


CalculateExpectedValidationDate Calculates the approval date.
CalculateNextReminderDate Calculates the next reminder date (empty if none).
Cancel Cancels a campaign.
CheckValidationAccess Verifies whether the current operator is able to review the delivery.
CompleteDeliveryOperation Completes a delivery created in the context of a campaign.
CompleteOperationPlanning Completes the execution schedule of a campaign.
CompleteTaskOperation Completes a task created in the context of a campaign.
CreateOperationFromModel Create a campaign using the graphical wizard.
CreateOperationFromModelId Create a campaign from a campaign template.
CreateWorkflowFromModelId Create a workflow in a campaign based on a workflow template.
DeliveryValidation Approval of a delivery in a campaign.
GetDeliveryCustomizationAsModel Copy the selected personalization field templates.
NotifyReminder Approval reminder notification in a campaign.
NotifyValidation Approval notification in a campaign.
PostUserOperationProcess Post processing called for a user post processing.
PreviewDelivery Preview extraction file from a delivery
StartDelivery Start a main delivery created in the context of a campaign
StartWorkflow Request workflow start from a campaign.

Generic Methods

create Creates a new entity corresponding to a given schema.
load Loads and returns an entity corresponding to a given schema and key.
save Saves an entity in the database.