Step 2: Complete the storefront properties

  1. Scroll down to the Storefront Properties section.

    Customer address attributes - Storefront properties

  2. To make the attribute visible to customers, set Show on Storefront to Yes.

  3. Enter a number in the Sort Order field, which determines its order of appearance when listed with other attributes.

  4. Set Forms to Use to each form that is to include the attribute.

    To choose both options, hold down the Ctrl key (PC) or the Command key (Mac) as you click each form.

Step 3: Complete the label and save

  1. In the panel on the left, choose Manage Labels/Options.

  2. Under Manage Titles, enter a label to identify the attribute for each store view.

  3. When complete, click Save Attribute.

    Customer address attributes - labels/options

Field descriptions

Attribute Properties

Default LabelThe default label that identifies the attribute in the Admin and storefront.
Attribute CodeA unique code that identifies the attribute within the system. The code can be up to 21 characters in length, and cannot include spaces or special characters. The underscore symbol can be used instead of a space.
Input TypeDetermines the input control that is used for data entry. Options:
Text Field - A single-line text field.
Text Area - A multi-line text area.
Multiple Line - Creates multiple text lines for the attribute, similar to a multi-line street address. The number of separate data entry lines can be from 2 to 20.
Date - Displays a date field with a pop-up calendar.
Dropdown - A drop-down list that accepts only one value to be selected.
Multiple Select - A drop-down list that accepts multiple values to be selected.
Yes/No - A field that offers only a choice of Yes or No values.
File (attachment) - A field that allows a file to be uploaded and associated with the customer attribute as an attachment.
Image File - A field that allows an image to be uploaded to the gallery and associated with the customer attribute.
Values RequiredDetermines if a value must be entered into the field. Options: Yes / No
Default ValueSpecifies the initial value of the attribute.
Input ValidationThe selection of options is determined by the input type. Options:
None - The field has no input validation during data entry.
Alphanumeric - Accepts any combination of numbers (0-9) and alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z) during data entry.
Alphanumeric with Space - Allows spaces in the street address to comply with maximum length requirements of carrier. During checkout, the customer can enter any combination of numbers (0-9), alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z), and spaces in the street address of the recipient and sender. Any extra spaces are trimmed when the address is saved.
Numeric Only - Accepts only numbers (0-9) during data entry.
Alpha Only - Accepts only alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z) during data entry.
URL - Accepts only a URL during data entry.
Email - Accepts only an email address during data entry.
Length Only - Validates the input based on the length of the data entered into the field.
Input/Output FilterApplies a preprocessing filter to values entered in a text field, text area, or multiple line input type before the record is saved. Options:
None - Does not apply a filter to text entered into the field.
Strip HTML Tags - Removes HTML tags from the text. This filter can help clean up data that is pasted into a field from another source that includes HTML tags.
Escape HTML Entities - Converts special characters found in the text to a valid HTML escape sequence, such as amp;. Escape sequences are enclosed between an ampersand and a semi-colon, and are frequently used for typographer’s smart quotes, copyright symbols, and trademark symbols. Escape sequences are also used to identify characters such as the less than (<) and greater than (>) symbols, and the ampersand character which are also used in the code. This filter can help clean up special characters that are sometimes pasted into database fields from word processors.
Add to Column OptionsSpecifies if the attribute is included as a column in the Customers grid. Options: Yes / No
Use in Filter OptionsSpecifies if the attribute can be used as a filter for search operations from the grid. Options: Yes / No
Grid Filter Condition TypeSpecifies filter-matching conditions for attributes in search operations from the grid. It does not affect the Search by keyword field for the grid. Options: Partial Match / Prefix Match / Full Match
Use in Search OptionsSpecifies if the attribute value can be used as a keyword in search operations. Options: Yes / No
Use in Customer SegmentDetermines if the attribute is included in customer segment conditions. Options: Yes / No

Storefront Properties

Show on StorefrontDetermines if the attribute appears as a field in the customer information in the storefront. Options: Yes / No
Sort OrderSpecifies the sort order of this attribute in relation to other customer attributes. The sort order determines the sequence that fields receive focus during data entry when using keyboard navigation.
Forms to Use inDetermines the pages with data entry forms where the attribute appears. Options:
Customer Address Registration
Customer Account Address
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