Create your first composition workflow create-compositions


This documentations provides detailed information on how to work with audience composition within Adobe Journey Optimizer. If you are not using Adobe Journey Optimizer, click here.

Create a composition workflow create

To create a composition workflow, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Audiences menu and select Create Audience.

  2. Select Compose Audience.

    note note
    The Build rule creation method allows you to create a new segment definition using the Segmentation Service.
  3. The composition canvas displays with two default activities:

    • Audience: the starting point of your composition. This activity allows you to select one or multiple audiences as a basis for your workflow,

    • Save: the last step of your composition. This activity allows you to save the result of your workflow into a new audience.

    For more information on how to configure activities in the composition workflow canvas, refer to Work with the composition canvas.

  4. Open the composition properties to specify a title and a description.

    If no title is defined in the properties, the composition’s label is set to “Composition” followed by its creation date and time.

  5. Configure your composition by adding as many activities as needed between the Audience and Save activities. Learn how to work with the composition canvas

  6. Once your composition is ready, click the Publish button to publish the composition and save the resulting audiences into Adobe Experience Platform.

    note important
    You can publish up to 10 compositions in a given sandbox. If you have reached this threshold, you need to delete a composition to free up space and publish a new one.

    If any error occurs during publishing, alerts will display with information on how to resolve the issue.

  7. The composition is published. The resulting audiences are saved into Adobe Experience Platform and are ready to be targeted in Journey Optimizer. Learn how to target audiences in Journey Optimizer

Access compositions access

All created compositions can be accessed from the Compositions tab. You can duplicate or delete an existing composition at any time using the ellipsis button in the list.

Compositions can have multiple statuses:

  • Draft: the composition is in progress and has not been published.
  • Published: the composition has been published, resulting audiences have been saved and are available for use.

Audience composition is currently not integrated with the sandbox reset capability. Before initiating a sandbox reset, you need to delete your compositions manually to ensure that the associated audience data is cleaned up properly. Detailed information is available in Adobe Experience Platform Sandbox documentation