Know the Web Editor features id176NC500V5Z

This section walks you through the various features that are available in the Web Editor. We can divide the Web Editor into the following sections or areas:

The following subsection cover in details the various sections of the Web Editor.

Main toolbar id2051EA0G05Z

The main toolbar is at the top of the Web Editor’s interface and it provides file-level features and various authoring modes available in the Web Editor. Features available in the top toolbar are explained as follows:

Save All -

Saves the changes you have made in all opened topics. If you have multiple topics opened in the Web Editor, clicking Save All or using the Crtl+S shortcut keys saves all documents in one click. You do not have to individually save each document.

The Save operation does not create a new version of your topics. To create a new version, choose Save As New Version.

Save As New Version -

Saves the changes you have made in your topic and also creates a new version of your topic. If you are working on a newly created topic, the version information is shown as none.


The version number changes with every new version that is created for the topic or map file.

When you choose to save a topic or map using Save As New Version, the following dialog appears:


Enter comments and version labels to identify the changes and click Save to create a new version of your file.

When you choose the Save As New Version, the first version of the topic is created in DAM, which also becomes the currently active version of your topic. Later, if you revert to an older version of the topic, then that becomes your current active version of the topic.

If your administrator has pre-configured version labels, then you will see those labels in a drop-down list. You can choose a label from the list of available labels and save your document.


At the time of saving a topic, you can add a comment specifying the changes that you have made in the topic. This comment is shown in the topic’s Version History.

If your topic is under review, your reviewers will get a notification saying that a newer version of the topic is available. They can easily access the latest revision of your document and continue reviewing the latest version of your topic.

When you hover your pointer over a topic’s title, you are shown the file path and the version number.


Once a version of your topic is available, you can also add labels to your topic. These labels can then be used to create a baseline for publishing a specific version of your document. For more information about using labels in your topics, see Use labels.

Undo and Redo - /

Undo or Redo the last action.

Delete Element -

Deletes the currently selected element or the element where the cursor is placed.

Find and Replace -

The Find and Replace feature is available in Author and Source view modes. The Find and Replace text bar appears at the bottom of the topic editing area. You can use the shortcut keys CTRL+F to invoke the Find and Replace bar.


Using the settings icon ( ), you can toggle the Ignore Case and Whole Word Only search options. To perform the case-insensitive search, turn on (or select) the Ignore Case option. Else, if you want to perform the case-sensitive search, turn off (or deselect) the Ignore Case option. You can also choose to search a whole word.

The search is instantaneous, which means that as you type the search phrase or word in the Find field, the term is immediately searched and selected in the topic. Similarly, for replacing a text in your topic, enter the search term and its replacement in the respective fields and click the Replace or Replace All button.

In the Source view, the Find and Replace is extremely useful for searching for a specific element or attribute. For example, if you want to replace the value of the @product attribute, it can be easily done from the Source view. The Author view does not allow you to search on the basis of an attribute or element. However, you must use caution while using the Replace All feature, as it might overwrite the XML code.

Editor Settings -

The Editor Settings are only available to administrative users. Using the preferences, an administrator can configure the following settings:

If you are updating any default settings, you should reopen documents for the changes to come into effect.
  • General: The General settings allow you to configure the dictionary to use with the Web Editor. This tab contains three sections: Spell Check, Condition, and Authoring.


    • Spell Check: There are two options — AEM Spell Check and Browser Spell Check. By default, the editor uses the Browser Spell Check feature, wherein the spell-check is performed using the browser’s in-build dictionary. You can switch to AEM Spell Check to use AEM’s dictionary, which can also be customized to add your custom word list. For more information about customizing AEM dictionary, see Customize AEM’s default dictionary section in the Install and configure Adobe Experience Manager Guides as a Cloud Service.

    • Condition

      • Highlight Conditional Text in the Author View: Select this to highlight the conditional text in the author view. The conditional content is highlighted using the color defined for the condition.

      • Validate with Condition Attributes: Select this to allow the validation of the values defined for the attributes. This prevents you from adding any incorrect value.

      • Show the Key with the Title in the Subject Scheme Panel: Select this to show the keys along with titles in the subject scheme. If you do not select this option only the titles are shown. For example, here the keys ‘os’, ‘audience’, and ‘other’ are also shown along with titles.


      • Show Subject Scheme in the Conditions Panel: Select this to see a subject scheme in the conditions panel. If you deselect this, the defined conditions are shown in the conditions panel.

    • Authoring

      • Enable Replace All: Select this to see Replace All icon in the Find and Replace panel.
    • Citations
      Change the style of citations. Choose the citation style from the drop-down you want to use in your project. For more details see Change citation styles.

Panels: This setting controls the panels that are shown in the left panel of the editor. You can toggle the switch to show or hide the desired panel.


