
Learn about the Reports associated with Administrator role in Learning Manager application.

Adobe Learning Manager enables you to create varied reports to track, monitor, and control learner activities. Learners activities are tracked and captured automatically into the database. Manager and Administrator reports are generated from the database.

Overview overview

Reports generation process is similar for both Administrator and Manager. Managers can view reports corresponding to their subordinates whereas Administrator can view all organization-wide reports.

Reports are aggregated in a dashboard. A report has to exist inside a dashboard. A Default Dashboard exists by default in the reports page. Any report added by you moves into this default dashboard. To add reports to individual dashboards, use the drop-down arrow and choose Add Report. For more information on creating dashboards, refer to Dashboards section on this page.

Types of reports typesofreports

Adobe Learning Manager supports four major types of reports such as completion, time spent, skills, and effectiveness. You can use the following report types to generate reports of 300+ variations:

  • Course delivery statistics for learners
  • Effectiveness of courses report
  • Learner skill-based report
  • Learning program enrollment statistics for learners
  • Learning time spent by learners
  • Learner count
  • Certification completion

User Activity dashboards useractivitydashboards

See a summary of all user activity on the platform over time. Configure user groups and apply filters.

The user activity dashboard displays the activity of users in the account. The three reports that are listed are:

  • Registered Users: This report provides information of the number of users registered in your account week over week. For accounts with Monthly Active Units licensing, the report shows the MAU units instead.

  • User Visits Report: This report provides information about the number of users accessing the platform on a day to day basis. Monthly report is also available.

  • Learning Time Spent Report: This report provides information about the Learning Time Spent in the platform on a day to day basis. Monthly report is also available.

Registered Users registeredusers

Learning Manager records the number of users registered in the system every week. Administrators can view this report to understand the registered count of users on that day of the week. Registered count once stored for a week does not change. Hence historical registered count is not related to the current set of learners in the system.

This report provides information of the number of users registered in your account week over week.

For accounts with Monthly Active Units licensing, the report shows the MAU units instead.

Registered Users report

For Monthly Access Unit accounts:

Monthly Active Users report

This report shows the count of learner active in the learning platform each month. User is considered active for the month if he/she performs any of the learning actions mentioned here. It is the same way Monthly Active Units are counted.

The monthly active count once counted and stored for a month, does not change. Hence the historical count displayed is not related to the current set of learners in the system.

User Visits uservisits

This report shows the total learners accessing the system in a day or month period. Browsing the learning platform without consuming any learning is also considered as ‘accessing’ the learning platform. This helps the Administrator understand the total set of users accessing the system. On the first of the month, Learning Manager creates a record of total users accessing the platform for the previous month. It also captures the user group information for these users.

Only those user groups configured by the Administrator are recorded. This allows the Administrators to apply filter on user groups for historical monthly data as well. Note that incase user groups configuration is modified and Learning Manager has not recorded data for this user group in earlier months, then Learning Manager cannot display the data for this newly configured user groups for previous months.

This report contains users accessing the platform using all formats like web, mobile app, headless custom solutions, and so on. The device app usage graph specifically mentions only the users accessing the platform using Learning Manager’s device app. This helps Administrators identify the usage of mobile app in their account.

User Visit report

Learning Time Spent Report learningtimespentreport

Here, you can see a dual-axis line charts that show total learning time spent for all learners across a 12-month period. The second axis represent the median time spent in learning for an individual.

The time spent for different Learning Objects, such as, Learning Programs and Certifications, is calculated for the following:

  • Self-paced course with static and interactive content
  • Activity courses with url.
  • Weekend sessions with the weekend flag enabled.
  • VC connect session where attendance is auto marked.
  • The time spent for different Learning Objects, such as, Learning Programs and Certifications
  • xAPI statements for an xAPI activity course.

You can further export the graph as an Excel spreadsheet.

A filter to choose User group configuration is provided which will help in viewing the data with respect to different user groups.

The selected date and user group filter is applied to all the relevant graphs in the dashboard.

For User Visits and Learning Time Spent reports, the default data (when no user group is configured) shown will be for the entire account.

Training Content dashboard trainingcontentdashboard

The Training content dashboard offers insights into trainings available on the platform. You can view popular trainings or track all available trainings.

Trainings Report trainingsreport

This report provides information of the total trainings available in the platform (in published state) month over month. It gives an indication of the number of trainings offered over time.

Training report

Active Trainings Report activetrainingsreport

This report provides information of the trainings which are active over the selected time range. Active trainings are trainings which are enrolled, viewed in player, or completed in the given time.

