specification of the location or surface where the option will be presented. The placement narrows the options that can be proposed to those that can be represented or rendered in that place. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > _repo > etag | The revision that the placement object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement's Channel Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > channelID | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See '' | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > id | A unique identifier for the decision placement. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > name | Placement name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Strategy Step Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies | The steps that were executed when the decision was made. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Algorithm Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Execution Step | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > step | Indicator for the step type in the overall decision strategy | profile: Profile Merge Policy eligibility: Eligibility Policy suppression: Suppression Policy ranking: Ranking Function capping: Capping Counter | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Step's Strategy Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > strategyID | The unique identifier of the step's strategy. When executing a decision various steps are performed. Each step is performed according to a strategy or policy and the chosen idetifier is recorded to measure its performance. This identifier could be the URI of a profile merge policy, an eligibility rule, a ML ranking strategy, a function that calculates the rank, a capping threshold or any object that signficantly contributes to the decision result. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to compute this decision. 'Contextual Traffic' indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Treatment Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > treatmentID | Identifier for the experiment treatment or traffic allocation strategy that was selected for the decision. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
ExperienceEvent merge ID | string | eventMergeId | An ID to correlate or merge multiple Experience events together that are essentially the same event or should be merged. This is intended to be populated by the data producer prior to ingestion. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Event Type | string | eventType | The primary event type for this time-series record. | advertising.completes: Advertising Completes advertising.timePlayed: Advertising Time Played advertising.federated: Advertising Federated advertising.clicks: Advertising Clicks advertising.conversions: Advertising Conversions advertising.firstQuartiles: Advertising First Quartiles ... | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Identifier | string | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > id | Identity of the consumer in the related namespace. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Primary | boolean | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > primary | Indicates this identity is the preferred identity. Is used as a hint to help systems better organize how identities are queried. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Produced By | string | producedBy | Value that describes the producer of the event - suggested values would be 'self', 'system', 'salesRep', etc. Can be used to filter out certain producers if needed. | self: Self system: System salesRef: Sales Representative customerRep: Customer Representative | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Timestamp | string | timestamp | The time when an event or observation occurred. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Field name | Type | Field path | Description | Enumeration | Schema |
Field name | Type | Field path | Description | Enumeration | Schema |
Identifier | string | _id | A unique identifier for the time-series event. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > address | The technical address, for example, '' as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Email Namespace | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > namespace | Email namespace associated with the email address in the consent preferences in the Profile, e.g. email or Email | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
IP Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > outboundIP | Outbound IP address of the customer used to deliver the message. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
AJO Campaign ID (deprecated) | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > ajoCampaignID | Unique ID of the AJO Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
AJO Campaign Version ID (deprecated) | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > ajoCampaignVersionID | Version ID of the AJO Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Batch Instance ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > batchInstanceID | GUID created at invocation of each new batch instance for a scheduled Journey or Campaign Action. E.g: If a scheduled Journey or Campaign Action runs at 8.00am and 10.00am, there will be two separate different batchInstanceID’s. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Campaign Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignActionID | Action ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Campaign ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignID | Unique ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Campaign Version ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignVersionID | Version ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Journey Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyActionID | Journey Action ID, for which MessageExecution is triggered. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
JourneyVersion ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionID | JourneyVersion Id triggerieng the MessageExecution. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
JourneyVersion Instance ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionInstanceID | Identifier of the journey version instance, specific to one individual (uuid). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Journey Version Node ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionNodeID | Identifier of the journey version node, triggering the Message Execution. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
MessageExecution ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageExecutionID | The CJM activity originating this message. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Message ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageID | Unique ID representing a non-personalized message sent to the end user. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Message Publication ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messagePublicationID | The Publication ID of parent Message ID of a MessageExecution originating this message. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Message Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageType | Message Type, whether it's marketing or transactional message | marketing: Marketing transactional: Transactional | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Experience channel | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > channel | Experience channel related to the ExperienceEvent. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
isSendTimeOptimized | boolean | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > isSendTimeOptimized | True if the message execution is send time optimized. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
isTestExecution | boolean | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > isTestExecution | True if the message is sent as Test Execution. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
MessageProfile ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > messageProfileID | A unique id refers to every single message sent as part of a MessageExecution activity. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Content Variant | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > variant | A message execution can have multiple variants e.g. Multilingual (translated variants for the same content) or A/B testing (different content to test what works better) but a message delivered to a recipient always contains one of them. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Push Platform | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > pushChannelContext > platform | Push provider service, e.g. apns or fcm | apns: Apple Push Notification service fcm: Firebase cloud messaging service | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
SMS Provider | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > smsChannelContext > smsProvider | SMS provider , e.g. sinch or twilio | sinch: Sinch sms provider twilio: Twilio sms provider vibes: Vibes sms Provider | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Proposition Action | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction | The specific element that was interacted with which caused the proposition event to be triggered. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
id | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction > id | The customer generated id of the element with which the end-user interacted. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
label | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction > label | The customer generated display name of the element with which the end-user interacted. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Proposition Event | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType | A record of how the user interacted with the proposition. All propositions recorded on this event will be associated with the same event that is recorded here. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
dismiss | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > dismiss | User dismissed or rejected the proposition without any other direct interaction. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
display | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > display | Proposition was displayed to the user. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
interact | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > interact | User interacted with the proposition, usually in a positive way. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
send | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > send | Proposition was sent to the client. This does not guarantee the proposition arrived or was displayed to the user. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
trigger | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > trigger | Proposition was chosen to be displayed by the client SDK. Other factors may prevent it from actually being displayed. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
unsubscribe | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > unsubscribe | User has requested to not be shown the proposition in the future. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Involved Propositions | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions | An array of decision propositions that contributed to the experience event. The experience event is attributed (at least partially) to those prior decisions/propositions. An individual profile's proposition-response history is maintained with these decision identifiers. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Event Details (deprecated) | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision event when it occured. (deprecated) | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Algorithm Reference | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Experience Reference | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > experienceID | Unique identifier for the proposition's content. Recipients of propositions with the same value will receive the same content experience in the targeted placements. Moreover, propositions with the same value to the same user mean that the content of the propositions has not changed. Propositions with values indicate that the decision selections are different and a different experience resulted from the decision. Note that adding a placement to the decision scope always changes the experience value. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to serve this decision. Contextual indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Decision Event Identifier (deprecated) | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventID | The unique identifier of the decision event that proposed the 'items' (options). For a given decision request and profile identity the output of the decision is a unique event. If a decision is requested again for the same profile and the output are the same options, it is still considered a different proposition with a unique event ID. Multiple propositions can be associated with the same decision event. See (deprecated) | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Event Scope (deprecated) | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScope | The scope that is associated with the decision. This is the name of the scope that was in the request when the decision was made. See | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Event Scope Details (deprecated) | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision scope. This is the state of the scope entity that was used in the decision requst. (deprecated) | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity | The activity that was a requested or chosen for this decision scope. Some scopes will prescribe the exact activity (why and how) that makes the decision, other scopes will use a dynamic strategy determine which activity is used. Those scopes will list executionDetails for steps that were performed during decision-making. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision activity object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity End Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > endTime | Activity end date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'endTime' property defined on | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Fallback Option | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > fallback | The reference to a fallback option that is used when decisioning in the context of this activity does not qualify any of the regular options (this typically happens when hard constraints are applied). The value is the URI (@id) of the fallback option that is referenced. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the decision activity. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > name | Activity name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Start Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > startTime | Activity start date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'startTime' property defined on | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Scope Details Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular scope details. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Correlation Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > correlationID | The campaign, journey, or other object to which this activity can be correlated. This string will often be further classified in the reporting engine. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Provider | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > decisionProvider | The provider that was asked to make the decision. This dimension is used when mutliple services can make decisions for the same placement or activity. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Selected Experience Option | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > experience | The experience that was selected when the decision was made. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Experience Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > experience > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > id | The unique identifier of the decision scope. For a given decision request a scope narrows the decision process along multiple dimensions. The scope is referencable by its identifier. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Interaction Measurements used in this Scope | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements | The interaction measurements determine how inteaction event properties are interpreted (mapped) into outcomes for the propositions. Outcomes could be measured as the number of successes or failures or by a quantitative metric. An outcome can have a nominal value (e.g. success/failure), ordinal (rating value gathered) or numerical value (e.g. a measurable quantity). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Event observation | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation | A qualification that is evaluated against the experience event to test if a measurable outcome has been achieved. This mapping could check if the value of a property matches a given constant or could be a more complex evaluation. An outcome will be recorded with the event if and only if the implied condition evaluates to 'true' | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Field name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > field | The field that contains the observed value. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Mapping type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > mapping | Indicator for how the observation is mapped into an outcome value | direct: Direct eventTypeValue: Event Type Value fieldValue: Field Value predicate: Predicate | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Observation mapping | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > value | The expression or term that defines how the outcome is derived from the observation. The presence and interpretation of this 'value' is based on the 'mapping' type | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Interaction outcome measurement | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome | The definition of a measurement for the outcome. A property path and value is specified where a measured outcome for the interaction is recorded. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Outcome identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > _id | Unique value that identifies the outcome of the interaction (nominal value). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Outcome property path | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > field | Property path where the outcome is inserted into the XDM event. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement | The placement that was a requested as part of this decision scope. A scope will include a specification of the location or surface where the option will be presented. The placement narrows the options that can be proposed to those that can be represented or rendered in that place. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > _repo > etag | The revision that the placement object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement's Channel Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > channelID | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See '' | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > id | A unique identifier for the decision placement. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > name | Placement name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Strategy Step Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies | The steps that were executed when the decision was made. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Algorithm Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Execution Step | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > step | Indicator for the step type in the overall decision strategy | profile: Profile Merge Policy eligibility: Eligibility Policy suppression: Suppression Policy ranking: Ranking Function capping: Capping Counter | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Step's Strategy Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > strategyID | The unique identifier of the step's strategy. When executing a decision various steps are performed. Each step is performed according to a strategy or policy and the chosen idetifier is recorded to measure its performance. This identifier could be the URI of a profile merge policy, an eligibility rule, a ML ranking strategy, a function that calculates the rank, a capping threshold or any object that signficantly contributes to the decision result. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to compute this decision. 'Contextual Traffic' indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Treatment Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > treatmentID | Identifier for the experiment treatment or traffic allocation strategy that was selected for the decision. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Proposition Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > id | The unique identifier of the proposition that originally contained the decision options that are being acted upon (see the corresponding 'items' field in this object). When this identifier is present, direct attribution is given to a unique proposition. If the identifier is missing, the action for the items could not be assiciated with a unique proposition. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Selected Options | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items | One or more of the previously proposed options that this experience event is related to. Those items were returned as output of the decision for a requested scope and are now part of an interaction. For instance, if the decision returned five proposed videos to watch and the user selected two in a "Save For Later" interaction, then this experience event could record the user's reaction with an event type "custom.savedToWatchLater" and list the two selected videos in the 'items' array. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsProfile > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsTotal > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision option object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular decision option. Different instances can have different characteristics (keys in the map). The characteristics are name value pairs used to distinguish one decision option from others. Characteristics are used as values in content that represents this decision option and as features to analyze and optimize the performance of an option. When every instance has the same attribute or property, that aspect should be modeled as an extension schema that derives from decision option detail. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > name | Option name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Option Content | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent | Additional properties or attributes related to offer content | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Content Component Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _type | Content Component Type. An enumerated set of URIs where each value maps to a type given to the content component. Some consumers of the content representations are expecting the @type value to be a reference to schema that describes additional properties of the content component. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Format | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _dc > format | The physical or digital manifestation of the resource. Typically, Format should include the media-type of the resource. Format may be used to determine the software, hardware or other equipment needed to display or operate the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the list of [Internet Media Types]( assignments/media-types/) defining computer media formats). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Language | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _dc > language | The language or languages of the resource. Languages are specified in language code as defined in [IETF RFC 3066](, which is part of BCP 47, which is used elsewhere in XDM. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Score | number | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > score | Calcuated value for that option in the context of a single scope. The value is only available if a score was calculated. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Tags | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > tags | The set of tags associated with this option. The tags are used indicate catetoegies (dimensions) that the option belonged to at the time the proposition was made. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Scope | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scope | The scope that is associated with the decision. This is the name of the scope that was in the request when the decision was made. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Snapshot | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision scope. This is the state of the scope entity that was used in the decision requst. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity | The activity that was a requested or chosen for this decision scope. Some scopes will prescribe the exact activity (why and how) that makes the decision, other scopes will use a dynamic strategy determine which activity is used. Those scopes will list executionDetails for steps that were performed during decision-making. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision activity object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity End Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > endTime | Activity end date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'endTime' property defined on | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Fallback Option | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > fallback | The reference to a fallback option that is used when decisioning in the context of this activity does not qualify any of the regular options (this typically happens when hard constraints are applied). The value is the URI (@id) of the fallback option that is referenced. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the decision activity. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > name | Activity name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Start Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > startTime | Activity start date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'startTime' property defined on | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Scope Details Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular scope details. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Correlation Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > correlationID | The campaign, journey, or other object to which this activity can be correlated. This string will often be further classified in the reporting engine. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Provider | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > decisionProvider | The provider that was asked to make the decision. This dimension is used when mutliple services can make decisions for the same placement or activity. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Selected Experience Option | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > experience | The experience that was selected when the decision was made. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Experience Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > experience > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > id | The unique identifier of the decision scope. For a given decision request a scope narrows the decision process along multiple dimensions. The scope is referencable by its identifier. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Interaction Measurements used in this Scope | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements | The interaction measurements determine how inteaction event properties are interpreted (mapped) into outcomes for the propositions. Outcomes could be measured as the number of successes or failures or by a quantitative metric. An outcome can have a nominal value (e.g. success/failure), ordinal (rating value gathered) or numerical value (e.g. a measurable quantity). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Event observation | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation | A qualification that is evaluated against the experience event to test if a measurable outcome has been achieved. This mapping could check if the value of a property matches a given constant or could be a more complex evaluation. An outcome will be recorded with the event if and only if the implied condition evaluates to 'true' | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Field name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > field | The field that contains the observed value. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Mapping type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > mapping | Indicator for how the observation is mapped into an outcome value | direct: Direct eventTypeValue: Event Type Value fieldValue: Field Value predicate: Predicate | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Observation mapping | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > value | The expression or term that defines how the outcome is derived from the observation. The presence and interpretation of this 'value' is based on the 'mapping' type | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Interaction outcome measurement | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome | The definition of a measurement for the outcome. A property path and value is specified where a measured outcome for the interaction is recorded. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Outcome identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > _id | Unique value that identifies the outcome of the interaction (nominal value). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Outcome property path | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > field | Property path where the outcome is inserted into the XDM event. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement | The placement that was a requested as part of this decision scope. A scope will include a specification of the location or surface where the option will be presented. The placement narrows the options that can be proposed to those that can be represented or rendered in that place. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > _repo > etag | The revision that the placement object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement's Channel Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > channelID | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See '' | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > id | A unique identifier for the decision placement. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > name | Placement name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Strategy Step Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies | The steps that were executed when the decision was made. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Algorithm Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Execution Step | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > step | Indicator for the step type in the overall decision strategy | profile: Profile Merge Policy eligibility: Eligibility Policy suppression: Suppression Policy ranking: Ranking Function capping: Capping Counter | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Step's Strategy Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > strategyID | The unique identifier of the step's strategy. When executing a decision various steps are performed. Each step is performed according to a strategy or policy and the chosen idetifier is recorded to measure its performance. This identifier could be the URI of a profile merge policy, an eligibility rule, a ML ranking strategy, a function that calculates the rank, a capping threshold or any object that signficantly contributes to the decision result. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to compute this decision. 'Contextual Traffic' indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Treatment Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > treatmentID | Identifier for the experiment treatment or traffic allocation strategy that was selected for the decision. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Application | object | application | This fieldgroup is used to capture application information related to an ExperienceEvent, including the name of the application, app version, installs, launches, crashes, and closures. It could be either the application targeted by the event like the send of a push notification or the application originating the event such as a click, or a login. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | application > applicationCloses > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Close Type | string | application > closeType | Type of application close, sent on application isClose. Type is 'close' on graceful termination of an application, or 'unknown' when application termination source is unknown. | close: Close unknown: Unknown | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Unique Identifier | string | application > crashes > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | application > featureUsages > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | application > firstLaunches > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Application Identifier | string | application > id | Identifier of the application. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | application > installs > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Is Close | boolean | application > isClose | Close of an application. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Is Install | boolean | application > isInstall | Install of an application. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Is Launch | boolean | application > isLaunch | Launch of an application. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Is Upgrade | boolean | application > isUpgrade | Upgrade of an application. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | application > launches > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Name | string | application > name | Name of the application. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Session Length | integer | application > sessionLength | Length of the application session in seconds. Usually referred as the time the application was in foreground. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | application > upgrades > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
User Perspective | string | application > userPerspective | The perspective/physical relationship between the user and the app/brand at the time the event happened. The most common are the app being in the foreground with the user directly interacting with it vs the app being in the background and still generating events. Detached means the event was related to the app but didn't come directly from the app like the sending of an email or push notification from an external system. Understanding the perspective of the user in relation to the app helps with accuratly generating sessions as the majority of the time you will not want to include background and detached events as part of an active session. | foreground: Foreground background: Background detached: Detached | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Version | string | application > version | Version of the application. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Device | object | device | An identified device, application or device browser instance that is trackable across sessions, normally by cookies. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Color depth | integer | device > colorDepth | The number of colors the display is able to represent. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Background Push Enabled Flag | boolean | device > isBackgroundPushEnabled | For devices like mobile , this tracks the system background push enabled permision status. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Location Enabled Flag | boolean | device > isLocationEnabled | Indicates whether or not the device has location services enabled. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Push Opt In Flag | boolean | device > isPushOptIn | Indicates whether or not the device opted-in to receive push notifications. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Location Permission | string | device > locationPermission | Tracks the device location permision attribute setting. | SYSTEM_LOCATION_DISABLED: System Location Disabled NOT_ALLOWED: Not Allowed ALWAYS_ALLOWED: Always Allowed FOREGROUND_ALLOWED: Foreground Allowed UNPROMPTED: Unprompted | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Manufacturer | string | device > manufacturer | The name of the organization who owns the design and creation of the device, for example, 'Apple' is the manufacturer of the iPhone. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Model | string | device > model | The name of the model for the device. This is the common, human-readable, or marketing name for the device. For example, the 'iPhone 6S' is a particular model of mobile phone. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Model number | string | device > modelNumber | The unique model number designation assigned by the manufacturer for this device. Model numbers are not versions, but unique identifiers that identify a particular model configuration. While the model for a particular phone might be 'iPhone 6S' the model number would be 'A1633', or 'A1634' based on configuration at the time of sale. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Screen height | integer | device > screenHeight | The number of vertical pixels of the device's active display in the default orientation. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Screen orientation | string | device > screenOrientation | The current screen orientation such as "portrait" or "landscape". | portrait: Portrait landscape: Landscape | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Screen width | integer | device > screenWidth | The number of horizontal pixels of the device's active display in the default orientation. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Type | string | device > type | Type of device being tracked. | mobile: Mobile tablet: Tablet desktop: Desktop ereader: E-reader gaming: Gaming console television: Television settop: Set-top box mediaplayer: Media player computers: Computers tv screens: TV screens | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Type identifier | string | device > typeID | An identifier for the device. This may be an identifier from 'DeviceAtlas' or another service that identifies the hardware that is being used. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Type identifier service | string | device > typeIDService | The namespace of the service that is used to identify the device type. | DeviceAtlas Adobe Campaign | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Environment | object | environment | Information about the surrounding situation the event observation occurred in, specifically detailing transitory information such as the network or software versions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Language | string | environment > _dc > language | The language of the environment to represent the user's linguistic, geographical, or cultural preferences for data presentation. Languages are specified in language code as defined in [IETF RFC 3066](, which is part of BCP 47, which is used elsewhere in XDM. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Internet service provider | string | environment > ISP | The name of the user's internet service provider. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Browser details | object | environment > browserDetails | The browser specific details such as browser name, version, javascript version, user agent string, and accept language. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Accept language | string | environment > browserDetails > acceptLanguage | An IETF language tag (RFC 5646). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Allows cookies | boolean | environment > browserDetails > cookiesEnabled | The current user agent settings allow for the writing of cookies.' | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Java enabled | boolean | environment > browserDetails > javaEnabled | If Java was enabled in the device this observation was made from. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
JavaScript enabled | boolean | environment > browserDetails > javaScriptEnabled | If JavaScript was enabled in the device this observation was made from. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
JavaScript version | string | environment > browserDetails > javaScriptVersion | The version of JavaScript supported during the observation. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Java version | string | environment > browserDetails > javaVersion | The version of Java supported during the observation. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Name | string | environment > browserDetails > name | The application or browser name. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Quicktime version | string | environment > browserDetails > quicktimeVersion | The version of Apple Quicktime supported during the observation. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Allows third-party cookies | boolean | environment > browserDetails > thirdPartyCookiesEnabled | If third-party cookies were enabled when this observation was made. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
User agent | string | environment > browserDetails > userAgent | The HTTP user-agent string from the client request. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Platform architecture | string | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > architecture | The user agent's underlying CPU architecture (e.g., ARM, or x86). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Platform bitness | string | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > bitness | The user agent's underlying CPU architecture bitness (e.g., 32 or 64). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Brand | string | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > brands > items > brand | The user-agent's commercial name (e.g., cURL, Edge). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Significant version | string | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > brands > items > version | The marketing version which includes distinguishable web-exposed features (e.g., 72, 3, or 12.1), corresponding to the user-agent. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Mobileness | boolean | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > mobile | A boolean indicating if the user agent's device is a mobile device. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Model | string | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > model | The user agent's device model (e.g., Pixel 2 XL). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Platform | string | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > platform | The user agent's operating system's commercial name. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Platform version | string | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > platformVersion | The user agent's operating system's version (e.g., NT 6.0, 15, or 17G). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
