New Account Discovery new-account-discovery

New Account Discovery can help you find new accounts to target by using AI-powered recommendations from your ideal customer profile.

Set up Account Profiling
It’s recommended to press the Update Existing Accounts button before performing a new account search to ensure you are looking at the most recent data. This update can take up to 24 hours.
  1. In My Marketo, click Target Account Management.

  2. Click the Account Profiling tab.

  3. Click the New Accounts tab.

    note note
    New Accounts shows a list of accounts that are not yours in TAM, yet. They are accounts that have the potential to be new for you based on filters you select.
  4. Select all applicable filters (this part is highly customizable, the following is just one example to demonstrate filtering).

  5. Click Save All & Create List on the bottom-right of the page.

    note note
    If you only see a few accounts you want, you have the option of clicking on individual accounts and clicking Save Selected Accounts when done.
  6. You can make your list its own new Account List, or add it to an existing one. In this example, we’ll create a new one.

    note note
    To save it to an existing Account List, select that option, click the drop-down and select the desired Account List, and click Next.
  7. Click Save.

    note note
    You can only save up to 5,000 accounts at a time. If your search yields 10,000 results, you’ll have to save the first (top) 5,000, then reset the filters and save the next 5,000. The total account limit is one million.
  8. Click OK.

    note tip
    After your accounts are saved, you can use a matched audience on LinkedIn to target them.