Journey Optimizer

Schema dictionary

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AJO Email BCC Feedback Event Schema

Feedback Event Schema which stores the delivery logs for BCC emails. To be used for reporting purposes. Refer to the Journey Optimizer documentation for more information and use cases.

Enabled for Profile: No
Related dataset: AJO BCC Feedback Event Dataset

Field nameTypeField pathDescriptionSchema
Identifierstring_idA unique identifier for the time-series event.Email BCC Feedback Event Schema
Addressstring_experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > addressThe technical address, for example, '' as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards.Email BCC Feedback Event Schema
Email Namespacestring_experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > namespaceEmail namespace associated with the email address in the consent preferences in the Profile, e.g. email or EmailEmail BCC Feedback Event Schema
IP Addressstring_experience > customerJourneyManagement > emailChannelContext > outboundIPOutbound IP address of the customer used to deliver the message.Email BCC Feedback Event Schema
Feedback Statusstring_experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > feedbackStatusProvide status of a delivery attempt across different channels(Email,Push,SMS etc.), Not all enums are used for all the channels, so follow the detailed documentation.Email BCC Feedback Event Schema
Exclude Codestring_experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageExclusion > codeProvide top level exclusion reason, like typology rule, mandatory parameter missing.Email BCC Feedback Event Schema
Exclude Reasonstring_experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageExclusion > reasonProvide exclusion subcode, like exact typology rule-id.Email BCC Feedback Event Schema
Failure Categorystring_experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > categoryClassifies whether it is a sync bounce or async bounce.Email BCC Feedback Event Schema
Failure Codestring_experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > codeFailure code for a failed delivery attempt.Email BCC Feedback Event Schema
Failure Reasonstring_experience > customerJourneyManagement > messageDeliveryfeedback > messageFailure > reasonFailure reason for a failed delivery attempt.Email BCC Feedback Event Schema
Field nameTypeField pathDescriptionSchema
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