New Account Discovery new-account-discovery
New Account Discovery can help you find new accounts to target by using AI-powered recommendations from your ideal customer profile.
In My Marketo, click Target Account Management.
Click the Account Profiling tab.
Click the New Accounts tab.
note note NOTE New Accounts shows a list of accounts that are not yours in TAM, yet. They are accounts that have the potential to be new for you based on filters you select. -
Select all applicable filters (this part is highly customizable, the following is just one example to demonstrate filtering).
Click Save All & Create List on the bottom-right of the page.
note note NOTE If you only see a few accounts you want, you have the option of clicking on individual accounts and clicking Save Selected Accounts when done. -
You can make your list its own new Account List, or add it to an existing one. In this example, we’ll create a new one.
note note NOTE To save it to an existing Account List, select that option, click the drop-down and select the desired Account List, and click Next. -
Click Save.
note note NOTE You can only save up to 5,000 accounts at a time. If your search yields 10,000 results, you’ll have to save the first (top) 5,000, then reset the filters and save the next 5,000. The total account limit is one million. -
Click OK.
note tip TIP After your accounts are saved, you can use a matched audience on LinkedIn to target them.