WoW64-ness | boolean | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > wow64 | A boolean indicating if the user agent's binary is running in 32-bit mode on 64-bit Windows. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Vendor | string | environment > browserDetails > vendor | The application or browser vendor. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Version | string | environment > browserDetails > version | The application or browser version. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Viewport height | integer | environment > browserDetails > viewportHeight | The vertical size in pixels of the window the experience was displayed inside. For a web view event, the browser viewport height. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Viewport width | integer | environment > browserDetails > viewportWidth | The horizontal size in pixels of the window the experience was displayed inside. For a web view event, the browser viewport width. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Mobile network carrier | string | environment > carrier | A mobile network carrier or MNO, also known as a wireless service provider, wireless carrier, cellular company, or mobile network carrier, is a provider of services wireless communications that owns or controls all the elements necessary to sell and deliver services to an end user. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Color depth | integer | environment > colorDepth | The number of bits used for each color component of a single pixel. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Connection type | string | environment > connectionType | Internet connection type. | dialup: Dial-up isdn: ISDN bisdn: BISDN dsl: DSL cable: Cable wireless_wifi: Wireless wifi mobile: Mobile mobile_edge: Mobile Edge mobile_gprs: Mobile GPRS mobile_2g: Mobile 2G mobile_3g: Mobile 3G mobile_lte: Mobile LTE t1: T1 t3: T3 oc3: OC3 lan: LAN modem: Modem | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Domain | string | environment > domain | The domain of the users ISP. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Duration | integer | environment > duration | The number of milliseconds that the user was on the screen. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
IPv4 | string | environment > ipV4 | The numerical label assigned to a device participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
IPv6 | string | environment > ipV6 | The numerical label assigned to a device participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Operating system | string | environment > operatingSystem | The name of the operating system used when the observation was made. The attribute should not contain any version information such as '10.5.3', but instead contain 'edition' designations such as 'Ultimate' or 'Professional'. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Operating system vendor | string | environment > operatingSystemVendor | The name of the operating system vendor used when the observation was made. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Operating system version | string | environment > operatingSystemVersion | The full version identifier for the operating system used when the observation was made. Versions are generally numerically composed but may be in a vendor defined format. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Previous Screen | string | environment > previousScreen | The frinedly name assigned to the screen the user was on prior to the viewedScreen. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Type | string | environment > type | The type of the application environment. | browser: Browser application: Application iot: Internet of things external: External system widget: Application extension | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Viewed Screen | string | environment > viewedScreen | The friendly name assigned to the screen that the user was on. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Viewport height | integer | environment > viewportHeight | The vertical size in pixels of the window the experience was displayed inside. For a web view event, the browser viewport height. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Viewport width | integer | environment > viewportWidth | The horizontal size in pixels of the window the experience was displayed inside. For a web view event, the browser viewport width. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
ExperienceEvent merge ID | string | eventMergeId | An ID to correlate or merge multiple Experience events together that are essentially the same event or should be merged. This is intended to be populated by the data producer prior to ingestion. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Event Type | string | eventType | The primary event type for this time-series record. | advertising.completes: Advertising Completes advertising.timePlayed: Advertising Time Played advertising.federated: Advertising Federated advertising.clicks: Advertising Clicks advertising.conversions: Advertising Conversions advertising.firstQuartiles: Advertising First Quartiles ... | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Identifier | string | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > id | Identity of the consumer in the related namespace. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Primary | boolean | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > primary | Indicates this identity is the preferred identity. Is used as a hint to help systems better organize how identities are queried. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Inapp Message Interaction Tracking Details | object | inappMessageTracking | Describes interaction with an inapp message. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Custom Action | string | inappMessageTracking > action | Identifier for custom action that the user triggered while interacting with the inapp message. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Place context | object | placeContext | The transient circumstances related to the observation. Examples include locale specific information such as weather, local time, traffic, day of the week, workday vs. holiday, and working hours. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI interaction | object | placeContext > POIinteraction | The point of interest (POI) interaction details. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI detail | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail | Detail of the POI that cause the event. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI identity | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > POIID | The unique identifier of the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon interaction details | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > beaconInteractionDetails | Beacon details active for the POI interaction. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon major | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > beaconInteractionDetails > beaconMajor | Major values identify and distinguish a group and unsigned integer values between 1 and 65,535. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon Minor | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > beaconInteractionDetails > beaconMinor | Minor values identify and distinguish an individual and unsigned integer values between 1 and 65,535. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Proximity to beacon | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > beaconInteractionDetails > proximity | Estimated distance from the beacon. | immediate: Within a few centimeter. near: Within a couple of meters. far: Greater than 10 meters away. unknown: Not able to ascertain distance, signal likely very weak. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Proximity UUID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > beaconInteractionDetails > proximityUUID | A proximity UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) is a special type of identifier used to distinguish beacons in your network from all other beacons in networks outside your control. The proximity UUID is configured into a beacon, to be transmitted to mobile devices in range to identify an organizations beacons. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI category | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > category | General category assigned for organizing the POIs by the administrator of POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Distance to POI center | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > distanceToPOICenter | Estimated distance from the POI center in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo interaction details | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails | Geo details active for the POI interaction. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo device accuracy | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > deviceGeoAccuracy | The accuracy of the geo measuring device or mechanism, measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Distance to center | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > distanceToCenter | Distance to center of geo in, case of a geo circle, measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo shape | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape | Geo shape of the geo being interacted with. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Shape ID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _id | The unique identifier of the shape. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Box | array | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box | The area enclosed by the rectangle formed by two coordinates. The first coordinate is the lower corner and the second coordinate is the upper corner of a rectangle. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Circle | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle | A circular region with a specific radius centered on a geographic coordinate. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Identifier | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _id | The unique identifier of the circle. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > description | A description of what the circle contains. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Radius | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > radius | The length of the radius of the circle. This value conforms to the WGS84 datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > description | A description of what the shape is defining. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > elevation | The specific or minimum elevation of the shape. This value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. In combination with `ceiling`, this property can be used to express a three-dimensional bounding box for a location. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Polygon | array | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon | A series of four or more coordinates where the first and final coordinates are identical. In, this is a plain text. In XDM, it is a structured array instead. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Ceiling | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > ceiling | The maximum elevation of the shape. Only valid when used in combination with `elevation`. This value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. This value is not part of the spec. In combination with `elevation`, this property can be used to express a three-dimensional bounding box for a location. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Locating type | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > locatingType | Mechanism used to determine location. | beacon: Hardware beacon gps: Device GPS ip: IP to geo lookup ip+wifi: IP with wifi lookup wifi-triangulation: Wifi triangulation | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
POI metadata | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > metadata | metadata assigned to the POI by the administrator of the POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Keyed List | array | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > metadata > list | List of keyed values. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Key | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > metadata > list > items > key | Key | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Value | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > metadata > list > items > value | Value | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI name | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > name | The name given to the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI Identity | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > poiID | The unique identifier of the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI type | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > type | The general type of the POI using a typing schema selected by the administrator of the POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI detail | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail | Detail of the POI that cause the event. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI identity | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > POIID | The unique identifier of the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon interaction details | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > beaconInteractionDetails | Beacon details active for the POI interaction. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon major | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > beaconInteractionDetails > beaconMajor | Major values identify and distinguish a group and unsigned integer values between 1 and 65,535. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon Minor | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > beaconInteractionDetails > beaconMinor | Minor values identify and distinguish an individual and unsigned integer values between 1 and 65,535. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Proximity to beacon | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > beaconInteractionDetails > proximity | Estimated distance from the beacon. | immediate: Within a few centimeter. near: Within a couple of meters. far: Greater than 10 meters away. unknown: Not able to ascertain distance, signal likely very weak. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Proximity UUID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > beaconInteractionDetails > proximityUUID | A proximity UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) is a special type of identifier used to distinguish beacons in your network from all other beacons in networks outside your control. The proximity UUID is configured into a beacon, to be transmitted to mobile devices in range to identify an organizations beacons. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI category | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > category | General category assigned for organizing the POIs by the administrator of POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Distance to POI center | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > distanceToPOICenter | Estimated distance from the POI center in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo interaction details | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails | Geo details active for the POI interaction. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo device accuracy | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > deviceGeoAccuracy | The accuracy of the geo measuring device or mechanism, measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Distance to center | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > distanceToCenter | Distance to center of geo in, case of a geo circle, measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo shape | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape | Geo shape of the geo being interacted with. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Shape ID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _id | The unique identifier of the shape. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Box | array | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box | The area enclosed by the rectangle formed by two coordinates. The first coordinate is the lower corner and the second coordinate is the upper corner of a rectangle. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Circle | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle | A circular region with a specific radius centered on a geographic coordinate. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Identifier | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _id | The unique identifier of the circle. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > description | A description of what the circle contains. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Radius | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > radius | The length of the radius of the circle. This value conforms to the WGS84 datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > description | A description of what the shape is defining. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > elevation | The specific or minimum elevation of the shape. This value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. In combination with `ceiling`, this property can be used to express a three-dimensional bounding box for a location. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Polygon | array | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon | A series of four or more coordinates where the first and final coordinates are identical. In, this is a plain text. In XDM, it is a structured array instead. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Ceiling | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > ceiling | The maximum elevation of the shape. Only valid when used in combination with `elevation`. This value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. This value is not part of the spec. In combination with `elevation`, this property can be used to express a three-dimensional bounding box for a location. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Locating type | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > locatingType | Mechanism used to determine location. | beacon: Hardware beacon gps: Device GPS ip: IP to geo lookup ip+wifi: IP with wifi lookup wifi-triangulation: Wifi triangulation | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
POI metadata | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > metadata | metadata assigned to the POI by the administrator of the POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Keyed List | array | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > metadata > list | List of keyed values. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Key | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > metadata > list > items > key | Key | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Value | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > metadata > list > items > value | Value | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI name | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > name | The name given to the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI Identity | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > poiID | The unique identifier of the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI type | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > type | The general type of the POI using a typing schema selected by the administrator of the POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiEntries > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiExits > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI detail | array | placeContext > activePOIs | Details of the points of interest (POIs) that cause the event. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI identity | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > POIID | The unique identifier of the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon interaction details | object | placeContext > activePOIs > items > beaconInteractionDetails | Beacon details active for the POI interaction. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon major | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > beaconInteractionDetails > beaconMajor | Major values identify and distinguish a group and unsigned integer values between 1 and 65,535. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon Minor | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > beaconInteractionDetails > beaconMinor | Minor values identify and distinguish an individual and unsigned integer values between 1 and 65,535. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Proximity to beacon | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > beaconInteractionDetails > proximity | Estimated distance from the beacon. | immediate: Within a few centimeter. near: Within a couple of meters. far: Greater than 10 meters away. unknown: Not able to ascertain distance, signal likely very weak. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Proximity UUID | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > beaconInteractionDetails > proximityUUID | A proximity UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) is a special type of identifier used to distinguish beacons in your network from all other beacons in networks outside your control. The proximity UUID is configured into a beacon, to be transmitted to mobile devices in range to identify an organizations beacons. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI category | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > category | General category assigned for organizing the POIs by the administrator of POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Distance to POI center | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > distanceToPOICenter | Estimated distance from the POI center in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo interaction details | object | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails | Geo details active for the POI interaction. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo device accuracy | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > deviceGeoAccuracy | The accuracy of the geo measuring device or mechanism, measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Distance to center | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > distanceToCenter | Distance to center of geo in, case of a geo circle, measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo shape | object | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape | Geo shape of the geo being interacted with. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Shape ID | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _id | The unique identifier of the shape. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Box | array | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box | The area enclosed by the rectangle formed by two coordinates. The first coordinate is the lower corner and the second coordinate is the upper corner of a rectangle. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Circle | object | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle | A circular region with a specific radius centered on a geographic coordinate. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Identifier | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _id | The unique identifier of the circle. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > description | A description of what the circle contains. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Radius | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > radius | The length of the radius of the circle. This value conforms to the WGS84 datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > description | A description of what the shape is defining. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > elevation | The specific or minimum elevation of the shape. This value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. In combination with `ceiling`, this property can be used to express a three-dimensional bounding box for a location. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Polygon | array | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon | A series of four or more coordinates where the first and final coordinates are identical. In, this is a plain text. In XDM, it is a structured array instead. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Ceiling | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > ceiling | The maximum elevation of the shape. Only valid when used in combination with `elevation`. This value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. This value is not part of the spec. In combination with `elevation`, this property can be used to express a three-dimensional bounding box for a location. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Locating type | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > locatingType | Mechanism used to determine location. | beacon: Hardware beacon gps: Device GPS ip: IP to geo lookup ip+wifi: IP with wifi lookup wifi-triangulation: Wifi triangulation | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
POI metadata | object | placeContext > activePOIs > items > metadata | metadata assigned to the POI by the administrator of the POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Keyed List | array | placeContext > activePOIs > items > metadata > list | List of keyed values. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Key | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > metadata > list > items > key | Key | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Value | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > metadata > list > items > value | Value | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI name | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > name | The name given to the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI Identity | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > poiID | The unique identifier of the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI type | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > type | The general type of the POI using a typing schema selected by the administrator of the POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo | object | placeContext > geo | The geographic location where the experience was delivered. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > geo > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > geo > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > geo > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > geo > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > geo > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
City | string | placeContext > geo > city | The name of the city. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Country code | string | placeContext > geo > countryCode | The two-character [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( code for the country. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Designated market area | integer | placeContext > geo > dmaID | The Nielsen media research designated market area. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Metropolitan statistical area | integer | placeContext > geo > msaID | The metropolitan statistical area in the United States where the observation occurred. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Postal code | string | placeContext > geo > postalCode | The postal code of the location. Postal codes are not available for all countries. In some countries, this will only contain part of the postal code. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
State or province | string | placeContext > geo > stateProvince | The state, or province portion of the observation. The format follows the [ISO 3166-2 (country and subdivision)][] standard. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Iana Timezone | string | placeContext > ianaTimezone | Timezone of the device represented as a standard timezone string. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Local time | string | placeContext > localTime | The local time using RFC3339 with a stated time zone offset such as "2001-07-04T12:08:56-07:00". An example formatting pattern is "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX". | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Local time zone offset | integer | placeContext > localTimezoneOffset | The current, local time zone offset in minutes from UTC for the localTime in this object. This will include the current DST offset if applicable. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Produced By | string | producedBy | Value that describes the producer of the event - suggested values would be 'self', 'system', 'salesRep', etc. Can be used to filter out certain producers if needed. | self: Self system: System salesRef: Sales Representative customerRep: Customer Representative | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
push notification tracking details | object | pushNotificationTracking | Describes interaction with a push notification. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
custom action | object | pushNotificationTracking > customAction | End user clicked custom action in the push notification | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
action ID | string | pushNotificationTracking > customAction > actionID | user clicked custom action identifier | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
value | number | pushNotificationTracking > customAction > value | value associated with the custom action, if any | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Is Launch | boolean | pushNotificationTracking > isLaunch | Indicates whether this push notification interaction launched the application. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Push Provider | string | pushNotificationTracking > pushProvider | Push provider, e.g. apns or fcm | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Push Provider message ID | string | pushNotificationTracking > pushProviderMessageID | ID assigned to this notification as assigned by the push provider | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Timestamp | string | timestamp | The time when an event or observation occurred. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Field name | Type | Field path | Description | Enumeration | Schema |
Field name | Type | Field path | Description | Enumeration | Schema |
Identifier | string | _id | A unique identifier for the time-series event. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Request ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > debugInfo > requestID | The request Id used by Journey Orchestration to track the flow of a request. | Journey Step Event schema | |
ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > journey > ID | Identifier for the given Journey. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Description | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > journey > description | Description of the Journey. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Name | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > journey > name | Name of the Journey. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Version | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > journey > version | Describes the Journey Version. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Version ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > journey > versionID | Identifier of the journey version. This id represents the identity of a journey. | Journey Step Event schema | |
ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > profile > ID | Profile identifier identifies the profile sent/used in a journey. E.g: | Journey Step Event schema | |
Namespace | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > profile > namespace | This field describes the Namespace referenced by the Profile used in the Journey. E.g: Email, ECID | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Code | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > dispatcher > eventCode | The error code indicating the reason for corresponding eventType | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > dispatcher > eventID | The Event ID to which this event was mapped inside the controller. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Type | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > dispatcher > eventType | The type of dispatcher service event like error, discard | Journey Step Event schema | |
Projection ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > dispatcher > projectionID | The projection id of the segment being used in journey | Journey Step Event schema | |
ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > segmentExportJob > ID | The identifier of the segment export job triggered. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Code | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > segmentExportJob > eventCode | The error code indicating the reason for corresponding eventType | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Type | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > segmentExportJob > eventType | The event type indicating whether it is an error event of info event. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Export Count Failed | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > segmentExportJob > exportCountFailed | The number of segments failed while exporting through the job | Journey Step Event schema | |
Export Count Realized | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > segmentExportJob > exportCountRealized | The actual number of segments exported through the job | Journey Step Event schema | |
Export Count Total | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > segmentExportJob > exportCountTotal | The max possible value of segment export job | Journey Step Event schema | |
Export Segment ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > segmentExportJob > exportSegmentID | The identifier of the segment being exported | Journey Step Event schema | |
Status | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > segmentExportJob > status | The status of segment export job. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Category | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > stateMachine > eventCategory | Incoming event category indicating if the event is an unitary or business event | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Class | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > stateMachine > eventClass | Incoming event class indicating if the event is external or internal | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Code | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > stateMachine > eventCode | The error code indicating the reason for corresponding eventType | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > stateMachine > eventID | The incoming Event ID to which this event was mapped inside the state machine. can be external or internal event ID. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Type | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > stateMachine > eventType | The type of state machine service event like error, discard | Journey Step Event schema | |
Service Type | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceType | This fields identifies the type of event. | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionBusinessType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionBusinessType | The business solution powering the executed action. E.g: ACC, Epsilon. | Journey Step Event schema | |
ActionErrorContext | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionErrorContext | Provides context of the error. Potential values: 'authCallError': error has occured in scope of custom or Adobe.IO authentication by calling the authentication endpoint to generate an access token, 'callError': error has occured on action call endpointTreatment name applied to execute the action | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionExecutionError | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionExecutionError | Error condition that prevented Journey Runtime from executing the action. E.g: timeout on the action step, capping on the action API etc, http error. | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionExecutionErrorCode | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionExecutionErrorCode | Error code corresponding to actionExecutionError. | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionExecutionOriginCode | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionExecutionOriginCode | Error code corresponding to actionExecutionOriginError. | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionExecutionOriginError | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionExecutionOriginError | In case of timeout or http error, the latest API response message. E.g: invalid payload, internal server error. | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionExecutionTime | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionExecutionTime | Time(ms) inside Journey Engine to call the necessary APIs to execute the action. | Journey Step Event schema | |
ActionGroupID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionGroupID | Action Group ID | Journey Step Event schema | |
ActionGroupName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionGroupName | Action Group Name | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionID | GUID generated when the action is first authored on the JO canvas. Replicating the same action indirectly, by means of duplicating the journey or publishing a new version does not generate a new actionID. | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionName | Name of the action as it appears on the Journey Canvas, if the action is internal to JO Runtime, then action name is set to stepName field. | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionParameterized | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionParameterized | True if the journey runtime passed in dynamic values retrieved at runtime to successfully execute the action. E.g: This field will be set to true, if a custom http action requires some values from external data sources for successful execution. | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionSchedulerCount | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionSchedulerCount | Number of times the Journey Runtime Scheduler was invoked to fulfil the given journey step. E.g for a Wait step, count of actionSchedulerCount=1 | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionType | Denotes the action channel invoked. E.g: Email, SMS, customHttp | Journey Step Event schema | |
batchDeliveryID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > batchDeliveryID | (Deprecated).This describes the delivery Id for the batch Journey. | Journey Step Event schema | |
batchExternalKey | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > batchExternalKey | Journey Version ID in case of scheduled, business key in case of the business event journey (productId in case of a journey triggered by a business event). This field is only available in the context of the unitary step. | Journey Step Event schema | |
batchInstanceID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > batchInstanceID | GUID created at invocation of each new batch instance for a journey. E.g: If a scheduled journey runs at 8.00am and 10.00am, there will be two separate different batchInstanceID’s. | Journey Step Event schema | |
batchRecurrenceIndex | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > batchRecurrenceIndex | A counter that increases by 1 each time a batch journey is invoked. Likewise in case of business events, it will show the E.g: If a freshly authored scheduled journey runs at 8.00am,then batchRecurrenceIndex=1 and then at 10.00am, then batchRecurrenceIndex=2. | Journey Step Event schema | |
batchToUnitary | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > batchToUnitary | (Deprecated)Indicates if this unitary instance has been triggered from a batch instance. | Journey Step Event schema | |
batchUnitaryBranchID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > batchUnitaryBranchID | (Deprecated) If the instance has been triggered from a batch instance, unitary branch ID. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Channel | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > channel | Channel Name like email, push, sms | Journey Step Event schema | |
Consent | object | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > consent | Fields corresponding to action consent. | Journey Step Event schema | |
RejectedPolicies | array | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > consent > rejectedPolicies | Rejected Consent Policy details array object. | Journey Step Event schema | |
ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > consent > rejectedPolicies > items > ID | ID of the rejected Consent policy. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Name | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > consent > rejectedPolicies > items > name | Name of the corresponding rejected Consent policy. | Journey Step Event schema | |
RejectedPoliciesCount | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > consent > rejectedPoliciesCount | Count of rejected consent policies | Journey Step Event schema | |
deliveryJobID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > deliveryJobID | (Deprecated).This describes the delivery Job Id for the batch Journey. | Journey Step Event schema | |
EndSegmentQualificationTime | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > endSegmentQualificationTime | Serialized instant of the end of the delta time window. | Journey Step Event schema | |
entrance | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > entrance | True if the step event was an entrance event for a profile(s). E.g: A step event corresponding to the first event trigger for a unitary journey and scheduled/business event trigger for a batch flow will have this field set to true. | Journey Step Event schema | |
eventID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > eventID | If the step was triggered by an external event, this field will contain the eventID used by journey runtime to identify the event. | Journey Step Event schema | |
eventName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > eventName | If the step was triggered by an external event, this field will contain the name of the event authored on Journey Canvas. | Journey Step Event schema | |
eventProcessed | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > eventProcessed | Set to true when the step event corresponding to the external event has been processed fully. The presence of this field denotes that the event node in the journey canvas has been processed fully. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Experience ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > experienceID | Journey Orchestration Experience Id | Journey Step Event schema | |
ExperimentationID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > experimentationID | Experimentation ID | Journey Step Event schema | |
ExperimentationName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > experimentationName | Experimentation Name | Journey Step Event schema | |
externalKey | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > externalKey | Contains the profileID of the profile the current unitary journey instance is executing for. This field was added to support ID’s other than AEP Profile. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchCount | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchCount | (Deprecated)Sum of number of calls made to custom data source and to AEP to fetch the required details to process a step. E.g: To process a condition step. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchCustomCount | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchCustomCount | Number of calls made to custom data source and to AEP to fetch the required details to process a step. E.g: To process a condition step. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchCustomTotalTime | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchCustomTotalTime | Total time(ms) to fetch all the required fields from the custom data source to execute the step. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchError | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchError | Error condition that prevented Journey Runtime from executing the fetch. E.g: capping on the Data Source API etc, http error. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchErrorCode | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchErrorCode | Error code corresponding to fetchError. | Journey Step Event schema | |
FetchErrorContext | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchErrorContext | Provides context of the error. Potential values: 'authCallError': error has occured in scope of custom or Adobe.IO authentication by calling the authentication endpoint to generate an access token, 'callError': error has occured on action call endpointTreatment name applied to execute the action | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchOriginError | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchOriginError | In case of http error, the latest API response message. E.g: invalid payload, internal server error. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchOriginErrorCode | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchOriginErrorCode | Error code corresponding to fetchOriginError. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchPlatformCount | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchPlatformCount | Number of calls made to AEP to fetch the required details to process a step. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchPlatformTotalTime | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchPlatformTotalTime | Total time(ms) to fetch all the required fields from the custom data source to execute the step. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchTotalTime | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchTotalTime | (Deprecated).Sum of fetchPlatformTotalTime and fetchCustomTotalTime. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchTypeInError | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchTypeInError | The source of the first error that occurred while fetching fields to compute a journey step. Set to either Custom or AEP. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fromSegmentTrigger | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fromSegmentTrigger | (Deprecated).This describes if the Batch Journey triggered from Audisence Segment. | Journey Step Event schema | |
HasSegmentQualificationDelta | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > hasSegmentQualificationDelta | Indicate if the journey has configuration for segment qualification delta. | Journey Step Event schema | |
inTest | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > inTest | True if the journey instance was executed in test mode. | Journey Step Event schema | |
instanceEnded | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > instanceEnded | True if the current step led to ending an instance of the journey, that is the last step in a journey for a given profile was executed successfully. | Journey Step Event schema | |
instanceID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > instanceID | GUID for each instance of the journey. For each profile entering a journey, a new instance is created. | Journey Step Event schema | |
instanceType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > instanceType | Specifies if the journey instance corresponds Unitary(a single profile) or Batch(a journey instance executes a batch of profiles, E.g: Read Segment Journey). | Journey Step Event schema | |
InteractionType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > interactionType | Indicate the interaction type, either 'marketing' or 'transactional'. Remark: this will be relevant for message and custom actions | Journey Step Event schema | |
isExternalEvent | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > isExternalEvent | Set to true when the event that triggered this step was external to JO. | Journey Step Event schema | |
isReadSegmentTriggerStartEvent | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > isReadSegmentTriggerStartEvent | If the journey is a read segment journey, the current step event indicates that the the segment export process has been initiated. | Journey Step Event schema | |
IsSendTimeOptimized | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > isSendTimeOptimized | Indicate if the message execution has been delayed by applying a send time optimization | Journey Step Event schema | |
journeyID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > journeyID | GUID generated to uniquely identify an authored journey inside the JO Runtime. | Journey Step Event schema | |
journeyNodeProcessed | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > journeyNodeProcessed | A node authored on the journey canvas can be expanded to multiple nodes inside the JO Runtime. This field is set to True when all the steps related to a journey node on canvas have been successfully processed inside the JO Runtime. | Journey Step Event schema | |
journeyVersion | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > journeyVersion | The authored version of the journey. E.g: 1.0, 2.0. | Journey Step Event schema | |
journeyVersionID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > journeyVersionID | GUID generated to uniquely identify a journey on the authored UI. A new journey version ID is generated if a journey is duplicated or its new version is published. | Journey Step Event schema | |
journeyVersionName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > journeyVersionName | Name of the journey as shown on the authoring UI. | Journey Step Event schema | |
MessageID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > messageID | Message ID referenced in inline message action of a journey | Journey Step Event schema | |
nodeID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > nodeID | GUID of the node as generated on the journey canvas corresponding to this step(multiple steps can map to the same node). | Journey Step Event schema | |
nodeName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > nodeName | Name of the node corresponding to this step as visible on the Canvas. | Journey Step Event schema | |
nodeType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > nodeType | Type of the node as authored on the canvas. E.g: action, segmentTrigger, end. There is a sentinel node before the initial node of the authored journey for which nodeType=start. | Journey Step Event schema | |
origSegmentQualificationStatus | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > origSegmentQualificationStatus | Indicates original Segment Qualification Status. Possible values can be: existing, realized, exited | existing: existing realized: realized exited: exited | Journey Step Event schema |
Projection Original Timestamp | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > origTimestamp | The Projection Original Timestamp of the segment being used in journey | Journey Step Event schema | |
originJumpJourneyID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > originJumpJourneyID | JourneyID of the first journey instance that had a jump action that led to the current journey instance. Only present if this journey was triggered by a journey jump action. | Journey Step Event schema | |
originJumpJourneyInstanceID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > originJumpJourneyInstanceID | JourneyInstanceID of the first journey instance that had a jump action that led to the current journey instance. Only present if this journey was triggered by a journey jump action. | Journey Step Event schema | |
originJumpJourneyVersionID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > originJumpJourneyVersionID | JourneyVersionID of the first journey instance that had a jump action that led to the current journey instance. Only present if this journey was triggered by a journey jump action. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Projection Original Timestamp | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > originalTimestamp | The Projection Original Timestamp of the segment being used in journey | Journey Step Event schema | |
parentNodeID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > parentNodeID | nodeID of the previous step in the current journey instance. | Journey Step Event schema | |
parentNodeName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > parentNodeName | nodeName of the previous step in the current journey instance. | Journey Step Event schema | |
parentNodeType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > parentNodeType | nodeType of the previous step in the current journey instance. | Journey Step Event schema | |
parentStepID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > parentStepID | stepID of the previous step in the current journey instance. | Journey Step Event schema | |
parentStepName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > parentStepName | stepName of the previous step in the current journey instance. | Journey Step Event schema | |
parentTransitionID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > parentTransitionID | Contains the transitionID of the transition that led to the current step. Set to “on-error” if the transition to the current step was because of an error. | Journey Step Event schema | |
parentTransitionName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > parentTransitionName | Name of the transition which has brought the instance to the processed step. | Journey Step Event schema | |
parentTransitionType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > parentTransitionType | Whether the transition to current step occurred because of an event, action or normal flow. Possible Values:Event Triggered(if an event trigger led to the current step),Condition Triggered (if a condition evaluation led to the current step),Basic(if the current step occurred normallly as the next step in the journey). | Journey Step Event schema | |
previousJumpJourneyID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > previousJumpJourneyID | JourneyID of the previous journey instance that had the jump action that led to the current journey instance. Only present if this journey was triggered by a journey jump action. | Journey Step Event schema | |
previousJumpJourneyInstanceID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > previousJumpJourneyInstanceID | JourneyInstanceID of the previous journey instance that had the jump action that led to the current journey instance. Only present if this journey was triggered by a journey jump action. | Journey Step Event schema | |
previousJumpJourneyVersionID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > previousJumpJourneyVersionID | JourneyVersionID of the previous journey instance that had the jump action that led to the current journey instance. Only present if this journey was triggered by a journey jump action. | Journey Step Event schema | |
processingTime | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > processingTime | Time(ms) taken to complete the processing of this step. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Profile ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > profileID | Profile identifier identifies the profile sent/used in a journey.Present if the current step is running in the context of a unitary journey. E.g: | Journey Step Event schema | |
Profile Namespace | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > profileNamespace | This field describes the Namespace referenced by the Profile used in the Journey. Present if the current step is running in the context of a unitary journey. E.g: Email, ECID | Journey Step Event schema | |
PublishedMessageID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > publishedMessageID | Published message ID in inline message action of a journey | Journey Step Event schema | |
reactionActionID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > reactionActionID | actionID of corresponding action to which the reaction occurred. Present if the current step is triggered as a result of a reaction. | Journey Step Event schema | |
reactionChannel | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > reactionChannel | Channel of the corresponding reaction. E.g: Email, Push | Journey Step Event schema | |
reactionInteractionType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > reactionInteractionType | The user interaction that led to this reaction. E.g: Open, Click. | Journey Step Event schema | |
reentrance | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > reentrance | Set to true of the initial step event for this journey entrance has been triggered by a profile that has already finished one journey instance and is re-entering new journey instance. | Journey Step Event schema | |
SegmentQualificationStatus | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > segmentQualificationStatus | can be value in 'inSegment' or 'exited'. Indicate that the segment triggered journey is interested in profiles in segment or having existed the segment (in the time window is delta is applied). | Journey Step Event schema | |
StartSegmentQualificationTime | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > startSegmentQualificationTime | Serialized instant of the start of the delta time window. | Journey Step Event schema | |
stepID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > stepID | GUID corresponding to each step generated. Unique across all steps. | Journey Step Event schema | |
stepName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > stepName | Name of the step as represented internally in Journey Runtime. | Journey Step Event schema | |
stepStatus | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > stepStatus | Gives the current state of the step that has finished executing. Possible Values: Transitions(Next step will occur on an event transition),EndStep(The last step in this journey instance has executed),Error(This step encountered an error condition, ending the current journey instance), TimedOut(The current step has ended because of a timeout on a fetch or on an action.) | Journey Step Event schema | |
stepType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > stepType | Defines different types of steps as represented internally by Journey Runtime. Possible Values: ActionStep(Default Step Type),ConditionalRouterStep(If step involved evaluating a condition),SegmentTriggerReadStartStep(If the current step started the segmentTriggeredRead). | Journey Step Event schema | |
SurfaceID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > surfaceID | Surface ID | Journey Step Event schema | |
TreatmentID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > treatmentID | Treatment ID applied to execute the action | Journey Step Event schema | |
TreatmentName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > treatmentName | Treatment name applied to execute the action | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Type | string | eventType | The primary event type for this time-series record. | advertising.completes: Advertising Completes advertising.timePlayed: Advertising Time Played advertising.federated: Advertising Federated advertising.clicks: Advertising Clicks advertising.conversions: Advertising Conversions advertising.firstQuartiles: Advertising First Quartiles ... | Journey Step Event schema |
Timestamp | string | timestamp | The time when an event or observation occurred. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Field name | Type | Field path | Description | Enumeration | Schema |
Field name | Type | Field path | Description | Enumeration | Schema |
Identifier | string | _id | A unique identifier for the time-series event. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
IMS Organization Identifier | string | _adobecloudplatform > ims > organizationID | An identity associated with the organization that maintains the library of business objects and rules for this decision. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Batch Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > batchID | A workflow identity associated with the decision event, if the request was made in batch mode. This property will be absent if the decision leading to this event was made individually for a single profile identity. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Container Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > containerID | An identity associated with the library of business objects and rules for this decision. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Request Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > decisionRequestID | An optional identifier that was provided by the client, unique per profile and request. It is used to track the decision request in the dataset of propositions. If a request was processed more than once for any reason there will be more than one event with the same decision request identifier in the dataset and those events can be de-duplicated. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Experience Reference | string | _experience > decisioning > experienceID | Unique identifier for the proposition's content. Recipients of propositions with the same value will receive the same content experience in the targeted placements. Moreover, propositions with the same value to the same user mean that the content of the propositions has not changed. Propositions with values indicate that the decision selections are different and a different experience resulted from the decision. Note that adding a placement to the decision scope always changes the experience value. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
DEPRECATED: Proposition Content Key | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionContentKey | DEPRECATED: Digest or unique hash key (generated automatically) for the proposition content. Recipients of propositions with the same value will receive the same content selections in the targeted placements. Moreover, propositions with the same value to the same user mean that the content of the propositions has not changed. Propositions with different digests or hash values indicate that the decision selections are different. Note that adding a placement to the decision always change digest value. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Proposition Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails | Details about the results of the decision. An array providing the output of a single decision event, one proposition per activity parameter in the request. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Activity Snapshot | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > activity | Snapshot of the activity for which the proposition was made. The object contains at least the xdm:id property value which is the identifier of the decision activity. In the future, this will be deprecated in favor of scopeDetails.activity. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > activity > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision activity object was at when the snapshot was taken. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity End Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > activity > endTime | Activity end date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'endTime' property defined on | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Fallback Option | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > activity > fallback | The reference to a fallback option that is used when decisioning in the context of this activity does not qualify any of the regular options (this typically happens when hard constraints are applied). The value is the URI (@id) of the fallback option that is referenced. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > activity > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the decision activity. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > activity > name | Activity name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity Start Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > activity > startTime | Activity start date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'startTime' property defined on | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Channel (deprecated) | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > channel | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See ''. (deprecated), use instead. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Fallback Option Snapshot | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback | Snapshot of the fixed fallback option that was selected because no available option satisfied all constraints. The object contains at least the xdm:id property value which is the identifier of the fallback action. Note that the intention is that either the selections or the fallback property is required. In the future, this will be deprecated in favor of scopeDetails.activity.fallback. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > _experience > decisioning > propositionsProfile > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > _experience > decisioning > propositionsTotal > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision option object was at when the snapshot was taken. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular decision option. Different instances can have different characteristics (keys in the map). The characteristics are name value pairs used to distinguish one decision option from others. Characteristics are used as values in content that represents this decision option and as features to analyze and optimize the performance of an option. When every instance has the same attribute or property, that aspect should be modeled as an extension schema that derives from decision option detail. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > name | Option name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Option Content | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > optionContent | Additional properties or attributes related to offer content | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Content Component Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > optionContent > _type | Content Component Type. An enumerated set of URIs where each value maps to a type given to the content component. Some consumers of the content representations are expecting the @type value to be a reference to schema that describes additional properties of the content component. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Format | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > optionContent > _dc > format | The physical or digital manifestation of the resource. Typically, Format should include the media-type of the resource. Format may be used to determine the software, hardware or other equipment needed to display or operate the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the list of [Internet Media Types]( assignments/media-types/) defining computer media formats). | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Language | array | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > optionContent > _dc > language | The language or languages of the resource. Languages are specified in language code as defined in [IETF RFC 3066](, which is part of BCP 47, which is used elsewhere in XDM. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Score | number | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > score | Calcuated value for that option in the context of a single scope. The value is only available if a score was calculated. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Tags | array | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > tags | The set of tags associated with this option. The tags are used indicate catetoegies (dimensions) that the option belonged to at the time the proposition was made. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement Snapshot | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > placement | Snapshot of the placement for which the proposition was made. The object contains at least the xdm:id property value which is the identifier of the placement. In the future, this will be deprecated in favor of scopeDetails.placement. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > placement > _repo > etag | The revision that the placement object was at when the snapshot was taken. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement's Channel Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > placement > channelID | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See '' | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > placement > id | A unique identifier for the decision placement. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > placement > name | Placement name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Selection Strategy | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selectionStrategy | Selection Strategy Details. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Selection Strategy Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selectionStrategy > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the selection strategy. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Selected Options' Snapshot | array | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections | Snapshot of the options that were selected by this activity. The objects contain a at least the xdm:id property value which is the identifier of an option. The intention is that either the selections or the fallback property is required. In the future, this will be deprecated in favor of items. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsProfile > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsTotal > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision option object was at when the snapshot was taken. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular decision option. Different instances can have different characteristics (keys in the map). The characteristics are name value pairs used to distinguish one decision option from others. Characteristics are used as values in content that represents this decision option and as features to analyze and optimize the performance of an option. When every instance has the same attribute or property, that aspect should be modeled as an extension schema that derives from decision option detail. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > name | Option name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Option Content | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > optionContent | Additional properties or attributes related to offer content | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Content Component Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > optionContent > _type | Content Component Type. An enumerated set of URIs where each value maps to a type given to the content component. Some consumers of the content representations are expecting the @type value to be a reference to schema that describes additional properties of the content component. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Format | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > optionContent > _dc > format | The physical or digital manifestation of the resource. Typically, Format should include the media-type of the resource. Format may be used to determine the software, hardware or other equipment needed to display or operate the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the list of [Internet Media Types]( assignments/media-types/) defining computer media formats). | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Language | array | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > optionContent > _dc > language | The language or languages of the resource. Languages are specified in language code as defined in [IETF RFC 3066](, which is part of BCP 47, which is used elsewhere in XDM. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Score | number | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > score | Calcuated value for that option in the context of a single scope. The value is only available if a score was calculated. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Tags | array | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > tags | The set of tags associated with this option. The tags are used indicate catetoegies (dimensions) that the option belonged to at the time the proposition was made. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Proposition Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionID | A unique identifier for the proposition event referenced by another "XDM ExperienceEvent". It is the expectation that applications use this "propositionID" in every experience event that was influenced by the set of propositions. An individual profile's proposition-response history is maintained with these proposition identifiers. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Proposition Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions | Details about the results of the decision. An array providing the output of a single decision event, one proposition per activity parameter in the request. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Options' Snapshot | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items | Snapshot of the options that were selected by this proposition. The objects contain at least the xdm:id property value which is the identifier of an option. The intention is that either the selections or the fallback property is required. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsProfile > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsTotal > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision option object was at when the snapshot was taken. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular decision option. Different instances can have different characteristics (keys in the map). The characteristics are name value pairs used to distinguish one decision option from others. Characteristics are used as values in content that represents this decision option and as features to analyze and optimize the performance of an option. When every instance has the same attribute or property, that aspect should be modeled as an extension schema that derives from decision option detail. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > name | Option name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Option Content | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent | Additional properties or attributes related to offer content | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Content Component Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _type | Content Component Type. An enumerated set of URIs where each value maps to a type given to the content component. Some consumers of the content representations are expecting the @type value to be a reference to schema that describes additional properties of the content component. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Format | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _dc > format | The physical or digital manifestation of the resource. Typically, Format should include the media-type of the resource. Format may be used to determine the software, hardware or other equipment needed to display or operate the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the list of [Internet Media Types]( assignments/media-types/) defining computer media formats). | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Language | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _dc > language | The language or languages of the resource. Languages are specified in language code as defined in [IETF RFC 3066](, which is part of BCP 47, which is used elsewhere in XDM. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Score | number | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > score | Calcuated value for that option in the context of a single scope. The value is only available if a score was calculated. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Tags | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > tags | The set of tags associated with this option. The tags are used indicate catetoegies (dimensions) that the option belonged to at the time the proposition was made. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Scope Snapshot | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision scope. This is the state of the scope entity that was used in the decision requst. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity | The activity that was a requested or chosen for this decision scope. Some scopes will prescribe the exact activity (why and how) that makes the decision, other scopes will use a dynamic strategy determine which activity is used. Those scopes will list executionDetails for steps that were performed during decision-making. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision activity object was at when the snapshot was taken. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity End Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > endTime | Activity end date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'endTime' property defined on | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Fallback Option | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > fallback | The reference to a fallback option that is used when decisioning in the context of this activity does not qualify any of the regular options (this typically happens when hard constraints are applied). The value is the URI (@id) of the fallback option that is referenced. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the decision activity. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > name | Activity name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity Start Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > startTime | Activity start date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'startTime' property defined on | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Scope Details Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular scope details. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Correlation Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > correlationID | The campaign, journey, or other object to which this activity can be correlated. This string will often be further classified in the reporting engine. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Provider | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > decisionProvider | The provider that was asked to make the decision. This dimension is used when mutliple services can make decisions for the same placement or activity. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Selected Experience Option | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > experience | The experience that was selected when the decision was made. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Experience Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > experience > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Scope Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > id | The unique identifier of the decision scope. For a given decision request a scope narrows the decision process along multiple dimensions. The scope is referencable by its identifier. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Interaction Measurements used in this Scope | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements | The interaction measurements determine how inteaction event properties are interpreted (mapped) into outcomes for the propositions. Outcomes could be measured as the number of successes or failures or by a quantitative metric. An outcome can have a nominal value (e.g. success/failure), ordinal (rating value gathered) or numerical value (e.g. a measurable quantity). | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Event observation | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation | A qualification that is evaluated against the experience event to test if a measurable outcome has been achieved. This mapping could check if the value of a property matches a given constant or could be a more complex evaluation. An outcome will be recorded with the event if and only if the implied condition evaluates to 'true' | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Field name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > field | The field that contains the observed value. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Mapping type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > mapping | Indicator for how the observation is mapped into an outcome value | direct: Direct eventTypeValue: Event Type Value fieldValue: Field Value predicate: Predicate | ODE DecisionEvents |
Observation mapping | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > value | The expression or term that defines how the outcome is derived from the observation. The presence and interpretation of this 'value' is based on the 'mapping' type | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Interaction outcome measurement | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome | The definition of a measurement for the outcome. A property path and value is specified where a measured outcome for the interaction is recorded. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Outcome identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > _id | Unique value that identifies the outcome of the interaction (nominal value). | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Outcome property path | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > field | Property path where the outcome is inserted into the XDM event. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement | The placement that was a requested as part of this decision scope. A scope will include a specification of the location or surface where the option will be presented. The placement narrows the options that can be proposed to those that can be represented or rendered in that place. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > _repo > etag | The revision that the placement object was at when the snapshot was taken. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement's Channel Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > channelID | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See '' | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > id | A unique identifier for the decision placement. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > name | Placement name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Strategy Step Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies | The steps that were executed when the decision was made. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Algorithm Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Execution Step | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > step | Indicator for the step type in the overall decision strategy | profile: Profile Merge Policy eligibility: Eligibility Policy suppression: Suppression Policy ranking: Ranking Function capping: Capping Counter | ODE DecisionEvents |
Step's Strategy Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > strategyID | The unique identifier of the step's strategy. When executing a decision various steps are performed. Each step is performed according to a strategy or policy and the chosen idetifier is recorded to measure its performance. This identifier could be the URI of a profile merge policy, an eligibility rule, a ML ranking strategy, a function that calculates the rank, a capping threshold or any object that signficantly contributes to the decision result. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to compute this decision. 'Contextual Traffic' indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | ODE DecisionEvents |
Treatment Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > treatmentID | Identifier for the experiment treatment or traffic allocation strategy that was selected for the decision. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Event Type | string | eventType | The primary event type for this time-series record. | advertising.completes: Advertising Completes advertising.timePlayed: Advertising Time Played advertising.federated: Advertising Federated advertising.clicks: Advertising Clicks advertising.conversions: Advertising Conversions advertising.firstQuartiles: Advertising First Quartiles ... | ODE DecisionEvents |
Identifier | string | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > id | Identity of the consumer in the related namespace. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Primary | boolean | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > primary | Indicates this identity is the preferred identity. Is used as a hint to help systems better organize how identities are queried. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Timestamp | string | timestamp | The time when an event or observation occurred. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Field name | Type | Field path | Description | Enumeration | Schema |
AJO Email BCC Feedback Event Schema
Feedback Event Schema which stores the delivery logs for BCC emails. To be used for reporting purposes. Refer to the Journey Optimizer documentation for more information and use cases.
