Add a custom field to a custom form with the legacy form builder

With the 24.7 release, the form designer will be generally available and will become the default experience for creating and editing custom forms in Adobe Workfront. The legacy form builder will no longer be available. We recommend that you switch to the form designer now and take advantage of its features.
For information, see Design a form with the form designer.
The legacy form builder was removed from the Preview environment on June 19, 2024, and will be removed from the Production environment with the 24.7 release in July.

When you are working on a custom form, you can create a new custom field and add it to a custom form.

You can also add a custom field that was already added to another custom form. For instructions, see Reuse a custom field or widget in a custom form.

For information about adding an asset widget to a custom form, which is a process similar to adding a custom field, see Add or edit an asset widget in a custom form.

In a custom form containing a lot of custom fields or a lot of multi-select options in custom fields, users might experience a slower performance when adding or changing values in those fields. For example, a form containing 100 custom fields, or multi-select custom fields with more than 200 options, might be slower when users interact with it.

Access requirements

Expand to view access requirements for the functionality in this article.

You must have the following to perform the steps in this article:

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Adobe Workfront plan Any
Adobe Workfront license

New: Standard


Current: Plan

Access level configurations Administrative access to custom forms

For more detail about the information in this table, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.

Add a custom field to a custom form add-custom-field-to-custom-form

  1. Begin creating or editing a custom form, as described in Create or edit a custom form.

  2. Select the Add a field tab.

    Add a field tab

  3. With New Field New Field icon selected, select one of these field types:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 9-row-2 10-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
    Single Line Text Field Allows users to type a single line of text in the field.
    Paragraph Text Field Allows users to type multiple lines of text in the field.
    Text Field with Formatting

    Allows users to type multiple lines of text in the field and format the text with bold, italics, underline, bullets, numbering, hyperlinks, and block quotes. This is available in Home, the Updates area, lists, and the Details area for Workfront objects. A character limit of 15,000 allows for plenty of text and formatting.

    This custom field type is not supported in filters on lists and reports.

    For information about accessing this field through the API, see Rich text field storage in the API.

    NOTE: Text fields with formatting are not available for Workfront mobile apps.

    Dropdown Provides a list of drop-down choices.

    Allows users to type the name of an object that exists in Workfront. A list of suggestions appears when the user starts typing. This field type supports the following objects:

    • User
    • Group
    • Job Role
    • Portfolio
    • Program
    • Project
    • Team
    • Template
    • Company
    Calculated Allows you to define an expression and display the result on the custom form. For more information, see Add calculated data to a custom form.
    Date Displays a calendar where users can select a date and time.
    Checkboxes Allows users to select multiple choices.
    Radio Buttons Requires users to select only one choice.
    Descriptive Text Allows you to include instructions and link to pages outside Workfront.
    Section Break A section break is actually not a field. You can use a section break to organize your custom fields and widgets into sections and, if necessary, configure different viewing and editing permissions for each section. For information about adding and configuring section breaks, see Add a section break to a custom form.
    note note
    Fields that allow multiple selections, such as the Checkbox and Dropdown, are difficult to chart and group in reports. To allow easier charting and grouping in reports, you can create separate fields for each choice (for example, a single-line text field).
  4. On the Field Settings tab, configure the options that are available for the type of custom field you are adding:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 9-row-2 10-row-2 11-row-2 12-row-2 13-row-2 14-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header

    (Required) Type a descriptive label to display above the custom field. You can change the label at any time.

    IMPORTANT: Avoid using special characters in this label. They don't display correctly in reports.


    (Required) This name is how the system identifies the custom field when you add it to various areas throughout Workfront, such as reports, Home, and API interactions.

    When you are configuring the custom field for the first time and you type the label, the Name field populates automatically to match it. But the Label and Name fields are not synchronized—this gives you the freedom to change the label that your users see without having to change the name that the system sees.


    • Though it's possible to do so, we recommend that you do not change this name after you or other users start using the custom form in Workfront. If you do, the system will no longer recognize the custom field where it might now be referenced in other areas of Workfront.

      For example, if you add the custom field to a report and later change its name, Workfront doesn't recognize it in the report and it will stop functioning correctly there unless you re-add it to the report using the new name.

    • We recommend that you do not type a name that is already used for built-in Workfront fields.

    • We recommend that you do not use the period/dot character in the custom field name, to prevent errors when using the field in different areas of Workfront.

    Each custom field name must be unique in your organization's Workfront instance. This way, you can reuse one that was already created for another custom form. For more information, see Add a custom field to a custom form in this article.


    Type any additional information about the custom field. When users fill out the custom form, they can hover over the question mark icon to view a tool tip containing the information you type here.


    Select the type of data that will be captured in the custom field. You can change the format selection after saving the form, but the new format must support the value entered.

    Example: If you save a numeric value for a field with Text format on at least one object and later change the format to Number or Currency, you will not encounter an error.

    However, if you save an alphanumeric value in a field with Text format on at least one object and then try to change the format to Number or Currency, you will encounter an error because the saved alphanumeric value is not compatible with the Number or Currency formats.

    Note: The character limit for Number fields is 16. You can also use a Text field to enter numbers and avoid the limit.

