Build filters build-filters
The Filter builder dialog is used to create new or edit existing filters. The dialog is titled New filter or Edit filter for filters that you create or manage from the Filters manager.

Specify the following details (
table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 layout-auto Element Description Data view You can select the data view for the filter. The filter you define is available as a filter in the Settings tab of a data view. Project-only filter An info box to explain that the filter is only visible in the project where it is created and that the filter will not be added to your component list. Enable Make this filter available to all your projects and add it to your component list to change that setting. This info box is only visible when you create a quick filter and turn the quick filter info a regular filter using Open builder from the Quick filter interface. Title Name the filter, for example, Last month mobile customers
.Description Provide a description for the filter, for example, Filter to define the mobile customers for the last month
.Tags Organize the filter by creating or applying one or more tag. Start typing to find existing tags you can select. Or press ENTER to add a new tag. Select Definition Define your filter using the Definition builder. -
To verify whether your filter definition is correct, use the constantly updated preview of the results of the filter at the top right.
To create an audience from the filter and share the audience with Experience Platform, select Create audience from filter. See Create and publish audiences for more information.
- Save to save the filter.
- Save As to save a copy of the filter.
- Delete to delete the filter.
- Cancel to cancel any changes you made to the filter or cancel the creation of a new filter.
Definition builder
You use the Definition builder to construct your filter definition. In that construction, you use components, containers, operators and logic.
You can configure the type and scope of your definition:
- To specify the type of your definition, specify whether you want the build an include or exclude definition. Select
- To specify the scope of your definition, select from the Include or Exclude dropdown whether you want the scope of the definition to be Event, Session or Person.
You can always change these settings later.
A vital part of the construction of your filter definition is using dimensions, metrics, existing filters and date ranges. All these components are available from the component panel in the Filter builder.
To add a component:
- Drag and drop a component from the components panel onto Drag and drop Metric(s), Filter(s), and/or Dimensions here. You can use the
- Specify details for the component. For example, select a value from Select value. Or enter a value. What and how you can specify one or more values depends on the component and the operator.
- Optionally modify the default operator. For example, from equals to equals any of. See Operators for a detailed overview of the available operators.
To edit a component:
- Select a new operator for the component from the operator dropdown menu.
- Select or specify a different value for the operator if appropriate.
- If the component type is a dimension, you can define the attribution model. See Attribution model for more information.
To delete a component:
- Select
You can group multiple components in one or more containers and define logic within and between containers. Containers allow you to build complex definitions for your filter.
- To add a container, select Add container from
- To add an existing component to the container, drag and drop the component into the container.
- To add another component to the container, drag and drop a component from the component panel into the container. Use the blue insertion line as a guide.
- To add another component outside of the container, drag and drop a component from the component panel outside of the container, but inside the main definition container. User the blue insertion line as a guide.
- To modify the logic between components in a container, between containers or between a container and a component, select the appropriate And, Or, Then. When you select Then, you turn the filter into a sequential filter. See Create sequential filter for more information.
- To switch the container level, select
You can use
Date ranges
You can build filters that contain rolling date ranges. So, you are able to answer questions about ongoing campaigns or events. For example, you can build a filter that includes everyone who has made an online purchase over the last 60 days.
Stack filters stack
You can build a filter using filters. When you use filters in a filter, you can optimize your filter and reduce the complexity.
Imagine you want to filter on the combination of device type (2) and US states (50). You could either build 100 filters, each for the unique combination of device type (mobile phone versus tablet) and US state. To get the Californian tablet users, you would use one of the 100 filters:
Or, you could define 52 filters: 50 filters for the US states, one for mobile phone and one for tablet. And then stack the filters to obtain the same results. To get the Californian tablet users, you would stack two filters:
Attribution attribution
When you use a dimension in the Filter builder, you have the options to specify the attribution model for that dimension. The attribution model you select determines whether data qualifies for the condition you have specified for the dimension component.
As part of a filter definition you have specified the following condition: Page Name equals Women. Similar as to the example above. You repeat this filter definition using the two other attribution models. So you have three filters each with their own attribution model:
- Women Page - Attribution - Repeating (default)
- Women Page - Attribution - Instance
- Women Page - Attribution - Non-repeating instance
The table below explains, for each attribution model, which incoming events are qualified
attribution model
Page Name equals
Page Name equals
Page Name equals
Page Name equals
Page Name equals
Page Name equals
Page Name equals
An example report on events using the three filters looks like: