Adobe Experience Platform release notes
Release date: October 25, 2023
Updates to existing features in Experience Platform:
Dashboards dashboards
Adobe Experience Platform provides multiple dashboards through which you can view important insights about your organization’s data, as captured during daily snapshots.
New or updated features
For more information on dashboards, including how to grant access permissions and create custom widgets, begin by reading the dashboards overview.
Data collection data-collection
Adobe Experience Platform provides a suite of technologies that allow you to collect client-side customer experience data and send it to the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network where it can be enriched, transformed, and distributed to Adobe or non-Adobe destinations.
New or updated features
There are three enhancements to the Meta Conversions API extension:
- Integration with Meta Business Extension (MBE): Creates a seamless login experience by allowing you to share your pixelID and access token for the Conversions API integration with Adobe.
- Integration with Event Match Quality Score (EMQ): Allows you to deliver advertising to people who are more likely to complete a desired action and link the action back to the ads delivered.
- Integration with LiveRamp (Alpha): Allows you to pass LiveRamp’s RampID in the CIP field, eliminating the need to share PII directly with partners or Meta.
For more information on data collection, please read the data collections overview.
Destinations destinations
Destinations are pre-built integrations with destination platforms that allow for the seamless activation of data from Adobe Experience Platform. You can use destinations to activate your known and unknown data for cross-channel marketing campaigns, email campaigns, targeted advertising, and many other use cases.
New or updated destinations
New or updated functionality
, sha256
, sha512
, hash
, md5
, crc32
.Fixes and enhancements
For more general information on destinations, refer to the destinations overview.
Sandboxes sandboxes
Adobe Experience Platform is built to enrich digital experience applications on a global scale. Companies often run multiple digital experience applications in parallel and need to cater for the development, testing, and deployment of these applications while ensuring operational compliance. To address this need, Experience Platform provides sandboxes that partition a single Platform instance into separate virtual environments to help develop and evolve digital experience applications.
New feature
For more information on sandboxes, please see the sandboxes overview.
Segmentation Service segmentation
Segmentation Service allows you to segment data stored in Experience Platform that relates to individuals (such as customers, prospects, users, or organizations) into audiences. You can create audiences through segment definitions or other sources from your Real-Time Customer Profile data. These audiences are centrally configured and maintained on Platform, and are readily accessible by any Adobe solution.
New feature
To learn more about Segmentation Service, please read the Segmentation Service overview.
Sources sources
Experience Platform provides a RESTful API and an interactive UI that lets you set up source connections for various data providers with ease. These source connections allow you to authenticate and connect to external storage systems and CRM services, set times for ingestion runs, and manage data ingestion throughput.
New or updated features
To learn more about sources, please read the sources overview.