Course cards

Course cards also feature a redesigned layout to display details more effectively. Revamped course cards highlight relevant metadata required for enrollment. This metadata includes correct published or due dates, ratings, and descriptions along with their authors or providers.

Old course card

New course card

For courses imported from LinkedIn and the Go1 platform, the course cards will display the original publication dates from LinkedIn and Go1. You can also view these specific publication dates on the User Interface.

The sidebar is updated with new UI elements for a cleaner look. The new search bar has no search button, giving it a cleaner look. Learners can type a keyword and press enter to start the search or select results below the search bar.

Sidebar and search bar


Features a video or image carousel with an embedded URL. The Administrator can upload any image or video asset as a masthead and set its visibility for a group of learners.

View masthead

My Learning List

Displays the training that the learner had taken. These trainings are displayed as cards lined up horizontally. You can click the right or left button to browse the courses.

View My Learning list

You can also can also swipe left and right to navigate through the list.

To resume a course, click Continue on a card, and the player will launch.

The appearance of icons on each training card is enabled/disabled by the Admin via the Admin app (Settings > General > Enable Training Card Icons).

Add to My learning List

If you hover on any course card in the Recommended based on your areas of interest and Recommended based on peer activity lists, you can see an option to add the course to the My Learning List. Click + on the course card and the course will get added to the My Learning List.

Add to My learning List

Choose skill levels

As a learner, you can filter the course catalog according to these levels:

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Choose an option and you can then see the course catalog according to the selection.

Select skill levels

Compliance dashboard widget

The Compliance dashboard widget allows learners to filter courses/learning paths/certifications that have upcoming deadlines using the Compliance label. This feature is available on all learner apps, including ALM Teams app, AEM, Mobile app, Immersive, and SF app.

Compliance dashboard widget


Shows your scheduled sessions and training. Browse the calendar to see training for subsequent months.

View calendar for scheduled sessions

The Calendar widget has the following features. You can view:

  • Training by month. Scroll left or right.
  • Upcoming classroom or VC training that are available to you for enrollment.
  • Upcoming classroom or VC training you have enrolled in.
  • Manager-approved classroom or VC training.

Social feed

View social feed

See what other users are talking about.

The widget summarizes activity for a period. It:

  • Displays active users and their activities of the users who are in your scope or group.
  • Displays posts made in the last two weeks.

Profile Skills

Profile skills are used for course recommendations. If the Administrator assigns a skill to a user or group of users, the skill gets added to the profile skills of the learner. If the learner adds a skill to his/her profile, all levels of the skill get added to the learner’s profile skills. When a learner hovers on a skill, he/can see the name of the skill, method of addition of the skill, level, percent of completion of the skill, and credits.

View profile skills

If a learner enrolls in a course, only the external skills that are based on a score get added to the profile skills. In addition, a learner can search, select, and add external skills to his/her profile.If a learner has logged in to the learner app for the first time, and if the learner’s skills are already present, the skills appear on My Profile.

Recommendation based on your area of interest

Displays training based on your chosen area of interest. The recommendation is driven by a Machine Learning algorithm.

View recommended courses

For more targeted recommendations, you can update your skills by clicking on View/Update.

After you add a skill, future recommendations will become more targeted and focused according to your preferences.

If the Admin disabled the option Explore Skills, you would be able to add interest to your skills.

The recommended courses are displayed as cards. When you mouse hover a card, you can see more details of the course.

Product terminology is also supported.

Industry Aligned Skills

You will be able to see the network graph of skills if the Admin has enabled the option Industry Aligned in the Admin app.

These skill can only be viewed when the Admin sets the training type to Industry Aligned.

In the Skill Map visualization, you can search for a skill or skills and add those.

Skill map visualization

Enable the option Show Skills for which trainings are present in my account, if you want to display all the skills that are in your account.

After you add a skill, you can see the force directed graph with the selected skill as the primary vertex and the associated skills as smaller vertices.

The skills that you chose also displays in the Selected Skills section.

Selected skills

To add the skills, click Add.

Recommendation based on peer activity

Displays training based on what your peers are taking. This is again driven by a Machine Learning algorithm. The recommendations are based on training for both Custom and Industry Aligned learners.

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Learning Manager