Enabled for Profile: NoField name | Type | Field path | Description | Schema |
Identifier | string | _id | A unique identifier for the time-series event. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > address | The technical address, for example, '' as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
Email Namespace | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > namespace | Email namespace associated with the email address in the consent preferences in the Profile, e.g. email or Email | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
IP Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > outboundIP | Outbound IP address of the customer used to deliver the message. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
Feedback Status | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > feedbackStatus | Provide status of a delivery attempt across different channels(Email,Push,SMS etc.), Not all enums are used for all the channels, so follow the detailed documentation. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
Exclude Code | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageExclusion > code | Provide top level exclusion reason, like typology rule, mandatory parameter missing. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
Exclude Reason | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageExclusion > reason | Provide exclusion subcode, like exact typology rule-id. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
Failure Category | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > category | Classifies whether it is a sync bounce or async bounce. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
Failure Code | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > code | Failure code for a failed delivery attempt. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
Failure Reason | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > reason | Failure reason for a failed delivery attempt. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
Field name | Type | Field path | Description | Schema |
Field name | Type | Field path | Description | Enumeration | Schema |
Identifier | string | _id | A unique identifier for the record. | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Campaign Entity | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > campaign | AJO Campaign Entity Specific Fields | Entity Record Schema | |
Campaign Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > campaign > campaignActionID | Action ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Campaign ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > campaign > campaignID | AJO Campaign ID. Remains unchanged even after republishing. | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Campaign Version ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > campaign > campaignVersionID | AJO Campaign Version ID. Changes on republishing. Represents immutable version of campaign. | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Campaign Description | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > campaign > description | AJO Campaign Description. | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Campaign Name | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > campaign > name | AJO Campaign Name. | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Channel/Message Entity | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails | AJO Channel/Message Entity Specific Fields. Denormalized on variantId | Entity Record Schema | |
Base Message ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > baseMessageID | Represents the base Message ID from which the published message is derived. | Entity Record Schema | |
The channel for which this row corresponds. | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > channel | Each specific experience channel defines a constant `@id`. | Entity Record Schema | |
Email Specific Fields | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > email | Email Specific Fields | Entity Record Schema | |
Email Subject | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > email > subject | Email subject, non-personalized | Entity Record Schema | |
Message ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > messageID | Unique ID representing a non-personalized message sent to the end user. | Entity Record Schema | |
Message Publication ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > messagePublicationID | Message Publication ID. Represents a frozen/published version of message. | Entity Record Schema | |
Message Publication Time | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > messagePublishedAt | Time at which message was published | Entity Record Schema | |
Push Specific Fields | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > push | Push Specific Fields. | Entity Record Schema | |
Push Title | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > push > title | Push Title, non-personalized | Entity Record Schema | |
The json template used in the message | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > template | The json template used while sending the message | Entity Record Schema | |
Channel's variant ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > variantID | Is not frozen and might remain same between different versions of message publication. | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Experiment Entity Specific Fields | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > experiment | AJO Experiment Entity Specific Fields | Entity Record Schema | |
Experiment ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > experiment > experimentId | This along with treatmentId has one to one mapping with messageID | Entity Record Schema | |
Experiment Name | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > experiment > experimentName | Name of the experiment | Entity Record Schema | |
Treatment ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > experiment > treatmentID | This along with experimentId has one to one mapping with messageID | Entity Record Schema | |
Treatment Name | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > experiment > treatmentName | Name of the treatment | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Journey Entity | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey | AJO Journey Entity Specific Fields | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyActionID | Represents the Journey Action ID | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey Action Name | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyActionName | Represents the Journey Label | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyID | Represents the journey ID | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey Name | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyName | Represents the journey name | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey Name and Version | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyNameAndVersion | Represents the concatenated values of Journey Name and Version | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey Node ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyNodeID | Represents the id of the journey node on the canvas | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey Node Name | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyNodeName | Represents the name of the journey node on the canvas | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey Node Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyNodeType | Represents the journey node type as authored on the canvas | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey Version ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyVersionID | Represents a frozen version of a Journey | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Entity tags | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > tags | AJO Entity tags corresponding to a Journey or Campaign | Entity Record Schema | |
Tags | array | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > tags > values | Array of Tags used in AJO entity | Entity Record Schema | |
Field name | Type | Field path | Description | Enumeration | Schema |
Field name | Type | Field path | Description | Enumeration | Schema |
Identifier | string | _id | A unique identifier for the time-series event. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > address | The technical address, for example, '' as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Email Namespace | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > namespace | Email namespace associated with the email address in the consent preferences in the Profile, e.g. email or Email | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
IP Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > outboundIP | Outbound IP address of the customer used to deliver the message. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Feedback Status | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > feedbackStatus | Provide status of a delivery attempt across different channels(Email,Push,SMS etc.), Not all enums are used for all the channels, so follow the detailed documentation. | error: Message processing failed exclude: Message profile filtered out sent: Message sent bounce: Message bounced delay: Message delayed duplicate: Duplicate message skipped denylist: Invalid destination skipped delivered: Message Delivered | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Exclude Code | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageExclusion > code | Provide top level exclusion reason, like typology rule, mandatory parameter missing. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Exclude Reason | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageExclusion > reason | Provide exclusion subcode, like exact typology rule-id. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Failure Category | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > category | Classifies whether it is a sync bounce or async bounce. | sync: The delivery failed synchronously. async: The delivery failed asynchronously. | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Failure Code | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > code | Failure code for a failed delivery attempt. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Failure Reason | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > reason | Failure reason for a failed delivery attempt. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Failure Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > type | Classifies whether it is a soft bounce or hard bounce. | soft: The reason for failed delivery is temporary. hard: The reason for failed delivery is permanent. | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Offer details | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers | Describes offer(s) involved in a message feedback. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Offer Activity ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > activityID | Unique Offer Decision identifier. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Offer Count | integer | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > offerCount | Count of offers included in the offer proposition. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Offer ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > offerID | Unique Identifier for Offer. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > placementID | Unique Identifier for Offer Placement. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Proposition ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > propositionID | Unique Identifier for Offer Proposition. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Proposition Time | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > propositionTime | Time at which the Offer proposition was generated. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Offer Decision Scope ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > scopeID | Unique Offer Decison Scope identifier(offer-activity-id+placement-id BASE64 encoded). | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Retry Count | integer | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > retryCount | Number of failed attempts before the current event. The retryCount starts with '0', for message which is sent in first attempt will have 'retryCount' as 0. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
AJO Campaign ID (deprecated) | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > ajoCampaignID | Unique ID of the AJO Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
AJO Campaign Version ID (deprecated) | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > ajoCampaignVersionID | Version ID of the AJO Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Batch Instance ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > batchInstanceID | GUID created at invocation of each new batch instance for a scheduled Journey or Campaign Action. E.g: If a scheduled Journey or Campaign Action runs at 8.00am and 10.00am, there will be two separate different batchInstanceID’s. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Campaign Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignActionID | Action ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Campaign ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignID | Unique ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Campaign Version ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignVersionID | Version ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Journey Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyActionID | Journey Action ID, for which MessageExecution is triggered. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
JourneyVersion ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionID | JourneyVersion Id triggerieng the MessageExecution. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
JourneyVersion Instance ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionInstanceID | Identifier of the journey version instance, specific to one individual (uuid). | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Journey Version Node ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionNodeID | Identifier of the journey version node, triggering the Message Execution. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
MessageExecution ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageExecutionID | The CJM activity originating this message. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Message ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageID | Unique ID representing a non-personalized message sent to the end user. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Message Publication ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messagePublicationID | The Publication ID of parent Message ID of a MessageExecution originating this message. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Message Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageType | Message Type, whether it's marketing or transactional message | marketing: Marketing transactional: Transactional | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Experience channel | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > channel | Experience channel related to the ExperienceEvent. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
isSendTimeOptimized | boolean | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > isSendTimeOptimized | True if the message execution is send time optimized. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
isTestExecution | boolean | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > isTestExecution | True if the message is sent as Test Execution. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
MessageProfile ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > messageProfileID | A unique id refers to every single message sent as part of a MessageExecution activity. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Content Variant | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > variant | A message execution can have multiple variants e.g. Multilingual (translated variants for the same content) or A/B testing (different content to test what works better) but a message delivered to a recipient always contains one of them. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Push Platform | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > pushChannelContext > platform | Push provider service, e.g. apns or fcm | apns: Apple Push Notification service fcm: Firebase cloud messaging service | Message Feedback Event Schema |
SMS Provider | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > smsChannelContext > smsProvider | SMS provider , e.g. sinch or twilio | sinch: Sinch sms provider twilio: Twilio sms provider vibes: Vibes sms Provider | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Proposition Action | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction | The specific element that was interacted with which caused the proposition event to be triggered. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
id | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction > id | The customer generated id of the element with which the end-user interacted. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
label | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction > label | The customer generated display name of the element with which the end-user interacted. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Proposition Event | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType | A record of how the user interacted with the proposition. All propositions recorded on this event will be associated with the same event that is recorded here. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
dismiss | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > dismiss | User dismissed or rejected the proposition without any other direct interaction. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
display | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > display | Proposition was displayed to the user. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
interact | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > interact | User interacted with the proposition, usually in a positive way. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
send | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > send | Proposition was sent to the client. This does not guarantee the proposition arrived or was displayed to the user. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
trigger | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > trigger | Proposition was chosen to be displayed by the client SDK. Other factors may prevent it from actually being displayed. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
unsubscribe | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > unsubscribe | User has requested to not be shown the proposition in the future. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Involved Propositions | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions | An array of decision propositions that contributed to the experience event. The experience event is attributed (at least partially) to those prior decisions/propositions. An individual profile's proposition-response history is maintained with these decision identifiers. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Event Details (deprecated) | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision event when it occured. (deprecated) | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Algorithm Reference | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Experience Reference | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > experienceID | Unique identifier for the proposition's content. Recipients of propositions with the same value will receive the same content experience in the targeted placements. Moreover, propositions with the same value to the same user mean that the content of the propositions has not changed. Propositions with values indicate that the decision selections are different and a different experience resulted from the decision. Note that adding a placement to the decision scope always changes the experience value. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to serve this decision. Contextual indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Decision Event Identifier (deprecated) | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventID | The unique identifier of the decision event that proposed the 'items' (options). For a given decision request and profile identity the output of the decision is a unique event. If a decision is requested again for the same profile and the output are the same options, it is still considered a different proposition with a unique event ID. Multiple propositions can be associated with the same decision event. See (deprecated) | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Event Scope (deprecated) | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScope | The scope that is associated with the decision. This is the name of the scope that was in the request when the decision was made. See | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Event Scope Details (deprecated) | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision scope. This is the state of the scope entity that was used in the decision requst. (deprecated) | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity | The activity that was a requested or chosen for this decision scope. Some scopes will prescribe the exact activity (why and how) that makes the decision, other scopes will use a dynamic strategy determine which activity is used. Those scopes will list executionDetails for steps that were performed during decision-making. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision activity object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity End Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > endTime | Activity end date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'endTime' property defined on | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Fallback Option | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > fallback | The reference to a fallback option that is used when decisioning in the context of this activity does not qualify any of the regular options (this typically happens when hard constraints are applied). The value is the URI (@id) of the fallback option that is referenced. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the decision activity. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > name | Activity name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity Start Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > startTime | Activity start date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'startTime' property defined on | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Scope Details Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular scope details. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Correlation Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > correlationID | The campaign, journey, or other object to which this activity can be correlated. This string will often be further classified in the reporting engine. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Provider | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > decisionProvider | The provider that was asked to make the decision. This dimension is used when mutliple services can make decisions for the same placement or activity. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Selected Experience Option | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > experience | The experience that was selected when the decision was made. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Experience Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > experience > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > id | The unique identifier of the decision scope. For a given decision request a scope narrows the decision process along multiple dimensions. The scope is referencable by its identifier. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Interaction Measurements used in this Scope | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements | The interaction measurements determine how inteaction event properties are interpreted (mapped) into outcomes for the propositions. Outcomes could be measured as the number of successes or failures or by a quantitative metric. An outcome can have a nominal value (e.g. success/failure), ordinal (rating value gathered) or numerical value (e.g. a measurable quantity). | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Event observation | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation | A qualification that is evaluated against the experience event to test if a measurable outcome has been achieved. This mapping could check if the value of a property matches a given constant or could be a more complex evaluation. An outcome will be recorded with the event if and only if the implied condition evaluates to 'true' | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Field name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > field | The field that contains the observed value. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Mapping type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > mapping | Indicator for how the observation is mapped into an outcome value | direct: Direct eventTypeValue: Event Type Value fieldValue: Field Value predicate: Predicate | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Observation mapping | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > value | The expression or term that defines how the outcome is derived from the observation. The presence and interpretation of this 'value' is based on the 'mapping' type | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Interaction outcome measurement | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome | The definition of a measurement for the outcome. A property path and value is specified where a measured outcome for the interaction is recorded. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Outcome identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > _id | Unique value that identifies the outcome of the interaction (nominal value). | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Outcome property path | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > field | Property path where the outcome is inserted into the XDM event. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement | The placement that was a requested as part of this decision scope. A scope will include a specification of the location or surface where the option will be presented. The placement narrows the options that can be proposed to those that can be represented or rendered in that place. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > _repo > etag | The revision that the placement object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement's Channel Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > channelID | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See '' | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > id | A unique identifier for the decision placement. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > name | Placement name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Strategy Step Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies | The steps that were executed when the decision was made. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Algorithm Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Execution Step | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > step | Indicator for the step type in the overall decision strategy | profile: Profile Merge Policy eligibility: Eligibility Policy suppression: Suppression Policy ranking: Ranking Function capping: Capping Counter | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Step's Strategy Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > strategyID | The unique identifier of the step's strategy. When executing a decision various steps are performed. Each step is performed according to a strategy or policy and the chosen idetifier is recorded to measure its performance. This identifier could be the URI of a profile merge policy, an eligibility rule, a ML ranking strategy, a function that calculates the rank, a capping threshold or any object that signficantly contributes to the decision result. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to compute this decision. 'Contextual Traffic' indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Treatment Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > treatmentID | Identifier for the experiment treatment or traffic allocation strategy that was selected for the decision. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Proposition Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > id | The unique identifier of the proposition that originally contained the decision options that are being acted upon (see the corresponding 'items' field in this object). When this identifier is present, direct attribution is given to a unique proposition. If the identifier is missing, the action for the items could not be assiciated with a unique proposition. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Selected Options | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items | One or more of the previously proposed options that this experience event is related to. Those items were returned as output of the decision for a requested scope and are now part of an interaction. For instance, if the decision returned five proposed videos to watch and the user selected two in a "Save For Later" interaction, then this experience event could record the user's reaction with an event type "custom.savedToWatchLater" and list the two selected videos in the 'items' array. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsProfile > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsTotal > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Option ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision option object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Option Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular decision option. Different instances can have different characteristics (keys in the map). The characteristics are name value pairs used to distinguish one decision option from others. Characteristics are used as values in content that represents this decision option and as features to analyze and optimize the performance of an option. When every instance has the same attribute or property, that aspect should be modeled as an extension schema that derives from decision option detail. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Option Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Option Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > name | Option name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Option Content | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent | Additional properties or attributes related to offer content | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Content Component Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _type | Content Component Type. An enumerated set of URIs where each value maps to a type given to the content component. Some consumers of the content representations are expecting the @type value to be a reference to schema that describes additional properties of the content component. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Format | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _dc > format | The physical or digital manifestation of the resource. Typically, Format should include the media-type of the resource. Format may be used to determine the software, hardware or other equipment needed to display or operate the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the list of [Internet Media Types]( assignments/media-types/) defining computer media formats). | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Language | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _dc > language | The language or languages of the resource. Languages are specified in language code as defined in [IETF RFC 3066](, which is part of BCP 47, which is used elsewhere in XDM. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Option Score | number | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > score | Calcuated value for that option in the context of a single scope. The value is only available if a score was calculated. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Option Tags | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > tags | The set of tags associated with this option. The tags are used indicate catetoegies (dimensions) that the option belonged to at the time the proposition was made. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Scope | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scope | The scope that is associated with the decision. This is the name of the scope that was in the request when the decision was made. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Snapshot | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision scope. This is the state of the scope entity that was used in the decision requst. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity | The activity that was a requested or chosen for this decision scope. Some scopes will prescribe the exact activity (why and how) that makes the decision, other scopes will use a dynamic strategy determine which activity is used. Those scopes will list executionDetails for steps that were performed during decision-making. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision activity object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity End Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > endTime | Activity end date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'endTime' property defined on | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Fallback Option | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > fallback | The reference to a fallback option that is used when decisioning in the context of this activity does not qualify any of the regular options (this typically happens when hard constraints are applied). The value is the URI (@id) of the fallback option that is referenced. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the decision activity. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > name | Activity name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Activity Start Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > startTime | Activity start date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'startTime' property defined on | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Scope Details Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular scope details. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Correlation Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > correlationID | The campaign, journey, or other object to which this activity can be correlated. This string will often be further classified in the reporting engine. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Provider | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > decisionProvider | The provider that was asked to make the decision. This dimension is used when mutliple services can make decisions for the same placement or activity. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Selected Experience Option | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > experience | The experience that was selected when the decision was made. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Experience Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > experience > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > id | The unique identifier of the decision scope. For a given decision request a scope narrows the decision process along multiple dimensions. The scope is referencable by its identifier. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Interaction Measurements used in this Scope | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements | The interaction measurements determine how inteaction event properties are interpreted (mapped) into outcomes for the propositions. Outcomes could be measured as the number of successes or failures or by a quantitative metric. An outcome can have a nominal value (e.g. success/failure), ordinal (rating value gathered) or numerical value (e.g. a measurable quantity). | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Event observation | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation | A qualification that is evaluated against the experience event to test if a measurable outcome has been achieved. This mapping could check if the value of a property matches a given constant or could be a more complex evaluation. An outcome will be recorded with the event if and only if the implied condition evaluates to 'true' | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Field name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > field | The field that contains the observed value. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Mapping type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > mapping | Indicator for how the observation is mapped into an outcome value | direct: Direct eventTypeValue: Event Type Value fieldValue: Field Value predicate: Predicate | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Observation mapping | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > value | The expression or term that defines how the outcome is derived from the observation. The presence and interpretation of this 'value' is based on the 'mapping' type | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Interaction outcome measurement | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome | The definition of a measurement for the outcome. A property path and value is specified where a measured outcome for the interaction is recorded. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Outcome identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > _id | Unique value that identifies the outcome of the interaction (nominal value). | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Outcome property path | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > field | Property path where the outcome is inserted into the XDM event. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement | The placement that was a requested as part of this decision scope. A scope will include a specification of the location or surface where the option will be presented. The placement narrows the options that can be proposed to those that can be represented or rendered in that place. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > _repo > etag | The revision that the placement object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement's Channel Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > channelID | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See '' | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > id | A unique identifier for the decision placement. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > name | Placement name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Strategy Step Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies | The steps that were executed when the decision was made. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Algorithm Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Execution Step | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > step | Indicator for the step type in the overall decision strategy | profile: Profile Merge Policy eligibility: Eligibility Policy suppression: Suppression Policy ranking: Ranking Function capping: Capping Counter | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Step's Strategy Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > strategyID | The unique identifier of the step's strategy. When executing a decision various steps are performed. Each step is performed according to a strategy or policy and the chosen idetifier is recorded to measure its performance. This identifier could be the URI of a profile merge policy, an eligibility rule, a ML ranking strategy, a function that calculates the rank, a capping threshold or any object that signficantly contributes to the decision result. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to compute this decision. 'Contextual Traffic' indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Treatment Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > treatmentID | Identifier for the experiment treatment or traffic allocation strategy that was selected for the decision. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
ExperienceEvent merge ID | string | eventMergeId | An ID to correlate or merge multiple Experience events together that are essentially the same event or should be merged. This is intended to be populated by the data producer prior to ingestion. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Event Type | string | eventType | The primary event type for this time-series record. | advertising.completes: Advertising Completes advertising.timePlayed: Advertising Time Played advertising.federated: Advertising Federated advertising.clicks: Advertising Clicks advertising.conversions: Advertising Conversions advertising.firstQuartiles: Advertising First Quartiles ... | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Identifier | string | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > id | Identity of the consumer in the related namespace. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Primary | boolean | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > primary | Indicates this identity is the preferred identity. Is used as a hint to help systems better organize how identities are queried. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Produced By | string | producedBy | Value that describes the producer of the event - suggested values would be 'self', 'system', 'salesRep', etc. Can be used to filter out certain producers if needed. | self: Self system: System salesRef: Sales Representative customerRep: Customer Representative | Message Feedback Event Schema |
Timestamp | string | timestamp | The time when an event or observation occurred. | Message Feedback Event Schema | |
Identifier | string | _id | A unique identifier for the time-series event. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > address | The technical address, for example, '' as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Email Namespace | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > namespace | Email namespace associated with the email address in the consent preferences in the Profile, e.g. email or Email | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
IP Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > outboundIP | Outbound IP address of the customer used to deliver the message. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
AJO Campaign ID (deprecated) | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > ajoCampaignID | Unique ID of the AJO Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
AJO Campaign Version ID (deprecated) | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > ajoCampaignVersionID | Version ID of the AJO Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Batch Instance ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > batchInstanceID | GUID created at invocation of each new batch instance for a scheduled Journey or Campaign Action. E.g: If a scheduled Journey or Campaign Action runs at 8.00am and 10.00am, there will be two separate different batchInstanceID’s. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Campaign Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignActionID | Action ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Campaign ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignID | Unique ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Campaign Version ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignVersionID | Version ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Journey Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyActionID | Journey Action ID, for which MessageExecution is triggered. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
JourneyVersion ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionID | JourneyVersion Id triggerieng the MessageExecution. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
JourneyVersion Instance ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionInstanceID | Identifier of the journey version instance, specific to one individual (uuid). | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Journey Version Node ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionNodeID | Identifier of the journey version node, triggering the Message Execution. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