If a custom panel has been configured, then it also appears in the list of panels. You can toggle the switch to show or hide the custom panel. For more details on the configuration, see the Configure a custom panel in the left panel section in the Install and configure Adobe Experience Manager Guides as a Cloud Service.
  • Elements List: As an administrator, you can control the list of elements that an author can insert using the Insert Element pop-up, and also define the display name for the element. The Elements List setting allows you to specify the element’s name as per DITA specifications and a label that you want to use instead of the DITA defined element name:


In the above screenshot, the b element has been given a label of Bold, codeblock is given a label of Code Block along with some other elements. If you select the Use Only Above Elements option, then only the valid elements (at current insertion point) from this list will be shown in the Insert Element pop-up.

In the following screenshot, only 3 out of 4 configured elements from the previous screenshot are shown at the current context:


  • Attributes List: Similar to the Elements List, you can control the list of attributes and their display names to be displayed in the attributes list of an element. In the following screenshot, only 3 attributes have been configured to be shown in an element’s attribute list:


    With this setting, when you try to add an attribute to an element, you only see the list of attributes configured in the list.


  • Publish Profile: This contains the Publish Profiles that can be used to publish the Knowledge Base output. You can create a new profile for a target knowledge base. For example, Salesforce or ServiceNow.

    • Create a Salesforce Publish Profile


      • Create a connected app for Salesforce. For more details, refer to Enable OAuth Settings for API Integration.

      • While configuring the connected app ensure the following:

        • Specify the callback.

          URL: http://<server name>:<port>/bin/dxml/thirdparty/callback/salesforce

        • Select the following OAuth Scopes:

          • Full access (full)
          • Select Manage user data via APIs (api)

    Once the app is configured, Salesforce provides a Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.

    These can be used to create the Salesforce Publish Profile.

    • To create a Salesforce Publish Profile, select the Salesforce Knowledge Base from the Server Type dropdown. Enter a profile Name. In the Site URL, enter the consumer site you would use to publish the output and then add the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret provided by the Salesforce consumer site. Then, Validate and Save the newly created profile.
      salesforce publish profile in editor settings {width="550"}

      note note
      To configure a proxy for Salesforce in Experience Manager Guides, use Apache HTTP Components Proxy Configuration in AEM. Learn how to configure proxy for the AEM Link Checker.
    • Create a ServiceNow Publish Profile


      Configure the ServiceNow server to upload the assets.

      • Connect to the ServiceNow server.

      • Navigate to System Properties > Security.

      • Uncheck the following option:

        This property must be set to activate MIME type checking for uploads (All versions Eureka and up). Enables (true) or disbles (false) mime type validation for the file attachments. File extensions configured via glide.attachment.extensions will be checked for MIME type during upload.

      • Click Save.

      Once you have configured the app, create the ServiceNow Publish Profile.

    • To create a Publish Profile, select the ServiceNow Knowledge Base from the Server Type dropdown. Enter a profile Name. In the ServiceNow URL, enter the consumer site you would use for publishing the output and then add the Username and Password provided by the ServiceNow consumer site. Then, Validate and Save the newly created profile.

      ServiceNow publish profile {width="550"}

    After you validate, you can select the Publish Profile in the output presets of a DITA Map and use it to generate the output to the Salesforce or ServiceNow server that you have chosen.

    Learn more about the Knowledge Base output preset.

  • Validation: This tab contains options to configure the Schematron Validations in the Web editor. You can enable the following features:

    • Run validation check before saving the file: Select this to run Schematron validations using the selected Schematron file(s) before any save operation. You can add a Schematron file by clicking the + icon. The selected Schematron file(s) are listed.

      note note
      The selected Schematron file(s) will persist for the selected folder profile.

      Validation in editor settings {width="550"}

      This prevents the users from saving any file which breaks a rule defined in the selected Schematron file(s). If this is not selected the file will not be validated before saving the changes.

    • Allow all users to add schematron files in validation panel: Select this to allow the users to add any Schematron file in the Validation panel of the Web Editor. This allows the users to add Schematron files and then validate the topics against the Schematron file. If this is not selected the Add Schematron File button is not available to the users in the Validation panel of the Web Editor.

  • Display Attributes: Like the Attributes List, you can control the list of attributes to be displayed in the attributes list of an element. By default, four Display Attributes — audience, platform, product, and props have been configured to be shown in an element’s attribute list. You can also add a display attribute using the Add icon on the top. You can also delete any of the display attributes using the Delete icon.

    The attributes defined for an element are displayed in the Layout and the Outline view.


  • Translation: This tab contains the options to create language groups, propagate the source labels to the target version, and clean up the translation project.

    • Language Groups: As an administrator, you can you can create a group of languages and use them as a set to translate the content.
      Perform the following steps to create a new language group:

      1. Select the Add add icon icon.
      2. Enter the language group name. Each language should have a unique name. You can view an error if the name field is empty or if the name isn’t unique.
      3. Select the languages from the dropdown. You can select multiple languages.