For active trainings, data of all root user (with manager role) internal groups will be available for selection when no user group configuration is done. Apart from the root user user groups, you can configure 10 more user groups if needed.

Active trainings report

The data does not display as expected when All Users and 12 months filters are selected, but the data displays when you select All internal user group.
Start Ratio (%)
Ratio of the number of learners who have started the course to the number of enrollments.
Completion Ratio (%)
Ratio of total users who have completed the course to the total users who have started the course.
Learner Feedback
Average of all L1 feedback responses received on a scale of 1 to 10 rounded to the nearest integer.
Manager Feedback
Average of all L3 feedback responses received on a scale of 1 to 5 rounded to the nearest integer

The training report has two additional columns:

  1. Average star rating of a course.
  2. Number of learners who’ve rated the course.
  3. Embedded Path
  4. Embedded Path ID
  5. Embedded Course ID
Start ratio, Completion ratio, Learner Feedback, and Manager Feedback are not affected by the filters applied. The filters affect only enrollment, views, and completions.
For both the reports (Training Content, User Activity), you can configure a maximum 10 user groups. It may take upto 24 hours for the processing to complete and make the newly configured filters available.

Learning Summary dashboards dashboards

Generate Dashboard Reports

In this training, you will learn how to generate dashboard reports from the database.


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See a summary report of all the learning activities in the platform. On this page, you can see the following summary information for the selected root user’s team and external profiles. Time range can also be selected:

  • Learning Summary in form of Enrollments, Views, and Completions
  • Top skills
  • Compliance summary

Summary charts

If there are internal root level managers, they will be displayed one after another.

All external profiles will be listed after internal profiles (Internal root level users).

If an external profile has a manager, then the manager hierarchy will be displayed in the Showing Data For drop-down list. User will be listed in manager hierarchy in all the details page (Learning summary, compliance, and skill status)

If not, then all individual user details will be displayed in the list.

To see more granular details of enrollments of various internal teams, click Learning Summary Details.

Learning Summary details

When you click any enrollment, you can see the learners for each manager, and enrollment to which Learning Objects. You can also see the progression and completion details of each learner.

learners assigned to a manager

Click any team and export its report as a csv. An Admin can export the report for any of the User Group or individual user by selecting the User Group or individual user, and then export details from the Action drop-down list.

Also, you can see a bar chart view of skills that are in progress and have been achieved. You can add/remove skills that you want to feature in the graph.

Skill status stacked bar chart

Compliance dashboard

Adobe Learning Manager offers a compliance dashboard to all administrators and managers. Administrators can create a compliance dashboard and share it with managers. Managers will be able to view the newly shared dashboard on their app and can easily track the compliance of their team members for a particular training. Compliance dashboard allow administrators to categorize custom compliance courses into specific categories (for example, Sales, Marketing, and Legal). Custom compliance categories are powered by Catalog Labels.

Compliance dashboard-Administrator view

Administrators can also check the compliance status for each manager’s team by selecting Go to Compliance dashboard. Administrators can share a set of training courses with managers individually or with a group. This helps managers to easily track the compliance of their teammates for the specified training.

Admin workflow

Create custom compliance labels

A compliance label is a type of catalog label that categorizes courses/learning paths/certifications as a compliance type.
To create a custom compliance label, follow these steps:

  1. In the Administrator app, go to Settings > General.

  2. Select Custom Compliance type option to enable the custom compliance label.

    Enable Custom Compliance

    note note
    This new catalog label has been introduced to categorize the courses, learning paths, and certifications as a compliance type. To enable the Custom Compliance type option, you must first enable the Show Catalog Label option in the same page.
  3. Go to Settings > Catalog Label and select the Compliance type.

  4. Type the values (e.g., Legal, Sales) in the Value text box and select Add Value.

    Add values for Custom Compliance

  5. Select Save.

The Author must add these compliance labels while creating/editing the courses in their app. See Add compliance labels to a course/learning path/certification.
Create and share a compliance dashboard

To create and share a compliance dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Reports > Learning Summary.

  2. In the Compliance Dashboard section, select Shared with Managers.

  3. Select Share dashboard and select the created labels from the Select Compliance Label dropdown menu.

    Select the Compliance type

  4. Type and select the manager’s name in the Share with text box.

  5. Select Share to send the dashboard to the selected manager.

Sharing the new dashboard will overwrite the existing dashboard in the selected manager’s app. Managers will be able to view the newly shared dashboard by the administrators.

Custom reports

Administrators can generate specific reports using the custom template available in the Reports section.

Sample reports samplereports

The Sample Reports tab to show some indicative reports which are based on sample data points. Explore these reports to get an idea of different types of feature-rich reports that you can generate using your account data.

Dashboard reports dashboardreports

A dashboard is a collection of reports. Reports can be grouped into a dashboard as per your choice. To view all the boards that you created, click this board tab. From the View Dashboard drop-down list, you can select the default board or a dashboard you created.

Excel Reports excelreports

The Excel Reports tab allows you to export reports in XLS file format.

The following are the report types available for download.

  • Course Reports
  • Learner Transcripts
  • Announcements Report
  • Job Aids Report
  • Content Audit Trail
  • User Audit Trail
  • Login/ Access Report
  • Gamification Transcripts
  • Gamification Audit Trail

Learner transcripts learnertranscripts

The Learner Transcripts in Excel reports displays the columns Credits Required and Credits Earned in decimal numbers.

Course Reports coursereports

As an administrator, you can download reports for courses. Follow these steps:

  1. Open Reports > Custom Reports > Excel Reports > Course Reports.

  2. The Course Report dialogue appears. Select the course you want to fetch the report of and click Show.

    Course reports

  3. You are redirected to the course page. You can export quiz score by user and by question based on each enrollment by choosing the specific enrollment type.

  4. Select Export Quiz Score to export the report. A Generating Report Request dialogue box appears. Click OK to confirm.

    Generating Report Request

    note note
    Exported quiz score report will contain the score details for every attempt if the multi attempt option is configured for the module.

Learner Transcripts LearnerTranscripts-1

Adobe Learning Manager enables the administrators of an organization to generate the transcripts associated with learners. The Learner Transcript report carries the following:

  1. Learner Transcript: Learning Activity Dashboard
  2. Skill: Skill Dashboard
  3. Compliance Dashboard

The Learner Transcripts in Excel reports displays the columns Credits Required and Credits Earned in decimal numbers.

For information on generating Learner Transcript reports and more information, see Learner Transcripts.

Announcements Reports announcementsreports

As an administrator, you can generate a report of all the announcements that you send. The report has details regarding:

  • Announcement type
  • Announcement name
  • Announcement date
  • State of the announcement
  • Learner name

To download a report, follow any one of these steps:

  1. Open Reports > Custom Reports > Excel Reports > Announcements Report. The Generating Report Request dialogue box opens. Click Ok.

  2. Announcements > Actions > Export Report.

    Announcements report

  3. You can extract a report for a specific announcement by clicking Export Report under the settings icon.

    Report for specific announcements

Job Aids Report jobaidsreport

Job Aids are training content that a Learner can access without having to enroll for any specific learning object like a Course or Learning Program. Administrators can extract and download Job Aids report.

The extracted report includes information about the following:

  • Name
  • Type of Job Aid
  • State of Job Aid (published or withdrawn)
  • Enrollment date
  • Date of completion
  • Download date
  • Learner name
  • Manager name
  • Created by

To download a report, do one of the following:

  • Open Reports > Custom Reports > Excel Reports > Job Aid Reports. The Generating Report Request dialogue box appears. Click Ok.
  • Open Job Aid > Actions > Export Report.

Job Aids report

  • You can also extract a report for a specific Job Aid by clicking Export Report under the settings icon.

Report for specific Job Aid

Job Aids Report

After you select Job Aids Report on the list, you see two options:

job aids report
Download Job Aids USer Enrollment Report

All Job Aids: If the number of job aids in the account is fewer than 10 million, the generated report will contain enrollment information of all job aids. This will be the default selection. If the number of rows exceeds 10 million, an error will display, and you must select the required job aids manually.

Selected Job Aids: If you select this option, you can enter the job aids for which you want to generate the report. You can select at most 10 job aids. Adobe Learning Manager checks if the number of job aids exceeds 10 million.

job aids report enroll
Select a Job Aid

Job Aids Report

If you select this option, the details of all the job aids present in the system along with their metadata and training are downloaded.

The downloaded report consists of the following fields:

  • Job Aid Name
  • Language(s)
  • ID
  • Type
  • Duration (minutes)
  • State
  • Date Published (UTC TimeZone)
  • Created By Name
  • Created By Email
  • Created By User Unique ID
  • Catalog(s)
  • Learning Path(s)
  • Course(s)
  • Tag(s)
  • Skill(s)

Job Aids User Enrollment Report

The enrollment report contains details about user enrollment and other information.