MessageExecution ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageExecutionID | The CJM activity originating this message. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Message ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageID | Unique ID representing a non-personalized message sent to the end user. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Message Publication ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messagePublicationID | The Publication ID of parent Message ID of a MessageExecution originating this message. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Message Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageType | Message Type, whether it's marketing or transactional message | marketing: Marketing transactional: Transactional | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
The entity in whose context this event is published | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > entityType | The entity in whose context this event is published | landing_page: Event is related to landing page entity message: Event is related to message entity | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Interaction Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > interactionType | Specify action made by user on a message. | click: Message link clicked. open: Message opened. unsubscribe: Unsubscribed from messages. spam_complaint: Message is marked as spam by the user. subscription: Subscribe / Unsubscribe to a subscription list. submit: Submit message. visit: Message visited. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Tracker URL Label | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > label | Human-Friendly label. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Landing Page Details | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage | Describes landing pages involved in a message interaction. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Additional Data | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > additionalData | Additional data added by the marketer while authoring the landing page. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Form Data | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData | Data filled by the user on the landing page form. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Consent details. | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > consents | Consent details input by the end user in the landing page. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Channel level consent details | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > consents > channel | Consent details specific to channel like email/push etc | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Consent choice | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > consents > channel > additionalProperties > _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > val | Consent choice for the channel. | y: Subscribed to channel n: Unsubscribed to channel p: Subscription Pending u: Subscription Unknown | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Contact address level consent details. | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > consents > idSpecific | Consent details specific to contact address. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Consent choice | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > consents > idSpecific > additionalProperties > _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > val | Consent choice for the contact address. | y: Contact address subscribed n: Contact address unsubscribed p: Subscription Pending u: Subscription Unknown | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Contact address specified by the subscriber. | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > subscriberContactAddress | Contact address specified by the subscriber. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Subscription details. | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > subscriptions | Subscription details input by the end user in the landing page. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Subscription Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > subscriptions > additionalProperties > _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > type | The type of subscription. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Subscription Choice | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > formData > subscriptions > additionalProperties > _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > val | Subscription Choice for the Subscription List. | y: Subscribed to Subscription List n: Unsubscribed to Subscription List p: Subscription Pending u: Subscription Unknown | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Landing Page ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > landingPageID | Unique Identifier for Landing Page. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Landing Page Name | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > landingPageName | Human-Friendly name of landing page. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Source | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > source | Source of the Landing page. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Source Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > landingpage > sourceType | Type of the Source of Landing Page. | internal: Internal for AJO Landing Page external: External for Non-AJO Landing Page | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Offer Details | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > offers | Describes offer(s) involved in a message interaction. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Offer Activity ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > offers > activityID | Unique Offer Decision identifier. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Offer Count | integer | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > offers > offerCount | Count of offers included in the offer proposition. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Offer ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > offers > offerID | Unique Identifier for Offer. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > offers > placementID | Unique Identifier for Offer Placement. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Proposition ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > offers > propositionID | Unique Identifier for Offer Proposition. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Proposition Time | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > offers > propositionTime | Time at which the Offer proposition was generated. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Offer Decision Scope ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > offers > scopeID | Unique Offer Decison Scope identifier(offer-activity-id+placement-id BASE64 encoded). | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Subscription Details | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > subscription | Describes subscription involved in a message interaction. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Source | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > subscription > source | Source of the Subscription List. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Source Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > subscription > sourceType | Type of the Source of Subscription List. | internal: Internal for AJO Landing Page external: External for Non-AJO Landing Page | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Subscription Choice | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > subscription > subscriptionChoice | Subscription Choice for the Subscription List. | yes: Subscribed to Subscription List no: Unsubscribed to Subscription List pending: Subscription Pending unknown: Subscription Unknown | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Subscription List ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > subscription > subscriptionListID | Unique Identifier for Subscription List. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Link Tags | array | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > tags | The tags present on this link. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
URL Tracking Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > trackingType | The tracking type of the URL. It may be `subscription`, or a user-defined category. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Tracker URL ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageInteraction > urlID | Unique Identifier of the URL clicked by the user. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Experience channel | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > channel | Experience channel related to the ExperienceEvent. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
isSendTimeOptimized | boolean | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > isSendTimeOptimized | True if the message execution is send time optimized. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
isTestExecution | boolean | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > isTestExecution | True if the message is sent as Test Execution. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
MessageProfile ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > messageProfileID | A unique id refers to every single message sent as part of a MessageExecution activity. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Content Variant | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > variant | A message execution can have multiple variants e.g. Multilingual (translated variants for the same content) or A/B testing (different content to test what works better) but a message delivered to a recipient always contains one of them. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Push Platform | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > pushChannelContext > platform | Push provider service, e.g. apns or fcm | apns: Apple Push Notification service fcm: Firebase cloud messaging service | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
SMS Provider | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > smsChannelContext > smsProvider | SMS provider , e.g. sinch or twilio | sinch: Sinch sms provider twilio: Twilio sms provider vibes: Vibes sms Provider | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Proposition Action | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction | The specific element that was interacted with which caused the proposition event to be triggered. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
id | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction > id | The customer generated id of the element with which the end-user interacted. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
label | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction > label | The customer generated display name of the element with which the end-user interacted. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Proposition Event | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType | A record of how the user interacted with the proposition. All propositions recorded on this event will be associated with the same event that is recorded here. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
dismiss | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > dismiss | User dismissed or rejected the proposition without any other direct interaction. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
display | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > display | Proposition was displayed to the user. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
interact | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > interact | User interacted with the proposition, usually in a positive way. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
send | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > send | Proposition was sent to the client. This does not guarantee the proposition arrived or was displayed to the user. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
trigger | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > trigger | Proposition was chosen to be displayed by the client SDK. Other factors may prevent it from actually being displayed. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
unsubscribe | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > unsubscribe | User has requested to not be shown the proposition in the future. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Involved Propositions | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions | An array of decision propositions that contributed to the experience event. The experience event is attributed (at least partially) to those prior decisions/propositions. An individual profile's proposition-response history is maintained with these decision identifiers. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Event Details (deprecated) | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision event when it occured. (deprecated) | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Algorithm Reference | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Experience Reference | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > experienceID | Unique identifier for the proposition's content. Recipients of propositions with the same value will receive the same content experience in the targeted placements. Moreover, propositions with the same value to the same user mean that the content of the propositions has not changed. Propositions with values indicate that the decision selections are different and a different experience resulted from the decision. Note that adding a placement to the decision scope always changes the experience value. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to serve this decision. Contextual indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Decision Event Identifier (deprecated) | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventID | The unique identifier of the decision event that proposed the 'items' (options). For a given decision request and profile identity the output of the decision is a unique event. If a decision is requested again for the same profile and the output are the same options, it is still considered a different proposition with a unique event ID. Multiple propositions can be associated with the same decision event. See (deprecated) | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Event Scope (deprecated) | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScope | The scope that is associated with the decision. This is the name of the scope that was in the request when the decision was made. See | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Event Scope Details (deprecated) | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision scope. This is the state of the scope entity that was used in the decision requst. (deprecated) | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity | The activity that was a requested or chosen for this decision scope. Some scopes will prescribe the exact activity (why and how) that makes the decision, other scopes will use a dynamic strategy determine which activity is used. Those scopes will list executionDetails for steps that were performed during decision-making. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision activity object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity End Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > endTime | Activity end date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'endTime' property defined on | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Fallback Option | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > fallback | The reference to a fallback option that is used when decisioning in the context of this activity does not qualify any of the regular options (this typically happens when hard constraints are applied). The value is the URI (@id) of the fallback option that is referenced. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the decision activity. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > name | Activity name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Start Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > startTime | Activity start date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'startTime' property defined on | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Scope Details Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular scope details. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Correlation Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > correlationID | The campaign, journey, or other object to which this activity can be correlated. This string will often be further classified in the reporting engine. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Provider | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > decisionProvider | The provider that was asked to make the decision. This dimension is used when mutliple services can make decisions for the same placement or activity. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Selected Experience Option | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > experience | The experience that was selected when the decision was made. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Experience Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > experience > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > id | The unique identifier of the decision scope. For a given decision request a scope narrows the decision process along multiple dimensions. The scope is referencable by its identifier. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Interaction Measurements used in this Scope | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements | The interaction measurements determine how inteaction event properties are interpreted (mapped) into outcomes for the propositions. Outcomes could be measured as the number of successes or failures or by a quantitative metric. An outcome can have a nominal value (e.g. success/failure), ordinal (rating value gathered) or numerical value (e.g. a measurable quantity). | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Event observation | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation | A qualification that is evaluated against the experience event to test if a measurable outcome has been achieved. This mapping could check if the value of a property matches a given constant or could be a more complex evaluation. An outcome will be recorded with the event if and only if the implied condition evaluates to 'true' | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Field name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > field | The field that contains the observed value. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Mapping type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > mapping | Indicator for how the observation is mapped into an outcome value | direct: Direct eventTypeValue: Event Type Value fieldValue: Field Value predicate: Predicate | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Observation mapping | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > value | The expression or term that defines how the outcome is derived from the observation. The presence and interpretation of this 'value' is based on the 'mapping' type | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Interaction outcome measurement | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome | The definition of a measurement for the outcome. A property path and value is specified where a measured outcome for the interaction is recorded. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Outcome identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > _id | Unique value that identifies the outcome of the interaction (nominal value). | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Outcome property path | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > field | Property path where the outcome is inserted into the XDM event. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement | The placement that was a requested as part of this decision scope. A scope will include a specification of the location or surface where the option will be presented. The placement narrows the options that can be proposed to those that can be represented or rendered in that place. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > _repo > etag | The revision that the placement object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement's Channel Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > channelID | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See '' | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > id | A unique identifier for the decision placement. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > name | Placement name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Strategy Step Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies | The steps that were executed when the decision was made. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Algorithm Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Execution Step | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > step | Indicator for the step type in the overall decision strategy | profile: Profile Merge Policy eligibility: Eligibility Policy suppression: Suppression Policy ranking: Ranking Function capping: Capping Counter | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Step's Strategy Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > strategyID | The unique identifier of the step's strategy. When executing a decision various steps are performed. Each step is performed according to a strategy or policy and the chosen idetifier is recorded to measure its performance. This identifier could be the URI of a profile merge policy, an eligibility rule, a ML ranking strategy, a function that calculates the rank, a capping threshold or any object that signficantly contributes to the decision result. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to compute this decision. 'Contextual Traffic' indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Treatment Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > treatmentID | Identifier for the experiment treatment or traffic allocation strategy that was selected for the decision. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Proposition Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > id | The unique identifier of the proposition that originally contained the decision options that are being acted upon (see the corresponding 'items' field in this object). When this identifier is present, direct attribution is given to a unique proposition. If the identifier is missing, the action for the items could not be assiciated with a unique proposition. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Selected Options | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items | One or more of the previously proposed options that this experience event is related to. Those items were returned as output of the decision for a requested scope and are now part of an interaction. For instance, if the decision returned five proposed videos to watch and the user selected two in a "Save For Later" interaction, then this experience event could record the user's reaction with an event type "custom.savedToWatchLater" and list the two selected videos in the 'items' array. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsProfile > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsTotal > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision option object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular decision option. Different instances can have different characteristics (keys in the map). The characteristics are name value pairs used to distinguish one decision option from others. Characteristics are used as values in content that represents this decision option and as features to analyze and optimize the performance of an option. When every instance has the same attribute or property, that aspect should be modeled as an extension schema that derives from decision option detail. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > name | Option name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Option Content | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent | Additional properties or attributes related to offer content | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Content Component Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _type | Content Component Type. An enumerated set of URIs where each value maps to a type given to the content component. Some consumers of the content representations are expecting the @type value to be a reference to schema that describes additional properties of the content component. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Format | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _dc > format | The physical or digital manifestation of the resource. Typically, Format should include the media-type of the resource. Format may be used to determine the software, hardware or other equipment needed to display or operate the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the list of [Internet Media Types]( assignments/media-types/) defining computer media formats). | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Language | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _dc > language | The language or languages of the resource. Languages are specified in language code as defined in [IETF RFC 3066](, which is part of BCP 47, which is used elsewhere in XDM. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Score | number | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > score | Calcuated value for that option in the context of a single scope. The value is only available if a score was calculated. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Tags | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > tags | The set of tags associated with this option. The tags are used indicate catetoegies (dimensions) that the option belonged to at the time the proposition was made. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Scope | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scope | The scope that is associated with the decision. This is the name of the scope that was in the request when the decision was made. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Snapshot | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision scope. This is the state of the scope entity that was used in the decision requst. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity | The activity that was a requested or chosen for this decision scope. Some scopes will prescribe the exact activity (why and how) that makes the decision, other scopes will use a dynamic strategy determine which activity is used. Those scopes will list executionDetails for steps that were performed during decision-making. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision activity object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity End Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > endTime | Activity end date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'endTime' property defined on | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Fallback Option | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > fallback | The reference to a fallback option that is used when decisioning in the context of this activity does not qualify any of the regular options (this typically happens when hard constraints are applied). The value is the URI (@id) of the fallback option that is referenced. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the decision activity. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > name | Activity name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Start Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > startTime | Activity start date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'startTime' property defined on | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Scope Details Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular scope details. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Correlation Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > correlationID | The campaign, journey, or other object to which this activity can be correlated. This string will often be further classified in the reporting engine. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Provider | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > decisionProvider | The provider that was asked to make the decision. This dimension is used when mutliple services can make decisions for the same placement or activity. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Selected Experience Option | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > experience | The experience that was selected when the decision was made. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Experience Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > experience > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > id | The unique identifier of the decision scope. For a given decision request a scope narrows the decision process along multiple dimensions. The scope is referencable by its identifier. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Interaction Measurements used in this Scope | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements | The interaction measurements determine how inteaction event properties are interpreted (mapped) into outcomes for the propositions. Outcomes could be measured as the number of successes or failures or by a quantitative metric. An outcome can have a nominal value (e.g. success/failure), ordinal (rating value gathered) or numerical value (e.g. a measurable quantity). | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Event observation | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation | A qualification that is evaluated against the experience event to test if a measurable outcome has been achieved. This mapping could check if the value of a property matches a given constant or could be a more complex evaluation. An outcome will be recorded with the event if and only if the implied condition evaluates to 'true' | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Field name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > field | The field that contains the observed value. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Mapping type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > mapping | Indicator for how the observation is mapped into an outcome value | direct: Direct eventTypeValue: Event Type Value fieldValue: Field Value predicate: Predicate | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Observation mapping | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > value | The expression or term that defines how the outcome is derived from the observation. The presence and interpretation of this 'value' is based on the 'mapping' type | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Interaction outcome measurement | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome | The definition of a measurement for the outcome. A property path and value is specified where a measured outcome for the interaction is recorded. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Outcome identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > _id | Unique value that identifies the outcome of the interaction (nominal value). | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Outcome property path | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > field | Property path where the outcome is inserted into the XDM event. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement | The placement that was a requested as part of this decision scope. A scope will include a specification of the location or surface where the option will be presented. The placement narrows the options that can be proposed to those that can be represented or rendered in that place. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > _repo > etag | The revision that the placement object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement's Channel Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > channelID | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See '' | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > id | A unique identifier for the decision placement. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > name | Placement name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Strategy Step Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies | The steps that were executed when the decision was made. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Algorithm Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Execution Step | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > step | Indicator for the step type in the overall decision strategy | profile: Profile Merge Policy eligibility: Eligibility Policy suppression: Suppression Policy ranking: Ranking Function capping: Capping Counter | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Step's Strategy Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > strategyID | The unique identifier of the step's strategy. When executing a decision various steps are performed. Each step is performed according to a strategy or policy and the chosen idetifier is recorded to measure its performance. This identifier could be the URI of a profile merge policy, an eligibility rule, a ML ranking strategy, a function that calculates the rank, a capping threshold or any object that signficantly contributes to the decision result. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to compute this decision. 'Contextual Traffic' indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Treatment Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > treatmentID | Identifier for the experiment treatment or traffic allocation strategy that was selected for the decision. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
ExperienceEvent merge ID | string | eventMergeId | An ID to correlate or merge multiple Experience events together that are essentially the same event or should be merged. This is intended to be populated by the data producer prior to ingestion. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Event Type | string | eventType | The primary event type for this time-series record. | advertising.completes: Advertising Completes advertising.timePlayed: Advertising Time Played advertising.federated: Advertising Federated advertising.clicks: Advertising Clicks advertising.conversions: Advertising Conversions advertising.firstQuartiles: Advertising First Quartiles ... | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Identifier | string | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > id | Identity of the consumer in the related namespace. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Primary | boolean | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > primary | Indicates this identity is the preferred identity. Is used as a hint to help systems better organize how identities are queried. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Produced By | string | producedBy | Value that describes the producer of the event - suggested values would be 'self', 'system', 'salesRep', etc. Can be used to filter out certain producers if needed. | self: Self system: System salesRef: Sales Representative customerRep: Customer Representative | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Timestamp | string | timestamp | The time when an event or observation occurred. | Email Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Identifier | string | _id | A unique identifier for the time-series event. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > address | The technical address, for example, '' as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Email Namespace | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > namespace | Email namespace associated with the email address in the consent preferences in the Profile, e.g. email or Email | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
IP Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > outboundIP | Outbound IP address of the customer used to deliver the message. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
AJO Campaign ID (deprecated) | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > ajoCampaignID | Unique ID of the AJO Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
AJO Campaign Version ID (deprecated) | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > ajoCampaignVersionID | Version ID of the AJO Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Batch Instance ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > batchInstanceID | GUID created at invocation of each new batch instance for a scheduled Journey or Campaign Action. E.g: If a scheduled Journey or Campaign Action runs at 8.00am and 10.00am, there will be two separate different batchInstanceID’s. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Campaign Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignActionID | Action ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Campaign ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignID | Unique ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Campaign Version ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignVersionID | Version ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Journey Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyActionID | Journey Action ID, for which MessageExecution is triggered. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
JourneyVersion ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionID | JourneyVersion Id triggerieng the MessageExecution. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
JourneyVersion Instance ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionInstanceID | Identifier of the journey version instance, specific to one individual (uuid). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Journey Version Node ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionNodeID | Identifier of the journey version node, triggering the Message Execution. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
MessageExecution ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageExecutionID | The CJM activity originating this message. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Message ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageID | Unique ID representing a non-personalized message sent to the end user. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Message Publication ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messagePublicationID | The Publication ID of parent Message ID of a MessageExecution originating this message. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Message Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageType | Message Type, whether it's marketing or transactional message | marketing: Marketing transactional: Transactional | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Experience channel | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > channel | Experience channel related to the ExperienceEvent. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
isSendTimeOptimized | boolean | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > isSendTimeOptimized | True if the message execution is send time optimized. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
isTestExecution | boolean | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > isTestExecution | True if the message is sent as Test Execution. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
MessageProfile ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > messageProfileID | A unique id refers to every single message sent as part of a MessageExecution activity. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Content Variant | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > variant | A message execution can have multiple variants e.g. Multilingual (translated variants for the same content) or A/B testing (different content to test what works better) but a message delivered to a recipient always contains one of them. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Push Platform | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > pushChannelContext > platform | Push provider service, e.g. apns or fcm | apns: Apple Push Notification service fcm: Firebase cloud messaging service | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
SMS Provider | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > smsChannelContext > smsProvider | SMS provider , e.g. sinch or twilio | sinch: Sinch sms provider twilio: Twilio sms provider vibes: Vibes sms Provider | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Proposition Action | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction | The specific element that was interacted with which caused the proposition event to be triggered. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
id | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction > id | The customer generated id of the element with which the end-user interacted. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
label | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionAction > label | The customer generated display name of the element with which the end-user interacted. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Proposition Event | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType | A record of how the user interacted with the proposition. All propositions recorded on this event will be associated with the same event that is recorded here. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
dismiss | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > dismiss | User dismissed or rejected the proposition without any other direct interaction. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
display | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > display | Proposition was displayed to the user. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
interact | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > interact | User interacted with the proposition, usually in a positive way. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
send | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > send | Proposition was sent to the client. This does not guarantee the proposition arrived or was displayed to the user. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
trigger | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > trigger | Proposition was chosen to be displayed by the client SDK. Other factors may prevent it from actually being displayed. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