      Type the first few characters of the language, or the language code to filter the desired languages. For example, type ‘en’ to filter all the languages that contain ‘en’ at the beginning of their name or code.

      1. Select Done to add the selected languages to the group. The languages are displayed. When you add three or more languages, Show more displays. You can select Show more to view all the languages present in the group.

        note tip
        Toggle Show more to Show less and view only a few languages.
      2. Hover over the languages in a group to edit edit icon or delete delete the language groups.

      3. Save the Editor settings.

        note note
        As a user, you can view the language groups configured to your folder profile.
    • Propagate source version labels to the target version: Select this option to pass the label of the source file version to the translated file. By default, this is disabled.

    • Translation project cleanup after completion: Select this option to configure the translation projects to be disabled or deleted automatically after the translation. By default, None is selected, so the project exists after translation.

      You can disable the translation projects if you want to use them later. Deleting a project permanently deletes all files and folders present in the project.

  • Metadata: You can control the version metadata of the topic and their values to be displayed in the Version History dialog box. In the metadata path, specify the location of the nodes from which you want to pick the metadata. You can also define a custom name for the metadata as the label. The default properties are Title, Document State, and Tags.

    The metadata can be picked from any property under the /jcr:content node of the asset, so you can add the path of the property as the Metadata path.

    An error is displayed if the metadata path is blank. If you leave the label blank, the last element is picked as the label.

    metadata tab in the editor settings {width="550"}

    Configure the metadata for the Version History dialog box.

    You can also define the order in which these metadata tags are displayed. To change the default order of these tags, select the dotted bars to drag and drop the tags at the desired location.
    The metadata labels appear in the same sequence in the Version History of the Web Editor.

User preferences - user preferences icon

The User preferences are available to all authors. Using the preferences, an author can configure the following settings:

  • General: The General tab allows you to configure the following settings:

    General tab of user preferences {width="550"}

    • Folder Profiles: The Folder Profile controls various configurations related to conditional attributes, authoring templates, output presets and the Web Editor configurations. The Global Profile is shown by default. In addition, if your administrator has configured folder profiles in the system, then those folder profiles are also shown in the Folder Profiles list.

      The Web Editor’s configurations that an administrator can define in the folder profile include: customizing user interface including the toolbar icons, Web Editor’s layout, snippets, and root map. For more details, see Configure global or folder-level profiles in the Install and configure Adobe Experience Manager Guides as a Cloud Service.

      note note
      The name of the current Folder Profile is displayed as a label for the User preferences icon in the main toolbar.
    • Base Path: By default, when you access the AEM repository from the Web Editor, you are shown assets from the /content/dam location. Your working folder would most likely be a few folders inside the /content/dam/ folder. It would take you a few clicks to reach the working folder every time. You can set the Base Path to your working folder and the Repository View then shows you the content from that location upfront. This reduces the time to access your working folder. Also, when you insert any reference or media file in your topic, the file browse location starts with the folder set in the Base Path.

    • Select Root Map: Select a DITA map file to resolve key references or glossary entries. The selected root map takes the highest precedence to resolve key references. For more details, see Resolve key references.

      note note
      If you do not want to use any root map, then ensure that the Select Root Map field is blank.
  • Appearance: Select the themes for the Web Editor application and the source view of the content editing area.

    appearance tab of user preferences {width="550"}

    • View files by: Select the default way to view the files in the Web Editor. You can view the list of files by the titles or the filenames from the various panels in the Author view.

      note note
      By default, the files are displayed by title in the Web Editor.
    • Application theme: You can choose from the Light or Dark themes for the application. In the case of the Light theme, the toolbars and panels use a light gray color background. In the case of the Dark theme, the toolbars and panels use a black color background. Select Use device theme to allow Experience Manager Guides to select the light and dark themes based on the theme of your device. In all themes, the content editing area is shown in white color background in the Author view.

    • Source view theme: - You can choose from the Light or Dark themes for the content editing area in source view. In the case of the Light theme, the content editing area uses a light gray color background for the source view while in the case of Dark theme, it uses a black color background. Select Use device theme to allow Experience Manager Guides to select the light and dark themes based on the theme of your device.

    • Always locate files in the repository: Select this option to show the location of a file in the repository while editing it in the Web Editor.

    • Show non-breaking space indicator in the author mode: Select this option to show an indicator for the non-breaking spaces while editing it in the Web Editor. It’s enabled by default.

Author, Source, and Preview modes

For details about the various authoring and document viewing modes, see Web Editor views.

Secondary toolbar id2051EA0J0Y4

The secondary toolbar appears when you open a topic for editing in the Web Editor. Features available in the secondary toolbar are explained as follows:

Insert Element -

Inserts a valid element at the current or next valid location. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Alt+Enter to open the Insert Element pop-up. For example, you are editing a paragraph, then in the Insert Element pop-up, a list of elements appears that can be inserted in the paragraph. Select the element that you want to insert. You can use the keyboard to scroll through the list of elements and press Enter to insert the required element.

