
Control for editing the source code.


backColor - string

Background color (btnshadow, white).

border - string

Changes the control outline style (solid, double, inset, outset, none).

contentType - string

Language of the source code, used for syntaxic coloring and other options linked to language. The following languages are supported:
  • default
  • xml
  • dtd
  • xsl
  • html
  • txt
  • JavaScript
  • sql
Other languages can also be added by editing the editor.cfg file located in the same directory as nlclient.exe.

font-size - integer

Changes the font size.

label - string

Associated label.

nolabel - boolean

Hides the associated label.

readOnly - boolean

Forces the control to read only.

toobar - boolean

Displays or hides the toolbar.

toolbarAlign - string

Position of the toolbar: horizontal or vertical.


<input xpath="code" nolabel="true" type="CodeEdit"
       contentType="JavaScript" toolbar="true" toolbarAlign="horizontal"/>