Release notes release-notes

Adobe Journey Optimizer continuously delivers new features, enhancements to existing features, and bug fixes. All changes are consolidated on the last week of each month in these release notes.

Adobe Journey Optimizer is built natively on Adobe Experience Platform and inherits from its latest innovations and improvements. Learn more about these changes in Adobe Experience Platform Release Notes.

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May 2024 release notes may-2024

Release date: May 21-22, 2024

New capabilities e-features

This release brings the new capabilities detailed below.

Experience Decisioning - Limited Availability

Experience Decisioning simplifies personalization by offering a centralized catalog of marketing offers known as 'decision items' and a sophisticated decision engine. This engine leverages rules and ranking criteria to select and present the most relevant decision items to each individual.

These decision items are seamlessly integrated into a wide range of inbound surfaces through the new code-based experience channel, now accessible within Journey Optimizer campaigns. Experience Decisioning decision policies are available for use in code-based experience campaigns only.

Experience Decisioning is currently only available for a set of organizations (Limited Availability). To gain access, contact your Adobe representative.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Email surface personalization - Limited Availability

You can now define dynamic subdomains and personalized header parameters when creating email channel surfaces, for increased flexibility and control over your email settings.

Email surface personalization is currently only available for a set of organizations (Limited Availability). To gain access, contact your Adobe representative.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Improvements e-improvements

This release comes with the improvements listed below.

Experience Decisioning (Limited Availability)

From beta to this release, the following improvements have been added:

  • Experience Decisioning + Code-based experiences - You can now leverage the Experience decisioning feature to use decision items in your code-based campaigns. Note: The Code-based experience channel and Experience decisioning are not available for organizations that have purchased the Adobe Healthcare Shield and Privacy and Security Shield add-on offerings. Read more
  • Context data - You can now leverage context data from Adobe Experience Platform in your decision rules and rankign formulas. Read more
  • New permission - A new ‘Manage Experience decisions’ permission is now available for the Decision Management resource. It allows you to manage rights related to Experience Decisioning. Read more
  • Capping rules - You can now add multiple capping rules for a given decision item in Experience Decisioning. This allows you to increase the level of control over the way offers are sent. Read more
  • Reporting - You can now create custom reporting dashboards of Experience Decisioning campaigns using Customer Journey Analytics. Read more

Email channel

  • Spam scoring (Beta) - You can now check your content spam scoring in a dedicated Spam report. Using SpamAssassin, Adobe Journey Optimizer can now test your email content and give it a score to indicate if ISPs or Mailbox providers will consider it as a spam or not. Read more

    note availability
    This capability is currently in beta version and only available to beta customers. To join the beta program, contact your Adobe representative.


  • mTLS support - mTLS authentication is now supported in custom actions. There is no additional configuration required in the custom action or journey to activate mTLS; it occurs automatically when an mTLS-enabled endpoint is detected. Read more
  • Lookup tables in events - You can now leverage data from a lookup dataset when a relationship has been defined using an attribute inside of an array of objects. The lookup values will be available in journeys (conditions, custom actions, etc.) and message personalization. Read more
  • Advanced expression editor in Event configuration (LA) - You can now leverage the advanced expression editor while configuring an event, allowing you to define more complex expressions or use functions in the event id condition. This capability is released in Limited Availability for selected customers. Read more
  • Merge policies (LA) - Merge policies used by a Journey are now visible and consistent throughout the journey. This capability is released in Limited Availability for selected customers. Read more


As part of our ongoing effort to deliver a unified user experience, we harmonize the terminology used in the Adobe Experience Cloud products and apps. This affects the German term “Titel” which is changed to “Label” when it relates to the name of an object. The changes will be progressively rolled out in the UI and documentation.
