This documentations provides detailed information on how to work with audience composition within Adobe Journey Optimizer. If you are a Real-time Customer Profile only customer and are not using Adobe Journey Optimizer, click here.
Audience composition allows you to create composition workflows, where you can combine existing Adobe Experience Platform audiences into a visual canvas and leverage various activities (split, exclude…) to create new audiences.
Once done, the resulting audiences are saved backed into Adobe Experience Platform along with existing audiences and can be leveraged in Journey Optimizer campaigns and journeys to target customers. Learn how to target audiences in Journey Optimizer
Audience composition is accessible from Adobe Journey Optimizer Audiences menu:
The Overview tab provides a dedicated dashboard with key metrics related to your organization’s audience data. To learn more, refer to Adobe Experience Platform Dashboards guide.
The Browse tab lists all existing audiences stored into Adobe Experience Platform.
The Compositions tab allows you to create composition workflows where you can combine and arrange audiences to create new ones.