Send data to Experience Platform
Learn how to send mobile app data to Adobe Experience Platform.
This optional lesson is relevant to all customers of Real-Time Customer Data Platform (Real-Time CDP), Journey Optimizer, and Customer Journey Analytics. Experience Platform, the foundation of Experience Cloud products, is an open system that transforms all your data (Adobe and non-Adobe) into robust customer profiles. These customer profiles update in real time and uses AI-driven insights to help you to deliver the right experiences across every channel.
The event, lifecycle, and identity data which you collected and sent to Platform Edge Network in earlier lessons is forwarded to the services configured in your datastream, including Adobe Experience Platform.
Your organization must be provisioned and permissions granted for Adobe Experience Platform.
If you don’t have access, you can skip this lesson.
Learning objectives
In this lesson, you will:
- Create an Experience Platform dataset.
- Configure your datastream to forward data to Experience Platform.
- Validate data in the dataset.
- Enable your schema and dataset for Real-Time Customer Profile.
- Validate data in Real-Time Customer Profile.
- Validate data in the identity graph.
Create a dataset
All data that is successfully ingested into Adobe Experience Platform is persisted within the data lake as datasets. A dataset is a storage and management construct for a collection of data (typically a table) that contains a schema (columns) and fields (rows). Datasets also contain metadata that describes various aspects of the data they store. See the documentation for information.
Navigate to the Experience Platform interface by selecting it from the Apps
Select Datasets from the left navigation menu.
Select Create dataset from schema.
Search for your schema. for example using
Luma Mobile
in the search field. -
Select your schema, for example Luma Mobile App Event Schema.
Select Next.
Provide a Name, for example
Luma Mobile App Events Dataset
and a Description. -
Select Finish.
Add Adobe Experience Platform datastream service
To send your XDM data from the Edge Network to Adobe Experience Platform, add the Adobe Experience Platform service to the datastream you set up as part of Create a datastream.
In the Data Collection UI, select Datastreams and your datastream.
Then select
Select Adobe Experience Platform from the Service list.
Enable the service by switching Enabled on.
Select the Event Dataset that you created earlier , for example Luma Mobile App Event Dataset.
Select Save.
The final configuration should look something like this.
Validate data in the dataset
Now that you have created a dataset and updated your datastream to send data to Experience Platform, all XDM data send to Platform Edge Network is forwarded to Platform and lands in the dataset.
Open the app and navigate to screens where you are tracking events. You can also trigger lifecycle metrics.
Open your dataset in the Platform interface. You should see the data arriving in batches to the dataset. The data typically arrives in microbatches every 15 minutes, so you might not see your data immediately.
You should also be able to see example records and fields using the Preview dataset feature:
A more robust tool for validating data is Platform’s query service.
Enable Real-Time Customer Profile
Experience Platform’s Real-Time Customer Profile allows you to build a holistic view of each individual customer that combines data from multiple channels, including online, offline, CRM, and third-party data. Profile allows you to consolidate your disparate customer data into a unified view offering an actionable, timestamped account of every customer interaction.
Enable the schema
Open your schema, for example Luma Mobile App Event Schema.
Enable Profile.
Select Data for this schema will contain a primary identity in the identityMap field. in the dialog.
Save the schema.
Enable the dataset
Open your dataset, for example Luma Mobile App Event Dataset.
Enable Profile.
Validate data in Profile
Open the app and navigate to screens where you are tracking events, for example: log in to the Luma app and make a purchase.
Use Assurance to find one of the identities passed in the identityMap (Email, lumaCrmId, or ECID), for example the CRM Id.
In the Platform interface,
- Navigate to Profiles, and select Browse from the top bar.
- Specify the identity details you just grabbed, for example
for Identity namespace and the value you copied for Identity value. Then select View. - To view details, select the profile.
On the Detail screen, you can see basic info about the user, including the linked identities:
On the Events, you can see the events collected from your mobile app implementation for this user:
From the profile detail screen:
To view the identity graph, click the link or navigate to Identities, then select Identity Graph from the top bar.
To look up the identity value, specify
as the Identity namespace and the copied value as the Identity value. Then select View.This visualization shows you all of the identities that are linked together in a profile and their origin. Here is an example of an identity graph constructed of data collected from completing both this Mobile SDK tutorial (Data Source 2) and the Web SDK tutorial (Data Source 1):
Next steps
There is a lot more that marketers and analytics can do with data captured in Experience Platform, including analyzing it in Customer Journey Analytics and building segments in Real-Time Customer Data Platform. You are off to a good start!
Thank you for investing your time in learning about Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK. If you have questions, want to share general feedback, or have suggestions on future content, share them on this Experience League Community discussion post.
Next: Create and send push notifications