The downloaded report consists of the following fields:

  • Job Aid Name
  • Type
  • State
  • Date Enrolled (UTC timezone)
  • Date Completed (UTC timezone)
  • Download Date (UTC timezone)
  • Learner Name
  • Email
  • User Unique ID
  • Manager Name
  • Manager Email
  • Manager User Unique ID
  • Assigned by name
  • Assigned by Email
  • Assigned by User Unique ID
  • Created by name
  • Created by Email
  • Created by User Unique ID
  • Job Code
  • New Field
  • Profile

Content audit trail reports contentaudittrailreports

Use the Content Audit Trail report generator to generate a report of all the changes and edits made to a course during its life in the system. The generated report has the following information fetched.

  • Object id
  • Object name
  • Object type
  • Modification type
  • Description
  • Referenced object ID
  • Referenced object name
  • Modified by user name
  • Modified by user ID
  • Modified date (UTC Timezone)

In the Modification type column, you will get the following details:

Modification type
Course created
Certification Add
Certification added to Catalog
Certification Remove
Certification removed from Catalog
Content Add
Content added to Module
Course Add
Course added to Learning Path
Course Remove
Course removed from Learning Path
Custom Label Add
Custom Label added to Catalog
Custom Label Remove
Custom Label removed from Catalog
Catalog deleted
Job Aid Add
Job Aid added to Catalog
Job Aid Remove
Job Aid removed from Catalog
Learning Path Add
Learning Path added to Catalog
Learning Path Remove
Learning Path removed from Catalog
Module Content Add
Module added to Course(Content section)
Module Content Remove
Module removed from Course(Content section)
Course or Learning Path published and added to default Catalog
Course republished
Resource Add
Resource added to Course
Resource Remove
Resource removed from Course
Course retired
Shared Catalog Add
Catalog shared to Catalog
Shared Catalog Remove
Catalog sharing removed from catalog
Shared Catalog Update
Catalog sharing state : active
Course or Learning Path updated
User Group Add
User Group added to Catalog
User Group Remove
User Group removed from Catalog

Information regarding metadata is not fetched in the generated report.

To generate a Course trail audit report, follow these steps.

  1. Select Report > Excel reports > Course Audit Trail. The Content Audit Trail dialog box appears.

    Course audit trail

  2. Select the course, learning program and certification that you want to download the report of. If not specified, all reports are downloaded by default.

  3. Select a date range for the report and click Generate.

  4. The report is generated and you are notified that the content audit report is ready. You can download the report.

User audit trail reports useraudittrailreports

User audit trail captures the life cycle of users, user groups, and self-registration profiles. User addition, deletion, change in Manager, are all captured. Creation and deletion of self-registration profiles are recorded. You can also pause and resume self-registration.

You can Add, Enable, Disable, Pause, or Resume for External profiles while you can Add, Delete, Pause, or Resume for self-registration. CSV uploads are also captured.

  1. Select Report > Excel report > User Trail. The User Audit Trail dialog box appears.

  2. The User Audit Trail dialog box appears. Select the date range from the pop-up menu. You can either choose to generate report for last one week, last one month, or select custom date.

    User audit trail

  3. Click Generate to generate the report.

There are two filters on the User Audit Trail Report dialog.

Date rage filter: Choose the date range for which you want to generate the report. There are three options:

  • Last One week
  • Last One Month
  • Custom date

Select Learners filter: Search for a user or a user group.

The exported report will contain data of the users who meet both the search criteria specified.

User audit trail

When a skill is assigned or removed, the skill can be tracked for the User Audit Report for both assigned or removed.

Extension Configuration Report

This report provides information on the configuration details of all added native extensions, including their activation state. Learn how to download extension report, see Download extension report.

xAPI Activity Report

This reports provides the data of all the xAPI statements recorded and generated during xAPI activity modules.

To download this report, follow these steps:

  1. Select **Report > Excel report > xAPI Activity Report **. The xAPI Activity Report dialog box appears.
  2. Select the date range from the pop-up menu. You can either choose to generate report for last one week, last one month, or select custom date.
  3. Select the learners and activity from the dropdown menu.
  4. Select Generate to generate the report.

Gamification reports gamification

Administrators can download gamification transcript in CSV format. You can either download the report for individual user or user groups. User name, user email, User’s UUID, total user points scored, breakup of points collected, name of groups the user plays in, name of the manager, and active field values are all fetched in the report. Administrators can use this report to evaluate and understand user rankings at the organization level or for a specific group.

  1. Select Report > Excel report > Gamification report.

    Gamification report

  2. The Gamification Transcripts dialog box appears. Select learners using their Name, Profile, User Groups, Email Id, or UUID.