You can view two types of valid elements:

  • Valid elements at the current location: The list displays the elements that you can insert at the current cursor location itself.

  • Valid elements outside the current location: The list displays the elements that you can insert after any of the parents for the current element within the element hierarchy.

For example, if you are within the inline <b> element, you can insert elements like <u>, <xref>, <i> at the current location. In contrast, you can insert elements like <table> and <topic> outside the current location.

You can also type a character or string in the search box and search for the elements that begin with it.

insert element {width="300"}

Enter ‘t’ to search for all valid elements that begin with ‘t’.

If you are working inside a block element like a note, then use the Insert Element icon to insert a new element after the note element. In the following screenshot a note element has been inserted inside the p (paragraph) element:

Insert element in a block element {width="800"}

If you press Enter in the note element, a new paragraph is created within the note element itself. To insert a new element outside note, click the p element (highlighted in screenshot) in the elements breadcrumb and click on the Insert Element icon or press Alt+Enter to open the Insert Element pop-up. Then, select the desired element and press Enter to insert the selected element after the note element.

You can also add an element between two elements when a blinking block cursor appears.


For example, if you are working on a DITA topic, and the block cursor is blinking between the short description and the body, you can add prolog element and then add copyright, author, and other details.

Another way of entering new element is by using the context menu. Right-click at any place in your document to invoke the context menu. From this menu choose Insert Element to display the Insert Element dialog box and choose the element that you want to insert.


Insert Paragraph -

Insert paragraph element at the current or next valid location.

Insert/Remove Numbered List -

Creates a numbered list at the current or next valid location. If you are on a numbered list and click this icon, the item is converted into a normal paragraph.

Insert/Remove Bulleted List -

Creates a bulleted list at the current or next valid location. If you are on a bulleted list and click this icon, the item is converted into a normal paragraph.

You can also select the Split List option from the context menu of a list item to split the current list and begin a new list at the same level.

Insert Table -

Inserts a table at the current or next valid location. Click the Insert Table icon to open the insert Table dialog:


You can specify the number of rows and columns required in the table. If you want to keep the first row as table header, select the Set First Row As Header option. To add a title to your table, enter it in the Title field.

Once a table is inserted, you can modify table using the context menu.


Using the table’s context menu, you can:

  • Insert cells, rows, or columns

  • Merge cells in right and down directions

  • Split cells horizontally or vertically

  • Delete cells, rows, or columns

  • Create a snippet from the table

  • Generate IDs

You can also define attributes on multiple cells, entire row, or column of a table. For example, to align table cell, drag and select the required cell. In the Content Properties panel (on the right), the property Type changes to Multiple Entry.

  1. In the Attributes section, click +Add.
  2. Select the @valign attribute from the Attribute dropdown list.
  3. From the value dropdown list, select the desired text alignment you want to apply on the selected table cells.
  4. Click Add.


Insert Image -

Inserts an image at the current or next valid location. Click the Insert Image icon to open the Insert Image dialog and then search and select the image you want to insert.

You can also add an image by dragging and dropping it from your local system on to your article. In this case, the image file is added using the Upload Assets workflow. For more details, see the Upload Assets workflow in the Left Panel section.


You can add image/Figure Title and Alternate Text for the image in the Insert Image dialog.

You can search for the required image file by entering the file name in the Type to Search bar at the top and also filter the search results by Path (to search in), Collections, File Type, and Tags. Once you have found the required image file, select the file and click Select to insert the image in your document. You can insert various formats of image files, such as .png, .svg, .gif, .jpg, .eps, .ai, .psd, and more.

Once you have inserted an image, you can change the height, width, placement, and attributes from the Content Properties panel. Click on an image file and then make changes in the Content Properties panel in the right rail.


The Source field displays the UUID of the inserted image file. You can find the complete path of the inserted image file by hovering the mouse pointer over the Source field. The path is displayed in the tooltip.

You can resize an image by providing either Height or Width value for the image file. The aspect ratio of the image is maintained automatically. If you want, you can also choose not to maintain the aspect ratio of the image file by clicking the lock icon (of Maintain Aspect Ratio) and providing Height and Width values.

You can also specify the Placement setting for the image as Inline or Break. In case you choose to use the Break placement option, you can then choose where to align the image (Left, Center, or Right).

You can also add other properties for an image file by selecting the required properties in the Attributes field.

You can also define clickable areas (image map) in your image. For more details, see the Insert/Edit Image Map feature description in the Left Panel section.

Context menu for image or media files

You can also perform some common operations for images and media files using the context menu. Right-click at any place on your image to invoke the context menu.

The context menu provides options to cut, copy, or paste the image or media. You can insert an element before or after the selected element. You also have the option to rename or unwrap an element. You can locate the selected image or media in the repository or view the preview of the file in Assets UI.

