Model insights
To view model insights, in the
From the Models table, select the name of a model that has a Last run status of ● Success.
From the context menu, select Model Insights.
You see when the specified model is last refreshed and visualizations are displayed using four tabs: Model insights, Attribution, Factors, Diagnostics, and Historical overview.
You can change the date period on which the visualizations on each of the tabs are based on. Enter a date period or select
Model insights
The Model insights tab shows visualizations for Contribution by date and base media, Contribution by channel, Marketing performance summary, and Marginal response curves. The tab also provides a Touchpoint breakdown table.
You can hover over individual chart elements in each visualization to display a popover with more details.
To download a CSV file containing the data for the visualization, select
To download full model insights data in Microsoft® Excel format, select
Contribution by date and base media.
The stacked graph is ordered: Base at the bottom, Non-spend channels in the middle, and Spend channels on top.
Contribution by channel
The donut visualization shows a distribution of the contribution by channel.
Marketing performance summary.
A horizontal bar graph displaying the ROI performance by channel.
Marginal response curves.
The line chart visualizes and compares the marginal returns generated by the investment in your marketing channels. And identifies the break-even point where your incremental return is less than your incremental spend. As a result, this visualization helps you to understand when your marketing investment starts to become less impactful.
The curve, break-even point, and corresponding values are calculated based on the selected data range and the channel you have selected.
To change the channel:
- Select a channel from the Channel dropdown menu to update the visualization for a specific channel.
Touchpoint breakdown
The touchpoint breakdown table shows the touchpoint breakdowns for all or selected channels on a weekly base.
The following columns are available:
To select a specific channel or all channels, select from the View dropdown menu.
To download the contents of the Touchpoint breakdown table, select
Factors [beta]{class="badge informative"}
The Factors [beta]{class="badge informative"} tab shows external factor related insights.
This visualization helps you to understand the incremental effect that various internal and external factors have on the baseline of conversions. For example, economic conditions or promotional activities.
Use the Factors dropdown menu to select which factors you want to display.
To download a CSV file containing the data for the table, select
If no data is available you see a message
Using the Attribution tab, you can understand the effectiveness of touchpoints and marketing campaigns that have event level data. See Build model.
The following attribution models are supported:
Based on the selected model in Mix Modeler:
- Algorithmic - Influenced
- Algorithmic - Incremental
Rule based:
- Decay units
- First touch
- Last touch
- Linear
- Ushape
See Multi-touch attribution for an introduction on the multi-touch attribution capability in Mix Modeler.
Select one or more attribution models from the Attribution Model dropdown menu. The selected attribution models apply to all visualizations in the Attribution tab.
The Mix Modeler multi-touch attribution granular event scores align to the overall Mix Modeler scores and ROIs. These scores are also made available as datasets in Experience Platform.
The Attribution tab consists of the following visualizations:
The Overview visualization shows, for the selected attribution models, the conversions totals and percentages. Selecting more models adds additional circles to the visualization, each with its own color corresponding to the legend.
To see a popup with details for an attribution model, hover over any of the circles in the visualization.
The Daily trends, Weekly trends, or Monthly trends visualization shows, for the selected attribution models, the daily, weekly, or monthly conversion trends.
To choose the period, select Daily trends, Weekly trends or Monthly trends from
To see details, hover over the data line of a specific attribution model to display a popover that shows the total number of conversions for that data.
The Breakdown visualization is a breakdown by channel or touchpoint of the conversions for each of the selected attribution models. This visualization can be helpful to make decisions on the effectiveness of each channel or touchpoint.
To choose the breakdown type, select Breakdown by channel or Breakdown by touchpoint from
To see details, hover over any of the chart elements.
Top campaigns
The Top campaigns visualization shows a table of the top campaigns with columns for Campaign name, Channel, Media type and Incremental conversions. This visualization can help inform your team of the effectiveness of a specific campaign for a given channel and provide insights on what campaigns you should further invest into.
To sort the table in ascending ↑ or descending order ↓ for Channel, Media type or Incremental conversions, select the column header and toggle the sort.
To expand the table in a separate dialog, select Expand from
The expanded Top campaigns dialog shows the same table with addition columns for
Incremental conversions
Influenced conversions
First touch conversions
Last touch conversions
You can select each of the additional column headers to sort the table in ascending or descending order.
To close the expanded Top campaigns dialog, select Close.
Breakdown by touchpoint position
The Breakdown by touchpoint position visualization is a breakdown of attributed conversions by position of the touchpoint and touchpoint across all the conversion paths. This chart helps you to compare if a touchpoint contributes better at a position than remaining positions and other touchpoints at any position.
The positions Starter, Player and Closer are defined as follows:
Top conversion paths
The Top conversion paths visualization shows the top 5 conversion paths based on the selected attribution models.
For each conversion path, you see:
- the number of channels that do have an impact,
- the total attributed paths,
- the percentage of attributed paths for this conversion path vs. total attributed paths,
- for each channel, the attribution model contribution percentage, and
- the sum of these channel attribution model contribution percentages.
The Diagnostics tab shows visualizations for:
Model Assessment visualization, which you can break down on Actual vs. Predicted or Residual conversions.
To break down the visualization, select Actual vs. Predicted or Residuals from the Breakdown list.
Model fitting metrics table, showing the following columns for each conversion metric:
Actual Conversion
Modeled Conversion
Residual Conversion (difference between actual and modeled conversion)
Model quality score values:
R2 (R-squared), which tells how well the data fits the regression model (the goodness of fit).
MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error), which is one of the most commonly used KPIs to measure forecast accuracy and expresses the forecast error as a percentage of the actual value.
RMSE (Root Mean Square Error): which shows the average error, weighted according to the square of the error.
To download a CSV file containing the data for the table, select
Touchpoint effectiveness table, representing the outcome of the Attribution AI algorithmic model. The data for this table is only generated for specific periods of time. Select As of xx/xx/xx, xx:xx TZ
The visualization shows, in descending order of Efficiency measure
- Paths touched: visualizes the percentage of paths achieving conversion and percentage of paths not achieving conversion. For a touchpoint, you see more attributed conversions when the attribution conversion ratio is high. This ratio compares the percentage of paths that lead to conversion versus the percentage of paths that do not lead to conversion.
- Efficiency measure: generated by the algorithmic attribution model, the efficiency measure indicates the relative importance of a touchpoint toward conversion, independent of touchpoint volume. The efficiency is measured on a scale of 1 to 5. Note that higher touchpoint volume does not guarantee higher efficiency measure.
- Total volume: The aggregate number of times a user touches a touchpoint. The number is inclusive of touchpoints that appear on a path achieving conversion as well as paths not resulting in conversion.
Historical overview
The Historical overview tab shows visualizations for:
Conversion and Spend by Fiscal Qtr and Product.
Spend by Channel.
Touchpoint Spend.
You can select an alternative spend-based channel to display for this visualization. Select a channel from Channels.
Touchpoint Volume.
You can select an alternative volume-based channel to display for this visualization. Select a channel from Channels.
You can edit the name, description and the scheduling of training and scoring of the model.
In the Edit model dialog:
Enter a new Name and Description.
To enable scheduling, enable Status. You can only enable scheduling for models that are trained and scored.
Select a Scoring frequency:
- Daily: Enter a valid time (for example
05:22 pm
) or use - Weekly: Select a day of the week and enter a valid time (for example
05:22 pm
) or use - Monthly: Select a day of the month from the Run on every dropdown menu and enter a valid time (for example
05:22 pm
) or use
- Daily: Enter a valid time (for example
Select a Training frequency from the dropdown menu: Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, or None.
Select Save.