unsubscribe | integer | _experience > decisioning > propositionEventType > unsubscribe | User has requested to not be shown the proposition in the future. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Involved Propositions | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions | An array of decision propositions that contributed to the experience event. The experience event is attributed (at least partially) to those prior decisions/propositions. An individual profile's proposition-response history is maintained with these decision identifiers. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Event Details (deprecated) | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision event when it occured. (deprecated) | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Algorithm Reference | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Experience Reference | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > experienceID | Unique identifier for the proposition's content. Recipients of propositions with the same value will receive the same content experience in the targeted placements. Moreover, propositions with the same value to the same user mean that the content of the propositions has not changed. Propositions with values indicate that the decision selections are different and a different experience resulted from the decision. Note that adding a placement to the decision scope always changes the experience value. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventDetails > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to serve this decision. Contextual indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Decision Event Identifier (deprecated) | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionEventID | The unique identifier of the decision event that proposed the 'items' (options). For a given decision request and profile identity the output of the decision is a unique event. If a decision is requested again for the same profile and the output are the same options, it is still considered a different proposition with a unique event ID. Multiple propositions can be associated with the same decision event. See (deprecated) | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Event Scope (deprecated) | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScope | The scope that is associated with the decision. This is the name of the scope that was in the request when the decision was made. See | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Event Scope Details (deprecated) | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision scope. This is the state of the scope entity that was used in the decision requst. (deprecated) | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity | The activity that was a requested or chosen for this decision scope. Some scopes will prescribe the exact activity (why and how) that makes the decision, other scopes will use a dynamic strategy determine which activity is used. Those scopes will list executionDetails for steps that were performed during decision-making. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision activity object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity End Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > endTime | Activity end date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'endTime' property defined on | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Fallback Option | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > fallback | The reference to a fallback option that is used when decisioning in the context of this activity does not qualify any of the regular options (this typically happens when hard constraints are applied). The value is the URI (@id) of the fallback option that is referenced. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the decision activity. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > name | Activity name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Start Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > activity > startTime | Activity start date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'startTime' property defined on | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Scope Details Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular scope details. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Correlation Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > correlationID | The campaign, journey, or other object to which this activity can be correlated. This string will often be further classified in the reporting engine. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Provider | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > decisionProvider | The provider that was asked to make the decision. This dimension is used when mutliple services can make decisions for the same placement or activity. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Selected Experience Option | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > experience | The experience that was selected when the decision was made. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Experience Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > experience > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > id | The unique identifier of the decision scope. For a given decision request a scope narrows the decision process along multiple dimensions. The scope is referencable by its identifier. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Interaction Measurements used in this Scope | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements | The interaction measurements determine how inteaction event properties are interpreted (mapped) into outcomes for the propositions. Outcomes could be measured as the number of successes or failures or by a quantitative metric. An outcome can have a nominal value (e.g. success/failure), ordinal (rating value gathered) or numerical value (e.g. a measurable quantity). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Event observation | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation | A qualification that is evaluated against the experience event to test if a measurable outcome has been achieved. This mapping could check if the value of a property matches a given constant or could be a more complex evaluation. An outcome will be recorded with the event if and only if the implied condition evaluates to 'true' | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Field name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > field | The field that contains the observed value. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Mapping type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > mapping | Indicator for how the observation is mapped into an outcome value | direct: Direct eventTypeValue: Event Type Value fieldValue: Field Value predicate: Predicate | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Observation mapping | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > value | The expression or term that defines how the outcome is derived from the observation. The presence and interpretation of this 'value' is based on the 'mapping' type | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Interaction outcome measurement | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome | The definition of a measurement for the outcome. A property path and value is specified where a measured outcome for the interaction is recorded. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Outcome identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > _id | Unique value that identifies the outcome of the interaction (nominal value). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Outcome property path | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > field | Property path where the outcome is inserted into the XDM event. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement | The placement that was a requested as part of this decision scope. A scope will include a specification of the location or surface where the option will be presented. The placement narrows the options that can be proposed to those that can be represented or rendered in that place. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > _repo > etag | The revision that the placement object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement's Channel Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > channelID | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See '' | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > id | A unique identifier for the decision placement. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > placement > name | Placement name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Strategy Step Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies | The steps that were executed when the decision was made. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Algorithm Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Execution Step | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > step | Indicator for the step type in the overall decision strategy | profile: Profile Merge Policy eligibility: Eligibility Policy suppression: Suppression Policy ranking: Ranking Function capping: Capping Counter | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Step's Strategy Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > strategyID | The unique identifier of the step's strategy. When executing a decision various steps are performed. Each step is performed according to a strategy or policy and the chosen idetifier is recorded to measure its performance. This identifier could be the URI of a profile merge policy, an eligibility rule, a ML ranking strategy, a function that calculates the rank, a capping threshold or any object that signficantly contributes to the decision result. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to compute this decision. 'Contextual Traffic' indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Treatment Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > decisionScopeDetails > strategies > items > treatmentID | Identifier for the experiment treatment or traffic allocation strategy that was selected for the decision. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Proposition Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > id | The unique identifier of the proposition that originally contained the decision options that are being acted upon (see the corresponding 'items' field in this object). When this identifier is present, direct attribution is given to a unique proposition. If the identifier is missing, the action for the items could not be assiciated with a unique proposition. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Selected Options | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items | One or more of the previously proposed options that this experience event is related to. Those items were returned as output of the decision for a requested scope and are now part of an interaction. For instance, if the decision returned five proposed videos to watch and the user selected two in a "Save For Later" interaction, then this experience event could record the user's reaction with an event type "custom.savedToWatchLater" and list the two selected videos in the 'items' array. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsProfile > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsTotal > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision option object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular decision option. Different instances can have different characteristics (keys in the map). The characteristics are name value pairs used to distinguish one decision option from others. Characteristics are used as values in content that represents this decision option and as features to analyze and optimize the performance of an option. When every instance has the same attribute or property, that aspect should be modeled as an extension schema that derives from decision option detail. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > name | Option name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Option Content | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent | Additional properties or attributes related to offer content | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Content Component Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _type | Content Component Type. An enumerated set of URIs where each value maps to a type given to the content component. Some consumers of the content representations are expecting the @type value to be a reference to schema that describes additional properties of the content component. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Format | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _dc > format | The physical or digital manifestation of the resource. Typically, Format should include the media-type of the resource. Format may be used to determine the software, hardware or other equipment needed to display or operate the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the list of [Internet Media Types]( assignments/media-types/) defining computer media formats). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Language | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _dc > language | The language or languages of the resource. Languages are specified in language code as defined in [IETF RFC 3066](, which is part of BCP 47, which is used elsewhere in XDM. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Score | number | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > score | Calcuated value for that option in the context of a single scope. The value is only available if a score was calculated. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Option Tags | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > tags | The set of tags associated with this option. The tags are used indicate catetoegies (dimensions) that the option belonged to at the time the proposition was made. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Scope | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scope | The scope that is associated with the decision. This is the name of the scope that was in the request when the decision was made. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Snapshot | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision scope. This is the state of the scope entity that was used in the decision requst. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity | The activity that was a requested or chosen for this decision scope. Some scopes will prescribe the exact activity (why and how) that makes the decision, other scopes will use a dynamic strategy determine which activity is used. Those scopes will list executionDetails for steps that were performed during decision-making. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision activity object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity End Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > endTime | Activity end date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'endTime' property defined on | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Fallback Option | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > fallback | The reference to a fallback option that is used when decisioning in the context of this activity does not qualify any of the regular options (this typically happens when hard constraints are applied). The value is the URI (@id) of the fallback option that is referenced. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the decision activity. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > name | Activity name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Activity Start Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > startTime | Activity start date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'startTime' property defined on | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Scope Details Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular scope details. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Correlation Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > correlationID | The campaign, journey, or other object to which this activity can be correlated. This string will often be further classified in the reporting engine. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Provider | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > decisionProvider | The provider that was asked to make the decision. This dimension is used when mutliple services can make decisions for the same placement or activity. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Selected Experience Option | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > experience | The experience that was selected when the decision was made. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Experience Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > experience > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Decision Scope Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > id | The unique identifier of the decision scope. For a given decision request a scope narrows the decision process along multiple dimensions. The scope is referencable by its identifier. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Interaction Measurements used in this Scope | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements | The interaction measurements determine how inteaction event properties are interpreted (mapped) into outcomes for the propositions. Outcomes could be measured as the number of successes or failures or by a quantitative metric. An outcome can have a nominal value (e.g. success/failure), ordinal (rating value gathered) or numerical value (e.g. a measurable quantity). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Event observation | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation | A qualification that is evaluated against the experience event to test if a measurable outcome has been achieved. This mapping could check if the value of a property matches a given constant or could be a more complex evaluation. An outcome will be recorded with the event if and only if the implied condition evaluates to 'true' | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Field name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > field | The field that contains the observed value. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Mapping type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > mapping | Indicator for how the observation is mapped into an outcome value | direct: Direct eventTypeValue: Event Type Value fieldValue: Field Value predicate: Predicate | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Observation mapping | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > value | The expression or term that defines how the outcome is derived from the observation. The presence and interpretation of this 'value' is based on the 'mapping' type | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Interaction outcome measurement | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome | The definition of a measurement for the outcome. A property path and value is specified where a measured outcome for the interaction is recorded. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Outcome identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > _id | Unique value that identifies the outcome of the interaction (nominal value). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Outcome property path | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > field | Property path where the outcome is inserted into the XDM event. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement | The placement that was a requested as part of this decision scope. A scope will include a specification of the location or surface where the option will be presented. The placement narrows the options that can be proposed to those that can be represented or rendered in that place. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > _repo > etag | The revision that the placement object was at when the snapshot was taken. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement's Channel Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > channelID | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See '' | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > id | A unique identifier for the decision placement. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Placement Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > name | Placement name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Strategy Step Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies | The steps that were executed when the decision was made. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Algorithm Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Execution Step | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > step | Indicator for the step type in the overall decision strategy | profile: Profile Merge Policy eligibility: Eligibility Policy suppression: Suppression Policy ranking: Ranking Function capping: Capping Counter | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Step's Strategy Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > strategyID | The unique identifier of the step's strategy. When executing a decision various steps are performed. Each step is performed according to a strategy or policy and the chosen idetifier is recorded to measure its performance. This identifier could be the URI of a profile merge policy, an eligibility rule, a ML ranking strategy, a function that calculates the rank, a capping threshold or any object that signficantly contributes to the decision result. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to compute this decision. 'Contextual Traffic' indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Treatment Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > treatmentID | Identifier for the experiment treatment or traffic allocation strategy that was selected for the decision. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Application | object | application | This fieldgroup is used to capture application information related to an ExperienceEvent, including the name of the application, app version, installs, launches, crashes, and closures. It could be either the application targeted by the event like the send of a push notification or the application originating the event such as a click, or a login. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | application > applicationCloses > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Close Type | string | application > closeType | Type of application close, sent on application isClose. Type is 'close' on graceful termination of an application, or 'unknown' when application termination source is unknown. | close: Close unknown: Unknown | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Unique Identifier | string | application > crashes > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | application > featureUsages > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | application > firstLaunches > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Application Identifier | string | application > id | Identifier of the application. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | application > installs > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Is Close | boolean | application > isClose | Close of an application. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Is Install | boolean | application > isInstall | Install of an application. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Is Launch | boolean | application > isLaunch | Launch of an application. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Is Upgrade | boolean | application > isUpgrade | Upgrade of an application. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | application > launches > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Name | string | application > name | Name of the application. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Session Length | integer | application > sessionLength | Length of the application session in seconds. Usually referred as the time the application was in foreground. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | application > upgrades > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
User Perspective | string | application > userPerspective | The perspective/physical relationship between the user and the app/brand at the time the event happened. The most common are the app being in the foreground with the user directly interacting with it vs the app being in the background and still generating events. Detached means the event was related to the app but didn't come directly from the app like the sending of an email or push notification from an external system. Understanding the perspective of the user in relation to the app helps with accuratly generating sessions as the majority of the time you will not want to include background and detached events as part of an active session. | foreground: Foreground background: Background detached: Detached | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Version | string | application > version | Version of the application. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Device | object | device | An identified device, application or device browser instance that is trackable across sessions, normally by cookies. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Color depth | integer | device > colorDepth | The number of colors the display is able to represent. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Background Push Enabled Flag | boolean | device > isBackgroundPushEnabled | For devices like mobile , this tracks the system background push enabled permision status. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Location Enabled Flag | boolean | device > isLocationEnabled | Indicates whether or not the device has location services enabled. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Push Opt In Flag | boolean | device > isPushOptIn | Indicates whether or not the device opted-in to receive push notifications. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Location Permission | string | device > locationPermission | Tracks the device location permision attribute setting. | SYSTEM_LOCATION_DISABLED: System Location Disabled NOT_ALLOWED: Not Allowed ALWAYS_ALLOWED: Always Allowed FOREGROUND_ALLOWED: Foreground Allowed UNPROMPTED: Unprompted | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Manufacturer | string | device > manufacturer | The name of the organization who owns the design and creation of the device, for example, 'Apple' is the manufacturer of the iPhone. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Model | string | device > model | The name of the model for the device. This is the common, human-readable, or marketing name for the device. For example, the 'iPhone 6S' is a particular model of mobile phone. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Model number | string | device > modelNumber | The unique model number designation assigned by the manufacturer for this device. Model numbers are not versions, but unique identifiers that identify a particular model configuration. While the model for a particular phone might be 'iPhone 6S' the model number would be 'A1633', or 'A1634' based on configuration at the time of sale. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Screen height | integer | device > screenHeight | The number of vertical pixels of the device's active display in the default orientation. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Screen orientation | string | device > screenOrientation | The current screen orientation such as "portrait" or "landscape". | portrait: Portrait landscape: Landscape | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Screen width | integer | device > screenWidth | The number of horizontal pixels of the device's active display in the default orientation. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Type | string | device > type | Type of device being tracked. | mobile: Mobile tablet: Tablet desktop: Desktop ereader: E-reader gaming: Gaming console television: Television settop: Set-top box mediaplayer: Media player computers: Computers tv screens: TV screens | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Type identifier | string | device > typeID | An identifier for the device. This may be an identifier from 'DeviceAtlas' or another service that identifies the hardware that is being used. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Type identifier service | string | device > typeIDService | The namespace of the service that is used to identify the device type. | DeviceAtlas Adobe Campaign | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Environment | object | environment | Information about the surrounding situation the event observation occurred in, specifically detailing transitory information such as the network or software versions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Language | string | environment > _dc > language | The language of the environment to represent the user's linguistic, geographical, or cultural preferences for data presentation. Languages are specified in language code as defined in [IETF RFC 3066](, which is part of BCP 47, which is used elsewhere in XDM. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Internet service provider | string | environment > ISP | The name of the user's internet service provider. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Browser details | object | environment > browserDetails | The browser specific details such as browser name, version, javascript version, user agent string, and accept language. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Accept language | string | environment > browserDetails > acceptLanguage | An IETF language tag (RFC 5646). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Allows cookies | boolean | environment > browserDetails > cookiesEnabled | The current user agent settings allow for the writing of cookies.' | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Java enabled | boolean | environment > browserDetails > javaEnabled | If Java was enabled in the device this observation was made from. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
JavaScript enabled | boolean | environment > browserDetails > javaScriptEnabled | If JavaScript was enabled in the device this observation was made from. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
JavaScript version | string | environment > browserDetails > javaScriptVersion | The version of JavaScript supported during the observation. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Java version | string | environment > browserDetails > javaVersion | The version of Java supported during the observation. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Name | string | environment > browserDetails > name | The application or browser name. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Quicktime version | string | environment > browserDetails > quicktimeVersion | The version of Apple Quicktime supported during the observation. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Allows third-party cookies | boolean | environment > browserDetails > thirdPartyCookiesEnabled | If third-party cookies were enabled when this observation was made. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
User agent | string | environment > browserDetails > userAgent | The HTTP user-agent string from the client request. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Platform architecture | string | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > architecture | The user agent's underlying CPU architecture (e.g., ARM, or x86). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Platform bitness | string | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > bitness | The user agent's underlying CPU architecture bitness (e.g., 32 or 64). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Brand | string | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > brands > items > brand | The user-agent's commercial name (e.g., cURL, Edge). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Significant version | string | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > brands > items > version | The marketing version which includes distinguishable web-exposed features (e.g., 72, 3, or 12.1), corresponding to the user-agent. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Mobileness | boolean | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > mobile | A boolean indicating if the user agent's device is a mobile device. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Model | string | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > model | The user agent's device model (e.g., Pixel 2 XL). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Platform | string | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > platform | The user agent's operating system's commercial name. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Platform version | string | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > platformVersion | The user agent's operating system's version (e.g., NT 6.0, 15, or 17G). | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
WoW64-ness | boolean | environment > browserDetails > userAgentClientHints > wow64 | A boolean indicating if the user agent's binary is running in 32-bit mode on 64-bit Windows. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Vendor | string | environment > browserDetails > vendor | The application or browser vendor. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Version | string | environment > browserDetails > version | The application or browser version. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Viewport height | integer | environment > browserDetails > viewportHeight | The vertical size in pixels of the window the experience was displayed inside. For a web view event, the browser viewport height. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Viewport width | integer | environment > browserDetails > viewportWidth | The horizontal size in pixels of the window the experience was displayed inside. For a web view event, the browser viewport width. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Mobile network carrier | string | environment > carrier | A mobile network carrier or MNO, also known as a wireless service provider, wireless carrier, cellular company, or mobile network carrier, is a provider of services wireless communications that owns or controls all the elements necessary to sell and deliver services to an end user. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Color depth | integer | environment > colorDepth | The number of bits used for each color component of a single pixel. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Connection type | string | environment > connectionType | Internet connection type. | dialup: Dial-up isdn: ISDN bisdn: BISDN dsl: DSL cable: Cable wireless_wifi: Wireless wifi mobile: Mobile mobile_edge: Mobile Edge mobile_gprs: Mobile GPRS mobile_2g: Mobile 2G mobile_3g: Mobile 3G mobile_lte: Mobile LTE t1: T1 t3: T3 oc3: OC3 lan: LAN modem: Modem | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Domain | string | environment > domain | The domain of the users ISP. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Duration | integer | environment > duration | The number of milliseconds that the user was on the screen. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
IPv4 | string | environment > ipV4 | The numerical label assigned to a device participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
IPv6 | string | environment > ipV6 | The numerical label assigned to a device participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Operating system | string | environment > operatingSystem | The name of the operating system used when the observation was made. The attribute should not contain any version information such as '10.5.3', but instead contain 'edition' designations such as 'Ultimate' or 'Professional'. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Operating system vendor | string | environment > operatingSystemVendor | The name of the operating system vendor used when the observation was made. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Operating system version | string | environment > operatingSystemVersion | The full version identifier for the operating system used when the observation was made. Versions are generally numerically composed but may be in a vendor defined format. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Previous Screen | string | environment > previousScreen | The frinedly name assigned to the screen the user was on prior to the viewedScreen. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Type | string | environment > type | The type of the application environment. | browser: Browser application: Application iot: Internet of things external: External system widget: Application extension | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Viewed Screen | string | environment > viewedScreen | The friendly name assigned to the screen that the user was on. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Viewport height | integer | environment > viewportHeight | The vertical size in pixels of the window the experience was displayed inside. For a web view event, the browser viewport height. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Viewport width | integer | environment > viewportWidth | The horizontal size in pixels of the window the experience was displayed inside. For a web view event, the browser viewport width. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
ExperienceEvent merge ID | string | eventMergeId | An ID to correlate or merge multiple Experience events together that are essentially the same event or should be merged. This is intended to be populated by the data producer prior to ingestion. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Event Type | string | eventType | The primary event type for this time-series record. | advertising.completes: Advertising Completes advertising.timePlayed: Advertising Time Played advertising.federated: Advertising Federated advertising.clicks: Advertising Clicks advertising.conversions: Advertising Conversions advertising.firstQuartiles: Advertising First Quartiles ... | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Identifier | string | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > id | Identity of the consumer in the related namespace. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Primary | boolean | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > primary | Indicates this identity is the preferred identity. Is used as a hint to help systems better organize how identities are queried. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Inapp Message Interaction Tracking Details | object | inappMessageTracking | Describes interaction with an inapp message. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Custom Action | string | inappMessageTracking > action | Identifier for custom action that the user triggered while interacting with the inapp message. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Place context | object | placeContext | The transient circumstances related to the observation. Examples include locale specific information such as weather, local time, traffic, day of the week, workday vs. holiday, and working hours. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI interaction | object | placeContext > POIinteraction | The point of interest (POI) interaction details. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI detail | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail | Detail of the POI that cause the event. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI identity | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > POIID | The unique identifier of the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon interaction details | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > beaconInteractionDetails | Beacon details active for the POI interaction. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon major | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > beaconInteractionDetails > beaconMajor | Major values identify and distinguish a group and unsigned integer values between 1 and 65,535. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon Minor | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > beaconInteractionDetails > beaconMinor | Minor values identify and distinguish an individual and unsigned integer values between 1 and 65,535. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Proximity to beacon | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > beaconInteractionDetails > proximity | Estimated distance from the beacon. | immediate: Within a few centimeter. near: Within a couple of meters. far: Greater than 10 meters away. unknown: Not able to ascertain distance, signal likely very weak. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Proximity UUID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > beaconInteractionDetails > proximityUUID | A proximity UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) is a special type of identifier used to distinguish beacons in your network from all other beacons in networks outside your control. The proximity UUID is configured into a beacon, to be transmitted to mobile devices in range to identify an organizations beacons. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI category | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > category | General category assigned for organizing the POIs by the administrator of POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Distance to POI center | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > distanceToPOICenter | Estimated distance from the POI center in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo interaction details | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails | Geo details active for the POI interaction. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo device accuracy | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > deviceGeoAccuracy | The accuracy of the geo measuring device or mechanism, measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Distance to center | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > distanceToCenter | Distance to center of geo in, case of a geo circle, measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo shape | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape | Geo shape of the geo being interacted with. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Shape ID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _id | The unique identifier of the shape. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Box | array | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box | The area enclosed by the rectangle formed by two coordinates. The first coordinate is the lower corner and the second coordinate is the upper corner of a rectangle. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Circle | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle | A circular region with a specific radius centered on a geographic coordinate. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Identifier | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _id | The unique identifier of the circle. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > description | A description of what the circle contains. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Radius | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > radius | The length of the radius of the circle. This value conforms to the WGS84 datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > description | A description of what the shape is defining. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > elevation | The specific or minimum elevation of the shape. This value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. In combination with `ceiling`, this property can be used to express a three-dimensional bounding box for a location. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Polygon | array | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon | A series of four or more coordinates where the first and final coordinates are identical. In, this is a plain text. In XDM, it is a structured array instead. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Ceiling | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > ceiling | The maximum elevation of the shape. Only valid when used in combination with `elevation`. This value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. This value is not part of the spec. In combination with `elevation`, this property can be used to express a three-dimensional bounding box for a location. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Locating type | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > locatingType | Mechanism used to determine location. | beacon: Hardware beacon gps: Device GPS ip: IP to geo lookup ip+wifi: IP with wifi lookup wifi-triangulation: Wifi triangulation | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