The other options in the context menu allow you to copy path, edit an image map, create a snippet, or generate IDs for the selected element.

Insert Multimedia -

Inserts different types of multimedia files. Click the Insert Multimedia icon and choose the type of file you want to insert. The supported multimedia formats are:

  • Audio File
  • Video File
  • YouTube
  • Vimeo

On selecting the Audio or Video file option, you are shown the repository view to browse and select the desired file. If you choose YouTube or Vimeo, then you get the Insert Multimedia dialog. Paste the link of the video file in the Web Link field and click Insert to add the video at the current or next valid location in your document.

While adding a YouTube video link, you need to replace the string watch?v= with embed in the URL. For example, to add a YouTube video link:**watch?v**=WlIKQOrmZcs, you need to add it as:**embed/**WlIKQOrmZcs. This change ensures that the video gets embedded in the AEM Site and PDF output.

You can also add the Audio or Video File from the Insert Multimedia dialog. Select the Audio/Video File option and click the browse icon to launch the repository view. Select the audio or video file from the repository and click Select to add the link of the file in the Audio/Video File field. In case you choose a video file, then a preview of the file is also shown in the Preview area. You can play the video file to see its preview.


Insert Cross Reference -

Insert references of type — Content Reference, Content Key Reference, Key Reference, File Reference, Web Link, or Email Link.

Click the Select File icon (for Content Reference and File Reference) or Select Map icon (for Content Key Reference and Key Reference) and select the desired file or content to link to.


A link of the selected reference is added in the document. The context menu on the link gives you the options to:

  • Insert Element: Shows a list of valid elements that you can insert at the given context.
  • Copy UUID: Copies the UUID of the inserted reference.
  • Copy Path: Copies the complete path of the inserted reference.
  • Create Snippet: Creates a reusable snippet from the inserted reference.
  • Generate IDs: Generates unique ID for the inserted reference.

You can also search using the UUID of the file that you want to reference. For Content and Key Reference links, enter the UUID of the file that you want to link to, and the file is automatically searched and displayed in the Preview section. When you specify the UUID of the file, you need not explicitly mention the file extension for .xml files. The .xml extension is auto-appended to the UUID.


If your administrator has enabled the UUIDs option in XMLEditorConfig, then you will see the UUID of the referenced content in the Link property.


If the Enable UUIDs option is not enabled, then the relative path of the referenced content is shown.
Even though the relative path of the referenced content is shown in the Link property, internally the link is created using the UUID of the referenced content.
See the References section in the Best practices guide for best practices around referencing content.

Filter Search

You can search for some text in the files present on the selected path of the AEM repository. For example, ‘general’ is searched in the below given screenshot. You can also narrow down your search using enhanced filters. You can look for all DITA Files like DITA Topics and DITA Maps present on the selected path.

You can search for Non-DITA Files like the Image Files, Multimedia, and documents in the selected path. You can also search for specific values in the attributes of DITA elements. You can also look for files which are checked out by the specified user.


Your system administrator can also configure the text filters and show or hide other filters. For more details see Configure text filters section in the Install and configure Adobe Experience Manager Guides as a Cloud Service.

The list of filtered files which contain the searched text is displayed. For example, in the above screenshot the files containing the text ‘general’ are listed. You can also preview the content of the file.

Insert Reusable Content -

Reuse content that exists within any other document in your project. You can insert content by directly linking to the content in a file or by using a key reference, see Resolve key references. When you click the Insert Reusable Content icon, you get the Reuse Content dialog:


In the Reuse Content dialog, select DITA file for file references or the DITA map file that contains the key references. Once selected, the topic or key references are shown in the dialog. You can select the ID/key of the topic that you want to insert and click Done to insert the content within your topic.

For inserting Content Reference, you can also enter the UUID of the file and the reusable content from that file is listed in the Preview section.

Based on the setting for inserting links, you could either see the UUID of the inserted content or the relative path in the Properties panel or the Source code view. The link is always created using the UUID of the referenced content. See Configure UUID-based links in the Install and configure Adobe Experience Manager Guides as a Cloud Service.

To add content before or after the referred content, use Alt+Left Arrow or Alt+Right Arrow keys to move the cursor to the desired location.

You can also embed the referred content within the topic by right-clicking on the referred content and choosing Replace Reference With Content from the context menu.

Insert Special Characters -

Inserts special characters in your topic. Click the Insert Special Character icon to open the Insert Special Character dialog.

AEM Guides provides movable and resizable dialog boxes. Dialogs that have two cross lines at the bottom-right corner can be resized. The cross lines in the Special Character dialog are shown below.


In the Insert Special Character dialog, you can search for a special character using its name. All special characters are stored under various categories. Use the Select Category drop-down list and select a category. The special characters available within the selected category are displayed. You can navigate the list of special character using the arrow keys or click on the desired character that you want to insert. The Name and Hex Code of the selected special character are displayed below the list. Click Insert to insert the selected character in your document.