    Display Type (Dropdown, checkboxes, and radio buttons only) Switch the type of option selection you want for the field.
    Size (Text fields only) Select a width for the field.
    Display Time of Day (Date fields only) Select this option if you want to show the time of day along with the date in the field.
    Referenced Object Type

    (Typeahead fields only) Select the object type that you want to associate with the field.

    Once you have clicked Apply or Save+Close, you cannot change the object type for the field.


    • If your Workfront administrator customized the name for Portfolios, Programs, or Projects in the Workfront user interface, the default Workfront name for the object appears in this drop-down list, not the customized name. See your Workfront administrator if you need help with this.
    • The following object types are supported in the iOS and Android Workfront Mobile Apps: User, Company, Group, Job Role, Portfolio, Program, Project, and Template.
    Add Filter

    (Typeahead fields only) Add a filter for an object type to limit the objects users can choose when they are using the field.

    For example, you could limit a field so that user names can be selected only if they meet the following criteria:

    • They belong to a group or groups that you specify
    • They are associated with a role or job title you specify
    • They belong to the same group as the person using the field

    You must define the filter for the object type you selected using Text Mode syntax. For information about creating a filter using Text Mode, see Edit a filter using text mode.


    • If you are editing an existing custom form, adding a filter to a Typeahead field does not remove any objects (outside the scope of the filter) that users have already added using the field.
    • This filter is not available on mobile devices. If you use the filter for a Typeahead field, the field will appear on users' mobile devices unaffected by the filter.
    Descriptive Text (Descriptive Text fields only) Type the text that you want to display to provide instructions or a link on the custom form.
    Hyperlink (Descriptive Text fields only) If you want to apply a hyperlink to the Descriptive Text you have typed, add it here.
    Make a required field Select this option if you want the field to be required in order for the user to complete the custom form.
    Track field changes in update feeds

    Click the drop-down list, then select the object types where you want to automatically track the field's value changes.

    NOTE: This option is not available for the following:

    • Custom forms associated with the following object types: Expense, Company, Iteration, Billing Record, Document, and Group.
    • The following field types: Calculated, Descriptive Text, and Section Break

    IMPORTANT: Selecting or deselecting an object type here affects all custom forms that are associated with the selected object type and that contain this field. For example, if you deselect an object type here and save the custom form, the field's value changes are no longer tracked for that object type in any custom form that contains the field.

    After you select an object type here for a field and save the custom form, the field displays on the Custom Fields tab in the Update Feeds area in Setup.

    Conversely, if this field is deleted in the Update Feeds area in Setup, the object type for this setting is deselected on all custom forms that are associated with the object type and that contain this field.

    For more information, see the section Add fields you want Workfront to track in the article Configure system updates.

    Add Logic Specify which fields should appear on the form, based on selections users make in existing fields. For more information, see Add display logic and skip logic to a custom form.

    (Dropdown, Checkboxes, or Radio Buttons only; optional)

    1. Click Options, then enable any of the following:

      • Show Values: Shows the values of each choice in the field. The label of each choice shows by default.
      • Sort Choices A-Z: Sorts the choices you add alphabetically in the field.
    2. For each choice you add for the user, click the gear icon , then select one of the following options:

      • Select by Default: Select the choice by default in the field.

      • Hide Choice: Hide the choice in the field. Hidden choices remain accessible in reports.

      • Remove Choice: Remove the choice from the field.

        WARNING: If you have current objects using this choice, do not remove it from the field. Removing it will cause historic data to be lost. Instead, select the option to hide it, which prevents users from selecting it in the future.

  5. (Conditional) To change the display type of a field on the custom form, click the Display Type drop-down menu, then click the type you want.

    You can switch between the following field display types:

    • Selection-type fields: Checkboxes, Dropdown, Radio Buttons.
    • Text-type fields: Single Line Text Field, Paragraph Text Field. (You can’t switch a Text Field with Formatting to a different display type. However, you can remove it and add another type of field.)

    For example, if you have created a Checkboxes field, you can change it to a Dropdown field or a Radio Buttons field. Or, if you have created a Single Line Text Field, you can change it to a Paragraph Text field.

    note note
    Consider the following when you want to change a field’s display type from a checkbox field or a multi-select dropdown field (a dropdown allowing more than one option to be selected) to a single-select field type:
    • If you change to Radio Buttons, Workfront retains any multi-select values that a user may have entered in the field until the user changes and saves data in any part of the form. At this point, any values that were selected using the multi-select-type field are replaced by the selected Radio Button value.
    • If you change to a single-select Dropdown, Workfront retains any multi-select values that a user may have entered in the field until the user changes and saves the values in the field. At this point, any values that were selected using the multi-select-type field are replaced by the selected Dropdown value.
  6. (Optional) Repeat steps 3-5 to add more custom fields.


    Add fields that have already been created for your organization, as explained in Reuse a custom field or widget in a custom form.

    note note
    You can add up to 500 fields and widgets on a single custom form. However, performance degradation can occur when more than 100 exist on a form, depending on its complexity. Examples of complex forms include forms with cascading parameters, calculated custom data fields, and multiple value options in a single field.
  7. Click Apply.

  8. If you want to continue building your custom form in other ways, continue on to one of the following articles:
