Quick filters

Quick filters allow you to easily explore data within a given project, without the need of creating a more complex component-list filter in the Filter Builder.

Consider the following when creating quick filters:

  • Quick filters apply only to the project where they were created. They are not available in other projects and cannot be shared to other users.
  • A maximum of 3 rules are allowed.
  • Nested containers or sequential rules are not supported.
  • If you share a project with other users, those users can edit quick filters and other project-only components that are embedded in the shared project.

The following video demonstrates how to use quick filters. (Note: this video uses the term “quick segments” instead of “quick filters.” However, the functionality is the same.)

Create a quick filter create

Any user in Analysis Workspace can create a quick filter.

To create a quick filter:

  1. Choose one of the following methods to begin creating the quick filter:

    • Ad hoc (drag-and-drop): From the left rail, drag a component to the filter drop zone in the panel header.

      drop a segment in the drop zone

      You can edit the quick filter as described in Edit a quick filter.

      note note
      Consider the following when creating a quick filter ad hoc (drag-and-drop):
      • The following component types are not supported: calculated metrics and dimensions, as well as metrics from which you cannot build filters.
      • For full dimensions and events, Analysis Workspace creates “exists” event filters. Examples: Hit where eVar1 exists or Hit where event1 exists.
      • If “unspecified” or “none” is dropped in the filter drop zone, it is automatically converted to a “does not exist” filter so that it is treated correctly in filtering.
    • Using the filter icon: In a Freeform table, select the Filter icon in the panel header.

      Segment filter

  2. Adjust any of the following settings:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 9-row-2 10-row-2 11-row-2 12-row-2
    Setting Description
    Name The default name of a filter is a combination of the rule names in the filter. You can rename the filter to a more friendly name.
    Include/exclude You can either include or exclude components in your filter definition, but not both.
    Hit/Visit/Visitor container Quick filters include one filter container only that lets you include a dimension/metric/date range in (or exclude it from) the filter. Visitor contains overarching data specific for the person across visits and page views. A Visit container lets you set rules to break down the person’s data based on visits, and a Hit container lets you break down person information based on individual page views. The default container is Hit.
    Components (Dimension/metric/date range)

    Define up to 3 rules by adding components (dimensions, metrics, date ranges, or dimension values). There are 3 ways to find the right component:

    • Start typing and the quick filter builder automatically finds the appropriate component.
    • Use the drop-down list to find the component.
    • Drag and drop components from the left rail.
    Operator Use the drop-down menu to find standard operators and Distinct Count operators. See Filter operators.
    Plus (+) sign Add another rule
    AND/OR qualifiers You can add “AND” or “OR” qualifiers to the rules, but you cannot mix “AND” and “OR” in a single filter definition.
    Apply Apply this filter to the panel. If the filter contains no data, you are asked if you want to continue.
    Open builder

    Opens the Filter Builder. After you save or apply the filter in the Filter Builder, it is no longer considered a “Quick Filter”. It becomes part of the component-list filter library.

    To make the component available across all of your projects and in the left rail, select the option Make this filter available to all your projects and add it to your component list.

    For more information, see the section Save a quick filter as a component-list filter in this article.

    Note: Only users with the Segment Creation permission in the Adobe Admin Console can open the Filter Builder.

    Cancel Cancel this quick filter (don’t apply it).
    Date range The validator uses the panel date range for its data lookup. But any date range applied in a quick filter overrides the panel date range at the top of the panel.
    Preview (top right) Lets you see whether you have a valid filter and how broad the filter is. Represents the breakdown of the dataset you can expect to see when you apply this filter. You might get a notice that indicates that this filter has no data. In this case, you can proceed or change the filter definition.
  3. Select Apply to save your changes.

Edit a quick filter edit

  1. Hover over the quick filter that you want to edit, then select the Edit icon.

    Edit ad hoc filter

  2. Edit the filter definition or the filter name.

  3. Select Apply to save your changes.

Save a quick filter as a component-list filter save

Consider the following when saving a quick filter:
  • To save a quick filter, you need the Segment Creation permission in the Adobe Admin Console.

  • After you save or apply the filter, it can no longer be edited it in the quick filter builder. Instead, you must use the regular Filter Builder.

You can choose to save quick filters as component-list filters. Advantages of component-list filters include:

  • Availablility across all your Workspace projects
  • Support more complex filters as well as sequential filters

You can save filters either from the quick filter builder or from the Filter Builder.

Save in the quick filter builder save2

  1. After you apply the quick filter, hover over it and select the info (“i”) icon.

  2. Select Make available to all projects and add to your component list.

  3. (Optional) Rename the filter.

  4. Select Save.

    The filter now appears in your component list in the left rail. Also, note that the filter’s side bar changes from light blue to a darker blue, indicating that it can no longer be edited or opened in the quick filter builder.

Save in the Filter Builder save3

  1. After you apply the quick filter, hover over it and select the info (“i”) icon.

  2. Select Save filter

  3. (Optional) Rename the filter, then select Apply.

    Go back to Workspace and note that the filter’s side bar changes from light blue to a darker blue, indicating that it can no longer be edited or opened in the quick filter builder. And by saving it, it becomes part of the component list.

    Filter component list

After you apply the filter, you can choose to add it to your filter component list and make it available to all your projects.

  1. Hover over the saved filter and select the pencil icon.

  2. Select Open builder.

  3. At the top of the Filter Builder, notice this dialog:

    Filter dialog

  4. Select the checkbox next to Make this filtr available to all your projects and add it to your component list.

  5. Select Save.

    The filter now appears in your filter component list for all your projects.
    You can also share the filter with other people in your organization.

Quick filter example

The following example of a filter combines dimensions and metrics:

Filter definition example