Insert Keyword -

Insert keyword defined in your DITA map. Click the Insert Keyword icon to open the Key Reference dialog.


The keywords are listed in alphabetical order and you can also search keyword(s) by typing a search string in the Search box. The search result will return the keywords containing the string in ID or Value. The keywords defined in your DITA map are listed in this dialog. Choose the keyword that you want to insert and click Insert.

You can also change the attributes of the inserted keyword by right-clicking on the keyword and selecting the Attributes option. The Attributes for Keyword dialog opens:


You can change the keyword’s attributes or add a new attribute to the keyword.

Insert Snippet -

Insert a snippet at the current or next valid location. For this feature to work, you must have snippets defined in your system. For more information about adding a snippet, see the Snippet feature description in the Left Panel section.

When you click the Insert Snippet icon, you are shown the Insert Snippet catalog. The catalog is context-sensitive, which indicates that it will show the snippets only if they are allowed at the current location.

The following example shows two pre-configured snippets - Warning and Error that can be inserted at the current location in the document.


When you choose a snippet from the list, it gets inserted at the current or next valid location in the document. The following screenshot shows the Error snippet inserted in the document:


Insert/Edit Image Map -

Inserts an image map on the selected image. An image with clickable areas that link to topics or web pages is called an image map.

Select an image in the current topic and click the Insert/Edit Image Map icon to open the insert Image Map dialog.


Choose the preferred shape Rectangle , Circle , or Polygon to define an area over an image that you want to use as a link. After defining an area, the Reference dialog appears wherein you need to specify the link to internal or external content:


If areas overlap, you can bring the shape forward or send it backward by clicking on the respective icon in the toolbar. You can also remove an area by selecting it and clicking the Delete icon. Double-clicking on an area opens the Reference dialog wherein you can change the destination link. Once you have marked the required areas on your image, save the changes by clicking Done.

Check out/Check in - /

Checks out or checks in the current file. Checking out a file gives the user exclusive write access to the file. When the file is checked-in, the changes are saved in the current version of the file.

If you are in the Map View and you expand the parent map, you can check out all files in the map with a single click. Simply expand the parent map file and select the parent file, which results in selecting all files within the map. Then you can select Check out to get the lock on all files within the map.

When you check in a file that has any unsaved changes, it prompts you to save the changes. If you don’t save your changes, then it only checks in the file.

The tooltip for Check in/Check out is determined by the title property in the ui_config.json file.

For more details, view Configure the title for Check in and Check out icons in the On-premise Installation and configuration Guide.

Toggle Tags View -

Tags are visual cues indicating an element’s boundaries. An element boundary marks the beginning and end of an element. You can then use these boundaries as a visual cue to place the insertion point or select the text within a boundary. If you want to insert another element before or after an element in the document, you can place the insertion point before or after the opening or closing boundary of the element.

The following screenshot shows a document with Tags View on:


The following operations can be performed in a document with Tags View on:

  • Select an element: Click on the opening or closing tag of an element to select its content.

  • Expand or collapse tags: Click on the + or - sign in a tag to expand or collapse it.

  • Use the context menu: The context menu provides options to cut, copy, or paste the selected element. You can also insert an element before or after the selected element. The other options allow you to Generate ID or open the Properties panel for the selected element.

  • Drag-and-drop elements: Select an element’s tag and easily drag-and-drop it on your document. If the drop location is a valid location where the element is allowed, the element is placed at the dropped location.

If a user enables the Tags View from the Web Editor, it remains enabled even across the sessions. This means that you don’t have to enable the Tags View again to access it later.The default value for Tags View for a new user’s session is determined by the tagsView property in the ui_config.json file. For more details, see the Configure default value for Tags View section in Install and configure Adobe Experience Manager Guides as a Cloud Service.

Enable/Disable Track Changes

You can keep a track of all updates made on a document by enabling the Track Changes mode. After enabling the track changes, all insertions and deletions are captured in the document. All deleted content is highlighted using Strikethrough and all insertions are highlighted in green color text. In addition, you also get the change bars at the edge of the topic page. Again, a red bar is shown for deleted content and green bar is shown for added content. In case there is addition and deletion on the same line, then both green and red bars are shown.

The following screenshot highlights the deleted and inserted content along with the change bars:


A typical use case for tracking changes in a document can be for doing peer review. You can enable track changes and share your document for review, the reviewer then makes changes with track changes ON. When you receive the document, you should then have a mechanism to view the suggested updates along with a convenient way to accept or reject changes.

AEM Guides provides the Tracked Changes feature that contains information about the updates made in the document. The Tracked Changes feature provides information about what updates were made, who made them, and at what time. Using the Tracked Changes feature, you can also easily accept or reject the suggested updates in the document.

To access the feature, click the Tracked Changes icon in the right panel.