POI metadata | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > metadata | metadata assigned to the POI by the administrator of the POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Keyed List | array | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > metadata > list | List of keyed values. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Key | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > metadata > list > items > key | Key | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Value | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > metadata > list > items > value | Value | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI name | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > name | The name given to the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI Identity | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > poiID | The unique identifier of the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI type | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > POIDetail > type | The general type of the POI using a typing schema selected by the administrator of the POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI detail | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail | Detail of the POI that cause the event. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI identity | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > POIID | The unique identifier of the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon interaction details | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > beaconInteractionDetails | Beacon details active for the POI interaction. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon major | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > beaconInteractionDetails > beaconMajor | Major values identify and distinguish a group and unsigned integer values between 1 and 65,535. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon Minor | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > beaconInteractionDetails > beaconMinor | Minor values identify and distinguish an individual and unsigned integer values between 1 and 65,535. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Proximity to beacon | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > beaconInteractionDetails > proximity | Estimated distance from the beacon. | immediate: Within a few centimeter. near: Within a couple of meters. far: Greater than 10 meters away. unknown: Not able to ascertain distance, signal likely very weak. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Proximity UUID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > beaconInteractionDetails > proximityUUID | A proximity UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) is a special type of identifier used to distinguish beacons in your network from all other beacons in networks outside your control. The proximity UUID is configured into a beacon, to be transmitted to mobile devices in range to identify an organizations beacons. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI category | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > category | General category assigned for organizing the POIs by the administrator of POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Distance to POI center | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > distanceToPOICenter | Estimated distance from the POI center in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo interaction details | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails | Geo details active for the POI interaction. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo device accuracy | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > deviceGeoAccuracy | The accuracy of the geo measuring device or mechanism, measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Distance to center | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > distanceToCenter | Distance to center of geo in, case of a geo circle, measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo shape | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape | Geo shape of the geo being interacted with. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Shape ID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _id | The unique identifier of the shape. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Box | array | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box | The area enclosed by the rectangle formed by two coordinates. The first coordinate is the lower corner and the second coordinate is the upper corner of a rectangle. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Circle | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle | A circular region with a specific radius centered on a geographic coordinate. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Identifier | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _id | The unique identifier of the circle. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > description | A description of what the circle contains. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Radius | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > radius | The length of the radius of the circle. This value conforms to the WGS84 datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > description | A description of what the shape is defining. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > elevation | The specific or minimum elevation of the shape. This value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. In combination with `ceiling`, this property can be used to express a three-dimensional bounding box for a location. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Polygon | array | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon | A series of four or more coordinates where the first and final coordinates are identical. In, this is a plain text. In XDM, it is a structured array instead. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Ceiling | number | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > ceiling | The maximum elevation of the shape. Only valid when used in combination with `elevation`. This value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. This value is not part of the spec. In combination with `elevation`, this property can be used to express a three-dimensional bounding box for a location. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Locating type | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > locatingType | Mechanism used to determine location. | beacon: Hardware beacon gps: Device GPS ip: IP to geo lookup ip+wifi: IP with wifi lookup wifi-triangulation: Wifi triangulation | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
POI metadata | object | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > metadata | metadata assigned to the POI by the administrator of the POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Keyed List | array | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > metadata > list | List of keyed values. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Key | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > metadata > list > items > key | Key | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Value | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > metadata > list > items > value | Value | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI name | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > name | The name given to the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI Identity | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > poiID | The unique identifier of the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI type | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiDetail > type | The general type of the POI using a typing schema selected by the administrator of the POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiEntries > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Unique Identifier | string | placeContext > POIinteraction > poiExits > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI detail | array | placeContext > activePOIs | Details of the points of interest (POIs) that cause the event. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI identity | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > POIID | The unique identifier of the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon interaction details | object | placeContext > activePOIs > items > beaconInteractionDetails | Beacon details active for the POI interaction. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon major | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > beaconInteractionDetails > beaconMajor | Major values identify and distinguish a group and unsigned integer values between 1 and 65,535. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Beacon Minor | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > beaconInteractionDetails > beaconMinor | Minor values identify and distinguish an individual and unsigned integer values between 1 and 65,535. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Proximity to beacon | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > beaconInteractionDetails > proximity | Estimated distance from the beacon. | immediate: Within a few centimeter. near: Within a couple of meters. far: Greater than 10 meters away. unknown: Not able to ascertain distance, signal likely very weak. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
Proximity UUID | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > beaconInteractionDetails > proximityUUID | A proximity UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) is a special type of identifier used to distinguish beacons in your network from all other beacons in networks outside your control. The proximity UUID is configured into a beacon, to be transmitted to mobile devices in range to identify an organizations beacons. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI category | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > category | General category assigned for organizing the POIs by the administrator of POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Distance to POI center | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > distanceToPOICenter | Estimated distance from the POI center in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo interaction details | object | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails | Geo details active for the POI interaction. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo device accuracy | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > deviceGeoAccuracy | The accuracy of the geo measuring device or mechanism, measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Distance to center | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > distanceToCenter | Distance to center of geo in, case of a geo circle, measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo shape | object | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape | Geo shape of the geo being interacted with. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Shape ID | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _id | The unique identifier of the shape. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Box | array | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box | The area enclosed by the rectangle formed by two coordinates. The first coordinate is the lower corner and the second coordinate is the upper corner of a rectangle. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > box > items > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Circle | object | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle | A circular region with a specific radius centered on a geographic coordinate. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Identifier | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _id | The unique identifier of the circle. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > coordinates > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > description | A description of what the circle contains. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Radius | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > circle > _schema > radius | The length of the radius of the circle. This value conforms to the WGS84 datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > description | A description of what the shape is defining. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > elevation | The specific or minimum elevation of the shape. This value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. In combination with `ceiling`, this property can be used to express a three-dimensional bounding box for a location. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Polygon | array | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon | A series of four or more coordinates where the first and final coordinates are identical. In, this is a plain text. In XDM, it is a structured array instead. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > _schema > polygon > items > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Ceiling | number | placeContext > activePOIs > items > geoInteractionDetails > geoShape > ceiling | The maximum elevation of the shape. Only valid when used in combination with `elevation`. This value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. This value is not part of the spec. In combination with `elevation`, this property can be used to express a three-dimensional bounding box for a location. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Locating type | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > locatingType | Mechanism used to determine location. | beacon: Hardware beacon gps: Device GPS ip: IP to geo lookup ip+wifi: IP with wifi lookup wifi-triangulation: Wifi triangulation | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
POI metadata | object | placeContext > activePOIs > items > metadata | metadata assigned to the POI by the administrator of the POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Keyed List | array | placeContext > activePOIs > items > metadata > list | List of keyed values. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Key | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > metadata > list > items > key | Key | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Value | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > metadata > list > items > value | Value | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI name | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > name | The name given to the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI Identity | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > poiID | The unique identifier of the POI. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
POI type | string | placeContext > activePOIs > items > type | The general type of the POI using a typing schema selected by the administrator of the POI definitions. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Geo | object | placeContext > geo | The geographic location where the experience was delivered. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Coordinates ID | string | placeContext > geo > _id | The unique identifier of the coordinates. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Description | string | placeContext > geo > _schema > description | A description of what the coordinates identify. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Elevation | number | placeContext > geo > _schema > elevation | The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84]( datum and is measured in meters. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Latitude | number | placeContext > geo > _schema > latitude | The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Longitude | number | placeContext > geo > _schema > longitude | The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
City | string | placeContext > geo > city | The name of the city. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Country code | string | placeContext > geo > countryCode | The two-character [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( code for the country. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Designated market area | integer | placeContext > geo > dmaID | The Nielsen media research designated market area. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Metropolitan statistical area | integer | placeContext > geo > msaID | The metropolitan statistical area in the United States where the observation occurred. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Postal code | string | placeContext > geo > postalCode | The postal code of the location. Postal codes are not available for all countries. In some countries, this will only contain part of the postal code. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
State or province | string | placeContext > geo > stateProvince | The state, or province portion of the observation. The format follows the [ISO 3166-2 (country and subdivision)][] standard. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Iana Timezone | string | placeContext > ianaTimezone | Timezone of the device represented as a standard timezone string. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Local time | string | placeContext > localTime | The local time using RFC3339 with a stated time zone offset such as "2001-07-04T12:08:56-07:00". An example formatting pattern is "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX". | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Local time zone offset | integer | placeContext > localTimezoneOffset | The current, local time zone offset in minutes from UTC for the localTime in this object. This will include the current DST offset if applicable. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Produced By | string | producedBy | Value that describes the producer of the event - suggested values would be 'self', 'system', 'salesRep', etc. Can be used to filter out certain producers if needed. | self: Self system: System salesRef: Sales Representative customerRep: Customer Representative | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema |
push notification tracking details | object | pushNotificationTracking | Describes interaction with a push notification. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
custom action | object | pushNotificationTracking > customAction | End user clicked custom action in the push notification | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
action ID | string | pushNotificationTracking > customAction > actionID | user clicked custom action identifier | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
value | number | pushNotificationTracking > customAction > value | value associated with the custom action, if any | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Is Launch | boolean | pushNotificationTracking > isLaunch | Indicates whether this push notification interaction launched the application. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Push Provider | string | pushNotificationTracking > pushProvider | Push provider, e.g. apns or fcm | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Push Provider message ID | string | pushNotificationTracking > pushProviderMessageID | ID assigned to this notification as assigned by the push provider | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Timestamp | string | timestamp | The time when an event or observation occurred. | Push Tracking Experience Event Schema | |
Identifier | string | _id | A unique identifier for the time-series event. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Request ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > debugInfo > requestID | The request Id used by Journey Orchestration to track the flow of a request. | Journey Step Event schema | |
ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > journey > ID | Identifier for the given Journey. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Description | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > journey > description | Description of the Journey. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Name | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > journey > name | Name of the Journey. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Version | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > journey > version | Describes the Journey Version. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Version ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > journey > versionID | Identifier of the journey version. This id represents the identity of a journey. | Journey Step Event schema | |
ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > profile > ID | Profile identifier identifies the profile sent/used in a journey. E.g: | Journey Step Event schema | |
Namespace | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > profile > namespace | This field describes the Namespace referenced by the Profile used in the Journey. E.g: Email, ECID | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Code | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > dispatcher > eventCode | The error code indicating the reason for corresponding eventType | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > dispatcher > eventID | The Event ID to which this event was mapped inside the controller. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Type | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > dispatcher > eventType | The type of dispatcher service event like error, discard | Journey Step Event schema | |
Projection ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > dispatcher > projectionID | The projection id of the segment being used in journey | Journey Step Event schema | |
ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > segmentExportJob > ID | The identifier of the segment export job triggered. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Code | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > segmentExportJob > eventCode | The error code indicating the reason for corresponding eventType | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Type | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > segmentExportJob > eventType | The event type indicating whether it is an error event of info event. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Export Count Failed | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > segmentExportJob > exportCountFailed | The number of segments failed while exporting through the job | Journey Step Event schema | |
Export Count Realized | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > segmentExportJob > exportCountRealized | The actual number of segments exported through the job | Journey Step Event schema | |
Export Count Total | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > segmentExportJob > exportCountTotal | The max possible value of segment export job | Journey Step Event schema | |
Export Segment ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > segmentExportJob > exportSegmentID | The identifier of the segment being exported | Journey Step Event schema | |
Status | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > segmentExportJob > status | The status of segment export job. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Category | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > stateMachine > eventCategory | Incoming event category indicating if the event is an unitary or business event | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Class | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > stateMachine > eventClass | Incoming event class indicating if the event is external or internal | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Code | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > stateMachine > eventCode | The error code indicating the reason for corresponding eventType | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > stateMachine > eventID | The incoming Event ID to which this event was mapped inside the state machine. can be external or internal event ID. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Type | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceEvents > stateMachine > eventType | The type of state machine service event like error, discard | Journey Step Event schema | |
Service Type | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > serviceType | This fields identifies the type of event. | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionBusinessType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionBusinessType | The business solution powering the executed action. E.g: ACC, Epsilon. | Journey Step Event schema | |
ActionErrorContext | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionErrorContext | Provides context of the error. Potential values: 'authCallError': error has occured in scope of custom or Adobe.IO authentication by calling the authentication endpoint to generate an access token, 'callError': error has occured on action call endpointTreatment name applied to execute the action | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionExecutionError | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionExecutionError | Error condition that prevented Journey Runtime from executing the action. E.g: timeout on the action step, capping on the action API etc, http error. | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionExecutionErrorCode | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionExecutionErrorCode | Error code corresponding to actionExecutionError. | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionExecutionOriginCode | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionExecutionOriginCode | Error code corresponding to actionExecutionOriginError. | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionExecutionOriginError | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionExecutionOriginError | In case of timeout or http error, the latest API response message. E.g: invalid payload, internal server error. | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionExecutionTime | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionExecutionTime | Time(ms) inside Journey Engine to call the necessary APIs to execute the action. | Journey Step Event schema | |
ActionGroupID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionGroupID | Action Group ID | Journey Step Event schema | |
ActionGroupName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionGroupName | Action Group Name | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionID | GUID generated when the action is first authored on the JO canvas. Replicating the same action indirectly, by means of duplicating the journey or publishing a new version does not generate a new actionID. | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionName | Name of the action as it appears on the Journey Canvas, if the action is internal to JO Runtime, then action name is set to stepName field. | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionParameterized | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionParameterized | True if the journey runtime passed in dynamic values retrieved at runtime to successfully execute the action. E.g: This field will be set to true, if a custom http action requires some values from external data sources for successful execution. | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionSchedulerCount | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionSchedulerCount | Number of times the Journey Runtime Scheduler was invoked to fulfil the given journey step. E.g for a Wait step, count of actionSchedulerCount=1 | Journey Step Event schema | |
actionType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > actionType | Denotes the action channel invoked. E.g: Email, SMS, customHttp | Journey Step Event schema | |
batchDeliveryID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > batchDeliveryID | (Deprecated).This describes the delivery Id for the batch Journey. | Journey Step Event schema | |
batchExternalKey | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > batchExternalKey | Journey Version ID in case of scheduled, business key in case of the business event journey (productId in case of a journey triggered by a business event). This field is only available in the context of the unitary step. | Journey Step Event schema | |
batchInstanceID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > batchInstanceID | GUID created at invocation of each new batch instance for a journey. E.g: If a scheduled journey runs at 8.00am and 10.00am, there will be two separate different batchInstanceID’s. | Journey Step Event schema | |
batchRecurrenceIndex | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > batchRecurrenceIndex | A counter that increases by 1 each time a batch journey is invoked. Likewise in case of business events, it will show the E.g: If a freshly authored scheduled journey runs at 8.00am,then batchRecurrenceIndex=1 and then at 10.00am, then batchRecurrenceIndex=2. | Journey Step Event schema | |
batchToUnitary | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > batchToUnitary | (Deprecated)Indicates if this unitary instance has been triggered from a batch instance. | Journey Step Event schema | |
batchUnitaryBranchID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > batchUnitaryBranchID | (Deprecated) If the instance has been triggered from a batch instance, unitary branch ID. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Channel | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > channel | Channel Name like email, push, sms | Journey Step Event schema | |
Consent | object | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > consent | Fields corresponding to action consent. | Journey Step Event schema | |
RejectedPolicies | array | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > consent > rejectedPolicies | Rejected Consent Policy details array object. | Journey Step Event schema | |
ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > consent > rejectedPolicies > items > ID | ID of the rejected Consent policy. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Name | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > consent > rejectedPolicies > items > name | Name of the corresponding rejected Consent policy. | Journey Step Event schema | |
RejectedPoliciesCount | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > consent > rejectedPoliciesCount | Count of rejected consent policies | Journey Step Event schema | |
deliveryJobID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > deliveryJobID | (Deprecated).This describes the delivery Job Id for the batch Journey. | Journey Step Event schema | |
EndSegmentQualificationTime | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > endSegmentQualificationTime | Serialized instant of the end of the delta time window. | Journey Step Event schema | |
entrance | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > entrance | True if the step event was an entrance event for a profile(s). E.g: A step event corresponding to the first event trigger for a unitary journey and scheduled/business event trigger for a batch flow will have this field set to true. | Journey Step Event schema | |
eventID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > eventID | If the step was triggered by an external event, this field will contain the eventID used by journey runtime to identify the event. | Journey Step Event schema | |
eventName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > eventName | If the step was triggered by an external event, this field will contain the name of the event authored on Journey Canvas. | Journey Step Event schema | |
eventProcessed | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > eventProcessed | Set to true when the step event corresponding to the external event has been processed fully. The presence of this field denotes that the event node in the journey canvas has been processed fully. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Experience ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > experienceID | Journey Orchestration Experience Id | Journey Step Event schema | |
ExperimentationID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > experimentationID | Experimentation ID | Journey Step Event schema | |
ExperimentationName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > experimentationName | Experimentation Name | Journey Step Event schema | |
externalKey | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > externalKey | Contains the profileID of the profile the current unitary journey instance is executing for. This field was added to support ID’s other than AEP Profile. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchCount | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchCount | (Deprecated)Sum of number of calls made to custom data source and to AEP to fetch the required details to process a step. E.g: To process a condition step. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchCustomCount | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchCustomCount | Number of calls made to custom data source and to AEP to fetch the required details to process a step. E.g: To process a condition step. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchCustomTotalTime | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchCustomTotalTime | Total time(ms) to fetch all the required fields from the custom data source to execute the step. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchError | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchError | Error condition that prevented Journey Runtime from executing the fetch. E.g: capping on the Data Source API etc, http error. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchErrorCode | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchErrorCode | Error code corresponding to fetchError. | Journey Step Event schema | |
FetchErrorContext | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchErrorContext | Provides context of the error. Potential values: 'authCallError': error has occured in scope of custom or Adobe.IO authentication by calling the authentication endpoint to generate an access token, 'callError': error has occured on action call endpointTreatment name applied to execute the action | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchOriginError | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchOriginError | In case of http error, the latest API response message. E.g: invalid payload, internal server error. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchOriginErrorCode | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchOriginErrorCode | Error code corresponding to fetchOriginError. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchPlatformCount | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchPlatformCount | Number of calls made to AEP to fetch the required details to process a step. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchPlatformTotalTime | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchPlatformTotalTime | Total time(ms) to fetch all the required fields from the custom data source to execute the step. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchTotalTime | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchTotalTime | (Deprecated).Sum of fetchPlatformTotalTime and fetchCustomTotalTime. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fetchTypeInError | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fetchTypeInError | The source of the first error that occurred while fetching fields to compute a journey step. Set to either Custom or AEP. | Journey Step Event schema | |
fromSegmentTrigger | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > fromSegmentTrigger | (Deprecated).This describes if the Batch Journey triggered from Audisence Segment. | Journey Step Event schema | |
HasSegmentQualificationDelta | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > hasSegmentQualificationDelta | Indicate if the journey has configuration for segment qualification delta. | Journey Step Event schema | |
inTest | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > inTest | True if the journey instance was executed in test mode. | Journey Step Event schema | |
instanceEnded | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > instanceEnded | True if the current step led to ending an instance of the journey, that is the last step in a journey for a given profile was executed successfully. | Journey Step Event schema | |
instanceID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > instanceID | GUID for each instance of the journey. For each profile entering a journey, a new instance is created. | Journey Step Event schema | |
instanceType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > instanceType | Specifies if the journey instance corresponds Unitary(a single profile) or Batch(a journey instance executes a batch of profiles, E.g: Read Segment Journey). | Journey Step Event schema | |
InteractionType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > interactionType | Indicate the interaction type, either 'marketing' or 'transactional'. Remark: this will be relevant for message and custom actions | Journey Step Event schema | |
isExternalEvent | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > isExternalEvent | Set to true when the event that triggered this step was external to JO. | Journey Step Event schema | |
isReadSegmentTriggerStartEvent | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > isReadSegmentTriggerStartEvent | If the journey is a read segment journey, the current step event indicates that the the segment export process has been initiated. | Journey Step Event schema | |
IsSendTimeOptimized | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > isSendTimeOptimized | Indicate if the message execution has been delayed by applying a send time optimization | Journey Step Event schema | |
journeyID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > journeyID | GUID generated to uniquely identify an authored journey inside the JO Runtime. | Journey Step Event schema | |
journeyNodeProcessed | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > journeyNodeProcessed | A node authored on the journey canvas can be expanded to multiple nodes inside the JO Runtime. This field is set to True when all the steps related to a journey node on canvas have been successfully processed inside the JO Runtime. | Journey Step Event schema | |
journeyVersion | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > journeyVersion | The authored version of the journey. E.g: 1.0, 2.0. | Journey Step Event schema | |
journeyVersionID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > journeyVersionID | GUID generated to uniquely identify a journey on the authored UI. A new journey version ID is generated if a journey is duplicated or its new version is published. | Journey Step Event schema | |
journeyVersionName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > journeyVersionName | Name of the journey as shown on the authoring UI. | Journey Step Event schema | |
MessageID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > messageID | Message ID referenced in inline message action of a journey | Journey Step Event schema | |
nodeID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > nodeID | GUID of the node as generated on the journey canvas corresponding to this step(multiple steps can map to the same node). | Journey Step Event schema | |
nodeName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > nodeName | Name of the node corresponding to this step as visible on the Canvas. | Journey Step Event schema | |
nodeType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > nodeType | Type of the node as authored on the canvas. E.g: action, segmentTrigger, end. There is a sentinel node before the initial node of the authored journey for which nodeType=start. | Journey Step Event schema | |
origSegmentQualificationStatus | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > origSegmentQualificationStatus | Indicates original Segment Qualification Status. Possible values can be: existing, realized, exited | existing: existing realized: realized exited: exited | Journey Step Event schema |
Projection Original Timestamp | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > origTimestamp | The Projection Original Timestamp of the segment being used in journey | Journey Step Event schema | |
originJumpJourneyID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > originJumpJourneyID | JourneyID of the first journey instance that had a jump action that led to the current journey instance. Only present if this journey was triggered by a journey jump action. | Journey Step Event schema | |
originJumpJourneyInstanceID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > originJumpJourneyInstanceID | JourneyInstanceID of the first journey instance that had a jump action that led to the current journey instance. Only present if this journey was triggered by a journey jump action. | Journey Step Event schema | |
originJumpJourneyVersionID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > originJumpJourneyVersionID | JourneyVersionID of the first journey instance that had a jump action that led to the current journey instance. Only present if this journey was triggered by a journey jump action. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Projection Original Timestamp | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > originalTimestamp | The Projection Original Timestamp of the segment being used in journey | Journey Step Event schema | |
parentNodeID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > parentNodeID | nodeID of the previous step in the current journey instance. | Journey Step Event schema | |
parentNodeName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > parentNodeName | nodeName of the previous step in the current journey instance. | Journey Step Event schema | |
parentNodeType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > parentNodeType | nodeType of the previous step in the current journey instance. | Journey Step Event schema | |
parentStepID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > parentStepID | stepID of the previous step in the current journey instance. | Journey Step Event schema | |
parentStepName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > parentStepName | stepName of the previous step in the current journey instance. | Journey Step Event schema | |
parentTransitionID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > parentTransitionID | Contains the transitionID of the transition that led to the current step. Set to “on-error” if the transition to the current step was because of an error. | Journey Step Event schema | |
parentTransitionName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > parentTransitionName | Name of the transition which has brought the instance to the processed step. | Journey Step Event schema | |
parentTransitionType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > parentTransitionType | Whether the transition to current step occurred because of an event, action or normal flow. Possible Values:Event Triggered(if an event trigger led to the current step),Condition Triggered (if a condition evaluation led to the current step),Basic(if the current step occurred normallly as the next step in the journey). | Journey Step Event schema | |
previousJumpJourneyID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > previousJumpJourneyID | JourneyID of the previous journey instance that had the jump action that led to the current journey instance. Only present if this journey was triggered by a journey jump action. | Journey Step Event schema | |
previousJumpJourneyInstanceID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > previousJumpJourneyInstanceID | JourneyInstanceID of the previous journey instance that had the jump action that led to the current journey instance. Only present if this journey was triggered by a journey jump action. | Journey Step Event schema | |
previousJumpJourneyVersionID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > previousJumpJourneyVersionID | JourneyVersionID of the previous journey instance that had the jump action that led to the current journey instance. Only present if this journey was triggered by a journey jump action. | Journey Step Event schema | |
processingTime | integer | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > processingTime | Time(ms) taken to complete the processing of this step. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Profile ID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > profileID | Profile identifier identifies the profile sent/used in a journey.Present if the current step is running in the context of a unitary journey. E.g: | Journey Step Event schema | |
Profile Namespace | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > profileNamespace | This field describes the Namespace referenced by the Profile used in the Journey. Present if the current step is running in the context of a unitary journey. E.g: Email, ECID | Journey Step Event schema | |
PublishedMessageID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > publishedMessageID | Published message ID in inline message action of a journey | Journey Step Event schema | |
reactionActionID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > reactionActionID | actionID of corresponding action to which the reaction occurred. Present if the current step is triggered as a result of a reaction. | Journey Step Event schema | |
reactionChannel | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > reactionChannel | Channel of the corresponding reaction. E.g: Email, Push | Journey Step Event schema | |
reactionInteractionType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > reactionInteractionType | The user interaction that led to this reaction. E.g: Open, Click. | Journey Step Event schema | |
reentrance | boolean | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > reentrance | Set to true of the initial step event for this journey entrance has been triggered by a profile that has already finished one journey instance and is re-entering new journey instance. | Journey Step Event schema | |
SegmentQualificationStatus | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > segmentQualificationStatus | can be value in 'inSegment' or 'exited'. Indicate that the segment triggered journey is interested in profiles in segment or having existed the segment (in the time window is delta is applied). | Journey Step Event schema | |
StartSegmentQualificationTime | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > startSegmentQualificationTime | Serialized instant of the start of the delta time window. | Journey Step Event schema | |
stepID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > stepID | GUID corresponding to each step generated. Unique across all steps. | Journey Step Event schema | |
stepName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > stepName | Name of the step as represented internally in Journey Runtime. | Journey Step Event schema | |
stepStatus | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > stepStatus | Gives the current state of the step that has finished executing. Possible Values: Transitions(Next step will occur on an event transition),EndStep(The last step in this journey instance has executed),Error(This step encountered an error condition, ending the current journey instance), TimedOut(The current step has ended because of a timeout on a fetch or on an action.) | Journey Step Event schema | |
stepType | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > stepType | Defines different types of steps as represented internally by Journey Runtime. Possible Values: ActionStep(Default Step Type),ConditionalRouterStep(If step involved evaluating a condition),SegmentTriggerReadStartStep(If the current step started the segmentTriggeredRead). | Journey Step Event schema | |
SurfaceID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > surfaceID | Surface ID | Journey Step Event schema | |
TreatmentID | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > treatmentID | Treatment ID applied to execute the action | Journey Step Event schema | |
