Create your first decision item items

Journey Optimizer allows you to create marketing offers, known as decision items, that you can create and organize into a centralized catalog and collections. They are made up of standard and custom attributes designed to align precisely with your needs. Additionally, they incorporate profile constraints that allow you to define to whom a decision item can be shown.

Before creating a decision item, make sure you have created a decision rule if you want to set conditions to determine to whom the decision item can be shown. Learn how to create decision rules.

To create a decision item, navigate to Decisioning > Catalogs, then click Create item then follow the steps detailed in the sections below.

Define the decision item’s attributes attributes

Start by defining the decision item’s standard and custom attributes :

  1. Provide a name and a description.

  2. Specify start and end dates. The item will only be considered by the decisioning engine within these dates.

  3. Set the Priority of the decision item compared to others, if a profile qualifies for multiple items. A higher priority grants the item precedence over others.

    note note
    The priority is an integer data type. All attributes that are integer data types should contain integer values (no decimals).
  4. The Tags field allows you to assign Adobe Experience Platform Unified Tags to your decision items. This allows you to easily classify them and improve search. Learn how to work with tags

  5. Specify custom attributes (optional). Custom attributes are specific attributes tailored to your needs that you can assign to a decision item. They are defined in the decision items’ catalog schema. Learn how to work with catalogs

  6. Once the decision item’s attributes are defined, click Next.

Configure the decision item’s eligibility eligibility

By default, all profiles will be eligible to receive the decision item, but you can use audiences or rules to restrict the item to specific profiles only, both solutions corresponding to different usages. Expand the section below for more information:

Using audiences vs decisiong rules

Basically, the output of an audience is a list of profiles, whereas a decision rule is a function executed on demand against a single profile during the decisioning process.

  • Audiences: On one hand, audiences are a group of Adobe Experience Platform profiles that match a certain logic based on profile attributes and experience events. However, Offer Management does not recompute the audience, which may not be up-to-date when presenting the offer.

  • Decision rules: On the other hand, a decision rule is based on data available in Adobe Experience Platform and determines to whom an offer can be shown. Once selected in an offer or a decision for a given placement, the rule is executed every single time a decision is made, which ensures that each profile gets the latest and the best offer.

  • To limit the presentation of the decision item to the members of one or several Adobe Experience Platform audiences, select the Visitors who fall into one or multiple audiences option, then add one or several audiences from the left pane and combine them using the And / Or logical operators. Learn more on audiences.

  • To associate a specific decision rule to the decision item, select By rule, then drag the desired rule from the left pane into the central area. Learn more on decision rules.

When you select audiences or decision rules, you can see information on the estimated qualified profiles. Click Refresh to update data.

Profile estimates are unavailable when rule parameters include data not in the profile such as context data. For example, an eligibility rule that requires the current weather to be ≥80 degrees.

Set capping rules capping

Capping is used as a constraint to define the maximum number of times an offer can be presented. Limiting the number of times users get specific offers allows you to avoid over-solicitating your customers and thus to optimize each touchpoint with the best offer. You can create up to 10 cappings for a given decision item.

The capping counter value can take up to 3 seconds to update. For example, let’s say you are displaying a web banner showcasing an offer on your website. If a given user browses to the next page of your website in less than 3 seconds, the counter value will not be incremented for that user.

To set capping rules for the decision item, click the Create capping button then follow these steps:

  1. Define which Capping event will be taken into account to increase the counter.

    • Decision event (default value): Maximum number of times an offer can be presented.
    • Impression (inbound channels only): Maximum number of times the offer can be displayed to a user.
    • Clicks: Maximum number of times the decision item can be clicked by a user.
    • Custom event: You can define a custom event that will be used to cap the number of times the item is sent. For example, you can cap on the number of redemptions until they equal 10000, or until a given profile has redeemed 1 time. To do so, use Adobe Experience Platform XDM schemas to build a custom event rule.
    note note
    For all capping events except decision event, the decision management feedback may not be automatically collected, which could result in the capping counter not being correctly incremented. To make sure each capping event is tracked and accounted for in the capping counter, ensure that the schema used to collect experience events includes the correct field group for that event. Detailed information on data collection is available in Journey Optimizer Decision management documentation:
  2. Choose the capping type:

    • Select In total to define how many times the item can be proposed across the combined target audience, meaning across all users. For example, if you are an electronics retailer having a ‘TV doorbuster deal’, you want the offer to be only returned 200 times across all profiles.

    • Select Per profile to define how many times the offer can be proposed to the same user. For example, if you are a bank with a ‘Platinum credit card’ offer, you don’t want this offer to be shown more than 5 times per profile. Indeed, you believe that if the user has seen the offer 5 times and not acted on it, they have a higher chance to act on the next best offer.

  3. In the Capping count limit field, specify the number of times the offer can be presented to all users or per profiles, depending on the selected capping type. The number must be an integer greater than 0.

    For example, you defined a custom capping event such as the number of checkouts is taken into account. If you enter 10 in the Capping count limit field, no more offers will be sent after 10 checkouts.

  4. In the Reset capping frequency drop-down list, set the frequency at which the capping counter is reset. To do this, define the time period for the counting (daily, weekly or monthly) and enter the number of days/weeks/months of your choice. For example, if you want the capping count to be reset every 2 weeks, select Weekly from the corresponding drop-down list and type 2 in the other field.

    note note
    The frequency capping counter reset happens at 12am UTC, on the day that you defined or on the first day of the week/month when applicable. The week start day is Sunday. Any duration you choose cannot exceed 2 years (i.e. the corresponding number of months, weeks or days).
    After publishing your decision item, you will not be able to change the time period (monthly, weekly or daily) you selected for the frequency. You can still edit the frequency capping if the item has the Draft status and was never published before with frequency capping enabled.
  5. Click Create to confirm the capping rule creation. You can create up to 10 rules for a single decision item. To do so, click the Create capping button and repeat the steps above.

  6. Once the decision item’s eligibility and capping rules are defined, click Next to review and save the item.

  7. The decision item now appears in the list, with the Draft status. When it is ready to be presented to profiles, click the ellipsis button and select Approve.

Manage decision items manage

From the decision items list, you can edit a decision item, change its status (Draft, Approved, Archived), duplicate or delete it.

To modify a decision item, open it, make your modifications and save it.

Selecting a decision item or clicking the ellipsis button enables the actions described below.

  • Approve: Sets the decision item’s status to Approved.

  • Undo approve: Sets the decision item’s status back to Draft.

  • Duplicate: Creates a decision item with identical attributes and constraints. By default, the new item has the Draft status.

  • Delete: Removes the decision item from the list.

    note important
    Once deleted, the decision item and its content are not accessible anymore. This action cannot be undone. If the decision item is used in a collection or a decision, it cannot be deleted. You must remove the decision item from any objects first.
  • Archive: Sets the decision item status to Archived. The decision item is still available from the list, but you cannot set its status back to Draft or Approved. You can only duplicate or delete it.
