Attribution Example 4 attribution-example

Read the following scenario and try to determine the numbers that should be in the grid.

  • April 11 | Michelle downloads e-Book (Content) - Success
  • April 15 | John attends (Webinar) - Success
  • April 22 | (Opportunity 1) created for $3,000
  • April 24 | (Opportunity 2) created for $5,000
  • April 25 | John and Michelle are associated to both Optys
  • April 29 | [Opty 1] is Closed-Won
Program Name
(Opty 1)
(Opty 2)
(MT) Opty Created
(MT) Pipeline Created
(MT) Opty Won
(MT) Revenue Won

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When you have multiple opportunities and multiple people with program success, you have to split the credit between the people and programs. However, notice that the credit for opportunity 1 and 2 are not combined. Each is a distinct credit evaluation.
When many people are involved, Marketo will automatically calculate the fractions of an opportunity to give credit for.
Attribution Rules
  1. Credit is split evenly
  2. You can’t give more credit than you earned
  3. You can’t give credit for something that happened in the past

Try all of the examples and you will be an attribution pro!
