Recent data

The recent data dashboard provides information about recently created datasets, sources, segments, and destinations.

The Recent datasets section lists the five most recently created datasets within your organization. This list is updated every time a new dataset is created. You can select a dataset from the list to view You can find more information about the specified dataset or select View all to see a list of all created datasets. You can find more information about datasets in the datasets overview.

The Recent sources section lists the five most recently created source connectors within your organization. This list is updated every time a new source connector is created. You can select a source connection from the list to view You can find more information about the specified connector or select View all to see a list of all created source connections. You can find more information about sources in the sources overview.

The Recent segments section lists the five most recently created segment definitions within your organization. This list is updated every time a new segment definition is created. You can select a segment definition from the list to view You can find more information about the specified segment definition or select View all to see a list of all created segment definitions. You can find more information about segments in the Segmentation Service overview.

The Recent destinations section lists the five most recently created destinations within your organization. This list is updated every time a new destination is created. You can select a destination from the list to view You can find more information about the specified destination or select View all to see a list of all created destinations. You can find more information about destinations in the destinations overview.

The Recommended learning section provides links to useful documentation to get started with Adobe Experience Platform.

Top navigation bar

The top navigation bar in the Platform UI displays the organization you are currently signed into, and provides several important controls.

On the left side of the navigation bar is the Adobe Experience Platform logo. Selecting this logo at any time brings you back to the Platform UI home screen.

Organization switcher

The first item on the right side of the top navigation bar is the Organization switcher.

Selecting the switcher opens a dropdown menu of organizations you have access to, if any are available. To switch to another organization, select a listed option.

Switch applications

The next item on the right side of the top navigation is the application switcher, represented by the application switcher icon. When you select this icon, you can switch between Adobe applications that your organization has access to, such as Experience Platform, Analytics, Assets, and others.


To the right of the application switcher is the help and support menu, which is represented by the question mark/help icon. When you select this icon, a popover menu appears, containing several help and support resources. The Help tab shows a list of relevant documentation for the page you’re currently on. The Support tab allows you to create a support ticket with the Adobe support team. The Feedback tab allows you to submit feedback about Platform to Adobe.

Notifications and announcements

In the notifications section, which is represented by the bell/Notifications and Announcements icon. The Notifications tab shows important information about the product and other relevant updates, while the Announcements tab shows information about service maintenance.

User profile

The final item on the top navigation bar is the user settings, represented by the user settings/User Profile icon. Select this icon to edit your preferences or sign out.

You can toggle between the light and dark theme for the Platform interface with the switch located just below your name and email. Select the theme you prefer.


Immediately below the top navigation bar is the sandbox bar. This bar shows which sandbox you are currently using for Platform. You can find more information about sandboxes in the sandboxes overview.

Left navigation

The navigation on the left side of the screen lists all the different services supported in the Platform UI.

Click the menu icon to show or hide the left navigation panel.

You can lock the navigation in the open position by clicking again after showing the panel.

The left navigation bar shows only the features that you are able to access. In previous versions of Adobe Experience Platform, unavailable items were disabled. If you believe you should have access to a section that does not appear, please contact your system administrator.

The Home section lets you return to the Platform UI homepage.

The Workflows section shows a list of multi-step workflows for performing operations within Platform. You can find more information about workflows in the workflows overview.


The Sources section lets you create, update, and delete source connections, allowing you to ingest data from external sources into Platform. You can find more information about sources in the sources overview.

The Destinations section lets you create, update, and delete destinations, allowing you to export data from Platform to many external destinations. You can find more information about destinations in the destinations overview.


The Profiles section lets you browse customer profiles, view profile metrics, create and manage merge policies, and view union schemas. To learn more about using the Profiles section, please read the Profile user guide. You can find more information about Real-Time Customer Profile in the Real-Time Customer Profile overview.

The Audiences section lets you create and manage segment definitions. To learn more about using the Audiences section, please read the segmentation user guide. You can find more information about Segmentation Service in the Segmentation Service overview.

The Identities section lets you create and manage identity namespaces. For more information about the Identities section, including information about identity namespaces and how to use identities in the Platform UI, please refer to the identity namespace overview.


The Policies section lets you create and manage data usage policies. To learn more about using the Policies section, please read the data usage policies user guide. You can find more information about data usage policies in the data usage policies overview.

The Requests section lets you create and manage privacy requests. Please note that you must be allowlisted in order to have access to the Privacy Service UI. To learn more about using the Requests section, please read the Privacy Service user guide. You can find more information about Privacy Service in the Privacy Service overview.

Data Science

The Notebooks section provides access to JupyterLab, an interactive development environment that lets you explore, analyze, and model your data. To learn more about using the Notebooks section, please read the JupyterLab user guide. You can find more information about Data Science Workspace in the Data Science Workspace overview

The Models section lets you use machine learning and artificial intelligence to create, develop, train, and tune models to make predictions. You can find more information about the Models section in the tutorial on training and evaluate a model.

The Services section lets you manage your published models for scheduled training and scoring, or use Adobe’s Intelligent Services, a set of AI services that deliver real-time, personalized customer experiences. You can find more information about the Services section in the Publishing a Model as a Service tutorial.

Data management

The Schemas section lets you create and manage Experience Data Model (XDM) schemas. To learn more about schemas, please read the tutorial on creating a schema. You can find more information about XDM in the XDM System overview.

The Datasets section lets you create and manage datasets. You can find more information about datasets in the datasets user guide.

The Queries section lets you create and manage queries, log SQL queries made by Adobe Experience Platform Query Service, and view your PostgreSQL credentials. You can find more information about queries in the Query Service user guide.

The Monitoring section lets you monitor batch and streaming ingestion. You can find more information about monitoring in the monitoring data ingestion user guide.

Federated data

The Models section lets you design and create data models and schemas that define the structure, relationships, and constraints of your data. You can find more information about the data models and schemas in the Federated Audience Composition user guide.

The Audit trail section provides a detailed and chronological record of all actions and events that have been made to your environment in real-time. You can find more information about the audit trail in the Federated Audience Composition user guide.

The Federated databases section lets you connect Adobe Experience Platform to your enterprise data warehouse. You can find more information about connection to federated databases in the Federated Audience Composition user guide.


Adobe Journey Optimizer is an application service built on top of Experience Platform. It allows you to use powerful decisioning technologies to deliver the best offer and experience to your customers across all touch points at the right time. To learn more about Journey Optimizer, including working with Offers and Activities visit the Journey Optimizer documentation.


The Platform user interface (UI) provides a dashboard through which you can view important information about your organization’s license usage, as captured during a daily snapshot. Access this dashboard by selecting License usage in the navigation. To learn more about the license usage dashboard, visit the license usage dashboard guide.

The license usage dashboard functionality is currently in alpha and is not available to all users. The documentation and the functionality are subject to change.

Next steps

By reading this guide, you now have been introduced to the home page and major navigational elements of the Platform UI. For more detailed information about working in the user interface, please refer to the documentation for each individual Platform service. Links to this documentation are provided in the left navigation section found earlier in this document.