Clicking on a change selects the changed content in the document. You can accept a change by selecting the Accept Change icon or reject it by selecting the Reject Change.

If you want to accept or reject all changes with a single click, select Accept All or Reject All.

The Preview mode allows you to view the document with or without the changed content’s markups. For more details, see the Preview mode.

Merge -

When you work in a multi-author environment, it becomes difficult to track what changes the other authors have made in a topic or map. The Merge feature gives you more control over not only viewing the changes, but also what changes are retained in the latest version of the document.

Merge topic files

To merge changes in a topic, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a topic in the Web Editor.

  2. Click Merge.

    The Merge dialog appears.


  3. (Optional) You can also browse and select a new file from some other location in your repository.

  4. Select a version of the file with which you want to compare the current version of the file.

  5. From the Options, choose:

    • Track Changes From Selected Version: This option shows all content updates in the form of track changes. You can then choose to accept or reject changes in the document one at a time or all in one go.

    • Revert to Selected Version: This option reverts the current version of the document to the selected version. This option does not give you any control on what content is accepted or rejected.

  6. Click Done.

  7. If you selected the Track Changed From Selected Version option, then all changes from the selected version are shown in the Tracked Changes feature of the right panel.

    You can choose to accept or reject all comments from the Tracked Changes panel or accept or reject individual comment.

Merge map files

To merge changes in a map file, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a map in the Web Editor.

  2. Click Merge.

    The Merge dialog appears.


  3. (Optional) You can also browse and select a new file from some other location in your repository.

  4. Select a version of the file with which you want to compare the current version of the file.

  5. From the Options, choose:

    • Track Changes From Selected Version: This option shows all content updates in the form of track changes. You can then choose to accept or reject changes in the document one at a time or all in one go.

    • Revert to Selected Version: This option reverts the current version of the document to the selected version. This option does not give you any control on what content is accepted or rejected.

  6. Click Done.

    1. If you selected the Track Changed From Selected Version option, then all changes from the selected version are shown in the Tracked Changespanel (on the right).

      You can choose to accept or reject all changes from the Tracked Changes panel or accept or reject individual change in the map file.

Version History -

The Version History feature in the Web Editor allows you to check the available versions of your DITA files, compare them, and revert to any version from the editor itself.

In the version history, you can compare the content and metadata of the current version (which can also be a working copy) with any previous version of the same file. You can also view the labels and comments for the compared versions.

To access the version history and revert to a specific version of your topic, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a topic in the Web Editor.

  2. Click Version History.

    The Version History dialog box appears.

    Version history dialog box {width="550"}

Preview the changes in the different versions of a topic.

  1. Choose a version of the topic that you want to compare or revert to in the Compare with dropdown list.

    note note
    If a version has labels applied to it, they are also shown (in brackets) along with the version number.
  2. Enable View labels and comments option to view the labels and comments applied to the current and the compared versions.

  3. You can also view the following information in the Version History dialog box:

    Preview tab: The newly added content is in green font, and the deleted content is in red font.

    Metadata tab: The newly added metadata is in green font, and the deleted metadata is in red font.
    Metadata difference for versions {width="550"}
    Compare the metadata of different versions in the Version history.

    note note
    Your system administrator can change the metadata to be shown from the Metadata tab in the Editor Settings.

    You can also view the user and time details of the current and the compared version.

  4. Once you choose a version from the drop-down list, the Revert to Selected Version option is made available. The preview window displays the differences between the current version and the selected version of the topic.

  5. Click Revert to Selected Version to revert your working copy with the selected version of the topic.

    The Revert Version dialog appears.


  6. (Optional) Provide a reason for reverting to an earlier version. You can also create a new version of the currently active working copy of your topic.

  7. Click Confirm.

    Your working copy of the file is reverted to the selected version. If you choose to create a new version of the currently active working copy, then a new version of the file is also created with all working changes.

When you revert to an earlier version, a visual cue is shown indicating that the version you are currently working on is not the latest version.


Version Label Management -

Labels help you identify the stage in which a particular topic is in the DDLC (Document Development Life Cycle). For example, when you are working on a topic, you could set the label as “Approved”. Once a topic is published and made available to customers, you can assign “Released” label to that topic.

AEM Guides allows you to specify labels in a free-form text format or use a set of predefined labels. The custom label would allow any author in the system to specify a label as per their choice. This gives flexibility; however, it introduces inconsistent labels in the system. To overcome this issue, administrators can configure a set of predefined labels. For more information about configuring predefined labels, see Configure and customize the XML Web Editor in the Install and configure Adobe Experience Manager Guides as a Cloud Service.

These labels are shown in the form of a drop-down list to authors wherever they need to specify a label. This ensures that only predefined, consistent labels are used in the system.

There are different methods through which you can apply labels to your topics - Version History panel in Assets UI, Baselines UI, and Web Editor. The Version Label feature in the Web Editor gives authors quick and easy way to assign labels to their topics.

