Configuring icon for custom/specialized dita (topic or map) types

Problem Statement

With custom schema used in AEM Guides, you can create custom topic or map types and with that you may notice the custom topic/map types do not show icon in the web-editor or Assets UI. See below screenshot for reference

screenshot for reference

So in order to assign a icon to the custom topic/map types, you have to do following:

  • Find the custom topic/map type
  • Write styles to add the desired icon for the custom type

We can implement the above steps to show icon on web-editor (repository view) as well as in Assets UI. Below are the steps for both

Showing icon for custom topic/map in web-editor view

Step 1: Determine the dita type for the custom dita topic/ap

  • Open the repository view in web-editor > open developer console on browser
  • Inspect the icon space next to the listed topic/map
  • Check the class assigned to the custom topic
  • See the screenshot below for more details See the screenshot
  • We will use this class to assign icon and write css for this

Step 2: Create css and assign icon to this dita type

  • Create a client library under /apps, lets say you create a cq:ClientLibraryFolder under desired path
    • add categories “” to it
  • create a folder “assets” under this directory and add all the icons you want to use for custom dita types
  • add a css file under client library folder, say “tree-icons.css”
    • add following code to it
            .tree-item-icon {
                &.custommaptype {
                    background-image: url('assets/custommap.svg')
                &.customtopictype {
                    background-image: url('assets/customtopic.svg')
  • add css.txt under the client library folder and add reference to “tree-icon.css” just created
  • save/deploy these changes

Refer below screenshot for more details.
Refer screenshot

And the final output is shown in below screenshot
shown in screenshot

Showing icon for custom topic/map in Assets UI

Step 1: determining the dita type of the custom dita topic/map

  • this is explained in the previous methods’ Step 1

Step 2: Create Javacscript to define which icons to load for the custom dita type for custom topic/map types

  • Create a client library under /apps, lets say you create a cq:ClientLibraryFolder under desired path

    • add following properties to it:

      • “categories”(multivalue string) value as “dam.gui.admin.coral”
      • “dependencies”(multivalue string) value as “libs.fmdita.versioncontrol”
  • Create a copy of the file “/libs/fmdita/clientlibs/clientlibs/xmleditor/clientlib-dam/topic_type.js” to this /apps directory

    • edit the copied “topic_type.js” and change/add customtopictype under the variable “typeImageNameMap”
    • You can also change the path of images folder by changing the value of variable “parentImagePath” to where custom icons are stored
  • Create a file named js.txt under client library folder and add reference to “topic_type.js”

  • save/deploy these changes
    Refer below screenshot for more details.
    Refer screenshot

And the final output will appear as shown in screenshot shown in screenshot
