Adding a Target URL to a Web Campaign adding-a-target-url-to-a-web-campaign
A Target URL is located under the Set Campaign page and defines the specific URL or URLs that a web campaign will appear on.
Adding a Target URL for Dialog or Widget Web Campaigns adding-a-target-url-for-dialog-or-widget-web-campaigns
Go to Web Campaigns.
Select Create New Web Campaign.
Add a Campaign Name. Select a Target Segment. Add Target URL.
Any Page
Allow campaign to appear on any pages.
Include URL parameter when matching
Add URL parameter to match and show campaign on URLs including this parameter. Eg. campaign=cpc
Adding Multiple URLs to Target URL adding-multiple-urls-to-target-url
Clicking on the plus icon ( ) will open the Multiple Value Entry dialog to add multiple URLs. Add one URL per line.
- Dialog and Widget web campaigns can use Any Page and Wildcard (*) options.
- In advanced use cases, In Zone web campaigns can use Wildcards at end of URL path. Example:*
- URL is case sensitive
Adding a Target URL for In Zone Web Campaigns adding-a-target-url-for-in-zone-web-campaigns
Go to Web Campaigns.
Select Create New Web Campaign.
Add a Campaign Name. Select a Target Segment. Add Target URL.
note note NOTE Target URL with In Zones must define a specific URL or URLs. In advanced use cases, In Zone web campaigns can use Wildcards at end of URL path. Example:*