    Gamification transcripts dialog

  3. Click Generate to generate the report.

    After you generate the report of a learner, you must be able to export the current and achieved-level information for all the users (internal, external, or deleted) in the account. You can also check the dates for the levels achieved by a learner:

    • Bronze Achieved Date
    • Silver Achieved Date
    • Gold Achieved Date
    • Platinum Achieved Date

    These columns contain the dates on which the level was achieved at the very first time. The column Current Level displays the current level of the learner.

    When the Admin resets the gamification, all points of the learner get reset accordingly.

Gamification Audit Trail report gamification-audit-trail

This report contains the history and reasons for Learners’ gamification points earned for each rule.

Download the report

  1. Select the Gamification Audit Trail URL.
  2. On the Gamification Audit Trail pop-up, select the date range.
  3. Select Generate.

The report is downloaded as a CSV file. The file contains the following columns:

  • Name
  • Email/ UUID,
  • Status
  • Action
  • Points,
  • Balance Points
  • Rule/ Task
  • Rule/ Task Subtask,
  • Rule/ Task Details
  • Type,
  • Name,
  • Instance NameDate Achieved (UTC Timezone)
  • Rule/ Task Start Time
  • Rule/ Task End Time

Enrollment and Unenrollment report enrollmentandunenrollmentreport

Administrators and managers can extract a report of the learners who have been enrolled and unenrolled. As an administrator, you can see any of the learner, administrator, or manager who has been enrolled or unenrolled from an instance of a course, learning program or certification and export the report. While, as a Manager, you can only fetch a report of your team members. As a manger, you are not able to see the deleted learners or your own name in the manager application as an enrolled or an unenrolled learner.

To download a report, follow these steps: Open the Course/ Learning program/ Certification > Learners > Action > Export report.

Unenrollment report

Feedback Report feedback-report

As an Administrator, you can now fetch both Learner feedback (L1) and Manager feedback (L3) for selected trainings for a specified period.

You can export the data from the UI or through PowerBI connector for more in-depth analysis.

L1 and L3 feedback reports provide an option to download a consolidated feedback report for the L1 and L3 responses for selected trainings for a one-year range or for up to 10 Selected trainings for any date range.

Sign in as an Administrator, click Reports > Custom Reports, and in the list of reports, click Feedback Report.

Download feedback report

Clicking on download after selecting the filters, you will receive a notification to download the report in CSV format.

The downloaded report will have details such as Training name and type, Instance name, Learner name and email, Type of Feedback: L1 or L3, Dates of the feedback submitted for new data.

For existing data prior to this feature implementation the LO completion date will be displayed, LO Completion date, L1 Feedback question Self-Paced actual text and Class Room Text in different columns, L1 Feedback respective responses, Manager name and email, L3 feedback value and submitted date, Active Fields.

You can also export the data from the UI or to Power BI, which supports all trainings for any date range for more in-depth analysis

Trainings Report training-report

Learning Manager supports Training Report which allows Administrators to download training details and its associated metadata like author, published date, skills, Catalog labels etc.

On the Admin app, click Reports > Custom Reports > Excel Reports > Trainings Report.

You can download reports for the following:

  • Selected trainings (Limit 10) - Selects one or multiple trainings (up to 10) from any catalog
  • Trainings in the selected Catalogs (Limit 5) - (catalog selection will be available up to five catalogs)
  • All trainings - (all trainings in the account)

Download training report

In the Advanced Options section, the following options are available:

  • Include Course mappings with Learning Program / Certification
  • Include Module Level information

After selecting the filters and clicking Download, you will receive a notification to download the report in CSV format.

The report will have the following fields:

Catalog Name, Training Type, Training Id, Training unique id, Training Name, Sub Trainings, Modules, Training or Module Duration, Format, Status of Training, Skills, Author, Last Published Date, Last completed Date, Instructors Enrollment Count, Started count, Completion count, Avg L1 score, Avg L2 score, Avg L3 score, L1 responses received, L2 responses received, L3 responses received, Catalog labels & Tags.

Additional options

Session Summary Report session-summary-report

The Session Summary Report contains all sessions planned for a learner within a specified date.

This allows the Administrator to export all the Virtual and Classroom session details falling under the given date range. The Admin can also export the session report with respect to specific trainings or Instructors.

This will also help the Administrator to understand the sessions planned on a monthly basis and identify instructors’ schedule and already delivered sessions.

As an Administrator, click Custom Reports > Session Summary Report.

In the dialog box that follows, choose the date range, and either the training or instructor for a summary.