To add labels to your topic from the Web Editor, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a topic in the Web Editor.

  2. Click Version Label.

    The Version Label Management dialog appears.


    The Version Label Management dialog is split into two parts — the left panel has a list of versions available for the topic along with label drop-down list (or a text box to enter a label) and the right panel with a preview of the topic.

  3. Select a version on which you want to apply labels.

    When you choose a different version of the topic from the version list, then the preview panel displays the changes in-between the current version and the selected version of the topic

    note note
    If a label is already applied on a version, it is displayed next to the version number in the drop-down list and below the Select Version list. You can remove an existing label by clicking the (x) icon next to the label.
  4. In case your administrator has defined a list of labels, then you are shown a drop-down list of the labels from where you can choose the labels that you want to apply. You can select multiple labels from the drop-down list.

    Else, you are shown a text box, wherein you can enter the labels that you want to add to your topic.

    note note
    You cannot apply the same label on multiple versions of a topic. If you try to associate an existing label, then you are given an option to remove it from the existing version and apply it on the selected version of the topic.
  5. Click Add Label.

  6. In the Apply Label confirmation message, select the Move Label option to move labels from an existing version to the selected version. If you do not select this option and there are labels that are assigned to a different version of the topic, then they are not moved to the selected topic’s version. Such labels are ignored in the label application process.

Create Review Task -

You can create a review task of the current topic or map file directly from the Web Editor. Open the file for which you want to create the review task and click Create Review Task to initiate the review creation process.

You can also create a review task from the Review panel (on the right).

Follow the instructions given in the Review topics or maps for more details.

Left panel id2051EA0M0HS

The left panel is a persistent panel. You can expand or collapse it by clicking the Expand Sidebar icon ( ). In the expanded view, it displays the names of the icons which appear as tooltips in the collapsed view.

The left panel is resizable. To resize the panel, bring the cursor on the panel boundary, the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, click and drag to resize the panel width.

The left panel gives you access to the following features:

Favorites -

If you work on a set of files or folders, you can add them to your favorite list to access them quickly. The Favorite list shows the list of documents that you have added and other publicly accessible list of favorite documents from the other users.

By default, you can view the files by titles. As you hover over a file, you can view the file title and the file path as a tooltip.

As an administrator, you can also choose to view the list of files by filenames in the Web Editor. Select the File name option of the View files by section in User preferences .

To create a favorite list or collection, click the + icon next to Favorites panel to bring up the New Collection dia log:


Enter a title and description for the favorite collection that you want to create. If you select Public, then this favorite is shown to other users as well.

To add a file to your favorite collection, use any of the following methods:

  • Navigate to the required file or folder in the Repository View, click the Options icon to open the context menu, and choose Add to Favorites. In the Add to Favorites dialog, you can choose to add the file/folder to an existing favorite or create a new one.


  • Right-click on a file’s tab in the editor to open the context menu. Choose Add To > Favorites to add the file to your favorites list.


  • To remove an item from the favorites list, select the Options icon next to the item in a Favorites collection and choose Remove from Favorites.
  • To preview the file without opening it, select a file and then select Preview from the Options menu.

Options menu for Favroties collection
You can also perform many actions using the Options menu available for a Favorites collection:


  • Rename: Rename the selected collection.
  • Delete: Delete the selected collection.
  • Refresh: Get a fresh list of files and folders from the repository.
  • View in Assets UI: Show the file or folder contents in the Assets UI.
You can also refresh the list using the Refresh icon on the top.

Repository View -

When you click the Repository View icon, you get a list of files and folders available in DAM. By default, you can view the files by titles. As you hover over a file, you can view the file title and the file name as a tooltip.

As an administrator, you can also choose to view the list of files by filenames in the Web Editor. Select the File name option of the View files by section in User preferences .

75 files are loaded at a time. Each time you click Load more… 75 files are loaded, and the button stops being displayed when all the files have been listed. This batch loading is efficient, and you can access the files faster in comparison to loading all the files existing in a folder.

You can easily navigate to the required file within DAM and open it in the Web Editor. If you have the required access to edit the file, then you can do so.

You can also click and play an audio or video file in the Web Editor. You can change the volume or
the view of the video. In the shortcut menu you also have the options to download, change playback
speed, or view picture in picture.

Select a map and press Enter or double-click to open it in the Map View. For more details, see the Map View feature description in the Left Panel section. Select a topic and press Enter or double-click to open it in the Content editing area. Being able to navigate and open a file directly from the Web Editor saves time and increases productivity.

Filter Search

The Web Editor provides enhanced filters for searching text. You can search and filter for a text in the files present on the selected path of the Adobe Experience Manager repository. It searches in the title, filename, and content in the files.

search files in repository view {width="300"}

Apply filters to search for the files containing the text general purpose.

Select the Filter Search ( Search filter icon ) icon to open the Filter by pop-up.
