Error while connecting to Experience Manager

Learn how to resolve error ‘GetAEMContentList’ of service 'nms:delivery", while connecting from Campaign Standard to Experience Manager.

Hello, everyone. In this video, we will discuss the steps to resolve issue while connecting from ACS to AEM. If you are facing the following error while connecting from ACS to AUM, you can resolve this by white listing the campaign IP at AEM end. Don’t forget to check that the URL permissions are added correctly in server configuration file at campaign end. You can get the AEM URL to which you are connecting in ACS external account details section. To visit this section, navigate to ACS homepage and click on Adobe campaign, now select administration, and then go to application settings, click on external accounts and select the account which is connected to AEM. From here, you can get the required AEM URL. Please contact the campaign support team for any further assistance. Thank you for watching this video. -