Session Summary Report

The downloaded csv contains the following fields:

  • Start date and time

  • End date and time

  • Module Name

  • Session Duration (in minutes)

  • Seat count

  • Location

  • Instance Name

  • Course Name

  • Course Id

  • Instructor Name

  • Instructor Email

  • Enrollment Count

  • Session Type

  • Waitlist Limit

  • Waitlist count

  • Waitlist user emails

  • Location Information

  • Location Region

Instructor Utilization Report

This report captures the time (in minutes) spent daily by an instructor teaching assigned sessions. The report can be downloaded for a period of three months from the selected start date.

To download the report, click Reports > Custom Reports > Instructor Utilization Report.

Select an instructor or multiple instructors and the date range.

Download Instructor Utilization Report
Download Instructor Utilization Report

The downloaded report contains the following fields:

  • Instructor name
  • Instructor ID
  • Competence level
  • Dates as columns. If the instructor is utilized on a date, the number of sessions is listed. If the instructor is not utilized on a day, the value displays zero.

The report contains records for three months from the selected month.

To retrieve records of all instructors, leave the Instructor field blank.

Also, a Custom Admin with permission to generate reports can retrieve this report.

User Audit Trail Report

This report captures information about the learners that switched instances, “from instance” to “to instance”, switched by time, date, etc…

Select the learners or a user group.

To download the report, click Reports > Custom Reports > User Audit Trail Report.

Download User Audit Trail Report

Download User Audit Trail Report

Learning Plan Report

This report contains details of all the Learning Plans in an account, for example, related user groups, status, and trigger information.

The report contains the following:

  • Name of the Learning Plan
  • Type (occurs when)
  • Training (completed)
  • Skill (achieved)
  • Date (on date)
  • Action
  • Status, created by
  • Creation date
  • Last modified date
  • User group (applies to)
  • User group (add to)
  • Enroll after
  • Learning element type(s)
  • Learning element(s)
  • Learning element instance(s)
  • Learning element
  • Completion date
  • Learning element reminder
  • Scope-Catalog
  • Scope-Usergroup

Email subscriptions emailsubscriptions

You can get your favorite reports in an email by subscribing to them.

Set up Email subscriptions

In this training, you will learn how to set up email subscriptions for dashboard reports.


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In Reports page, click the Subscription tab. Reports subscription page appears.

To select the report name from the drop-down list, start typing the report name in the Reports field. Choose the frequency of email from the drop-down. You can add the subject of the email and provide an alternate email id.

You can Edit and Delete subscriptions.

Historic reports

Historic reports in Adobe Learning Manager (ALM) refer to the reports that capture the historical data and activities within the learning platform. These reports provide insights into past learner activities, training content, user group performance, and other relevant data. The historic reports allow administrators to track, monitor, and analyze the progress and effectiveness of learning initiatives over time.

Course access reports

The course access reports provide information about each course’s revisit.

To download this report, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Reports > Custom Reports > Historic Reports.
  2. Select Course Access Report. The Generating Report Request dialogue box opens.
  3. Select the year and quarter from the dropdown menu.
  4. Select Generate.

Login/access reports

The login/access reports provide information about user logins and access. You can generate report containing three months data at a time.

To download this report, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Reports > Custom Reports > Historic Reports.
  2. Select Login/Access report. The Generating Report Request dialogue box opens.
  3. Select the year and quarter from the dropdown menu.
  4. Select Generate.

Create a dashboard createadashboard

  1. To start creating your own boards, click Add Dashboard on the right side of the page.

    Add dashboards

  2. Provide the name and description of the dashboard.

  3. If you want to share the dashboard with any Manager, choose them in Share With field. You can use any normal selection criteria for this operation.

  4. Click Save.

You can view the recently created board in the Dashboard Reports tab.

To add reports to your board, click the drop-down at the upper right corner of your board window and click Add Report. The report you create in this way is associated with your dashboard.

The reports that you create by clicking Add on the upper right corner of Reports page, are added to your default dashboard.

Shared dashboards shareddashboards

Shared boards are a collection of reports that have been shared with you by other users within your organization. Any reports that you add to a shared board are automatically shared with other users who have access to that board.

You can share the board by following two ways:

  • By entering users in Share With field with whom dashboard is shared.
  • Choose Edit Board in the drop-down list and enter user details for sharing the dashboard.
A manager can only view the reports of their team members from a shared dashboard.

Downloads downloads

The exported sheet of dashboard reports provides detailed information instead of report summary. The downloaded report follows the format of a Learner Transcript.

