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Decision rules rules

About decision rules about

Decision rules allow you to define the audience for decision items by applying constraints, either directly at the decision item level or within a specific selection strategy. This enables you to precisely control which items should be presented to whom.

For instance, let’s consider a scenario where you have decision items featuring Yoga-related products designed for women. With decision rules, you can specify that these items should only be displayed to profiles whose gender is ‘Female’ and who have indicated a ‘Point of Interest’ in ‘Yoga’.

In addition to item and selection strategy level decision rules, you can also define your intended audience at the campaign level. Learn more

The list of decision rules is accessible in the Strategy setup menu.

Create a decision rule create

To create a decision rule, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Strategy setup / Decision rules then click Create rule button.

  2. The decision rules creation screen opens. Name your rule and provide a description.

  3. Build the decision rule to suit your needs using the Adobe Experience Platform Segment Builder. To do this, tou can leverage various data sources such as profile attributes, audiences, or context data coming from Adobe Experience Platform. Learn how to leverage context data

    note note
    The Segment Builder provided to create decision rules presents some specificities compared to the one used with the Adobe Experience Platform Segmentation service. However, the global process described in the documentation is still valid to build decisions rules. Learn how to build segment definitions
  4. As you are adding and configuring new fields in the workspace, the Audience properties pane displays information on the estimated profiles belonging to the audience. Click Refresh estimate to update data.

    note note
    Profile estimates are unavailable when rule parameters include data not in the profile such as context data.
  5. Once your decision rule is ready, click Save. The created rule appears in the list and is available for use in decision items and selection strategies to govern the presentation of decision items to profiles.
