Define, Manage and Utilize Metadata

Whether you are planning organization of content or categorizing the content into different types or publishing it for various end user groups or exposing content for search to an AI engine or giving end users ability to search on various facets - you need strategizing metadata for your content.
Adobe Experience Manager Guides allows you to effectively define, apply and use metadata for content managed in the system. We will learn how to do it, in this session.

Session recording


  • Date - May 09, 2024
  • Number of attendees - 100+
  • Duration - 60 minutes
  • Audience - Customers, partners, and Adobe employees

Key takeaways

In this session, you learnt about the following:

  • How to setup metadata in Adobe Experience Manager
  • Defining metadata fields, setting up based on commonality for content
  • Various options to set metadata for content (including bulk update options)
  • Utilizing metadata to enable capabilities while authoring, reporting, translation, search and publishing


Community Forum

  • For session-specific community interactions on Experience League, visit AEM Guides Forum.
The features shown in this session are available on following versions of AEM Guides:
  • March 2024 (for cloud)
  • 4.4 (for non-cloud)

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