TreatmentName | string | _experience > journeyOrchestration > stepEvents > treatmentName | Treatment name applied to execute the action | Journey Step Event schema | |
Event Type | string | eventType | The primary event type for this time-series record. | advertising.completes: Advertising Completes advertising.timePlayed: Advertising Time Played advertising.federated: Advertising Federated advertising.clicks: Advertising Clicks advertising.conversions: Advertising Conversions advertising.firstQuartiles: Advertising First Quartiles ... | Journey Step Event schema |
Timestamp | string | timestamp | The time when an event or observation occurred. | Journey Step Event schema | |
Identifier | string | _id | A unique identifier for the time-series event. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
IMS Organization Identifier | string | _adobecloudplatform > ims > organizationID | An identity associated with the organization that maintains the library of business objects and rules for this decision. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Batch Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > batchID | A workflow identity associated with the decision event, if the request was made in batch mode. This property will be absent if the decision leading to this event was made individually for a single profile identity. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Container Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > containerID | An identity associated with the library of business objects and rules for this decision. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Request Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > decisionRequestID | An optional identifier that was provided by the client, unique per profile and request. It is used to track the decision request in the dataset of propositions. If a request was processed more than once for any reason there will be more than one event with the same decision request identifier in the dataset and those events can be de-duplicated. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Experience Reference | string | _experience > decisioning > experienceID | Unique identifier for the proposition's content. Recipients of propositions with the same value will receive the same content experience in the targeted placements. Moreover, propositions with the same value to the same user mean that the content of the propositions has not changed. Propositions with values indicate that the decision selections are different and a different experience resulted from the decision. Note that adding a placement to the decision scope always changes the experience value. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
DEPRECATED: Proposition Content Key | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionContentKey | DEPRECATED: Digest or unique hash key (generated automatically) for the proposition content. Recipients of propositions with the same value will receive the same content selections in the targeted placements. Moreover, propositions with the same value to the same user mean that the content of the propositions has not changed. Propositions with different digests or hash values indicate that the decision selections are different. Note that adding a placement to the decision always change digest value. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Proposition Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails | Details about the results of the decision. An array providing the output of a single decision event, one proposition per activity parameter in the request. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Activity Snapshot | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > activity | Snapshot of the activity for which the proposition was made. The object contains at least the xdm:id property value which is the identifier of the decision activity. In the future, this will be deprecated in favor of scopeDetails.activity. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > activity > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision activity object was at when the snapshot was taken. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity End Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > activity > endTime | Activity end date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'endTime' property defined on | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Fallback Option | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > activity > fallback | The reference to a fallback option that is used when decisioning in the context of this activity does not qualify any of the regular options (this typically happens when hard constraints are applied). The value is the URI (@id) of the fallback option that is referenced. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > activity > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the decision activity. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > activity > name | Activity name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity Start Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > activity > startTime | Activity start date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'startTime' property defined on | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Channel (deprecated) | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > channel | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See ''. (deprecated), use instead. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Fallback Option Snapshot | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback | Snapshot of the fixed fallback option that was selected because no available option satisfied all constraints. The object contains at least the xdm:id property value which is the identifier of the fallback action. Note that the intention is that either the selections or the fallback property is required. In the future, this will be deprecated in favor of scopeDetails.activity.fallback. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > _experience > decisioning > propositionsProfile > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > _experience > decisioning > propositionsTotal > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision option object was at when the snapshot was taken. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular decision option. Different instances can have different characteristics (keys in the map). The characteristics are name value pairs used to distinguish one decision option from others. Characteristics are used as values in content that represents this decision option and as features to analyze and optimize the performance of an option. When every instance has the same attribute or property, that aspect should be modeled as an extension schema that derives from decision option detail. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > name | Option name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Option Content | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > optionContent | Additional properties or attributes related to offer content | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Content Component Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > optionContent > _type | Content Component Type. An enumerated set of URIs where each value maps to a type given to the content component. Some consumers of the content representations are expecting the @type value to be a reference to schema that describes additional properties of the content component. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Format | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > optionContent > _dc > format | The physical or digital manifestation of the resource. Typically, Format should include the media-type of the resource. Format may be used to determine the software, hardware or other equipment needed to display or operate the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the list of [Internet Media Types]( assignments/media-types/) defining computer media formats). | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Language | array | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > optionContent > _dc > language | The language or languages of the resource. Languages are specified in language code as defined in [IETF RFC 3066](, which is part of BCP 47, which is used elsewhere in XDM. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Score | number | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > score | Calcuated value for that option in the context of a single scope. The value is only available if a score was calculated. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Tags | array | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > fallback > tags | The set of tags associated with this option. The tags are used indicate catetoegies (dimensions) that the option belonged to at the time the proposition was made. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement Snapshot | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > placement | Snapshot of the placement for which the proposition was made. The object contains at least the xdm:id property value which is the identifier of the placement. In the future, this will be deprecated in favor of scopeDetails.placement. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > placement > _repo > etag | The revision that the placement object was at when the snapshot was taken. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement's Channel Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > placement > channelID | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See '' | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > placement > id | A unique identifier for the decision placement. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > placement > name | Placement name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Selection Strategy | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selectionStrategy | Selection Strategy Details. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Selection Strategy Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selectionStrategy > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the selection strategy. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Selected Options' Snapshot | array | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections | Snapshot of the options that were selected by this activity. The objects contain a at least the xdm:id property value which is the identifier of an option. The intention is that either the selections or the fallback property is required. In the future, this will be deprecated in favor of items. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsProfile > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsTotal > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision option object was at when the snapshot was taken. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular decision option. Different instances can have different characteristics (keys in the map). The characteristics are name value pairs used to distinguish one decision option from others. Characteristics are used as values in content that represents this decision option and as features to analyze and optimize the performance of an option. When every instance has the same attribute or property, that aspect should be modeled as an extension schema that derives from decision option detail. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > name | Option name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Option Content | object | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > optionContent | Additional properties or attributes related to offer content | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Content Component Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > optionContent > _type | Content Component Type. An enumerated set of URIs where each value maps to a type given to the content component. Some consumers of the content representations are expecting the @type value to be a reference to schema that describes additional properties of the content component. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Format | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > optionContent > _dc > format | The physical or digital manifestation of the resource. Typically, Format should include the media-type of the resource. Format may be used to determine the software, hardware or other equipment needed to display or operate the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the list of [Internet Media Types]( assignments/media-types/) defining computer media formats). | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Language | array | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > optionContent > _dc > language | The language or languages of the resource. Languages are specified in language code as defined in [IETF RFC 3066](, which is part of BCP 47, which is used elsewhere in XDM. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Score | number | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > score | Calcuated value for that option in the context of a single scope. The value is only available if a score was calculated. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Tags | array | _experience > decisioning > propositionDetails > items > selections > items > tags | The set of tags associated with this option. The tags are used indicate catetoegies (dimensions) that the option belonged to at the time the proposition was made. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Proposition Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositionID | A unique identifier for the proposition event referenced by another "XDM ExperienceEvent". It is the expectation that applications use this "propositionID" in every experience event that was influenced by the set of propositions. An individual profile's proposition-response history is maintained with these proposition identifiers. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Proposition Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions | Details about the results of the decision. An array providing the output of a single decision event, one proposition per activity parameter in the request. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Options' Snapshot | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items | Snapshot of the options that were selected by this proposition. The objects contain at least the xdm:id property value which is the identifier of an option. The intention is that either the selections or the fallback property is required. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsProfile > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Unique Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _experience > decisioning > propositionsTotal > id | Unique identifier of the measure. In cases of data collection using lossy communication channels, such as mobile apps or websites with offline functionality, where transmission of measures cannot be ensured, this property contains a client-generated, unique ID of the measure taken. It is best practice to make this sufficiently long to ensure enough entropy. Additionally, if information such as time stamp, device ID, IP, or MAC address, or other potentially user-identifying values are incorporated in the generation of the xdm:id, the result should be hashed, so that no PII is encoded in the value, as the goal is not to identify user or device, but the specific measure in time. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision option object was at when the snapshot was taken. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular decision option. Different instances can have different characteristics (keys in the map). The characteristics are name value pairs used to distinguish one decision option from others. Characteristics are used as values in content that represents this decision option and as features to analyze and optimize the performance of an option. When every instance has the same attribute or property, that aspect should be modeled as an extension schema that derives from decision option detail. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > name | Option name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Option Content | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent | Additional properties or attributes related to offer content | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Content Component Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _type | Content Component Type. An enumerated set of URIs where each value maps to a type given to the content component. Some consumers of the content representations are expecting the @type value to be a reference to schema that describes additional properties of the content component. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Format | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _dc > format | The physical or digital manifestation of the resource. Typically, Format should include the media-type of the resource. Format may be used to determine the software, hardware or other equipment needed to display or operate the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the list of [Internet Media Types]( assignments/media-types/) defining computer media formats). | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Language | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > optionContent > _dc > language | The language or languages of the resource. Languages are specified in language code as defined in [IETF RFC 3066](, which is part of BCP 47, which is used elsewhere in XDM. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Score | number | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > score | Calcuated value for that option in the context of a single scope. The value is only available if a score was calculated. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Option Tags | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > items > items > tags | The set of tags associated with this option. The tags are used indicate catetoegies (dimensions) that the option belonged to at the time the proposition was made. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Scope Snapshot | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails | A snapshot of properties from the decision scope. This is the state of the scope entity that was used in the decision requst. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity | The activity that was a requested or chosen for this decision scope. Some scopes will prescribe the exact activity (why and how) that makes the decision, other scopes will use a dynamic strategy determine which activity is used. Those scopes will list executionDetails for steps that were performed during decision-making. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > _repo > etag | The revision that the decision activity object was at when the snapshot was taken. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity End Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > endTime | Activity end date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'endTime' property defined on | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Fallback Option | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > fallback | The reference to a fallback option that is used when decisioning in the context of this activity does not qualify any of the regular options (this typically happens when hard constraints are applied). The value is the URI (@id) of the fallback option that is referenced. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > id | A unique, immutable identifier for the decision activity. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > name | Activity name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Activity Start Date and Time | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > activity > startTime | Activity start date and end time. Property has the semantic of's 'startTime' property defined on | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Scope Details Characteristics | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > characteristics | Additional properties or attributes belonging to this particular scope details. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Correlation Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > correlationID | The campaign, journey, or other object to which this activity can be correlated. This string will often be further classified in the reporting engine. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Provider | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > decisionProvider | The provider that was asked to make the decision. This dimension is used when mutliple services can make decisions for the same placement or activity. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Selected Experience Option | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > experience | The experience that was selected when the decision was made. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Experience Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > experience > id | A unique identifier for the decision option. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Decision Scope Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > id | The unique identifier of the decision scope. For a given decision request a scope narrows the decision process along multiple dimensions. The scope is referencable by its identifier. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Interaction Measurements used in this Scope | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements | The interaction measurements determine how inteaction event properties are interpreted (mapped) into outcomes for the propositions. Outcomes could be measured as the number of successes or failures or by a quantitative metric. An outcome can have a nominal value (e.g. success/failure), ordinal (rating value gathered) or numerical value (e.g. a measurable quantity). | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Event observation | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation | A qualification that is evaluated against the experience event to test if a measurable outcome has been achieved. This mapping could check if the value of a property matches a given constant or could be a more complex evaluation. An outcome will be recorded with the event if and only if the implied condition evaluates to 'true' | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Field name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > field | The field that contains the observed value. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Mapping type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > mapping | Indicator for how the observation is mapped into an outcome value | direct: Direct eventTypeValue: Event Type Value fieldValue: Field Value predicate: Predicate | ODE DecisionEvents |
Observation mapping | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > observation > value | The expression or term that defines how the outcome is derived from the observation. The presence and interpretation of this 'value' is based on the 'mapping' type | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Interaction outcome measurement | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome | The definition of a measurement for the outcome. A property path and value is specified where a measured outcome for the interaction is recorded. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Outcome identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > _id | Unique value that identifies the outcome of the interaction (nominal value). | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Outcome property path | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > interactionMeasurements > items > outcome > field | Property path where the outcome is inserted into the XDM event. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement Detail for the Scope | object | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement | The placement that was a requested as part of this decision scope. A scope will include a specification of the location or surface where the option will be presented. The placement narrows the options that can be proposed to those that can be represented or rendered in that place. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement ETag | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > _repo > etag | The revision that the placement object was at when the snapshot was taken. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement's Channel Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > channelID | The channel in which proposition was made. The value is a valid Channel URI. See '' | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > id | A unique identifier for the decision placement. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Placement Name | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > placement > name | Placement name. The name is displayed in various user interfaces. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Strategy Step Details | array | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies | The steps that were executed when the decision was made. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Algorithm Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > algorithmID | Unique identifier for the algorithm used to make the decision, if applicable. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Execution Step | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > step | Indicator for the step type in the overall decision strategy | profile: Profile Merge Policy eligibility: Eligibility Policy suppression: Suppression Policy ranking: Ranking Function capping: Capping Counter | ODE DecisionEvents |
Step's Strategy Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > strategyID | The unique identifier of the step's strategy. When executing a decision various steps are performed. Each step is performed according to a strategy or policy and the chosen idetifier is recorded to measure its performance. This identifier could be the URI of a profile merge policy, an eligibility rule, a ML ranking strategy, a function that calculates the rank, a capping threshold or any object that signficantly contributes to the decision result. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Traffic Type | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > trafficType | The class of algorithm/policy that was used to compute this decision. 'Contextual Traffic' indicates that event and profile context were used in deciding what to show. Noncontextual means that the decision was not made based on any contextual data. Random indicates that the decision was made by some pseudo-random process. | random: Random Traffic contextual: Contextual Traffic noncontextual: Non-Contextual Traffic | ODE DecisionEvents |
Treatment Identifier | string | _experience > decisioning > propositions > items > scopeDetails > strategies > items > treatmentID | Identifier for the experiment treatment or traffic allocation strategy that was selected for the decision. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Event Type | string | eventType | The primary event type for this time-series record. | advertising.completes: Advertising Completes advertising.timePlayed: Advertising Time Played advertising.federated: Advertising Federated advertising.clicks: Advertising Clicks advertising.conversions: Advertising Conversions advertising.firstQuartiles: Advertising First Quartiles ... | ODE DecisionEvents |
Identifier | string | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > id | Identity of the consumer in the related namespace. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Primary | boolean | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > primary | Indicates this identity is the preferred identity. Is used as a hint to help systems better organize how identities are queried. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Timestamp | string | timestamp | The time when an event or observation occurred. | ODE DecisionEvents | |
Identifier | string | _id | A unique identifier for the time-series event. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > address | The technical address, for example, '' as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Email Namespace | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > namespace | Email namespace associated with the email address in the consent preferences in the Profile, e.g. email or Email | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
IP Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > outboundIP | Outbound IP address of the customer used to deliver the message. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Feedback Status | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > feedbackStatus | Provide status of a delivery attempt across different channels(Email,Push,SMS etc.), Not all enums are used for all the channels, so follow the detailed documentation. | error: Message processing failed exclude: Message profile filtered out sent: Message sent bounce: Message bounced delay: Message delayed duplicate: Duplicate message skipped denylist: Invalid destination skipped delivered: Message Delivered | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
Exclude Code | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageExclusion > code | Provide top level exclusion reason, like typology rule, mandatory parameter missing. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Exclude Reason | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageExclusion > reason | Provide exclusion subcode, like exact typology rule-id. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Failure Category | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > category | Classifies whether it is a sync bounce or async bounce. | sync: The delivery failed synchronously. async: The delivery failed asynchronously. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
Failure Code | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > code | Failure code for a failed delivery attempt. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Failure Reason | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > reason | Failure reason for a failed delivery attempt. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Failure Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > type | Classifies whether it is a soft bounce or hard bounce. | soft: The reason for failed delivery is temporary. hard: The reason for failed delivery is permanent. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
Offer details | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers | Describes offer(s) involved in a message feedback. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Offer Activity ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > activityID | Unique Offer Decision identifier. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Offer Count | integer | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > offerCount | Count of offers included in the offer proposition. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Offer ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > offerID | Unique Identifier for Offer. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Placement ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > placementID | Unique Identifier for Offer Placement. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Proposition ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > propositionID | Unique Identifier for Offer Proposition. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Proposition Time | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > propositionTime | Time at which the Offer proposition was generated. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Offer Decision Scope ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > offers > scopeID | Unique Offer Decison Scope identifier(offer-activity-id+placement-id BASE64 encoded). | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Retry Count | integer | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > retryCount | Number of failed attempts before the current event. The retryCount starts with '0', for message which is sent in first attempt will have 'retryCount' as 0. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
AJO Campaign ID (deprecated) | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > ajoCampaignID | Unique ID of the AJO Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
AJO Campaign Version ID (deprecated) | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > ajoCampaignVersionID | Version ID of the AJO Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Batch Instance ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > batchInstanceID | GUID created at invocation of each new batch instance for a scheduled Journey or Campaign Action. E.g: If a scheduled Journey or Campaign Action runs at 8.00am and 10.00am, there will be two separate different batchInstanceID’s. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Campaign Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignActionID | Action ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Campaign ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignID | Unique ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Campaign Version ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > campaignVersionID | Version ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Journey Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyActionID | Journey Action ID, for which MessageExecution is triggered. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
JourneyVersion ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionID | JourneyVersion Id triggerieng the MessageExecution. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
JourneyVersion Instance ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionInstanceID | Identifier of the journey version instance, specific to one individual (uuid). | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Journey Version Node ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > journeyVersionNodeID | Identifier of the journey version node, triggering the Message Execution. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
MessageExecution ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageExecutionID | The CJM activity originating this message. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Message ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageID | Unique ID representing a non-personalized message sent to the end user. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Message Publication ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messagePublicationID | The Publication ID of parent Message ID of a MessageExecution originating this message. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Message Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageExecution > messageType | Message Type, whether it's marketing or transactional message | marketing: Marketing transactional: Transactional | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
Experience channel | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > channel | Experience channel related to the ExperienceEvent. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
isSendTimeOptimized | boolean | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > isSendTimeOptimized | True if the message execution is send time optimized. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
isTestExecution | boolean | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > isTestExecution | True if the message is sent as Test Execution. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
MessageProfile ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > messageProfileID | A unique id refers to every single message sent as part of a MessageExecution activity. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Content Variant | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageProfile > variant | A message execution can have multiple variants e.g. Multilingual (translated variants for the same content) or A/B testing (different content to test what works better) but a message delivered to a recipient always contains one of them. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Push Platform | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > pushChannelContext > platform | Push provider service, e.g. apns or fcm | apns: Apple Push Notification service fcm: Firebase cloud messaging service | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
Original Recipient Address | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > secondaryRecipientDetail > originalRecipientAddress | It is the address of the original recipient of which the copy of the mail to the secondary recipient was sent. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Secondary Recipient Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > secondaryRecipientDetail > type | The type of the secondary recipient. i.e BCC (Blind Carbon Copy), CC (Carbon Copy) & Archival | bcc: BCC cc: CC archival: Archival | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
SMS Provider | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > smsChannelContext > smsProvider | SMS provider , e.g. sinch or twilio | sinch: Sinch sms provider twilio: Twilio sms provider vibes: Vibes sms Provider | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
ExperienceEvent merge ID | string | eventMergeId | An ID to correlate or merge multiple Experience events together that are essentially the same event or should be merged. This is intended to be populated by the data producer prior to ingestion. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Event Type | string | eventType | The primary event type for this time-series record. | advertising.completes: Advertising Completes advertising.timePlayed: Advertising Time Played advertising.federated: Advertising Federated advertising.clicks: Advertising Clicks advertising.conversions: Advertising Conversions advertising.firstQuartiles: Advertising First Quartiles ... | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
Identifier | string | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > id | Identity of the consumer in the related namespace. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Primary | boolean | identityMap > additionalProperties > items > primary | Indicates this identity is the preferred identity. Is used as a hint to help systems better organize how identities are queried. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Produced By | string | producedBy | Value that describes the producer of the event - suggested values would be 'self', 'system', 'salesRep', etc. Can be used to filter out certain producers if needed. | self: Self system: System salesRef: Sales Representative customerRep: Customer Representative | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema |
Timestamp | string | timestamp | The time when an event or observation occurred. | Email BCC Feedback Event Schema | |
Identifier | string | _id | A unique identifier for the record. | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Campaign Entity | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > campaign | AJO Campaign Entity Specific Fields | Entity Record Schema | |
Campaign Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > campaign > campaignActionID | Action ID of the Campaign that triggered this message execution. | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Campaign ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > campaign > campaignID | AJO Campaign ID. Remains unchanged even after republishing. | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Campaign Version ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > campaign > campaignVersionID | AJO Campaign Version ID. Changes on republishing. Represents immutable version of campaign. | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Campaign Description | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > campaign > description | AJO Campaign Description. | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Campaign Name | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > campaign > name | AJO Campaign Name. | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Channel/Message Entity | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails | AJO Channel/Message Entity Specific Fields. Denormalized on variantId | Entity Record Schema | |
Base Message ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > baseMessageID | Represents the base Message ID from which the published message is derived. | Entity Record Schema | |
The channel for which this row corresponds. | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > channel | Each specific experience channel defines a constant `@id`. | Entity Record Schema | |
Email Specific Fields | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > email | Email Specific Fields | Entity Record Schema | |
Email Subject | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > email > subject | Email subject, non-personalized | Entity Record Schema | |
Message ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > messageID | Unique ID representing a non-personalized message sent to the end user. | Entity Record Schema | |
Message Publication ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > messagePublicationID | Message Publication ID. Represents a frozen/published version of message. | Entity Record Schema | |
Message Publication Time | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > messagePublishedAt | Time at which message was published | Entity Record Schema | |
Push Specific Fields | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > push | Push Specific Fields. | Entity Record Schema | |
Push Title | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > push > title | Push Title, non-personalized | Entity Record Schema | |
The json template used in the message | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > template | The json template used while sending the message | Entity Record Schema | |
Channel's variant ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > channelDetails > variantID | Is not frozen and might remain same between different versions of message publication. | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Experiment Entity Specific Fields | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > experiment | AJO Experiment Entity Specific Fields | Entity Record Schema | |
Experiment ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > experiment > experimentId | This along with treatmentId has one to one mapping with messageID | Entity Record Schema | |
Experiment Name | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > experiment > experimentName | Name of the experiment | Entity Record Schema | |
Treatment ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > experiment > treatmentID | This along with experimentId has one to one mapping with messageID | Entity Record Schema | |
Treatment Name | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > experiment > treatmentName | Name of the treatment | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Journey Entity | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey | AJO Journey Entity Specific Fields | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey Action ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyActionID | Represents the Journey Action ID | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey Action Name | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyActionName | Represents the Journey Label | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyID | Represents the journey ID | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey Name | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyName | Represents the journey name | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey Name and Version | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyNameAndVersion | Represents the concatenated values of Journey Name and Version | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey Node ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyNodeID | Represents the id of the journey node on the canvas | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey Node Name | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyNodeName | Represents the name of the journey node on the canvas | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey Node Type | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyNodeType | Represents the journey node type as authored on the canvas | Entity Record Schema | |
Journey Version ID | string | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > journey > journeyVersionID | Represents a frozen version of a Journey | Entity Record Schema | |
AJO Entity tags | object | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > tags | AJO Entity tags corresponding to a Journey or Campaign | Entity Record Schema | |
Tags | array | _experience > customerJourneyManagement > entities > tags > values | Array of Tags used in AJO entity | Entity Record Schema | |
Field name | Type | Field path | Description | Enumeration | Schema |