STEP 3: Create a Landing Page and Add Your Form

  1. With your program selected, click the New drop-down and select New Local Asset.

  2. Select Landing Page.

  3. Enter a page Name, select a template and click Create.

    You may have a different template than the one in our screenshot, it’s okay, just pick one and keep going.

  4. Once the landing page editor opens, drag the Form element onto the canvas.

  5. Find and select your form and click Insert.

  6. Drag the form around to the desired location.

  7. All your changes are auto saved. Close the form editor tab/window.

    Great job! You now have a landing page with a form on it. Let’s approve your page to make it live.

STEP 4: Approve Your Landing Page

  1. Select your landing page and click Approve draft.

    Approving the landing page will make it live and available to access on the internet.

    Perfect! See the green checkmark on it?

STEP 5: Test Your Form

  1. Select your landing page and click View Approved Page.

  2. Fill out the form with information you know is unique and click Submit.

  3. Go to the Database area.

  4. Search for the unique email address you used when filling out the form.

    There it is! You created a new landing page with a form on it and used it to generate a new person.

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Marketo Engage