Create reports report

  1. Click Reports on the left pane. Report summary page appears.

    note note
    By default, at least three sample reports appear in the sample board tab. You can only view the sample reports to get an idea as to how you could create and customize them.
  2. On the top-right corner of the page, click Add.

  3. In the Add Report dialog box, in the Type drop-down list, you can choose either one of the pre-defined reports or you can select Custom. If you select a pre-defined report, you can see that the form is pre-populated. You can further make changes to some of the fields and click Save. This adds the report to your default dashboard.

    Create report

    In Report Type, you can choose a pre-defined set of reports or choose custom values. You can view the following reports as part of a pre-defined set of reports:

    • Skills assigned and achieved
    • Course enrolled and completed
    • Effectiveness of courses
    • Learning programs enrolled and completed
    • Learning time spent per course
    • Learning time spent per quarter
    • Certification completion
  4. Choose the Y-axis for your report from the drop-down options. For some of the selected criteria, you can choose one or multiple states from the States options. For example, for a course enrollment statistics primary criterion, the states can be completed, incomplete, and enrolled. Primary range data is represented in the form of bar graphs in the report.

    Axes for reports

  5. Choose the secondary Y-axis criteria/range for your report from the drop-down options. For example, for a learning program enrollment option, choose one or multiple states from the States drop-down. Secondary range data is represented in the form of line graphs.

  6. Choose the appropriate X**-axis** criteria for your report from the drop-down options. If x-axis is chosen as date, then an option to group your x-axis criterion by day, month, quarter, and the year is available.

  7. In the Time Span section, choose the appropriate option from the drop-down. The available options are:

    • Last one month
    • Quarter
    • Year
    • QTD (last 90 days)
    • YTD (last 365 days)
    • Date range. Provide values in the From and To date fields.

  8. Filters section

    Filters appear in Add report dialog at the bottom based on types of reports you have chosen. Some of the prominent filters are mentioned below.

    • Manager: You can choose any one of the managers based on hierarchy. For some managers, there can be subordinate managers and multiple employees reporting to each subordinate manager.
    • Profile: Choose the designation of your employee. It would help in viewing reports of employees based on their profile/designation. For example, computer scientist, engineer.
    • User Group: Choose the user group based on which you want to filter the reports. Learning Manager fetches the user groups defined for your account from Users feature.
    • Content: You can filter your report based on any course by choosing them from the drop-down.

    Expand this section and choose the required filters.

    Choose filters

  9. Click Save to complete creating a report.

    Sample report

Edit a report editareport

On the report, click the drop-down arrow, and select the option Edit Report.

Edit a report

Make the required changes to the report. To save the changes, click Save.

Move a report to a dashboard moveareporttoadashboard

Choose this option to move the current report to an existing dashboard. To move the report, click the option Move to Dashboard.

Move a report to a dashboard

Choose the dashboard where you want the report to move to and click Move.

Create a copy of a report createacopyofareport

To create a copy of the report, select the option Create a Copy.

Create a copy of a report

Choose the dashboard where you want to copy the report to. To start copying, click Copy.

Delete a report deleteareport

To delete a report, choose the option Delete Report. After you delete the report, you cannot restore the report. The process is irreversible. Proceed with caution when deleting a report.

Delete a report

Download a report downloadareport

To download the report, choose the option Download Report.

Download a report

Resize a report resizeareport

You can resize your reports in 1×1 (medium) and 1×2 (large) sizes. This gives you a better real estate to view your reports. Also, you can easily pan and zoom these reports.

Filters filters

Filters appear in Add report dialog at the bottom based on types of reports you have chosen. Some of the prominent filters are mentioned below.

Manager You can choose any one of the managers based on hierarchy. For some managers, there can be subordinate managers and multiple employees reporting to each subordinate manager.

Profile Choose the designation of your employee. It would help in viewing reports of employees based on their profile/designation. For example, computer scientist, engineer.

User Group Choose the user group based on which you want to filter the reports. Learning Manager fetches the user groups defined for your account from Users feature.

Course You can filter your report based on any course by choosing them from the drop-down.

Filter a report

Above the legend for the graph, you can view a zoom box. Move cursor over it, click, and drag the crossbar over any part of the zoom box graph area, to zoom in.

You can view the secondary y-axis values in the form of a line across the graph bars. For example, in the above sample, you can see the values for Effectiveness in gray line across the graph.

User group reports user-group-reporting

Track how user groups such as departments, external partners, and roles are performing in comparison with other user groups or against other learning objectives.

User groups usergroups

To generate reports based on user groups, choose User Group in the x-axis from the list of drop-down options as shown in the screenshot below.

