Guardrails and prerequisites web-prerequisites

To be able to use code-based experience actions in Journey Optimizer and deliver code content payload that can be used by your applications, follow the prerequisites below:

  • To add modifications to your applications, you must have a specific implementation. Learn more

  • For the code-based experiences to be delivered correctly, make sure you define the Adobe Experience Platform settings detailed here.

  • The Code-based experience channel is not available for organizations that have purchased the Adobe Healthcare Shield and Privacy and Security Shield add-on offerings.

  • You can only create code-based experiences in campaigns. Learn more.

Implementation prerequisites implementation-prerequisites

Code-based experience supports any type of customer implementation as shown in the options below. You can use either a client-side, server-side or a hybrid implementation method for your properties:

You can find samples for each of the implementation method above in this section.

Delivery prerequisites delivery-prerequisites

For the code-based experiences to be delivered correctly, the following settings must be defined:

  • In the Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection, make sure you have a datastream defined such as under the Adobe Experience Platform service you have the Adobe Journey Optimizer option enabled.

    This ensures that the Journey Optimizer inbound events are correctly handled by the Adobe Experience Platform Edge. Learn more

  • In Adobe Experience Platform, make sure you have one merge policy with the Active-On-Edge Merge Policy option enabled. To do this, select a policy under the Customer > Profiles > Merge Policies Experience Platform menu. Learn more

    This merge policy is used by Journey Optimizer inbound channels to correctly activate and publish inbound campaigns on the edge. Learn more

  • To troubleshoot the delivery of Journey Optimizer web experiences, you can use the Edge Delivery view within Adobe Experience Platform Assurance. This plugin enables you to inspect request calls in detail, verify whether the expected edge calls occur as anticipated, and examine profile data, including identity maps, segment memberships, and consent settings. Additionally, you can review the activities the request qualified for and identify those it did not.

    Using the Edge Delivery plugin helps you gain the insights needed to understand and troubleshoot your inbound implementations effectively.

    Learn more on Edge Delivery view

Content experiment prerequisites experiment-prerequisites

To enable content experiments for the code-based channel, you need to make sure the dataset used in your app implementation datastream is also included in your reporting configuration.

In other words, when configuring experiment reporting, if you add a dataset that is not present in your app datastream, app data will not display in the content experiment reports.

Learn how to add datasets for content experiment reporting in this section.

The dataset is used read-only by the Journey Optimizer reporting system and doesn’t affect data collection or data ingestion.