User group reports

To choose a user group, type the name of the group. You can see the suggested groups that are displayed according to the string you enter. Once you see a list of groups, choose the required user group.

You can also choose multiple user groups with the help of type-ahead search.

Once you save and generate this report, if you selected multiple user groups, the report is generated with all the user groups represented in bar graph next to each other in x-axis.

This user group report enables you to compare the performance of one department/division/role against the other to evaluate their learning achievements.

Custom user groups/user attributes customusergroupsuserattributes

You can also create customized user groups using Add users/user groups feature in Learning Manager. After creating the user groups you can generate reports for those customized user groups with the help of a list of attributes like location, branch.

In x-axis, choose the user attribute option and select the attribute from the select drop-down next to it. To create a customized user group report based on these attributes, you also have to choose the appropriate user group in the filter.

Viewing reports viewingreports

On the Reports page, you can view all the reports. You can minimize each report by clicking minus (-) icon at the upper right corner of each report. Click (+) icon to view your report again.

Quick view with different dates quickviewwithdifferentdates

You can change the date range/value for any report and view quickly for a different date without modifying and saving the report. Click the edit icon (as shown with an arrow in the snapshot below) next to the date range, such as QTD, last one year. To confirm the change, choose the new value from the pop-up menu and click tick mark. You can cancel the change by clicking X mark.

The date values that you use to view the report are temporary. This view of the report is not downloaded when you choose the download option. This view is only temporary view.

View learner count

Quick view with different managers quickviewwithdifferentmanagers

If there are multiple managers reporting to you, you can view the reports quickly for each manager. To display unique report for each manager, choose the manager name from the drop-down list.

The manager values that you use to view the report are temporary. This view of report is not downloaded when you choose the download option. This view is only temporary view.

View course reports viewcoursereports

Generate Course Reports

In this training, you will learn how to export course reports and set up email subscriptions for these reports.


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You can view the reports specific to each course by following the below steps:

  1. Click View course reports link in My Dashboards tab on the Reports page.
    A pop-up dialog appears. A text input field appears where you can enter the required course and suggested course names appear in the drop-down list. Choose the course from the list shown.

    View course reports

  2. Select the course of your choice from the drop-down list and click Show.

  3. You are redirected to the Quiz score results page of the selected course to view the course-specific report.

Edit/Move to board/Create a Copy/Delete/Resize report

To view drop-down options as Edit/Move to Dashboard/Create a copy/Delete/Resize, click the drop-down arrow at the upper-right corner of each report.

Edit/Move to board/Create a Copy/Delete/Resize reports

Edit To go back to initial values while modifying data, click Reset. Click Save after modifying the values.

Move to Dashboard You can move the current report to another dashboard, which is chosen from the list of dashboards.

Create a Copy You can copy the report to same or another dashboard, which is chosen from the list of dashboards.

Delete Click Delete to remove the report. A warning/confirmation message appears before you can delete the report.

Resize You can resize your reports in 1×1(medium) and 2×2(large) sizes.

Generate and view reports for peer account generateandviewreportsforpeeraccount

As an administrator, apart from generating reports for your account, you can also generate and view reports for peer accounts that you have set.

When you have established a peer account with another user, you can view the reports for that peer account from the Reports page. When you create a report, you find the Select Account field. From the drop-down list, that lists all the peer account with which you are associated, select the account for which you want to view the shared reports.

While creating a peer account, if the Share Catalog option had not been selected, you cannot view that peer account in this list.

Manage reports for peer account

  1. Select the x-axis and y-axis for this report, and select the date for this report.

  2. Notice the filters field, the Shared Catalogs button is auto-enabled. It is mandatory. If Shared Catalog is not enabled, it implies that you cannot generate or view reports for the peer account.

  3. From the drop-down list below Shared Catalog, select the shared catalog for which you want to view the report.

  4. Click Save.

    Select Shared Catalog for peer account

  5. After you click Save, you can view the graphical representation of your reports in your default dashboard. From this dashboard, you can further filter the report by the manager for the specific peer account.

  6. If there are any changes to the catalog from your side, the changes are immediately reflected in the reports and dashboard generated by the peer. However, when the peer modifies the catalog, the changes do not appear in your dashboard automatically.

  7. If you want your dashboard to be updated automatically, your peer must send a new peer request to you.

    note note
    Managers cannot view peer reports.

Frequently Asked Questions frequentlyaskedquestions

How to share a custom dashboard with a manager?

When creating a dashboard, enter the name and description. To share with managers, enter the manager’s name in the Share With field.

Share a dashboard
